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Lv 614,769 points

Mythical Tales

Favorite Answers32%

There's too much to say in a little box, so don't judge me on my few words please. -Poetry, Psychology, Philosophy, Science -I'm asexual. -I'm friendly, and always respond to e-mails. -I'm out of the box type of thinker; critical thinker. -Question Everything. -I speak a good amount of German. I love to talk, so e-mail if you want.

  • How short can a poem be?

    I know the shortest story is:

    "For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn." by Ernest Hemingway.

    But I'd like to know when a poem stops becoming a poem. I really enjoy writing short poetry, because I feel you need to condense poetic themes in such a short piece of work.

    6 AnswersPoetry6 years ago
  • If your comment is reported, why does the Yahoo team not investogate?

    I had a very neutral comment reported and removed. I will be emailing the Yahoo team, but I'm just curious as to why they delete it automatically.

    I cod say, "The Earth is beautiful" and if it were reported, I'd lose my ten points and that post. Doesn't seem fair to me.

    Am I wrong?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers6 years ago
  • If someone doesn't pick a favorite, so they still have the feature to vote for the best best answer?

    I haven't been on in a year or so, and a lot has changed.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers6 years ago
  • Would you support my poetry?

    I have been, and will be for the foreseeable future, post a poem a day. Thank you for any support/likes.

    4 AnswersPoetry6 years ago
  • I'm thinking of posting videos on YouTube, but I need help?

    How can I make my videos look good? Are there programs to add photos and voice enhancement? I'm not looking to buy microphones or nice cameras though.

    1 AnswerYouTube6 years ago
  • Any homoromantic asexuals ha of trouble dating?

    If so, what have you done to reach out to people with a similar sexuality? I also heard of Gray Asexual, from what I know they engage in sexual activity, I would if I found a boyfriend (and have), so I guess I need help finding gay guys that would be open enough to date someone with my sexuality, or lack of.

  • What could this blinding flash before an earthquake, be?

    I was on the bus before leaving school. A blinding white flash occurred, then my friend said, "Who the f**k took a picture?" Then the bus shook: twice.

    Any theories?

    4 AnswersOther - Environment6 years ago
  • Why isn't there a YahooAnswers app?

    I think a lot of people would use it.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Is it Normal to Have Halucinations on Marijuana?

    This question got flagged, so I'm re-posting it. I've been researching peoples' hallucinations, and none of them seem to approach mine. I stopped smoking because it can be overwhelming.

    -I hallucinate EVERY time I smoke, whether I take 1 hit or more.

    It's not laced because no one else I smoke with experiences what I do.

    -I walked to one room, then back, and thought I had traveled for three days through a jungle.

    -People around me - friends, brother - will all turn into strangers.

    -First time I smoked, the room was breathing and I saw pictures floating in the room.

    -I switch through different worlds and realities when high. If you have the light on, then turn it off, I go into a totally different world, or if we go to another room I go into a whole new world.

    -I have a smile that won't leave no matter how hard I try.

    -When I close my eyes the room spins, and if I keep them closed long enough I see a blue C shape coming from my body.

    -Three friends were watching a music video, and I couldn't comprehend what a song was.

    OK, so this must be strongly abnormal. If so, is it abnormal enough to suggest something about my brain?

    Thank you for taking the time to read.

    5 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • The Core of Cherries: C/C (short poem)?

    The Core of Cherries

    Each thought grows

    like sun-burnt yellow wheat,

    and each stalk bends their neck

    exposing raspberry arteries

    (in costume of course)

    to a naked-toothed scythe,

    asking, “What if,

    We were born of cherry cores?”

    4 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Eye-Seeing Dog: C/C .......?

    Eye-Seeing Dog

    Two rotten candies,

    Elevated and dry,

    Like chocolate tootsie pops.

    Below the equator, a satellite;

    A noose or a tie -- (elegance in different ways)

    To keep something close by.

    This dog has quite a nose,

    To smell the indigos,

    The violets, orange, sapphires, and cherry-blood signs.

    To smell the candies of the other planets,

    The sugar-rivers, frosted-toped mountains, all star-coated in dyes of vibrancy;

    The spray-painted skies, emerald-oozing ground and charred sticks;

    White chocolate dribbles in a halo, that of the Earth’s dark chocolate fedora

    Where the night creeps off the belt of the world.

    Two lemon-sweet balloons hover

    Over vicarious machinery,

    Barking at two tons of silver, solid sugar,

    Rolling upon four tar truffles.

