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Lv 44,083 points

Red Rover

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. Yeah. I'll come back now and then. Don't care for this site much. ------------------ I volunteer at: ------------------ - An animal rescue: ---------------------------- ~~~Socialize the animals; educate the public; am also the youngest active dog adoptions counselor - A humane education center ---------------------------- ~~~Volunteer to help with fundraisers; making educational handouts; educate the public - The Puppies Aren't Products anti-puppy mill campaign (in Los Angeles) ---------------------------- ~~~Educate the public at tabling events and protests in/near malls that hold pet stores that support puppy mills I enjoy constructive criticism. I cannot tolerate people who get upset when I tell them what's what. You either take the truth or live life behind fogged glass like a coward, because your intentionally obscured vision won't protect you forever. I'm a girl gamer. I'm an artist. I'm an aspiring writer. I'm a wannabe singer. I'm an animal lover. To-be humanitarian.

  • What are all the registries you know of?

    Please tell me all of the registries you know of. Tell me which ones are good (AKC) and which ones are for BYB/PMs (ConKC), and if they have a website.


    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • "The Working Pit Bull" - Diane Jessup?

    I recently rented this book from the local library.

    Have any of you read it? What do you think about it? :)

    Do you have any other recommendations for animal-related books?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Any good books to recommend to my school library?

    I need good children's-young adult books to recommend to my school Library. :) Unfortunately, our Library just has old, yellow books none of the kids look at, so they asked me to collect a good list of literature so they can order books.

    I recommended stuff like Michael Crichton and Richard Matheson and Richard Adams, and fantasy authors. If you have any good reads, please list them. Anything from childrens-young adult. It's okay if there is mild profanity, as long as there isn't anything explicit.

    And for goodness' sake, PLEASE don't recommend Twilight or the Clique. I would like good books. Thanks.

    12 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Which Silent Hill should I get?

    I just beat Origins for the PSP and I absolutely LOVED it.

    I'm out looking for the others, *preferably for the PC.*

    Which other SH do you recommend and why?

    I'm planning on getting the original soon, too, but besides that. From 2-4, which one should I get?

    Thanks~! :)

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Can I host a garage sale on a public park?

    I live in Los Angeles and am wondering if it's permissible or not to host a yard/garage/whatever-you-want-to-call-it on a public park?

    Thank you!

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Alternatives to transferring songs to new computer?

    I've tried thumbdrives, and I've tried blank DVDs and CDs, but nothing seems to work on my old Toshiba laptop!

    - My laptop is very old, and the burner is horrible and slow, so it registers blank CDs and used ones.

    - Thumbdrives proved useless. I've read that they burn out if there's too much crammed in there, and my experiences with them when it came to song transfers weren't pleasing. It only took in 400 random of my 1200 songs.

    - I have itunes+ipod

    - Are there any devices I can connect my computer and my laptop to transfer music?

    - Please help. ;^; All I want is to get my music safely out of my cruddy laptop and put it into my desktop.


    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Good breeders NEVER ship - right?

    My friend already has 3 dogs:

    1) Labrador Retriever from breeder.

    2) Maltese from breeder.

    3) Terrier Mix from rescue.


    He wants a Beagle. Not because he likes the temperament. Not because he thinks he's ready for it. He wants it just because he wants it, seriously. He thinks it's cute.

    He won't take me seriously when I tell him that they are a stubborn breed that need a lot of attention. He won't listen to me, and I am the dog guru at my *school*, when I tell him that they are huge howlers, and can be slow learners at times.

    Not only is he breaking the law by exceeding the dog limit (3 per household) in his area, he's getting a dog for a wrong reason and from the *wrong* place.

    Apparently the breeder he got his maltese from knows a breeder out of state who is willing to ship the dog over. He claims he has seen the parents and that they look okay. I think he said he's seen them on webcam. What's worse? The "breeder" is located in the mid-west, and that's among the locations where puppymills and BYBs are highly concentrated.

    I already gave him sources of good breeders nearby, but he says that they're too far. [and hour drive] However, he's already driven and hour for his labrador. If he cares that much, surly he'll do it again? I also remember him saying that the maltese breeder 'didn't recommend' they get a dog out of state via shipping, but still. HE WILL NOT LISTEN.

    So, my question is:

    Good breeders NEVER ship - right?


    *note: I'm very sorry, but I don't get enough answers, I will delete this question and re-post it. I need as much help on this as possible. My friend needs to be taught that dogs are not objects. Once, he just looked at me and said "They're just dogs."

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why is my dog suddenly peeing in the house? Help - they want to take him away?

    My 7-year-old Jack Russel started peeing in the house for the past 2 days. We still take him out regularly to relieve himself, and even when he cries at 4 AM. He doesn't pee outside as much as he used to.

    Instead, he started to pee in the house by the couches. He did this when he first was taken home, but he already learned that outside is the place to go. He's already neutered, so I don't believe it's marking.

    Now my parents want to give him away and I'm really scared. It's my mom. She panics ALL THE TIME and ruins everything. It's a dog, she has to learn that it makes mistakes. Kona keeps me company, and I'm an only child so I'm usually lonely. I'll crack if she gives him away.

    Please... what can I do?

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What do you think you can do to help stop puppy mills and back yard breeders?

    What do you think you can do to help stop puppy mills and back yard breeders?

    - I'm doing an article for my journalism class, and I've decided to write one about puppymills. I need a couple quotes to include in there, as well.

    - When you answer my question, please include your full name, or initials (i.e. "Jerry M.) and how you are affiliated with animals (i.e. rescue worker, vet, own pets).

    Thank you.

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Explain the term "Heinz 57"?

    I know it's meant to describe mutts, but I've never understood it's origin, or why it correlates with them?

    Thanks! :B

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Victoria Stillwell vs Cesar Millan?

    What do you think?

    I, personally, prefer Victoria Stillwell. She uses methods that don't physically or mentally harm the dog and are virtually applicable to anyone. Besides that, she's not overhyped like Millan.

    Although Cesar's technique seems to work, it's not something normal people like us can do. He only entertains methods that only he and other keen professionals, if any, can do. Besides that, I've seen him wrestle a dog into submission. Although it seems effective, I honestly don't believe it's the only way to do it. I like the guy, but I think he should encourage some more universal methods as well.

    What do you think about these two famous dog trainers?

    * Please, if you can, star this question. I would like as many opinions as possible! :) PLEASE!

    34 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How would you have approached the situation?

    I was watching a video on a puppy in a pet store, and I got into this short argument with another person about puppy mills.

    Me: All puppies come from puppymills. Obviously the staff members are gonna deny it, or the managers don't tell them the truth. It's been documented.

    The person: how can you prove that some are from puppymills! maybe they actually ADOPT themfrom breeders.Some are actually healthey

    you are just saying that becuasee you are looking at the videos! Petland atuallycares about them and has shots for it already.

    And why dontyou try working at petland huh?

    Maybeyour WRONG and if your working there ask your MANAGERthey are just trying toget ALLthe healthy ones.

    Me: LOL, hun, NO GOOD BREEDER would EVER give their dogs to a pet store! GOOD BREEDERS want to KNOW that their dogs go to good homes. They actually ASK the buyer questions, analyze their financial state, and ALWAYS request that they give the dog back to them if they cannot keep the dog. How do I know this? Research. I work at an ANIMAL RESCUE. And? I have talked to real breeders.

    Honestly? I think I OWNED her. Lol, anyway...

    How would you have approached the situation to educate people? Online/IRL?

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What's the biggest mistake you've ever made regarding dogs?

    I mean, life happens. We're human.

    As for me? I was 8. Irresponsible. I was one of those kids who though puppies got pooped out of their mothers stomach, trained at birth. I was one of those people who never thought about pet store puppies. I thought Iams was the best food in the world.

    I was 8, and I bought a dog from the pet store. I didn't know what I got myself into. About two months later, we gave the dog away to a family that had 3 other goldens.

    So now, I have a rescued JRT, and I try to educate people to not make the same mistake I did.

    What about you guys?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • "Doodleman Pinscher"? Come have a laugh?

    LOL! Take a look at these.

    This is getting ridiculous!

    This is why I don't recommend people using that site as much anymore, especially the dog quiz, they include mutts as if they're real breeds. :(

    My question: Which one of these fancy mutt names sounds goofiest to you?

    *NOTE: I have nothing against mutts, just the BYB/mills that produce them.

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Would this be a Back Yard Breeder?

    *IF* I were to buy from here, would it be a bad breeder/owner?

    9 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • BackYard Breeders blocking you? Ever experienced that?

    Ever tried to educate a BYB, but end up getting blocked in the end; you guys been through that?

    I love how they try to block me, denying the truth.

    Don't you feel bad for their dogs?

    17 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Child raped by Pit Bull?

    I seriously laughed. I'm sorry, but... was the dog even neutered? I'm still reading all the articles.

    What do you guys think?

    I'm going to write to the city ASPCA to handle the situation properly.

    I mean, GOD! If a Chihuahua humps a kid it's not considered rape, but if a Pit Bull does... it is?

    28 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Kids begging their parents to let them have dogs?

    We're ALL annoyed by this question:

    "How do I convince my dad to let me get a dog?"

    But how far does it go, really. We all try to educate the kids and/or discourage them about getting a dog, or just telling them to listen to their parents, but do we really think all the kids who come on here are hopeless?

    I mean, I've been in the same situation as the kids. I'm 14, and it took me a year beforehand of research and begging/educating my own parents until I adopted Kona. So, I take my own experience in as an example.

    My question is...

    a) Do you think all/most/some/none of the kids who come on here with the question don't listen to our "word to the wise"?

    b) Do you believe all/most/some/none of the kids on here are suitable to handle dogs? After educating themselves, etc?

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I never understood the difference between red/blue nose pit bulls?

    I love pit bulls, but I just never understood what the difference is between the red/blue noses and why people care so much about it. Thanks!

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do you work with a rescue group?

    I do! If you want their website, just e-mail me. I don't wanna post it up so trolls can go harass them.

    My rescue group is the oldest one in our area, and has it's own kennels.

    What about you? Does your shelter/group have a site, or just tell me about them? <3

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago