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  • Will Honda lend me a car while they fix mine?

    I got got notified that my 2006 Civic sedan was on the recall list for deadly airbags. On Hondas website it said that they will fix the cars free of charge and will provide a loaner car if requested while the work is being done or if there is a delay. Will they lend me a car if I'm 19? I work full time and I can't afford to miss time because my cars being fixed, but I don't want to keep driving a car that might kill me.

    2 AnswersHonda5 years ago
  • Can all laptops with usb c ports charge with a USB C charger?

    I'm in the market for a new laptop, and I've noticed most of the newer laptops have at least one usb C port. Some if them like the MacBook, Razer Blade Stealth, and Chromebook Pixle use the port to charge the device, while others like Dell, Acer, and Lenovo have usb c ports (along with other typical ports) and a dedicated charging port. My question is will the laptops with dedicated charging ports also charge through their usb c port? My goal is to only have to carry around one charger for my phone and my laptop.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks5 years ago
  • If I have a degree in biology, can I get a job in microbiology?

    I recently decided I want to be a microbiologist, however I'm currently a biology major, and I'm starting my senior year next year. My school doesn't have a microbiology program, and it's a little late to switch schools. Could I still get a job in microbiology with a degree in biology?

    1 AnswerBiology5 years ago
  • Remote starter stopped working?

    I have an Automate remote starter in my 2006 Civic. It was in the car when I bought it a couple months ago, and it worked fine until last week. Now when I try to start the car, all the lights come on, and the engine will start up then just die. Then all the lights will stay on with the engine not running and a green key light will flash on the dash. What's wrong with it and how do I fix it?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • Why can't phones charge as fast as laptops?

    My Nexus 6P which uses usb c maxes out at charging at 15 watts. My MacBook with the same usb c connecter uses a 29 watt charger. Also, my friends Chromebook Pixle uses usb c and charges at 60 watts. Is there any reason phones shouldn't be able to charge at 60 watts, or at least 30 watts?

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics5 years ago
  • Can I couple two usb power sources into one cable?

    I bought a solar usb charger with two usb ports, both 2.1 amps at 5 volts, so it's 21watts collectively. I was curious if there's any way I can hook both usb outputs to one usb type c cable so I can charge my MacBook (which typically charges at 29w) at a reasonable speed. Is there some kind of connecter that can do this? I tried to find one online, but I couldn't because I'm not sure what to search for. Keep in mind all I'm trying to transfer is power, not data.

    2 AnswersComputer Networking5 years ago
  • Is she using me?

    I've been talking to this girl for a few weeks. I've known her for longer, because we work together and used to go to school together (she's 16 and I'm 18). However we've only been seriously talking for a few weeks. I offered to take her to Panara last week and we went and I felt like we had a really good conversation and it went well. Then at work I asked her to see Deadpool with me this coming Saturday, and shes like "Ya I really wanna see it" &. Then today I was at Panara (I go there alot) and she asked me to get her something and bring it to her school, so I did. I didn't think anything of it. Then when I was at work today (she wasn't there) this other girl who works with us (who's like in her 30s) told me that the girl I'm taking to told her that she wasn't actually into me, and that she only was pretending to like be so I'd buy her food. To me it sounds like a ridiculous reason to use someone, but idk. Also if she was just using me for food, why would she agree to go to a movie? I don't know why she would say that to this lady, or if she even did for that matter, but it seems unlikely that this lady would go and try and start something. Why would she say that? Do I confront her about it? Should I give up on this girl? I think she's really cool, and I'd like to get to know her better, but not if she's just using me for stuff. What do I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What is good ping?

    My wifi kinda sucked before, so I got a new router, and it seems like it's working better. I just did a speed test and it came up with 14 Ping, 155.26 upload, and 12.90 download. Is this good? It seems better than it was before (129 ping, 9.80 upload, and 2.97 download). Both the upload and the download went up, but the ping went down? Why is that, and how do I fix it?

    6 AnswersComputer Networking5 years ago
  • Can someone help me understand Capital Gains tax?

    In the US how much us it? Also if I sell stock at a loss how much do I pay. An so for example if I bought a stock for 500, sold it for 600, do I pay tax on the full 600 or the 100 dollar profit?

