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  • S21 Ultra Samsung Account shows at top of Settings menu?

    I thought it was always your google account that showed up at the top. 

    Google3 weeks ago
  • Transfer photos in order to new phone ?

    I am trying to transfer all my photos to my new android phone but alot of them are out of order by date now. I have a big section that is under "Today" as if I just took them. I used Samsung Cloud to sync them and they were in order until I downloaded them from the cloud. What's the best way to go about this?

  • Understanding Sync with Gmail?

    I recently switched to Gmail from Outlook because it's been messing up alot lately and plus I just want all my emails in one spot. I was going through settings and seen theres a Days to Sync setting. It's set to 30 days. I'm not 100% sure what I should set it to. I'm kind of confused since it's set to 30 days and I have emails in my inbox from a year ago. What does the sync do? Is it for offline use?

    Personal Finance1 month ago
  • Accessing YouTube with Hotmail?

    My samsung account in linked with my hotmail account. I just made a purchase on and I received 4 months of youtube premium for free, but it is tied to my hotmail account. I cannot find a way to sign into youtube with my hotmail account. Not sure if you even can anymore. Any ideas?

    YouTube1 month ago
  • Are lenders required to report late payments?

    I have been trying to research this some but haven't found much. I did find one piece of information saying that they have no legal obligation to report them.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 months ago
  • How can I keep my broken tooth covered overnight?

    My wisom tooth is broken and the nerve is exposed. I've been in severe pain all week waiting to get to the oral surgeon tomorrow. Covering it with gum is the only relief I can get. What can I use overnight to keep it covered so I can actually get some sleep tonight?

    3 AnswersDental3 months ago
  • Oxycodone HCL 5mg?

    Does this contain aspirin or any other NSAIDs? 

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management3 months ago
  • Child Tax Credits?

    So from my understanding, the Child Tax Credit is worth $2,000, but only $1,400 is refundable. Ok. Then they throw in the Additional Child Tax Credit worth up to 15% of your taxable income of anything over $2,500. What is the difference between these two credits? Do you have to take the ACTC to even get the refundable portion of the CTC?

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance3 months ago
  • Dr said I have a certain type of cyst problem?

    Recently I have had a bunch of cysts showing up on my left side right under my armpit. I had a physical done and the dr noticed them and said it was meleculitis or something like that. I've done google searches and can't find anything related. Does anyone know what she possibly could be talking about? I'm waiting for my insurance from work to kick in and will be going to the dr about them. She said there is some sort of cream I can get to get rid of them.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions7 months ago
  • 2020 W4 questions ?

    Does selecting Head of Household deduct more or less taxes than Single from your paycheck? Also on this new W4 form, how does Step 3 for dependents affect your taxes withheld? 

    3 AnswersUnited States9 months ago
  • GAP Insurance Payout?

    I'm wondering what will happen if anything. My car was totaled and my lender took forever to get my GAP claim filed. The GAP claim has finally been finished up with and the check was sent out to my lender.

    I missed this last payment due to having another car payment now. Looking at my payoff quote and looking at the amount GAP paid, it looks like once it is applied to the principal amount, it should cover the whole balance. I'm wondering if the lender can still come after me even if the loan is paid off. My thinking is they're getting their money, but they could charge me a late fee I guess and report the missed payment on my credit.

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 months ago
  • Unsupervised Probation?

    Does unsupervised probation stay on your record? This was a recommendation on a traffic ticket I got. I think it is totally unnecessary and I am looking to get back on the road with my CDL soon. Will this affect my chances of being hired?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 months ago
  • Can I get a plea deal before my court date? ?

    I've had traffic tickets before, but I can't remember how it all played out. It's been awhile. I just recently got a traffic ticket and wanted to know who I should talk to about a plea deal before going to court to possibly knock the charge down and/or avoid points on my license. Any insight is appreciated. Thank you. 

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics10 months ago
  • iPad download PDF?

