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Harry Potter Is Awesome

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Harry Potter is Awesome!

  • Is there a specific word for when someone remembers a person with someone else's face?

    Basically, someone remembers Person A, but when they think of Person A, they have Person B's face. Person A they had forgotten but the memories as just coming back. Person B is someone they just recently met.

    2 AnswersPsychology5 years ago
  • Bruising After Death?

    Okay, so reading this story, I was wondering if it were actually possible the way they describe it...

    Basically, the person died from a poison that stopped the heart, and another wanted to frame someone else for the murder, so they cut them up, and did CPR to push the blood out so it looked like they were cut up before death instead of after death.

    Is that possible? And more importantly the body was describe to not have bruises, would they not have a bruise on the chest from the CPR?

    1 AnswerInjuries5 years ago
  • Why are people suddenly falling in love with me and how can I deal with it?

    I never attracted much attention before, but then this year, I'm making new friends, and I found my first boyfriend, but then his best friend confessed to me he was in love with me, and then one of my friends told me that another of my friends had said she was in love with me, then that friend confessed she loved me, and I don't know how to handle all of this attention. There are just so many people who claim to love me, like romantically love me.

    So... why is this happening so suddenly? And how can I deal with it? I don't even know what love feels like, let along deal with someone else who is feeling it for me.

    1 AnswerFriends6 years ago
  • How can I stop freaking out?

    So, I'm 19, and I had to make my first 911 call because someone had a seizure while I was at work, and my managers were off elsewhere and I had to deal with the situation. I managed to keep a level head the whole time, but now I can't stop thinking about it. The guy is alright, and I know I shouldn't worry about it, but I can't help but feel completely and totally freaked out, especially when I am around him (he's a fellow coworker who came back to work the next day). I know he's just fine, and I keep telling myself that it shouldn't matter, because logically I shouldn't be so freaked.

    Basically, how should I deal with these feelings? Wait for them to fade? What should I do in the mean time?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • In Harry Potter, how many people know that Tom Riddle is Voldemort?

    Slughorn, Harry, Dumbledore... It's been awhile since I read the books (hoping to reread them when I have time) and I was wondering how many people knew that Voldemort was Tom Riddle? Names, amount, whatever you can tell me about those who knew Tom was/is Voldy.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • In the Afghan War of 2001, did the Afgani have POW camps?

    And where were they? What were they like? Interrogation tactics? Any sort of details on what would happen to a prisoner of the Afghani in the war of 2001. Not people the US held, but US soldiers that were taken.

    1 AnswerHistory6 years ago
  • Clarinet Reed, Strength and serial number?

    College kid here, but I played French Horn in High School. Wanted to take up another instrument, and got myself a clarinet. What brand reed should I getand what strength should I get?

    I also have no idea where the serial number is. I checked above the thumb rest and the bell and on the lower third section area. Where might I find it? Is it possible it doesn't have one?

    Any pointers on anything else to help me on my way? It isn't like I'm going to play professionally, mostly just teach myself for fun.

    3 AnswersPerforming Arts6 years ago
  • Ancient Greek Town that is nearby Mount Olympus?

    I am writing a story which has a scene in Greece, where the characters see Mount Olympus in the year 388BC, and so I was wondering what would be a good town to base the scene in? It should have been founded by then and have a good view of Mount Olympus. Also, if it had a different name back then, that would be nice to know too.

    1 AnswerHistory7 years ago
  • I want to, but I don't want to?

    I want to do something, it seems really fun and its been a big part of my life, but at the same time, it seems like work, and I don't want to do it. How can I get rid of one of these feelings and not feel so confused about it? I long to do it, but not really want to

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • If one wanted to preform and rearrange already created music for a non-profit organization..?

    What would one have to do? Would it cost money? Would you have to contact the publishing companies in order to preform it?

    1 AnswerClassical7 years ago
  • Wrist hurts after typing?

    So if I have a particularly long day of being at a computer and typing, the next day my wrist hurts quite a bit, to the point I've bought myself a wrist support in order to help combat the pain. Usually the pain stays around for a few days, no more than a week usually. I'm only 18, if that helps any. I've looked at carpal tunnel before, but I'm pretty sure that presents itself later in life, right? Could be wrong, probably wrong. But anyways, is there any advice you could give me to help combat the pain, or perhaps if you know what is wrong, then tell me what is wrong perhaps? I've never had any sort of injury to the wrist in question either, only the pointer finger that has been sprained a couple of times.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management7 years ago
  • What sort of french horn mouthpiece should I get?