    8 AnswersUnited States6 years ago
  • Broke my new IPad screen. Will the Apple store replace it?

    Also how much will they charge me? Will they give me a new one or just replace the screen?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • Broke my new IPad screen. Will the Apple store replace it?

    Also how much will they charge me? Will they give me a new one or just replace the screen?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • Would I talk to a urologist about a hemroid?

    Idk if that's even what it is, but whatever it is, I've had it for a while and it probably needs to be checked out cause 1 I'm not sure if that it and 2 it's not getting better. I have to go see a urologist tomorrow for an unrelated problem, but I'm curious is that somthing a urologist could help me with or do I need to make another appointment with a different doctor?

    1 AnswerMen's Health6 years ago
  • If I get pulled over, do I have to tell the cop I have a knife?

    I live in NH, so we have 0 knife laws. So you can have automatic knives and canceled carry knives without a permit. So I typically carry a 5 inch auto knife just to open things, and basically as a utility tool. I don't really carry it as a weapon because I don't know how to fight with a knife so running away would probably be my best option. Anyway like I said I carry it every day. So I got pulled over today for speeding, and I just got a warning cause it was only like 53 in a 35. But it got me thinking, could I have gotten in trouble if he had decided to pull me out and search me and I didn't tell him when he first pulled me over? I think you have to tell them if you have a canceled gun or something, but that requires a permit so it might be different.

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Arn't red-light cameras illegal in NH?

    I was pretty sure red-light cameras where illegal in NH. Then today I noticed these things that look suspiciously like cameras pop up on sticks on most of the lights in my town. Now I'm not sure if these are red-light cameras or somthing else. Has the law changed to allow them or somthing?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • What do liberals think gun control is?

    These liberals keep b*tching that they want "gun control" and "stiffer gun laws". They think it's gonna help lower the crime rate or something. Do they understand what they're saying? All that would do is it limit people who legally want to obtain a gun. Are they under the impression that criminals legally obtain their guns? Another argument for is is that they think it will help get guns off the street. Well AKs and other automatic weapons have been illegal for like 50 years or so and they're still on the streets in the hands of criminals. So there goes that argument. All "gun control" would do is limit law abiding people from owning weapons to protect themselves with. And for people saying we don't need to protect ourselves because we can just call 911, the average 911 response time is 8 minutes. News flash, it doesn't take 8 minutes for a criminal to kill you and your family and make off with your stuff. So why should me make it so law abiding people can't protect themselves? Do all these liberals wanting "gun control" really know what they're asking for?

    10 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Why are the LGBTs hating on the Conservatives?

    Let's not forget it was Abraham Lincoln, a Conservative Republican who freed the slaves. If that's not progressive I don't know what is.

    10 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Why do so many people think the SCOTUS ruling on gay marriage was a good thing?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm for gay marriage. My state legalized it long ago, and I voted for it. I see no problem with it. That's not the purpose of my argument. How can so many people claim that an overwhelming victory of big federal government over state rights is a good thing? Big government has historically been problematic ig, Great Britain, Roman Empire, ect. So why do people insist on squandering state rights over in favour of big federal government? One by one states where legalizing gay marriage. Not only was that method better for state rights, but it made local pro rights rallys nessisary, and it gave a face to the cause. It gave people like me who didn't have an opinion want to vote to legalize gay marriage want to vote for it because it had more of a personal connection. Back to the original point different states have different cultures. That being said individual states need more control to decide what's best for their state. If they vote time and time again not to legalize gay marriage, who are we as the rest of the country to force them to, and tell them that their culture and beliefs are wrong? The same sets of laws arn't right for every state. States like California, Alaska, Colorado, Texas, New Hampshire, ect all require very different laws to govern them. So why should we keep trying to apply federal "one size fits all" laws to everything? How can we say that big federal government squandering states rights is a victory?

    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Do British girls think American accents are sexy?

    Here girls think guys with British accents are sexy. So if I go to the UK, will the girls there think my American accent is sexy?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago