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  • Ex boyfriend threatened to make me lose my job?

    I'm pregnant to my ex boyfriend and we split up 5 months ago, however from time to time I do see or hear from him and he is horrible. He didn't used to be but since us finding out I was pregnant he has been horrendous. I saw him when I was in town the other day and he shouted at me that he was going to tell my work I was a thief and that he was going to make me lose my job. (We live in a area where everyone knows everyone and he is well known and liked in his village) I work as a cleaner at a school and have asked to work early before anyone arrives as I'm so scared that even though the rumours of me being a thief are far from true and he has no proof that the teachera or the parents will hear this rumour and get me sacked :( this job is my only way of paying for my baby's things and my maternity leave but my boss isn't happy with me doing mornings. My confidence is lost and I'm a ghost of the person I used to be because of him, his abuse and lies and smear campaigns have ruined me. I'm scared of going outside. What do I do?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Could I go to the police with this?

    My ex boyfriend is making my life hell with supposed 'rumours' about me. There is one that I find very hard to deal with and was wondering if I could take it to the police.. I had an abortion to a boy years ago and we mutually decided that was our decision and that was it.. however my ex keeps getting people to give me a hard time by saying 'I harrassed the boy I had an abortion to and he really wanted to keep the baby and lent me his debit card which I spent £1200 on dresses and heels and killed his baby behind his back.' It's such a horrendous lie, I was tempted to message the boy it's about just to confirm it didn't even happen! However he's just got engaged and has a family and I don't know if his girlfriend knows about the abortion years ago.. I don't want to ruin his life with bringing it up but I can't go on with this abuse and stress.. it's horrific. What do I do?

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • The father of my unborn child has been completely horrendous to me recently (we were together for a long time and the baby was planned)?

    He says he doesn't want to be in the baby's life as there are lots of rumours about me and he can't trust me. These rumours are all complete lies, one in particular is really disgusting. It's that I had an abortion to a boy who really wanted me to keep the baby so I stole his bank card and spent £1200 on it on dresses and killed his baby. I want to take this rumour to the police as it's untrue plus the boy in question cpuld have his bank statements investigated and of course he'd deny it as it isn't true.. only thing is the boy in question had two kids and is engaged.. I don't want to upset his life but My baby and I deserve the truth.. what do I do?

    1 AnswerPregnancy4 years ago
  • What to do about my boyfriend's behaviour?

    My best friend has never liked my boyfriend as he used to be a 'bad boy' (drugs, bad behaviour etc) and she's fell out with me over him and won't speak to me. A couple of weeks ago my boyfriend and I fell out and he screamed at me and called me names.. he's very loving and clingy and pocessive.. I'm his first girlfriend. Yesterday my now ex best friend told me that he had slagged her off to all his mates and fell out with me in the process thinking I was apart of it (I wasn't) so I met up with him to end it as it hurt me that he'd done that. He started screaming and yelling and punched his car window and broke his hand.. then he threw his car keys in the sea! I was terrified and he blackmailed me, saying he'd walk 20 miles home and how I didn't care.. totally guilt tripping me. I was so scared, I took him to a&e and he had to stay at my house last night. He promised he'd never behave like that again. If I mention talking a break or breaking up he goes insane. But he can happily ignore ny texts and do what he wants while I can't. What do I do?? If I split up with him he'll do something stupid. I'm scared and alone.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • How to cope?? Bullying?

    A girl who I was really good friends with kept texting and posting pictures of her and the boy I was seeing on fb and I felt betrayed and angry with them about it so I stopped talking to them. The girl is very hot headed and can be very intimidating and nasty so of course after I voiced my opinions to her I became the enemy after a few weeks of awkward silence and me avoiding going out I messaged her to say I was sorry (I don t think I even did anything wrong) and that I hate animosity etc, she was a complete ***** and said she d never be friends with me again, that I had no friends, I was a rat and nobody liked me! I was really hurt and now on snapchat, Facebook everything is directed at me.. Karma quotes, bitchy status s, nothing is direct as such but it s all aimed at me. If Idelete or block her it will only get worse.. She has a lot of friends so she thinks she s top dog.. We have mutual friends so she s including them all and leaving me out and trying to isolate me. People are scared of her because she s a bully. Two of her nasty friends slept with the boy she s obsessed with a few weeks ago and she doesn t know.. I feel like it s an injustice as I ve done nothing wrong yet I m suffering for it and they really did the dirty on her and are getting on with life fine! I feel so depressed and lonely.. Any suggestions with how to cope with this situation?

    3 AnswersFriends5 years ago
  • Should I speak to her?

    My good friend of twelve years has been in a relationship for seven years with a man that I liked and got on well with. My friend is a lovely, kind and caring person who I adore.. however the weekend that s just passed I found out he had been cheating on her with multiple girls. I felt gutted for her. My other friends told me this information and had said she had been told but wouldn t accept it. Without writing an essay, my friends and I all fell out with the girl s boyfriend and his brother s. They called me fat and undateable and said I was basically banned from seeing my good friend again. I m gutted but also feel guilty for knowing he s cheated on her.. I feel as if I should leave the area, I can t bare knowing so much and yet I know I can t tell her without her boyfriend and his brother s making my life hell. I live in a small rural area where everyone knows everything. What should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Which Channel will the new series of the walking dead be on in the UK?

    Will it be on the new AMC channel or remain on fox? Thanks :)

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment6 years ago
  • My ex contacted me the last weekend and said he still loved me and wanted to get back together, we talked...?

    like normal for a few days, just like old times.. it was lovely. Then all of a sudden he was online on facebook but not reading my messages, this happened for two days so I asked him why and he ignored me again.. eventually he replied saying he was busy yet he's always online? I'm very ill at the moment and explained how him talking to me had cheered me up and was exciting because when I come out of hospital we'd be back together! I asked if he'd still be there for me, he said yes.. I asked if him and I were okay and he said yes... I asked if we could see eachother at the weekend and he didn't reply (he'd gone on about seeing me all week?) He's not replying at all now, and my facebook messages are unread... i'm really upset. Advice, please?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • On facebook when you click on someone's 'friends' are they people that they chat to the most?

    Just wondering because when I click on my friend's 'friends' it's always the same girls at the top?

    2 AnswersFacebook6 years ago
  • Is it just me that hated Jurassic World?

    Everyone seems to think it was a brilliant movie but I thought it was a cheesey load of rubbish. It was just a newer version of the first one, it had terrible characters and a rubbish storyline.. I thought the kids acted well in all fairness but it just felt so boring to me. Anyone dislike it, opinions?

    7 AnswersMovies6 years ago
  • Why did my ex boyfriend's mum and sister add me on facebook?

    I've just made a facebook and my ex boyfriend's sister and mum added me. My ex and I ended on bad terms and do not speak. His mum messaged me to say it was nice to see me finally (by picture I guess haha) and that we'd 'speak soon' which is weird as like I said me and my ex ended so badly! She also said she'd heard great things about me? I'm very confused so last night I messaged my ex saying 'I feel awkward about your mum and sister adding me and that i'm sorry if I appear ignorant for not adding you' he read it at 2pm today and didn't reply? I'm so confused, any thoughts please? I was under the impression it was all over!

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Why is my ex doing this?

    I was with my boyfriend (now ex) for a few months before I dumped him. We had been good friends for 3 years before hand and I dumped him because friends seemed a better option and I was beginning to fall for someone else. He took the break up badly and to be honest after we lost all contact (he point blank refused to be friends) I really began to miss him. Out of the blue about 2 weeks later he text me asking how I was and we chatted. He did it again and the other week and ended up admitting we missed eachother and he was extremely keen to get back to together so we decided that we would soon. He was texting non stop until last weekend and since then he's bailed on coming to see me and barely texts. I'm going on holiday this friday and he said he would deffo come and see me before I leave (he said he'd come over on the thurs) he's not replied since yesterday yet hia snapchat score has gone up? I'm scared he's playing games to get me back for dumping him but he seemed so sure about getting back together! I don't want to go on holiday worried about it all. He's being so blunt with me since the weekend (he was out drinking) advice please?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • estee lauder double wear foundation shades?

    I recently went to Debenhams to the Estee lauder counter and was given a small tester of the double wear foundation in '1n2 Ecru' but this is far too yellow for my skin (I have a very pale complexion but I also have bad acne, large pores, scars ect :( )

    So does anyone know what's the lightest shade with pinky tones?

    I loved the foundation it was just too dark sadly.

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersMakeup7 years ago
  • Why did my friend do this?

    Okay, last night me and three friends went for a night out. (clubbing) one of my friends has been with her boyfriend for five years and she constantly moans about him and he's very paranoid over her and they argue alot. This stresses her out alot! anyway, last night that friend was dancing with a boy she used to see. she whispered in my ear 'oh I would definitely do John, he's stunning isn't he?' so I just shook my head and aid 'no, don't' I live in a place where gossip spreads like wild fire and I was VERY concerned by her behaviour as she obviously has a boyfriend. After I got a drink, I came back and they were still dancing, and she was like 'he says he'd go with me again!' and the dancing was getting more physical. I just sook my head again and said Don't do anything stupid' and she went crazy at me saying she's never do anything with this boy and why was I saying that? I simply said I was looking out for her as a mate, that was all and I turned to go outside for some air as I pretty upset by her. She then grabbed me really hard by the arm, as did my friend and wouldn't let go! I got angry then and tried to pull free, and she yelled Don't you walk away from me' we ended up going outside and I said, once again I was trying to do what a friend would do and stop you doing something you'd regret, if her boyfriend found out he'd go crazy! she went mental outside at me, yelling she loved her boyfriend and the boy she was dancing with was just a friend and ran off with the other girl (who we were out with) they went hone in a taxi and left me and my other friend to fend for ourselves. I've not heard from any of them today and tbh im upset by all this. I tried to look out for her, that was all? why on earth am I supposedly in the wrong? She's always moaning about her boyfriend being paranoid so why is she adding fuel to the fire? im not going to contact her first as she hurt me deeply, some of her stuff's been left at my house as she left it there before we went out.

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Why did my friend do this?

    Okay, last night me and three friends went for a night out. (clubbing) one of my friends has been with her boyfriend for five years and she constantly moans about him and he's very paranoid over her and they argue alot. This stresses her out alot! anyway, last night that friend was dancing with a boy she used to see. she whispered in my ear 'oh I would definitely do John, he's stunning isn't he?' so I just shook my head and aid 'no, don't' I live in a place where gossip spreads like wild fire and I was VERY concerned by her behaviour as she obviously has a boyfriend. After I got a drink, I came back and they were still dancing, and she was like 'he says he'd go with me again!' and the dancing was getting more physical. I just sook my head again and said Don't do anything stupid' and she went crazy at me saying she's never do anything with this boy and why was I saying that? I simply said I was looking out for her as a mate, that was all and I turned to go outside for some air as I pretty upset by her. She then grabbed me really hard by the arm, as did my friend and wouldn't let go! I got angry then and tried to pull free, and she yelled Don't you walk away from me' we ended up going outside and I said, once again I was trying to do what a friend would do and stop you doing something you'd regret, if her boyfriend found out he'd go crazy! she went mental outside at me, yelling she loved her boyfriend and the boy she was dancing with was just a friend and ran off with the other girl (who we were out with) they went hone in a taxi and left me and my other friend to fend for ourselves. I've not heard from any of them today and tbh im upset by all this. I tried to look out for her, that was all? why on earth am I supposedly in the wrong? She's always moaning about her boyfriend being paranoid so why is she adding fuel to the fire? im not going to contact her first as she hurt me deeply, some of her stuff's been left at my house as she left it there before we went out.

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Job at a petrol station UK?

    Hi, I'm going for an interview to work at a petrol station, i'm wondering what the job would involve and the pay be like if I got the job? If anyone's worked in a petrol station I'd love to hear all about it please? I'm 21 and obviously I understand the general idea, but I'd like to know in detail? It's a small esso petrol station if that helps? Thank you in advance. Only UK answers please.

    1 AnswerOther - United Kingdom7 years ago
  • Moving to a new yard but my horse bites?

    This may sound like a really stupid question but I want to know what people would do in my situation. Im moving my three horses to a new, quieter yard on Sunday but there are a few small children that run around and their mum is the lady that owns the yard. My 16.2hh was badly treated before I bought him and he's still very stressy and will bite! I'm going to make a sign saying he bites but i'm quite nervous that children will go up and try to stroke him and he'll bite them! He only really likes me but other people he doesn't like around him as he used to get abused in a field in a city by a group of teenage boys 😞 I'm worried that we'd get thrown out if he bit anyone.. The children running around are quite young and small so obviously they can't read a sign..

    any suggestions please?

    2 AnswersOther - Pets7 years ago
  • Heartbroken over ex? how to get over him?

    I was with my boyfriend for a year and we were very much in love. I fancied him at school (he was friend's with my big brother) and when I was 20 my brother set us up and it was the happiest year of my life, we had the odd argument... We ended over a small argument about a text and I totally destroyed because I loved him more than words. I overdosed and ended up in hospital because I couldn't face things. selfish, I know. six months later I saw his name on snapchat and added him and his top friends were a bunch of girls I know and I just broke down. After six months I still love him and just can't move on at all 😞 I snap chatted him and said hey and stuff but deleted him soon after as I was just broken by seeing his top friends... I loved him so much and I feel like my life is being ruled by how much I miss him and the thought of another girl enjoying what we had breaks my heart because I know he loved me alot too... He told me when we broke up he's always love me and it was for the best but he later said after the overdose I was selfish and he was disgusted with me. How can I get over all this, or have someone to cha to😞 so upset and down.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What is your favourite shampoo?

    What is your favourite shampoo and why? and What's the cheapest but best shampoo?


    2 AnswersHair7 years ago