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  • Poll: what should I have for dinner? (2 choices)?

    Choice 1: bran muffin (home made), grape fruit, a yogurt & glass of milk?

    Choice 2: 1.5 english muffins with peanut butter and jam & a glass of milk?

    Those are the only 2 choices. Choose 1. :-)

    22 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Is this too much money to give him to help him out?

    Last month, I was searching for a new apartment but didn't have the money for the deposit to hold the apartment I wanted to rent, however I wouldn't be paid for another 8-9 days, so my friend Dave (in his 30's, I'm in my 20's (age may be a factor in the question that's the only reason I mention it)) from church gave me the $650 to hold the apartment so I didn't lose it in case someone came and rented it in the 8-9 days before I was paid.

    I didn't BORROW the money, he just went to the apartment and paid the deposit as a surprise/gift. He said he didn't want me to pay him back. I paid him back anyway, because money's a bit tight for him right now and I felt bad just accepting a $650 "gift."

    Now, he recently lost his wallet (new drivers lisence will cost him $100) and received 2 parking tickets from coming to visit me (I live in a busy city street and the individuals who check the marking meters come often thus if you don't put money in the meter immediately, 15 mins after your meter runs out you likely already have a ticket) which cost him another $100. He's going through a divorce and some other stuff right now, so money is tight for him.

    He is not asking for any money. I just want to do it as a friendly gesture for him---no payback required, of course.

    I wanted to give him the $200 so he can get his lisence and pay his tickets (he needs to pay the tickets before he can get the liscence), but a friend of mine, Sarah, said this would be an insult to him because it's "too much money and a man---even though he's your friend---in his 30's would be insulted by you giving him that much money." I'm just trying to help out a friend in need---after all, he helped me out, and even if he had never done that, you need to look out for your friends and family.

    Is $200 too much? Or should I just give him $50-$100 as Sarah suggested

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Is this too much money to give him to help him out?

    Last month, I was searching for a new apartment but didn't have the money for the deposit to hold the apartment I wanted to rent, however I wouldn't be paid for another 8-9 days, so my friend Dave (in his 30's, I'm in my 20's (age may be a factor in the question that's the only reason I mention it)) from church gave me the $650 to hold the apartment so I didn't lose it in case someone came and rented it in the 8-9 days before I was paid.

    Now, he recently lost his wallet (new drivers lisence will cost him $100) and received 2 parking tickets from coming to visit me (I live in a busy city street and the individuals who check the marking meters come often thus if you don't put money in the meter immediately, 15 mins after your meter runs out you likely already have a ticket) which cost him another $100. He's going through a divorce and some other stuff right now, so money is tight for him.

    I wanted to give him the $200 so he can get his lisence and pay his tickets (he needs to pay the tickets before he can get the liscence), but a friend of mine, Sarah, said this would be an insult to him because it's "too much money and a man---even though he's your friend---in his 30's would be insulted by you giving him that much money." I'm just trying to help out a friend in need---after all, he helped me out, and even if he had never done that, you need to look out for your friends and family.

    Is $200 too much? Or should I just give him $50-$100 as Sarah suggested

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Body will not lose any more weight - is this an acceptable maintenance weight in YOUR opinion?

    I'm 5'10" or 5'11", female, 21. I do cardio daily, and weights 3x per week. In a non-weights weekday, I get 2 hours of exercise (1 hour in evening, plus 4 sets of 15 min walks to and from university campus), and on a weights weekday, I get ~2.5 hours. On the weekend it's 1-1.5 hours (depending if it's a weights day or not) of exercise.

    I'm a vegetarian, and my diet is highly focused on fruits & vegetables. I do eat healthy. Sample meal (just of today, I don't eat this everyday):

    Breakfast: oatmeal with fresh berries & a glass of almond milk

    Snack: fat-free yogurt + a grapefruit

    Lunch: home-made vegetable soup & a slice of whole-grain toast

    Snack: 1/2 cup trail mix & a plum

    Supper: small garden salad & a vegetable stirfry & a glass of almond milk

    Snack: 10 celery sticks with peanut butter

    I weigh 169lbs. That's about 4-8 pounds from being overweight. Assume I'm on the shorter side & that I'm 5'10" and that's 4lbs away from being overweight.

