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sorry i had to move on and leave you behind

  • Do you think brown-black smokey eyes are the sexiest thing ever?

    Personally, I don't really think so, but apparently the other morning a few tourist (men) came in and apparently they thought my eyes was really attractive. I'm not one to brag, but they told me straight out that they think my eyes were sexy which was really surprising since I hear, over and over again that majority of men like a very natural look.

    (some rude men came into the store and told me that the smokey eyes i was doing looked as if someone had punch their friend in the eye)

    I work in a makeup store and was practicing them hence the smokey at 10am.

    3 AnswersMakeup10 years ago
  • Can you over think something and literally go crazy?

    I think its an old wives tale, I haven't heard of this from any professional opinion, doctors and such, but only from my aunts, mother, a friend's mother, and so on, so forth. In short, word by mouth.

    I was told if someone, particularly if that someone is aged, over thinks of something, and when I mean over think, i mean like 14 hours a day, he will become mentally unsound.

    For example, I was told when I was young, that my far off distance relative, for example i think it was my great grand uncle in the 50's had some sort of a problem, over think it for years and he became mentally unsound. He would scream for no apparent reason, kick and punch the walls and this was when he was in his 60 - 70 something years old. He wouldn't tell anyone why or what it was. He was well taken care of by his family, but they just sometimes had to call the police when he became out of control. I was told he wasn't like this when he was younger and this only happened when he became older.

    4 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • How to tell my boss that I'm leaving the job?

    I work as a part time tutor and worksheet grader for kids 6 to 12.

    I write comments about their progress in reading, writing and understanding

    When I first started this job, I told my boss that I'm looking for a school to carry on my degree and I will have to leave when I found one. Unfortunately, the schools told me that they were closed and I would have to wait for their next intake which is Fall 2012. I haven't told her this

    I've decided that I've got a year, and would look for a full time job while awaiting their application form(?) to reopen.

    I work 2 days a week, 9 hours a week. I feel useless for the rest of the week.

    I get paid 5 bucks an hour, no medical, dental benefits

    I don't get paid leave, even if its a public holiday

    In about a month I earn about 200+ bucks

    I know im abit underpaid, but what I love about the job is the kids. They really make me smile and they're the ones who make the job worth it. My boss has been really kind to me, I have made some mistakes here and there, but she has never made me feel small or made me feel as if I would be let go. I feel bad because she currently understaffed and I have to leave.

    A degree is going to be really pricey, and my parents are paying for it, at least for the first year (I plan to take a loan for the rest of the years). I want to be helpful and actually contribute to my education cost.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How to tell my boss that I'm leaving the job?

    I work as a part time tutor and worksheet grader for kids 6 to 12.

    I write comments about their progress in reading, writing and understanding

    I've only been working for less than 2 months, but I've already been some of the kids' preference, I know two 6 year olds who does not want to be graded by anyone other than me or the boss.

    When I first started this job, I told my boss that I'm looking for a school to carry on my degree and I will have to leave when I found one. Unfortunately, the schools told me that they were closed and I would have to wait for their next intake which is Fall 2012. I haven't told her this

    I've decided that I've got a year, and would look for a full time job while awaiting their application form(?) to reopen.

    I work 2 days a week, 9 hours a week. I feel useless for the rest of the week.

    I get paid 5 bucks an hour, no medical, dental benefits

    I don't get paid leave, even if its a public holiday

    In about a month I earn about 200+ bucks

    I know im abit underpaid, but what I love about the job is the kids. They really make me smile and they're the ones who make the job worth it. My boss has been really kind to me, I have made some mistakes here and there, but she has never made me feel small or made me feel as if I would be let go. I feel bad because she currently understaffed and I have to leave.

    A degree is going to be really pricey, and my parents are paying for it, at least for the first year (I plan to take a loan for the rest of the years). I want to be helpful and actually contribute to my education cost.

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How do I get from one part of a university (in the US) to another?

    This is a silly question which most people are gonna laugh at but....

    The school im looking at has a really big campus and its gonna be really far away from home, which means I cant take the car along. I've looked at the school grounds map and noticed that it is really far from the students' housing area (far east) to the (for example) biology lab (in the centre) and then the school's stadium (for example) is in the far west.

    Do schools in the US normally have an inner bus transport system, taxi or something?

    Im really confused here, I've never been to a university except my sister's and hers is closer to home, meaning she could bring the car along.

    The school im looking at, is half way around the world from me.

    This question is so imbaressing

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • What are your must have eyeshadow color(s_?

    Mine's just brown or bronze, i wear it almost every time i go out

    i recently bought a palette with champagne, baby pink, purple, copper, floral pink and soft orange

    im was thinking about extending my colors, and i want to know what you ladies like.

    8 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • How to train a german shepherd to walk by leash?

    i got a 2 month old German shepherd that i bought yesterday from a home breeder. She's really strong, i notice by the way she plays when she tugs and pulls the piece of cloth i give her. She would follow us around when we walk around the house compound but she wont walk when we leash her. She would lay down flat on the ground.