    Two lemon-sweet balloons

    Misunderstand the use of deflation,

    Slipping out his nail-pink tongue,

    Greeting his world through water;

    Something understandable.

    I didn't mean for this to be offensive or anything, I just really like the strong relationship (the necessary one) between two living things. One is supplementing the other's sense, but it's more than that, there's a connection.

    I feel like the only place I make that clear is the last stanza, and it doesn't seem like it was made well enough. Any suggestions, comments would be appreciated.

    understandable should be changed to relate-able?

    4 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Lovesong -- I haven't been on in forever! Talk, discuss, C/C, whatever you must!?


    such heavy teeth

    music was born with,

    fat bone

    white as cloud

    gorging on empty space.

    what monsters, songs are,

    stealing things away

    like leech-tongue

    and we sit there

    like hang-


    7 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • New poem, C/C please, if you will, hospitals?

    The spiral of the nurse-house

    Is an armadillo of sorts - in laced girdle -

    In a state of free paralysis.

    I’ve been tugged to these apron-dressed doors

    Of this unorthodox hotel. Don’t touch my flesh;

    Only your baby feet were barefoot, is why you’re unqualified.

    Their feet are no longer useless,

    Nothing jiggling in stride, but their hair.

    It was my scent that alerted those cloaked nudists.

    Under their touch I become a boy

    Drowning in morphine,

    And my clarity falls as concrete snowflakes.

    One single bed is my boarding lump,

    One ticket to further saturated veins.

    You can touch my belly, but nothing else, ladies.

    This is the first 5 stanzas out of a planned 15*

    Your words are more than I've asked for; thank you.

    3 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • If you could relive an artists/poet's life, whose would it be?

    Even though Sylvia's my favorite, she killed herself at 30; I might want to live longer than that. I thought H.G. Wells had an interesting life, also Marry Shelly (all those people from "Prophecies of Science Fiction!).

    You guys? And why, did they do something cool in their lives that you wanted to do or accomplish?

    Why is it too late ;)

    11 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Is synesthesia present in autism - what other mental "labels" is it prevalent in?

    Autism brings about creativity, and new ways of creating solutions to problems; ingenuity. I was wondering if schizophrenia and autism, and perhaps more mental "labels" tend to have synesthetic tendencies associated with it.

    I say label because I don't like the sound of illness. I think mental "illnesses" can be more gifts than anything else.

    7 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Forest fire; what it would look like; inspired?

    Chocolate-made stumps

    peak from the depths of Earth's basement -

    the pillars that once held a roof over the bugs,

    the squirrels, the spiders and snakes,

    are shaved like burnt-out candles

    and the roof is no longer green,

    but decides to be blue for half the day

    and the other - grey.

    So dark a grey, it reminds the daughters of the forest

    to rise again and claim their color.

    Remember. Remember. Remember,

    here the dead come to life,

    here the animals have important issues to discuss,

    not which squirrel’s a slut, and which is a saint.

    I’ve seen life climb the trees,

    forgetting about the ground -

    steering its valiant cocktail to the skies

    asking the toes to be rooted

    requesting the animals to work together -

    because the grey sky makes them remember:

    they work together.

    10 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • The Homosexual's Prize: C/C :)?

    The Homosexual’s Prize

    Melon’s guts, sliced out,

    Tracing a line down the length

    Of the surrendering body,

    Pulling forth your prize:

    The puppet within.

    A century of bloody cursive;

    Do you speak totalitarianism?

    Slaughtering the collected identity

    Of resurrected dirt.

    I’m next.

    Like the puppet’s remnants,

    Future aspects burrow between my jaws.

    I too, will be raped:

    The famine did it

    With radishes clenched in palm.

    An aborted carriage

    Pierces the air with potentiality,

    But it mocks us all,

    One by one,

    By leaving us to come back.

    I came from that,

    That crevasse,

    That insolent home?

    It said, “Now breathe your suicide.”

    Is when I died.

    5 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Does music, literature, and/or art inspire your poetry?

    Not nature, people, etc. I'm more interested in the sociological aspect; how has work/art made by the hands of humans, inspired your work/art.

    We are like ants, we feed off each other and work in groups, expanding and growing.

    12 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Do you write poetry in other languages, if so...?

    does it help your expression?

    how is it beneficial?

    what's something you like about it?

    Same if you like to read foreign poetry.

    7 AnswersPoetry10 years ago