    When I do cardio, I get my heartrate up high (~80% max---so about 160 beats per min or so), and I can't fit in more time to exercise. My diet is already pretty good (no, not perfect, but it's good) and I don't know what else to change. Could my body simply be satisfied at 169lbs? I'd originally wanted to lose another 14lbs but I have been plateu'd for 2 months.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • No matter what I do, my body won't lose any more--how does this weight sound?

    I'm 5'10" or 5'11", female, 21. I do cardio daily, and weights 3x per week. In a non-weights weekday, I get 2 hours of exercise (1 hour in evening, plus 4 sets of 15 min walks to and from university campus), and on a weights weekday, I get ~2.5 hours. On the weekend it's 1-1.5 hours (depending if it's a weights day or not) of exercise.

    I'm a vegetarian, and my diet is highly focused on fruits & vegetables. I do eat healthy. Sample meal (just of today, I don't eat this everyday):

    Breakfast: oatmeal with fresh berries & a glass of almond milk

    Snack: fat-free yogurt + a grapefruit

    Lunch: home-made vegetable soup & a slice of whole-grain toast

    Snack: 1/2 cup trail mix & a plum

    Supper: small garden salad & a vegetable stirfry & a glass of almond milk

    Snack: 10 celery sticks with peanut butter

    I weigh 169lbs. That's about 4-8 pounds from being overweight. Assume I'm on the shorter side & that I'm 5'10" and that's 4lbs away from being overweight.

    When I do cardio, I get my heartrate up high (~80% max---so about 160 beats per min or so), and I can't fit in more time to exercise. My diet is already pretty good (no, not perfect, but it's good) and I don't know what else to change. Could my body simply be satisfied at 169lbs? I'd originally wanted to lose another 14lbs but I have been plateu'd for 2 months.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Is a DIETICIAN the correct professional to seek advice regarding weight loss plateau?

    I'm 5'11", female, 21, 167lbs. I exercise doing cardio daily, and weights 3x week. I do my best to eat as healthy as possible.

    Sample menu

    Breakfast: oatmeal with mixed berries with a glass of soymilk

    Snack: 1/3 cup trail mix & a grapefruit

    Lunch: home-made vegetable soup + a slice of 12-grain whole wheat bread

    Snack: 1 fat-free yogurt & an apple & a clementine

    Supper: Home-made vegetable quesdila.

    No, I don't eat this EVERY DAY, this is only a sample of what I may eat on a random day.

    But, despite my 1hr of cardio + possibly weights (depending on day of week), and eating healthy, I'm stuck at 170lbs which is barely in my healthy weight range. Barely. I'd like to lose another 15-20.

    I change my cardio activity DAILY. One day it may be zumba, another jogging, another swimming, another badminton, etc

    Is a dietician the correct person to ask regarding why this has been happening (plateau'd for 6 weeks) and how I can stop it?

    10 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • without LYING, how do you tell someone you can't do X because of a self-made exercise scheduling?

    I'm 21, female, live on my own, attend university, active daily. Normal weight.

    I make a weekly exercise schedule to keep me active daily. I workout with cardio daily, and weights 3x per week. I notice a difference in myself when I skip out, and I don't want to skip out on these 'appointments,' but when someone asks if I can do x with them, I feel like saying I can't because I have to exercise is not a "good enough" excuse, especially because so many people ask WHY im so active since I'm not overweight (physical activity is NOT just for dieters!!). So, I feel compelled to lie and make up a "better" reason for why I can't do x at time x (I often participate in group fitness cardio classes, hence often I can't just attend a class later).

