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Hmm, good question.

  • How do I dry and preserve flowers?

    I know some press them between pages to save them in a photo album - I'd rather NOT flatten them. I have heard of hanging them upside down to dry - but I think that has to be in the summer. I don't know a lot about flowers, and these flowers are Morning Glories that started growing next to my front door. I notice their colors varied according to how much light and water they got. But It's autumn and though it's been unseasonably warm, we have had a few freezing nights. I expected the flowers to stop blooming the the vine to dry up. But they are still blooming and the last couple days, there have been stunning ice-blue colored flowers.

    Though, I know they'd have to be dried out, I'd still like to keep a few of them.

    Does anybody know how this is done?

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape5 years ago
  • What is a good homemade clay to use for molds?

    I make a lot of things with Polymer Clay and I'd like to make molds to duplicate some of them, but I don't have a lot of cash at the time. Anybody know of any good recipes?

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts5 years ago
  • Have you ever know a dog to bite because you refused to or stopped petting him?

    Odd. But I've seen it. I've had big dogs see me coming and intentionally block my path. It's tail would be wagging and the head heal down just a but and outward to you, the way they do when they ask to be petted. But If I went by *without* patting it's head, it would suddenly growl, even threaten to bite me. My mother has a shih-Tzu who will allow people to pet him, but when they pull their hand away, he bite. You could even hear a bit of crying in the growl.

    He bit me (without breaking the skin) because when I visit my mother and hold him, I set him upright on my lap and hug him to my chest. Once, I raised him up right, talking to him, then started to put him down - without hugging him, he lashed out. It was forgiven and the next time I visited and instinctively held him upright on my lap, he threw himself against my should before I could forget, again.

    I figure dogs do this out of insecurity. They feel rejected and unloved and strike out as if hey are going to hurt you back.

    Just want to know if anybody else had this with dogs - or any other pet, for that matter.

    4 AnswersDogs5 years ago
  • Why can't I think clearly?

    I use to be able to write articulately. It always came so easy for me. NOW I can barely sign a Christmas Card. It's been this way for a few years. I miss writing.

    I always had an outstanding memory - but for the last 3 or 4 years my memory is worse than Alzheimer's. Is there anything I can do to stimulate my creativity again. I should mention the creativity seemed to go when I developed Fibromyalgia. I'm not in pain all the time so I don't think that is the cause. Is there anything I can do?

    Please only serious replies. Thanks

    8 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • What is causing a mysterious red light on my walls at night?

    Woke up twice to a red light shining on my wall in the night. It was only a few second then it was gone, I could never find the source. The area where it shone was a place light shown through a window could not reach. The light was large and it broke up into dots a couple times.

    There is a small ceiling vent in the area the light shone both times and the neighbors on the other side are intrusive psychos who think my business is their business. They spy eavesdrop and steal fro me. If it is them, why? A RED light? A spy camera or something?

    Anybody else have any idea of what the red light is rather than a bunch of super nosy neighbors. Again, no light could reach that area through the windows. But the vent?

    Please only Serious answers. Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture5 years ago
  • Is there a good freeware alternative to Photoshop for a touchscreen?

    I got a windows 8 touchscreen to do photo manipulation and painting. I have Gimp right now but it's complicated (even with youtube tutorials) and a bit problematic with touch screens. I like to do painting with special effects and a lot of photo manipulation.

    Any suggestions for either freeware or inexpensive software for what I am wanting.

    Please no trolls. Your help is appreciated. Thanks

    1 AnswerSoftware6 years ago
  • On D. Quinn Medicine Woman, wasn't there a scene where Colleen had to patch Sully up on her own?

    I tried to find this on Youtube but I can't recall the episode IF there was one. I'm not sure if I may be getting episodes or even other shows mixed up here.

    I thought I recalled an episode where it was just Sully, Colleen and Brian (maybe Wolf), Sully was injured and Colleen had to patch him up. If this is right, which season & episode is it? Thanks

    2 AnswersDrama6 years ago
  • How can neighbors eves drop on a cord landline phone?

    I live in a tiny apartment with thin walls with nosy neighbors et to me. They were stealing my mail for a long time until I had the mail sent to relatives house. I realized they were eves dropping o my phone calls when I was using a cordless phone. I got a new phone that has both cord and cordless. When ever it's something important I use the cord phone but I am getting suspicious that they are listing in on those calls, too. The reason is, when I am on the corded phone, I will hear the sound of dialing like somebody is pushing the buttons on the phone. I'll ask the other party if they hit the buttons on their phone - no. I didn't either, so where is the dialing coming from while I am on the phone. It's using just a couple Numbers that are dialed. This only happens with the cordless phone. I know baby monitors and such can pick up on cordless phones but can they tap into a corded phone?

    I think they probably are using my ID somewhere. Well, it comes back to me, I know who to have investigated first.

    Please, only helpful replies. Thanks

    Land Phones6 years ago
  • Would you rather be bound to wheelchair or blind for the rest of your life?

    I've wondered about this. With technology and guide dogs, blind people may find it easier to function in the world today. Not needing chairlifts or ramps or help up stairs - but color and visual beauty, I think I'd cry more for my sight than my legs. One of my dreams is to see the Northern Lights - up close.

    There was a time when I had a small taste of losing use of both my legs and eyes to a degree.

    I am just curious how other feels. Given the option. You have to lose use of your legs or eyes. Which would you chose to keep?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    How do I care for small cactus I bought? I never had cactus before.?

    Got 3 cactus at Walmart. They had been picked over and many broken. These were the best I could find.

    There is a third one that to the best of my description, looks like a cross between a frog and a cockle-bur.

    I rigged a temporary blower box for them out of aluminum foil and duct tape until I can plant them on a flower box about 15" by 20". Didn't have any soil some they are sitting in and the bit of dirt hey came in.

    How much water o they need.

    Will they grow back every years

    will they survive outside in the cold winter (no room for them in my tiny apartment, But I could make some sort of greenhouse for them in the winter if need be).

    Should I use miracle grow on them?

    Lot of questions, I know. Please answer what you can. I want to make a little scene with the cactus and polymer Clay bull skill and tumbleweeds.

    Also the small *blossoms* around the edge, if they break off (and thy do) will they grow up as a cactus?

    Thank you SO much for the help, I really need it.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape6 years ago
  • Why do I get a strong chemical taste on my skin?

    This has happened a lot of times before. I will lick my lips and taste a very strong chemical on my skin. I've tried washing it off and it doesn't help. It does go away after awhile. But what is it?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions6 years ago
  • Why is Yahoo making it so hard to delete an account?

    I have a couple of accounts with yahoo (including this one) I am trying to close because of spam and so much junk mail. Yahoo is not making it easy. I guess because of security reasons. But can anyone tell me how to close/delete my account? I already opened a new one. Thanks.

    4 AnswersPassword and Sign In6 years ago
  • Where or Purina Beggin strips made?

    I hear they are made in America, then I hear it's China. I never thought to look at the packaging when I'm at the stores. I want to order some treats online, for my mother's little dog who loves Beggin strips.

    But I had second thoughts because I don't know where they are made.

    Thanks for the help.

    1 AnswerDogs6 years ago
  • Did you parents hold your gender against you?

    I grew up as the only girl in a houseful of boys and my mother made it clear that she NEVER wanted a girl.

    My brothers would get paid for doing things my mother expected me to do for free on the bases that I was a girl. The words "You're a girl," would come out of her and my brothers mouths as if it was a dirty word.

    I still see parents saying very opening in front of the daughters "I didn't want a girl,". These sort of things can effect the child's self-esteem and direction in life. A lot of girls go into rebellion or do drugs is because of that attitude they grew up under.

    Did your parents hold your gender against you? How did it affect you. This is just something I am curious of.

    Please, no trolling or hate. Thanks.

    1 AnswerFamily6 years ago
  • Do those people charities are organized for even get the benefits?

    I hear that the callers and those who organized the charities take out their FEES first & there is little to nothing is left for those who need it.

    5 AnswersCivic Participation6 years ago
  • Where can I have my own dog trained as a Medical Service dog?

    I'm trying to find the organizations that train the people's OWN dogs to help them. Any links I could look at. I've tried to find something via the internet without success.

    4 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Does your dog wear bling-bling?

    If you don't know what bling-bling is, it's flashy jewelry often worn for men/boys. Question is just for fun, keep it clean, please.

    4 AnswersDogs6 years ago