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  • Is it possible to sneak onto a cruise ship?

    It's for a novel I'm working on.

    Is there ANY way at all to board a cruise ship undetected?


    7 AnswersCruise Travel8 years ago
  • Persistent sore throat?

    I've had this sore throat for three days. It's not getting any better or any worse, and it only hurts when I swallow. More specifically, around the area of my adams apple.

    I've tried eating honey, drinking coffee, throat lollies... nothing aids it, nothing makes it worse.

    Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • How to write an action scene with seven characters?

    They are in a plane; it's two characters with names against two unnamed characters (referred to as 'terrorists' for now). The three others are involved in the scene but not entirely involved in the fight.

    How do I write this?

    Should I come up with names for the unnamed characters? How can I do this effectively?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Where is the best place to share my music?

    I'm not making videos of me playing them, simply because there are too many guitars and I'm lazy to record and edit them all, but I've got the files and album artwork.

    So where's the best place? Youtube? Soundcloud, Reverbnation, Bandcamp?

    Here's what my newest song sounds like (instrumental symphonic metal):

    Also, I'm 14.

    1 AnswerRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Good writing magazines to submit to?

    I'm looking for some writing magazines to submit to (preferably in Australia).

    I've written a few novels and (while editing) am looking for some magazines to submit a few shorter works to. I figure if I succeed it would look better on my queries.

    Also, as I am only fourteen I'd prefer a teen magazine.


    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Would a literary agent consider a potential franchise?

    I am only 14, therefore I have a long time ahead.

    Last year I wrote my second full-length novel (55,000 words), which is based in a fictional universe.

    When I was much younger I developed a wide range of characters and stories in this universe.

    These stories cover a variety of genres, such as horror, adventure, action, mystery and thriller.

    I have developed 8 stories with brief plot outlines, and these ideas can progress further with multiple sequels if desired.

    All of the novels reference each other and take place in different places/times.

    All of the events affect the universe in different books.

    I am 76,000 words through the second novel set in this universe.

    My plan is to draft these 8 'base' stories as quick as I can before editing them when I become more experienced.

    But will an agent consider this possibly massive franchise?

    Or will they just treat my novels as just another story?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Are there too many people in this band?

    It's a metal band similar to stuff like Dream Theater and Avantasia.

    Below is the setup:

    Lead Guitar

    Rhythm Guitar

    Bass Guitar




    **Rhythm guitar assists in duet solos**

    10 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • How to survive a five metre fall uninjured?

    For a story.

    Note: They're handcuffed behind their backs.

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • How would you find out who launched the airstrike?

    I'm writing a novel where an airstrike was called on the military stronghold.

    Soldiers want to find the people responsible for it.

    How can they do this?


    They have never encountered or heard of the people who called the airstrike.

    There is footage of the jets passing by and six huge bombs slowly falling from them.

    The debris remains.

    4 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Who's right in this band argument?

    I'm in a band. There are five of us.

    I brought us together to play some rock - metal - stuff that's exciting and loud and has a powerful meaning.

    The other guitarist (who isn't all that good) argues that we should play pop because more people like it. And he said, "The more popular the song is, the better the song is."

    COME ON! Are you kidding me??

    Firstly, yes, pop is more popular, but we're not going to be a pop band because people like it.

    We should do what we feel is better, am I right?

    Now, I'm not saying metal IS better, but to me it definitely is.

    This other guitarist, argues that metal has no emotional meaning, which is very wrong.

    He argues that pop does… I won't start a fan war here.

    All in all, should we cover pop songs that are popular but aren't good, or not-as-popular metal/rock songs that are. Of course, some metal songs are still pretty popular AND good; Master of Puppets, for example.


    HE wants to play songs like this:

    I want to play songs like this - and anything heavier:


    Should I quit the band, or kick him out…

    This guy also stated that no one knows Queen or Bon Jovi when I suggested them...

    10 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Where can I find metal/rock songs completely written by teens?

    I'm fourteen and I write and record my own metal songs; I was wondering where I could find other metal songs also written by teens.

    Here's my original album so far, written and recorded all by me; I want to find other teens who do stuff like this:

    5 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • A scene from my novel?

    There is a scene when these soldiers are sent up a dormant volcano, but recent tremors and a quake have caused it to erupt once again.

    A manmade walkway has been constructed, and it spirals to the top.

    The soldiers are climbing up when it erupts; what happens?

    #1 : As the slope isn't too steep, the soldiers run the 2000 metres down (they are not yet at the top).

    ---This is how I originally wrote it.

    #2 : They immediately get knocked out as the eruption is ferocious and they wake up in the ash (to do this I would delete the entire scene I wrote).

    Which is better?

    The first is more action-oriented while the second is probably more realistic.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Thoughts on my original song?

    I'm 14, and this is my third original metal song - no vocals yet.

    It's pretty crazy, and I wrote and recorded it in one day.

    2 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Thoughts on this song?

    It's an original that I wrote and recorded by myself.

    I'm 14. Check out my other one as well if you want.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Check out my original song?

    I'm fourteen, and I wrote and recorded this alone. Let me know what you think.

    1 AnswerRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Best name for a band?

    I need to come up with a good name for my band.

    We play a wide range of stuff, usually heavy but occasionally softer.

    I've/we've got some ideas:

    -- Syren (i don't know how we came up with this)

    -- Talon (there are five people - five claws)

    -- Messiah (came up with it randomly)

    -- Rhapsody (random)

    -- Tribal Tendency (i came up with this a long time ago)

    -- Crusader

    5 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Poem Anthology Question?

    I'm writing a concept poem anthology about two brothers set sail for The Golden Land…

    Anyway, which formatting would you prefer?

    -All the poems rhymed.

    -None of the poems rhymed.

    -Some rhymed, some didn't.


    2 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • What do you think of my music?

    This is my second album, WATCHERS, as my first isn't all that good and I recorded it quite a while ago.

    At the moment there are two songs: Watchers & The Will To Survive.

    This is all original - songs and album artwork.

    Just a quick note, vocals haven't been recorded for either song and The Will To Survive doesn't have drums yet as I'm waiting for my 30gb worth of drum sounds to install on Superior Drummer.

    I did this all alone, and I'm 14.

    That's it.

    1 AnswerRock and Pop8 years ago