    I am going to be in a college band soon, and I play the french horn. I was hoping to get a new mouthpiece, as I've used the same one since I started playing. However, I also have a mellophone that uses a french horn mouthpiece and it plays flat most of the time. I tend to have a problem with ever so slight changes while I play changing the tuning. I am very good with getting a good tone and sound and my range is pretty good (I have a bit of trouble with notes above a high G though, but I can go down to a second line B on the bass clef easy). I've been playing on an MDC Farkus model, as that was what was required in 6th grade.

    So, what I'm wondering is what the best mouthpiece would be to get? Don't worry about price or anything, just on the quality and the type of mouthpiece that would be best. I have a medium sort of lip thickness and I've had no problems with my teeth hurting or anything like that.

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts7 years ago
  • What would I need to do to start a marching band?

    Thinking about making a spring marching band in the upcoming spring. I already have people wanting to join, drill being made, uniforms being designed and such, and music I would like to do. I would like to know what I would have to do if I wanted to use music that already exists in the show (How it could be illegal if I used it or not, and if illegal, how to make it legal), and what I could do to secure performance times (already asking about Spring Football half-time), as well as anything else you could think of I would need for this band. I have people, schedule, enough money, and such already planned out and drill and music worked on to be put together now.

    3 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • How far is the Triangulum Galaxy through Andromeda Galaxy from Earth?

    So let's say, we want to travel to the Andromeda Galaxy, and the Triangulum Galaxy. How far would a travel from Earth to the Andromeda Galaxy, explore a good chunk of it, before heading towards the Triangulum Galaxy. About how many light years would it be for the trip to reach the edge of the Triangulum Galaxy?

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago
  • Powerpoint fill in the blank changes other text?

    Alright, let's see if I can explain what I want to do...

    I would like a fill in the blank section, while the presentation is running. So during the slideshow someone enters something into said blank, and later in the presentation whatever they entered in the blank can show up in certain places.

    Such as... if the presentation is for someone else, any number of random people, and they could enter their name so that later it would be personalized. If that makes sense. I hope it does.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Mouth Pain after dental work... Need to play at graduation a wind instrument?

    Well, last Friday I had dental work, nothing major, just two fillings. I expected some pain so I just ignored it at first, but today during class I was playing my french horn and realized that I could not play without making my mouth hurt... A lot. It is in the lower left side of my mouth where the cheek meets the jaw, and it feels very tender. I need to play at graduation soon, so I could use a nice fix that will help it heal and let me play with minimal pain. Thank you!

    2 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • Who played the first doctor in the episode The Name of the Doctor?

    Just watched the episode, but I cannot seem to find who played the first doctor in the episode The Name of the Doctor that was aired 5/18/20013. John Hurt played the doctor as did Matt Smith, but the credits did not say the first doctor's actor. Just wondering, because I am curious.

    3 AnswersOther - Television8 years ago
  • Flash Drive not work, but computer port works, and flash drive works elsewhere?

    I have a flash drive, and it works on one of my computers, but when I plug it into another computer nothing pulls up. The ports work, as other flash drives work on the second computer, just not this one. Why is it not working?

    2 AnswersAdd-ons8 years ago
  • How to repair french horn trigger at home?

    Over the winter break, we have to practice our solos for contes at the start of Febuary, but it seems my trigger on my french horn is acting up. I don't want to go to professionals because it costs money, and my band teacher is a french horn player (assistant band director actually, but that doesn't matter) and would be able to know how to fix it, he's a wiz at things like this. I can't really wait until break is over because a week of practice would be lost. I'll give you all I know about it:

    It's already well oiled.

    It only sticks sometimes, but others it's just fine.

    When it sticks it doesn't look any different than when it works.

    It has a metal thing instead of string. The metal thing is loose, but the screws are as tight as they'll go.

    Hopefully it isn't something too bad, and I can fix it at home. Thank you!

    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment8 years ago