    There is a pdf file on my phone that I need to download on my iPad. I sent the pdf in an email to myself and accessed it on the iPad. When I click download, it just opens in a new tab in chrome and doesn't download. Any ideas?

    Software10 months ago
  • Baby sleeping through the night?

    My baby was born at 32 weeks. He's 3 months old now and is starting to sleep through the night. He's been taking a little more with each feeding to make up not eating in the middle of the night. He's still getting the full amount of formula for the day that he needs.

    I just wanted to hear from other parents with preemies and how their progress has been. Is it normal for him to be sleeping through the night already?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby11 months ago
  • Can I return my car to the Dealership?

    I just bought a 2017 Nissan Altima from a Nissan Dealership. I brought up an issue with the speakers to them and wanted to see if they'd fix it and tint my windows. They said it's all done at the same shop. The sales person set up an appointment for the tinting but would ignore me when I asked about the speakers.

    I did test drive the car. It drove great. I got home and have noticed a bunch of other issues. The trunk latch is messed up, the speakers are messed up of course, the back up camera is messed up. Also, I'm extremely irritated I agreed to a price that would be a great price, if this car weren't missing some features it should have for that price. I did not realize these features were missing until I had gotten home.I am financing through my bank. They have not gotten the check yet since it's the weekend. They had me sign my part of the paperwork for the sale. I signed a paper that they said was a Borrowed Car form. They gave me a dealer tag until they get the check and then they'll give me a temp tag.

    What are my options on backing out of this? I know they do not want to fix anything.. I should've left the car there until it was fixed but I have a baby and needed a car asap. 

    6 AnswersBuying & Selling11 months ago
  • Newborn not sleeping at night?

    My baby boy was born at 32 weeks and was in NICU for a month and a half. He's been home for a week now. We are having problems getting him back to sleep after his feedings in the middle of the night. He is extra fussy when he wakes up during the night. After feeding him, he will eventually go to sleep when we are holding him but as soon as we lay him in his bassinet, he wakes up crying. His pediatrician said his internal clock probably is off still and it would take some time for him to get used to sleeping at night. When he was in NICU, they always had the lights on so he probably couldn't tell day from night. We got a nightlight for him but it doesn't seem to help. Does anyone have any suggestions? We're getting a whole 2 hours of sleep each night and don't have time to nap during the day. 

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby12 months ago
  • Which Infant Carseat/Travel System have you had the best experience with?

    I have just a few weeks to find an infant car seat. I have been looking at everything I can find and the ones I like usually tend to have bad reviews about issues with them.

    I got the Evenflo Litemax 35 and absolutely love it. The head support, all the extra padding, the ease of going in and out of the base, and the fact it's lightweight all make it seem like a top notch infant carseat. Only one problem.. the base is much too long compared to almost every other base out there. It doesn't fit in my car properly. It is way too close to the front seat making it difficult to take in and out of the base while installed in the car. I have adjusted the front seat as much as I can but can't get it to fit right. 

    I've considered a travel system, but I can't make my mind up on which one to get. I usually look at the display models out on the floor and mess around with them. Some seem too difficult to connect the carseat to the stroller. Most of my problems with travel systems are that I either don't like the stroller, or I don't like the car seat.

    Which infant carseat or travel system, or any other combinations have you have the best experience with?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 year ago
  • Galaxy Note9 Group Call Logs?

    I've been messing around in the settings and can't seem to find anything about it. On my S8, when I go into the recents tab in the phone dialer, it would show each contact I've called. When I'd select one, itd then open a menu showing each call made and received to that contact. On my note9, it shows each individual call I've made. If I called my girlfriend 4 times, it'd show 4 different call logs instead of grouping it all into one. Anyone know how to change it back to how it used to be?

    Software1 year ago
  • Splicing Different Gauge Wires?

    I bought a 12V cigarette plug with leads and wanted to wire a 12V light system to it for power. The plug is 18 gauge wire and the power wires for the lights are 24 gauge wire. Is it ok to splice them together since it's all made to work with a 12V system?

    8 AnswersCar Audio1 year ago