    What are the methods you would suggest to get her used to the leash?

    Would you suggest I wait a few days? She seems to be getting used to my house compound very fast. She'd run around the garden in the morning when I walk about.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Can a puppy (almost a month old) go on a puppy milk only diet ?

    several times a day, and is his poop watery?

    i found him on the street and he wouldnt budge. someone threw him out into the streets when he was 3 weeks old, and he's about 3 or 4 days away from being a month old. The vet didnt help much, he just said get dog milk.

    The lady at the pet store counter said he can have kibble softened in puppy milk (gruel) when he's 5 weeks old.

    I took him for a mange + tics + deworming shot 3 days ago and the vet told me not to bathe him till atleast this sunday cause of the medication.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Can I feed a puppy (i think he's about a month old) a tiny bit of cow's milk?

    I found this dirty smelly puppy and he looked like he was starving, he had a big belly full of worms and some skin problem so im gonna take him to the vet tomorrow morning.

    i gave him like 6 to 7 table spoon full of milk cause i really didnt have anything else in the house. He had it and its been a few hours since and he seems fine. No vomit or diarrhea. I also gave him some steamed chicken about an hour after the milk, just a few bites.

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Was it wrong for me to feel annoyed when this girl got so worked up when i called her Asian when shes Eurasian?

    Apparently her great great grandfather was white who married into an Indian family, she calls herself Eurasian, which i guess would be abit true and she has a non-Asian last name.

    One day she just blew it when one day we were talking about something and i said " you know, all of us Asians ... blah blah blah " (i forgot what the topic was about).

    She looked at me in utter disbelief and said " im NOT Asian, i AM Eurasian" while giving me this look with her eyes

    I was totally flabbergasted, in my head i screamed " does it make you anymore special? "

    She look every bit as Indian except for the fact that she's very tall. She has said her mother wanted her to marry an European man cause she wouldn't have to carry an Asian name.

    Something like this normally doesn't bug me much, but for some reason, it does. Im of East Asian origin, does that mean she's better than me? no, but why does it feel so hurtful?

    9 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • When people get orangey tans, do they know that it looks bad?

    Do you do it?

    Can you take it off in any way?

    Are there any tans that dont make you look orangey?

    i dont purposely go tanning and havent had a fake tan, and im really curious on why people do it if they know it looks orange and just bad

    7 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Do you think i should go wearing nude makeup [picture] when i audition for a magazine's cover girl?

    seventeen magazine is looking for a cover girl at my college in a little more than a week.

    i've never had any modeling classes like some of my friends have, but im hopeful.

    should i go in looking as natural as possible or with some dramatic makeup like smokey eyes

    i didnt edit my pictures

    i feel as if i have a mask on, i have on........


    powder foundation, lightly

    nude lipstick colour


    fake eyelashes

    tiny bit of bronzer on my cheeks and on my eyelids

    small amount of blush

    i try to keep everything to a minimum

    6 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Do you think calling someone short or shortie would be insulting?

    and in your opinion, would calling someone fat would be more insulting than calling someone short?

    or less

    short meaning like petite & proportional (4'8 - 5'3) and fat meaning overweight (bmi over 25)

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • what jobs can a food science degree offer me?

    maybe a nutritionist at a hospital??

    im not too sure about my future, i want something that has biology.

    im currently taking foundation in bio sciences at a college.

    the subjects are Math, Biology, Chemistry and Thinking Skills

    any help is very much appreciated

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Normally, at what age do ladies around your area get married?

    and where are you from?

    im 19 and some people on yahoo pool kept asking me if im married.

    im just 19 and i dont plan to get married until after 23

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How often do you think i should i use my curling iron?

    i use treatment once a week

    i will use a type of hair spray that protect my hair from heat damage

    i always condition after i shampoo

    i use hair oil to keep my hair from drying up at the ends

    i always use luke warm water or cold water to wash my hair

    i always blow dry my hair with cold air

    my hair's thick and slightly wavy, the typical asian hair

    i'm gonna use a curling iron soon to just add a bit of style now and then

    my hair' still virgin, no dye, no chemical treatment or anything yet

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How old do you think the racist users are here?

    i think they're about 12 or so

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How do some girls 'act cute' ? is it normal?

    its either im delusional, or im just odd.

    cause girls here, and i mean 95% of the time, they giggle, laugh, talk and basically imitate anime characters, even hairstyle-wise

    and when they take photos, they pucker up their lips, widen their eyes and etc...

    so, is it just me, or is it a normal thing?

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • How does an exotic person look like (physically) to you?

    to me, exotic is something i dont see everyday, like Blacks, Hispanic, Italian, Mexican and etc. I like the 'tall dark and handsome' kind with nice lips

    i live in Asia, so i dont see them often....

    i know beauty comes from within and etc, but im just curious. what is exotic to you??

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago