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  • Dream of being a bridesmaid in Former estranged friend's wedding?

    And I accepted when she asked though I still was not comfortable with her nor the other people around her. However I remained hopeful to feel better about the friendship but also in the dream something about the person made me feel uncomfortable. What's odd is the person's birthday is this weekend. Don't know if this dream was a go-ahead and reach out, also. But why would I get asked to be bridesmaid by an Estranged friend and why would I accept Against my better feelings ? 

  • Jobs similar to massage therapy?

    I am interested in massage therapy, but would love ideas to take that interest even further in order to expand but maybe be in the same field. I have also heard of reiki healing and I love that idea, also

    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 year ago
  • Law and medicine......?

    What careers mix knowledge of medicine with knowledge of law?

    2 AnswersMedicine4 years ago
  • Are personal traits and preferences inherited?

    Just now I noticed that my dad and I were posing in the Exact same way with one hand on the kimber and the other hand resting on the same side of our face. Is a trait like that inherited and can I also inherit personal traits and preferences from a great grandparent that I've never met, to take it further back on the generational tree? I have some of the same cultural mannerisms that great grans would have had and would have been interested in

    1 AnswerBiology4 years ago
  • Is being 1/8 of a race enough to claim that race?

    Both great grandparents had the exact mix of each race and because of that both grandparents gave birth to kids who were 3/4 of one race and 1/4 of the other. By the time that the split reach their kids which would be 7/8 of one and 1/8 of the other, is that enough to even acknowledge?

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups4 years ago
  • How would this genetic make-up go?

    If someone who is three quarters of one race and a quarter of another gets together and has a child with someone of the exact same genetic make-up, then what race is the child?

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups4 years ago
  • Can a greatgrandparents trait influence the great grandchild three generations later?

    Even if they have never met? Two different cultures, three generations later, and yet and still even in reading the most content books are books that feature characters from both cultures. And it is an innate thirst and not chosen thing that is happening. Can a great-grandchild take after the great-grandparent, is what I mean?

    6 AnswersSociology4 years ago
  • Is it possible for the trait of great-grandparents to influence the great-grandchild?

    Two different cultures, many years later, and even in reading, the favored books are books that includes learning of the great grans cultures. Why is there such a strong innate desire to immerse in knowledge about the great gran's culture and it seems to not be chosen but instead natural...I am asking if a trait be can be handed down or still of strong influence, three generations later?

    1 AnswerGenealogy4 years ago
  • Could my eyes be changing color?

    Question is: I have dark brow eyes usually. Three different times in my life, three different people commented that my eyes changed to green. Is it possible? I never knew my eyes to change color so I never even looked and did not ask questions-- I just thought Everybody was a little crazy-- until I saw a pattern AFTER the third time, which happened 13 years after the first time my cousin told me that my eyes were green. I have not heard the comment since 4 years ago but three different times by different people is not a conspiracy.

    Is it possible for the eyes to randomnly change color? Sometimes I look in the mirror and it Seems that my eyes start to lighten but my mother nor father never told me that they saw my eye change color and that is why I am confused.

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • What is the best book on the correct format of how to plot a novel?

    I own many books on how to plot, but they seem to be all over the place.

    If you know, which is the best one that you own?

    Thank you much,

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • What opportunities are out there for people who did not get to join sororities/fraternities?

    I am just now reading that there are so many benefits to greek life and the university where I went to was small and did not offer that and I seemed to have missed out on opportunities and even now - people still have a sister/brotherhood with peers that they have something in common with and apparently it also helps to have those contacts when networking for jobs and you can form contacts and make friends world-wide.................what type of organizational opportunities are available for adults that have the same or similar and maybe even better types of benefits as greek life?

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • What type of personality is this?

    Somebody who no matter where they go, require ALL of the attention and no matter where they are, people just fall in love with them and forget about everybody else. Probably because the person is good at making others feel special and great about themselves. I know that it is a special type of person who can do that..................what type of personality is that?

    Just wanted to see if there was a name for it

    Psychology8 years ago
  • How does the U.S. visa application process work?

    If you are not a u.s. citizen but get a job offer, but you only have six months to be in the country as a visitor, then you need to get your papers straight to be there. That could take about 2-4 years. So how would a foreigner with a job offer, go about the process to work in the U.S. legally?

    2 AnswersImmigration9 years ago
  • What type of degree would be needed to study mind/body behaviors?

    If one wanted to study the effects of the mind on the ability of the body and attitude, physically and mentally, what type of degree would be needed to both advise and study the behavior?

  • Is it possible to start to work towards an Engineering Degree online?

    If I wanted to do Petrolium or Biomedical Engineering, it sounds like a hands on degree, but anybody know if I can at least start online?


    5 AnswersEngineering9 years ago
  • Besides the sun, what makes a lighter skinned person turn darker skinned?

    And stay darker for years. Could it be lack of water, or could it have something to do with stress to get into mental things...................what could be some ideas?

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • What type of Counselor is this?

    One who lets clients see that if they change the way that they think, things in their lives may start to change for the better. What is the correct name of that type of therapist or practitioner?

    1 AnswerOther - Education9 years ago
  • Are there agencies in Canada that help with a move there?

    Hello. I am thinking of moving to Canada and I know that I would need lots of there an Agency in Canada that would help with moving there?


    5 AnswersOther - Canada9 years ago
  • Is this some type of emotional abuse?

    Is trying to kill another human being's spirit a type of emotional abuse?

    I am an 31 year old adult but I have been sick for 10+ years and so I am not where I am supposed to be in life, so I am still dependant on my parents for one. I do without a lot instead of asking them, but there are things they do for me and I still live with them although currently I am going to change countries.

    Anyway, it seems that Everytime that I open my mouth even to suggest a restaurant just for example, there is a problem. There is a hole and there is a better restaurant or one nearer or farther- just anything that I did not suggest, for my mother especially.

    Then, whenever I try to make friends with for one thing- my future sister-in-law, it is as though I am not the one that she would like to see befriending her and I am humiliated for no reason OR if I make a joke with her- she and my younger sis whom I think would like to be friendlier with her than me- would suck their teeth disdainingly at my jokes just to make me less friendly and then either roll their eyes for me to see them do it or shake their heads with disdain for me to see it. No matter WHAT I ask. Or they choose not to answer me at all. It was just a MEAN situation and even the fiance took me aside and told me that I need to not be more independant and not around them because how they treat me is not right- although to their faces she acts as if she is on one accord with how they treat me. I guess she really wants to make a good impression- although if she does not agree with how they treat a family member, why would she care about making a good impression with people like that, but I digress.

    So it got to the point where I play with my thumbs a lot as an adult when around them and I feel tense and uncomfortable and I constantly feel badly about saying the wrong things so I would form a question in my head but I would wonder if I am going to get an answer and would I sound stupid so even suggestions even if I have to tell them that they made a wrong turn in the car- I can't do it for fear of how it would be perceived. Simple things I find a difficulty speaking up about and I get nervous about it. With my own siblings now there is such a wall up that I get nervous about speaking with them and my sis especially. She is my younger sis but when she is around it is like having a dark cloud looming ahead. She is younger than me but is strong mentally and can get really mean and is smart enough to see what is going on and wants to get a try. She was the main one cutting me off from getting friendly with the sis-in-law. BUT if she would notice, that sis in law has an AWESOME relationship with her sisters and I really don't think she would let others get between that. She always says how she loves them and is so close to them all.

    Bottom line- no more family trips or being around the whole immediate family even for holidays because it is an uncomfortable environment. When my paternal gran was alive, she told me that when I was really young she was worried about me because I stopped speaking with everyone and she told me that it was because my mother always told me to shut-up about everything that I asked. My mum said it was not true and maybe she and the other paternal family that lived with us used to do it when mum was at work. Well I would not know about then but I know now that it IS mother shutting me down at every chance, and now I have difficulty speaking up. Gran has been dead almost ten years so can't blame her for that. I want to start over because when I am around this family and same environment I feel drained and too tired to try for a better life but I need to not lose focus and try to do that. I have a problem keeping focused even though things are hard and I need to stay focused to get out- sometimes I just get sooo drained and I feel like a zombie just going through the motions. I don't know how to think or feel on my own, but I know that I would like to make some changes and this time not lose focus.

    I have a B.A. degree in Communications and I want to move to the u.s.a. from the West Indies. My maternal gran is a U.S. Citizen -- can that help in any way? I need changes and I am open to any ideas. Now that I am no longer sick, I am ready to grow up and move on. Maybe later on when my head clears a bit I can work things out with the family but now I need to focus on me.......................

    3 AnswersPsychology9 years ago