    So, how do YOU guys tell other people that you can't do x with them at time x because of exercise? I just feel I cannot do this well, because I feel because im NOT overweight, that exercise isn't a "good enough" excuse to say no.

    10 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • What's a healthy weight for me?

    I'm 21, female, 5'10", and I do cardio daily (7x per week) and weights 3x per week. I'm currently at 172lbs, which is not overweight according to BMI, yet I have read/heard many times how inaccurate BMI is unless you are obese and sedentary. According to BAI, I'm not overweight either. My body fat% is 25%.

    What is a healthy weight range, since BMI is stated as being inaccurate?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • I'm female, 21 yrs of age, 5'10", and my leg length is 33 inches. Is that short, average, or long?

    I did not ask "what is the average length of a woman's leg" since women are of various sizes, thus, I assumed height played a role in what is considered a long leg.

    Since I'm 5'10", is having a 33 inch length leg considered short, average, or long?

    I've always FELT I have short legs, or at best average, but never known for sure. I am not overweight, and I exercise 7 days a week for cardio and 3x for weights, so I'm actually quite in shape & toned.

    Is 33 inches for a 5'10" woman short, average or long?

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • I'm female, 21, 5'10", and my leg length is 33 inches. Is that short, average, or long?

    I did not ask "what is the average length of a woman's leg" since women are of various sizes, thus, I assumed height played a role in what is considered a long leg.

    Since I'm 5'10", is having a 33 inch length leg considered short, average, or long?

    I've always FELT I have short legs, or at best average, but never known for sure. I am not overweight, and I exercise 7 days a week for cardio and 3x for weights, so I'm actually quite in shape & toned.

    Is 33 inches for a 5'10" woman short, average or long?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • What does it mean if your bones keep cracking doing weights?

    Been doing weights for 3 months, every other day (cardio 6x per week, however, my question is not about that). I've always been really "cracky" when I do weights. Especially shoulders, wrists, and knees. Does this mean anything? I've double, triple, quadruple checked I'm doing the weights exercises properly.

    I'm not overweight, so don't say that's the reason. I work out this much because I'm into being healthy, and I want my body to stay in good shape!

    21, female.

    So, why do they always crack? And, more importantly, how do I stop it?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Would a 26 yr old male be romantically interested in a 21 yr old female? or is the age gap significant?

    We met at church (church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints). He seems like a great guy, very friendly, and we have a lot of fun laughing together. =) I feel like im falling for him, but am worried he thinks of me as a child or such, because of the 5 year age gap. Is it too much?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • ways to do good at christmas? Ideas? =) Thank you everyone!?

    I feel like I'm not doing enough for others, like I'm not showing enough christmas spirit.

    Here's what I have done (NOT bragging, only illustrating, I promise):

    1. I save up all my coins throughout the year to donate to a charity at christmas

    2. Go out christmas carolling

    3. Donate food to church for less wealthy families

    4. Donate food to the food drive

    5. Go caroling (while it's not charitable, it makes people feel good!)

    6. Donate non-wrapped toys to toy drive

    7. I make a baked good basket for all the apartments on my floor, along with a home-made card.

    8. I make a special "thank you for all that you do" basket for my landlady

    9. I buy a small gift for everyone I know whom lives in my city. Truly, honestly, I do not expect gifts in return. I just do it because 1) not everyone has a big family / gets gifts 2) it feels much much much better to give than to receive and 3) I feel bad picking "favorites" and only giving to those closest to me.

    10. I travel with change in my pockets to donate to the home less.

    11. I eat 100% vegan (I'm a lacto vegetarian whom very rarely consumes dairy (never eggs, meat, or seafood)) for December.

    12. While I have been volunteering with the SPCA (society for the prevention of cruelty against animals) for 6 years, I make sure I volunteer 5 days a week (instead of my usual 2---I'm in university and employed at 2 places so I wish I could do more in general!) there.

    I'd like to do more this year. I often feel I am too selfish. So I want to celebrate the spirit of christmas, bring more holiday cheer, love to others, feelings of generosity, and bring back some of the "Christ" in Christmas (I attend the mormon church --- church of jesus christ of latter day saints).

    Ideas? What do YOU do to bring out the goodness of christmas? =)

    (Sorry, didn't know what section to posted this in, and everyone in this section seems so sweet, and really wonderful. =) If you are uncomfortable with where I put this, I apologize).

    5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Ways to do good at christmas? Ideas? =) Thank you everyone!?

    I feel like I'm not doing enough for others, like I'm not showing enough christmas spirit.

    Here's what I have done (NOT bragging, only illustrating, I promise):

    1. I save up all my coins throughout the year to donate to a charity at christmas

    2. Go out christmas carolling

    3. Donate food to church for less wealthy families

    4. Donate food to the food drive

    5. Go caroling (while it's not charitable, it makes people feel good!)

    6. Donate non-wrapped toys to toy drive

    7. I make a baked good basket for all the apartments on my floor, along with a home-made card.

    8. I make a special "thank you for all that you do" basket for my landlady

    9. I buy a small gift for everyone I know whom lives in my city. Truly, honestly, I do not expect gifts in return. I just do it because 1) not everyone has a big family / gets gifts 2) it feels much much much better to give than to receive and 3) I feel bad picking "favorites" and only giving to those closest to me.

    10. I travel with change in my pockets to donate to the home less.

    I'd like to do more this year. I often feel I am too selfish. So I want to celebrate the spirit of christmas, bring more holiday cheer, love to others, feelings of generosity, and bring back some of the "Christ" in Christmas (I attend the mormon church --- church of jesus christ of latter day saints).

    Ideas? What do YOU do to bring out the goodness of christmas? =

    4 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Ways to do good at christmas? Ideas? =) Thank you everyone!?

    I feel like I'm not doing enough for others, like I'm not showing enough christmas spirit.

    Here's what I have done (NOT bragging, only illustrating, I promise):

    1. I save up all my coins throughout the year to donate to a charity at christmas

    2. Go out christmas carolling

    3. Donate food to church for less wealthy families

    4. Donate food to the food drive

    5. Go caroling (while it's not charitable, it makes people feel good!)

    6. Donate non-wrapped toys to toy drive

    7. I make a baked good basket for all the apartments on my floor, along with a home-made card.

    8. I make a special "thank you for all that you do" basket for my landlady

    9. I buy a small gift for everyone I know whom lives in my city. Truly, honestly, I do not expect gifts in return. I just do it because 1) not everyone has a big family / gets gifts 2) it feels much much much better to give than to receive and 3) I feel bad picking "favorites" and only giving to those closest to me.

    10. I travel with change in my pockets to donate to the home less.

    I'd like to do more this year. I often feel I am too selfish. So I want to celebrate the spirit of christmas, bring more holiday cheer, love to others, feelings of generosity, and bring back some of the "Christ" in Christmas (I attend the mormon church --- church of jesus christ of latter day saints).

    Ideas? What do YOU do to bring out the goodness of christmas? =)

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • In the twilight saga, why are edward & bella still so damn awkward together?

    Just saw breaking dawn pt 1 last night. The twilight saga is kinda okay, I guess, but the one big thing I don't like about it is most of the characters (most notably edward & bella) are so damn perpetually awkward with each other. I mean, even after they're married, had sex, they're all alone, she's giving birth...they're still acting like a couple of high schoolers that just met and are too shy to say "i like you." Most of the characters are like that too. It's like everyone on screen is so awkward with one another. In real life. by the time you're married, it's expected you'll be comfortable around your partner. If you're not, people would likely say that's a sign to not get married.

    So ... what in the world are the director's trying to get across by all this awkwardness? Is it supposed to be viewed as intensity...??? or what? Does anyone else think the characters act nearly perpetually awkward together?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Why is he always watching me, and not the speaker?

    I'm often with two good guy friends. I should mention we're 21,20 & 22 in age. One of the guys, Brian, is a fairly big talker. Whenever us 3 are together, he often spends time talking to me (we'll be sitting in a circle at my apartment or such just chattin or such). I do feel bad about that, so I try and include the other guy, Josh, in our conversations as much as possible. Even still, Brian is still the main talker, and I'm the one he's mostly talking to. What I find a little strange, though, is I always always (like 10x in 1 hour) catch Josh watching me. He does this every time we're together. I'll notice him watching me, glance over, sometimes he'll look away and others he'll just keep looking right back at me. Then I'll notice it again 5 mins later.

    Don't people usually watch the speaker (which is Brian the majority of the time), not the person being spoken to?

    I should note, this happens every time we get together. And these guys are two of the sweetest, most respectful, kind, polite, friendly people I've ever met. And no, Josh is not staring at my breasts (I only have A - B anyway, not much to stare at and I guess I dress rather conservatively because showing off cleavage makes me feel whorish), he's staring directly at my face.

    Not sure what category to put this in.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Why is he always watching me, and not the speaker?

    I'm often with two good guy friends. I should mention we're 21,20 & 22 in age. One of the guys, Brian, is a fairly big talker. Whenever us 3 are together, he often spends time talking to me (we'll be sitting in a circle at my apartment or such just chattin or such). I do feel bad about that, so I try and include the other guy, Josh, in our conversations as much as possible. Even still, Brian is still the main talker, and I'm the one he's mostly talking to. What I find a little strange, though, is I always always (like 10x in 1 hour) catch Josh watching me. He does this every time we're together. I'll notice him watching me, glance over, sometimes he'll look away and others he'll just keep looking right back at me. Then I'll notice it again 5 mins later.

    Don't people usually watch the speaker (which is Brian the majority of the time), not the person being spoken to?

    I should note, this happens every time we get together. And these guys are two of the sweetest, most respectful, kind, polite, friendly people I've ever met. And no, Josh is not staring at my breasts (I only have A - B anyway, not much to stare at and I guess I dress rather conservatively because showing off cleavage makes me feel whorish), he's staring directly at my face.

    Not sure what category to put this in. So S&D it is. =)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Gift for landlady/landlord in apartment? No sugary treats---they're diabetic?

    My fiancee and I would really like to get something for our landlady & landlord. They're just really great people. We bought them a card, and were going to write them a letter just saying thanks for all they do (because people don't usually contact their landlady/landlord unless something's wrong, so I feel they don't get enough GOOD stuff). I'd really like to include a gift of some fiancee's idea was a box of chocolate, or a pie, or a gift certificate to a coffee shop. However, they're diabetic so no pie or chocolate, and I would imagine that a coffee shop gift certificate still isn't a good idea because many people may be tempted by sweets in such locations, or the temptation of fancy (sugary) drinks or sugar in coffee/tea, etc.

    So, basically, something non-food. I don't know much about what they like, unfortunately, and would like it to be a single gift I can give to both of them---I feel like giving them one each would make them uncomfortable / they'd think it's too much.


    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Gift for landlady/landlord in apartment? No sugary treats---they're diabetic?

    My fiancee and I would really like to get something for our landlady & landlord. They're just really great people. We bought them a card, and were going to write them a letter just saying thanks for all they do (because people don't usually contact their landlady/landlord unless something's wrong, so I feel they don't get enough GOOD stuff). I'd really like to include a gift of some fiancee's idea was a box of chocolate, or a pie, or a gift certificate to a coffee shop. However, they're diabetic so no pie or chocolate, and I would imagine that a coffee shop gift certificate still isn't a good idea because many people may be tempted by sweets in such locations, or the temptation of fancy (sugary) drinks or sugar in coffee/tea, etc.

    So, basically, something non-food. I don't know much about what they like, unfortunately, and would like it to be a single gift I can give to both of them---I feel like giving them one each would make them uncomfortable / they'd think it's too much.


    5 AnswersFamily9 years ago