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If I got a girl in same NAVY command pregnant and we are not married...what will happen?
Will we get separated? Mast? Would we need to get married? We are both E3.
7 AnswersMilitary6 years agoSpeeding Ticket 2 days before bootcamp?
I ship to Navy bootcamp in 2 days. This morning as I was just trying to get around a car only to change lanes, I increased my speed to 80 MPH on the freeway which is legally a 65 MPH zone. Just my luck a motorcycle cop was sitting and saw me pushing 80 trying to get ahead of this car and pulled me over and wrote me a ticket. He told me the ticket won't even be filed for 2-3 weeks and it can be paid instantly. I have my parents watching the mail and they already agreed that the moment it comes in or is filed(they will be checking daily) they will pay it for me and clear it. So I will most likely have an unpaid ticket for a day or two at most midway through bootcamp.
What else do you recommend I do. Will I get kicked out of bootcamp?
3 AnswersMilitary7 years agoCan you drive after cleared for a seizure caused by head injury?
I had a seizure last Sunday. First ever of my life and I am 20 years old. I was in the shower when I passed out and hit my head on the toilet, after I hit my head I had a supposed seizure and went to the ER. CTScan, MRI, and EEG came up clear. I am not epileptic. I see my neurologist next week, will she clear me to drive? Does she have the proper forms to send to the DMV and show my work I'm clear? I live in California.
1 AnswerInjuries8 years agoWhy isn't my USPS package moving? Been sitting for 3 days...?
I live in San Diego, CA and I ordered 50 pounds of exercise equipment on Amazon from a trustworthy seller located in San Jose, CA about 7 hours north of me. This Seller is highly rated based mostly off of his fast shipping and excellent products. I just ordered a watch from New York that got here in 2 days, whereas it has been about 5 business days and I have not recieved my workout equipment.
The Item has been sitting at the San Jose sort facility for 3 days now, and has not moved.
I'm starting to get Paranoid about if it fell off the conveyor belt or something, considering the expected delivery date was today. Amazon has expected delivery from Today until next Tues. but this seller has been Rated highly about his extremely fast shipping.
Is this normal?
7 AnswersOther - News & Events9 years agoWhy isn't my USPS package moving? Been sitting for 3 days...?
I live in San Diego, CA and I ordered 50 pounds of exercise equipment on Amazon from a trustworthy seller located in San Jose, CA about 7 hours north of me. This Seller is highly rated based mostly off of his fast shipping and excellent products. I just ordered a watch from New York that got here in 2 days, whereas it has been about 5 business days and I have not recieved my workout equipment.
The Item has been sitting at the San Jose sort facility for 3 days now, and has not moved.
I'm starting to get Paranoid about if it fell off the conveyor belt or something, considering the expected delivery date was today. Amazon has expected delivery from Today until next Tues. but this seller has been Rated highly about his extremely fast shipping.
Is this normal?
2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance9 years agoWhy is it that girls always fall in love with me, but don't realize it until I'm gone?
This is the Truth:
Some backstory: I'm one of those rare gentleman that ladies don't seem to believe exist apparently. I'm cute,(so I'm told) more like the baby face cute, and I have a healthy, and fit looking body, so I believe my looks are acceptable to most women, or so it seems. I find myself to be a relationship expert for a 18 year old, having been in quite a few, and I am so good that it get's to the point that I know what a girl will say or do in a given situation, and how to properly react to it. I have had my fair share of girlfriends, starting with my first in the fifth grade. She went to a different middle school, so we were apart for awhile, but when she came to high school and met me again, she tried to get back with me and she currently still is. I am not interested although she is nice. You see I'm am a charismatic individual with a fun personality, and can get along with anyone. In a relationship I am the kind of guy who can fit 4 months of a growing relationship into 1 month, and can create the most memorable experiences and great times. Throughout any entire relationship I have, I open door's, and do small gentleman like acts but not too the point where it is creepy. I tend to give my all to every relationship I have. THIS IS NOT A LIE: Every girlfriend I have ever had has contacted me months & years later, multiple times, trying to get back with me after they break up with me. I never break up with the girl because I feel it is simply like throwing away your time, unless she does me wrong like cheating, but that has never happened. I've had multiple ex- girlfriends tell me that they broke up with me because the relationship seemed too good too be true...WAHHH?? I'm not trying to sound cocky at all, but why can't they just have faith in me as a good partner in the relationship. I was raised to always treat girls with the upmost respect and I have lived by it, and after they break my heart, they always want back. I have had two sexual encounters with ex-girlfriends, because they wanted to and I agreed, otherwise I give the girl full respect. Right now, a girl I'm with is ending it with me, I know it's for the same reasons(because it is too good to be true), and I know for a fact she will be coming back asking for a 3rd chance, she already came back asking for a 2nd chance. WHY CAN'T GIRLS REALIZE A GOOD THING UNTIL IT'S GONE?
4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoWhy is it that girls always fall in love with me, but don't realize it until I'm gone?
This is the Truth:
Some backstory: I'm one of those rare gentleman that ladies don't seem to believe exist apparently. I'm cute,(so I'm told) more like the baby face cute, and I have a healthy, and fit looking body, so I believe my looks are acceptable to most women, or so it seems. I find myself to be a relationship expert for a 18 year old, having been in quite a few, and I am so good that it get's to the point that I know what a girl will say or do in a given situation, and how to properly react to it. I have had my fair share of girlfriends, starting with my first in the fifth grade. She went to a different middle school, so we were apart for awhile, but when she came to high school and met me again, she tried to get back with me and she currently still is. I am not interested although she is nice. You see I'm am a charismatic individual with a fun personality, and can get along with anyone. In a relationship I am the kind of guy who can fit 4 months of a growing relationship into 1 month, and can create the most memorable experiences and great times. Throughout any entire relationship I have, I open door's, and do small gentleman like acts but not too the point where it is creepy. I tend to give my all to every relationship I have. THIS IS NOT A LIE: Every girlfriend I have ever had has contacted me months & years later, multiple times, trying to get back with me after they break up with me. I never break up with the girl because I feel it is simply like throwing away your time, unless she does me wrong like cheating, but that has never happened. I've had multiple ex- girlfriends tell me that they broke up with me because the relationship seemed too good too be true...WAHHH?? I'm not trying to sound cocky at all, but why can't they just have faith in me as a good partner in the relationship. I was raised to always treat girls with the upmost respect and I have lived by it, and after they break my heart, they always want back. I have had two sexual encounters with ex-girlfriends, because they wanted to and I agreed, otherwise I give the girl full respect. Right now, a girl I'm with is ending it with me, I know it's for the same reasons(because it is too good to be true), and I know for a fact she will be coming back asking for a 3rd chance, she already came back asking for a 2nd chance. WHY CAN'T GIRLS REALIZE A GOOD THING UNTIL IT'S GONE?
11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhy is it that girl's always fall in love with me, but don't realize it until I'm gone?
This is the Truth:
Some backstory: I'm one of those rare gentleman that ladies don't seem to believe exist apparently. I'm cute,(so I'm told) more like the baby face cute, and I have a healthy, and fit looking body, so I believe my looks are acceptable to most women, or so it seems. I find myself to be a relationship expert for a 18 year old, having been in quite a few, and I am so good that it get's to the point that I know what a girl will say or do in a given situation, and how to properly react to it. I have had my fair share of girlfriends, starting with my first in the fifth grade. She went to a different middle school, so we were apart for awhile, but when she came to high school and met me again, she tried to get back with me and she currently still is. I am not interested although she is nice. You see I'm am a charismatic individual with a fun personality, and can get along with anyone. In a relationship I am the kind of guy who can fit 4 months of a growing relationship into 1 month, and can create the most memorable experiences and great times. Throughout any entire relationship I have, I open door's, and do small gentleman like acts but not too the point where it is creepy. I tend to give my all to every relationship I have. THIS IS NOT A LIE: Every girlfriend I have ever had has contacted me months & years later, multiple times, trying to get back with me after they break up with me. I never break up with the girl because I feel it is simply like throwing away your time, unless she does me wrong like cheating, but that has never happened. I've had multiple ex- girlfriends tell me that they broke up with me because the relationship seemed too good too be true...WAHHH?? I'm not trying to sound cocky at all, but why can't they just have faith in me as a good partner in the relationship. I was raised to always treat girls with the upmost respect and I have lived by it, and after they break my heart, they always want back. I have had two sexual encounters with ex-girlfriends, because they wanted to and I agreed, otherwise I give the girl full respect. Right now, a girl I'm with is ending it with me, I know it's for the same reasons(because it is too good to be true), and I know for a fact she will be coming back asking for a 3rd chance, she already came back asking for a 2nd chance. WHY CAN'T GIRLS REALIZE A GOOD THING UNTIL IT'S GONE?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoNeed help figuring out a name of a really popular song...?
The song go's like this: doo-doo-doo-dooO-dooO doo-doo-dooDOo
Im not sure what the word's are, but that is the beat.
1 AnswerLyrics1 decade agoNew Years Google layout problem..?
GMMXLE Is stupid like a dunder poopyhead.. and yes I know MMXI stands for 2011...
3 AnswersGoogle1 decade agoFriends can't see my recent activity on Facebook! Please Help?
Friends can't see my recent activity.If I comment on X's photo, it will come up saying I have "commented on X's photo" in my view of my wall, however my other friends (who are not friends with X) can't see that recent activity on my wall?
1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade agoFriends can't see my recent activity on Facebook!Help Please?
Friends can't see my recent activity.If I comment on X's photo, it will come up saying I have "commented on X's photo" in my view of my wall, however my other friends (who are not friends with X) can't see that recent activity on my wall? I've tried every
1 AnswerFacebook1 decade agoFacebook Question!?!?
Whenever I comment on friends posts, on my profile it shows that I commented their status and it shows a preview of what I wrote on their status. But I went to my friends house and looked at my profile from his facebook, and it doesn't show that I commented on people's statuses and looks like I don't communicate with anyone haha. All It shows are my status updates that I post and thats it, I want people to see that I comment on statuses too. I already changed my privacy settings so that anyone can see everything on my profile and it still doesn't work. BTW I have the new facebook profile...Help!
3 AnswersFacebook1 decade agoArizona State GPA Requirement question.?
I am currently a senior in HS looking to hopefully go to ASU fall of 2011. They say that you need a 3.0 unweighted gpa to get in, and I need to know is its unweighted(9-12 grade)((Which for me is a 3.21)) or unweighted(10-12 grade)((Which for me is a 2.96)) because I have those two unweighted gpas on my transcript and I don't know which one I use. Help?!?
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoArizona State GPA Requirement question.?
I am currently a senior in HS looking to hopefully go to ASU fall of 2011. They say that you need a 3.0 unweighted gpa to get in, and I need to know is its unweighted(9-12 grade)((Which for me is a 3.21)) or unweighted(10-12 grade)((Which for me is a 2.96)) because I have those two unweighted gpas on my transcript and I don't know which one I use. Help?!?
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoASU(Arizona State University) gpa requirement question!!?
I am currently a senior in HS looking to hopefully go to ASU fall of 2011. They say that you need a 3.0 unweighted gpa to get in, and I need to know is its unweighted(9-12 grade) or unweighted(10-12 grade) because I have those two unweighted gpas on my transcript and I don't know which one I use. Help?!?
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoCoast Guard Basic training odd question..?
I'm a person that tends to use the bathroom quite a bit...I'm physically fit and almost 18. I'm wondering if there are a lot of chances to use the restroom at basic training(MOST WITH PERMISSION OF COURSE) or are chances of bathroom breaks rare?
1 AnswerMilitary1 decade agoAnyone getting rid of or have a spare HDPVR(preferably) or a dazzle capture device?
I'm now entering college in a film/motion picture major and this would really help me a lot considering i already need to get the software. If there is anyway someone can give me one(You don't have too ) it would mean a lot. If you do have one contact my email/ Post as an answer on that is my email Thanks!
1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade agoChemical Balancing help..PLEASE MY BRAIN HURTS!?
this is the equation I've come so close but I can't get it:
Cu+ HNO3 -----> Cu(NO3)2 + NO2 + H2O
The numbers are supposed to be subscripts
1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago