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Lee. Lee

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  • So where broken up wat about the kids?

    We were together for 10 yrs and he decides he had enough. We have 2 kids a 6 year old and a 15 month old. I don't want any help from him or for him to see the kids. Why? He has only showed interest in our daughter not our son. He has a favorite. He will take our daughter on weeks on end but not our son. Our son has asthma and has been hospitalized quite a few times he has never shown interest in his well being or never visited him during his hospital stays. When our daughter was our son's age he did everything for her not our son.

    The so f up thing about all this is he never wanted to sign our daughter's birth certificate but he signed our sons. I have decided to change my son name to my name so he and his sister can have the same name. I don't want him taking them cause if he can't show interest in both of them he shouldn't show interest in any. I believe if he takes our daughter for visits and not our son when he gets older it will cause a jealousy between him and his sister because they have the same dad. I am afraid he will eventually resent his sister for being "daddy's girl" and even more hate his dad.

    Am I doing the right thing here??

    1 AnswerParenting8 years ago
  • I need advice on an issue at work?

    I took something from a co worker. We had a disagreement over it. And we discussed it and it was resolved. My boss decided to still keep me at the workplace and give me a second chance.

    I have to return to the same section as the co worker I had a disagreement with and as u can imagine everyone knows what happen. I applied for a transfer but it will take awhile. This job is important to me but the judgements and ridicule from others is stressing me out! I feel sick can't sleep at nights. I just want to put this behind me and move on but I feel like once I am working there I can't. The job pays very good and I have been there 5 yrs. I let 1 stupid bad judgement ruin it and I feel horrible about it but I just want to move on an be a better person. How do I do that? Should I stick it out til I get the transfer? Should I resign? Everyone is telling me to stick it out but I feel so stressed out over this!!

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • 20 diapers a day?!?!?!?

    my Son is 5 1/2 months old and he uses 20 diapers a day, is this crazy or its just me??

    He changes diapers about every hr. Wen my daughter was his age she used 7 a day. He mostly pees in the front of the diaper mostly because well u no thats where his penis is. but after 3 pees its ready to change. my son has to have a really big bladder if 3 pees fills his diapers til its leaking lol Is it my boy alone or has anyone noticed this too.

    I believe they should make special diapers/pampers for boys cause 140 pampers a week is breaking the bank lol.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • any mommies here using the depo shot as contraception?

    was taking birth control pills before my son was born. Now i am thinking of switching to the shot. Are they any good at preventing pregnancy? are there any side effects? Can i take it since i am breastfeeding not exclusive i bottle feed also and i havent seen my period as yet my son will be 4 months? whats ur take on this or r there any contraceptives i should also take note of (except iud was reading some stuff on it and scared to have it put in)

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • mommies how long after baby did ur period come back?

    had my son in april. he will be four months just now and still no period. how long should it take, how long did urs take? a friend on mines hers took 2 years.

    and another thing what do u use to clean ur babies mouth?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Anyone ever had cellulitis during pregnancy?

    I am 30+ plus weeks and have been noticing a black/blue bruise on the top of my left foot. Didn't hit my foot or anything but wen my foot swells it gets very painful. Noticed this morning its on my right foot as well, so decided to mention it to my doc at my ante natal check up.

    She told me it was cellulitis a bacterial skin infection and gave me antibiotics for it. Anyone ever had it during pregnancy? How long before it goes away? Besides antibiotics any other way to treat it or any way to relieve the pain since i was not given pain killers?


    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Am i really 12 weeks or far more?

    This is my second pregnancy. My ankles are swollen and i am feeling wat u call quickening but i am only 3 months. Could i be more than 3 months or is it true u feel it more sooner in your second pregnancy? Also my belly is showing more i look like 5 but it didnt show until 5 with the 1st 1!

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • i cant find my bbm on my blackberry?

    My bbm icon is not on my phone but the application is. I am not seeing the icon but wen i check in applications its there. i tried downloading it over but its not working. if i delete the application will i be able to get it back

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds10 years ago
  • parents how would u have approached this situation with an in law?

    This situation is with my bf's sis in law (brothers wife).

    My daughter and her cousin are 4 and 5 respectively and like typical children they fight over everything! They hit each other, call each other names and now and again threaten to not be each other friends.

    A little while ago i was getting ready to go out and my bf was bathing wen we hear janella (the cousin) crying, her mother running up the stairs and shouting at the top of her lungs at my daughter that she shouldnt hit, that she will get beat up in school then tells her daughter to hit back my daughter which her daughter does.

    Well my bf (her dad) comes outside tells my daughter to return the doll wen her daughter suddenly slaps my daughter in her face and she (the mother) jus walks off.

    So mommies u know my feeling at this time! my bf tells me calm down and he talks to his brother about wat happened and tells him to deal with her. My point was that i dont yell at her daughter or hit her and on many occasions her daughter hits my daughter but i dont encourage my child in hitting back.

    My bf believes that letting his brother deal with his wife instead of him is the better way of dealing with this instead of me giving her a piece of my mind. My problem isnt that she corrected her its the manner in which she spoke to my daughter and encouraging her daughter to hit my daughter back. The mother acts as if her daughter does no wrong wen in fact her daughter is the ringleader I believe that the mother putting herself in between the kids confrontation and allowing her daughter to hit back is wat makes these fights between the kids escalate into a hitting fest cause wen the tears are dry the hug each other and play together again.

    My mom believe my bf handled it the correct way but i cant get over the feeling to floor that kids mother. So parents how would have u handled the situation???

    3 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Parents, have u ever been walked in on or caught by your in laws doin the deed?

    Okay well we live in the apt right above my in laws. I had a doctors appt so i didnt go to work and me and hubby are home alone no 3 yr old so wat do u expect us to do lol!

    Well our bedroom window faces the back of the house, so our view is just bushes and a few water tanks. So we had the window open and curtains opened and was so caught up in the moment plus the fact that no one was home decided to leave it open. Or so we thought!

    While we were really getting it on, we heard the window creak and looks up and behold my FIL gawking at us with his eyes and mouth open! We didnt cover with the sheet and i was on top so he saw mostly me. I was horrified and that definately killed the mood.

    Thank goodness wen we saw him an hour after there was no awkwardness or weird looks between us and he didnt mentioned to his wife (he tells her everything) or to us. But since then he only looks at me and smiles ear to ear!!!!

    So we have learned our lesson and wouldnt be leaving the window open again!!

    But parents any of u have ever been in that situation need some stories to help get over the embarassment of my FIL seeing me naked in missionary position!!

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • is it weird that my 3 yr old snores like her grandpa?

    She had the cold a few weeks ago and is still coughing. Since she got the cold she has started snoring even though her sinuses are clear. Do kids her age snore at least that loud that i hear her while she is in her bed and i am watching tv?

    Thinking about carrying her by the doctor but not sure since i am not sure if it is common. Mommies have ur kids done this? Any opinions. Her dad has asthma do you think she has it or will be diagnosed with it?

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Need help with costume ideas for occupation day?

    My 3 yr old daughter has occupation day on Thurs. She wants to be a fairy so u see my dilemma. I have no idea what to send her as, was going to buy a nurse costume but don't have 200 to spend on it.

    So any ideas on what to send her as, how to make it at home so its cheap and any websites i can use. Tried to Google it this morning but only getting websites that make buying one easier. Just a simple cheap costume that does not include Dora or a monkey (her other choice). Thank u mommies yr help would greatly be appreciated.

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Parents, have u ever given your kids a sip?

    Was reading somewhere on the internet that a 4 yr old in Georgia was given a bong hit by her dad and died of alcohol poisoning.

    I remember wen i was small i was given a few sips of beers from my uncles or aunts during family gatherings but i was never forced to drink a whole glass or can. My daughter never had that experience because i dont allow relatives to do that, but do u guys ever give ur kids or allow relatives to give ur kids sips of beer or any alcohol for that matter??

    24 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Ever think your kids dont pay attention then...BOOM?

    My daughter is 3 and I have always told my sisters she is at the age where she wants to no everything, will say anything she hears and will do anything she sees to be careful of wat u are doing infront of her and wat u say.

    Went to pick her up from my parents house yesterday where she stays after school. My sis told me she gave her a bath and everything so during the afternoon i noticed her itching her privates but I knew my sis gave her a bathe. Upon checking Ms lady has on a PAD!!! I asked who put it on for her she did she put the wings under the undies e3verything. She told me that i tell her she is a big girl and big girls like my little sis wear "pampers" so she wants to.

    I was shocked cause i know she mimics everything but shocked she actually paid attention. After trying my best to explain wat it is used for even though she wouldnt remember gave my sis a good talk about the stuff she does.

    Mommies have ur kids ever copied anything u ever done?

    What should i (and others) do to be more careful around H

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • mommies, do you ever leave your babies unattended even for a second?

    Read this story it really brings up a good question. I admit my daughter is 3 1/2 and sometimes i leave her in the tub not to go on facebook but to maybe stir a pot, get her towel, get her clothes etc. She is alone for maybe a minute fulling her bucket to bathe and now sometimes she soaps herself so i jus rinse her or whateva. But to leave a child alone to play a game deserves the bad mother award. The only time my child my spend by herself for at least 5 minurtes is maybe if i am washing or cooking she will watch tv while i do these things.

    So mommies do u ever leave ur child unattended for a few mins jus to do something even if its not in the bathtub or during bathtime.

    16 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Mommies, what are ur favorite tv shows?

    I love bad girls club, take in jersey shore from time to time, Law and Order SVU, any lifetime movie, and the typical re run marathons from time to time (America next top model).

    Are there any shows you watch that hubby doesnt like or vice versa? He doesnt like any show I watch. If i am watching a show he will sit and watch and asks a million questions about the show to annoy the hell out of me to give him the remote. He doesnt watch sports but he and his science fiction and action movies that I cant stand! Jason Statham is a must for him, I find him pretty attractive but it annoys him if I sit to watch with him and fawn over Jason lol

    So wat are ur favorite shows??

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Mommies, trying to eat healthy did I?

    Before the mommy activists jump on my back about catergory, I know its wrong i just appreciate the answers of mommies better:)

    Trying to lose weight and started healthy eating yesterday but not sure if i am eating healthy. Here is wat i had today:


    Skimmed milk with 100% bran flakes



    a Tuna sandwich (ate breakfast at six so by the time i was at work at nine i was starving)

    Tuna (1 tbsp of mayo and jus black pepper) and

    2 slices whole wheat bread



    Michelina's Harmony Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo

    Yoplait light yoghurt (boston cream pie)


    So am i on the right track can anyone reccomend anything else also some exercises that can strengthen my stomach muscles started walking yesterday. Also anything healthy i can make at home dont have much money to buy anything.


    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Another am I pregnant question, sorry?

    i am on the pill have not missed any. Last wed had light bleeding not exactly red, sore breasts and mild cramps. I have not been on my tablet free break yet. It lasted 3 days then stop. Pregnant or not stopped taking birth control in case but no withdrawl bleed yet. What is your opinion guys, this will be my second not planned but welcomed.


    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • need help potty training?

    My daughter is 3. She goes to school without pampers or pull ups so she asks to use the bathroom. the problem is at night.

    she still wears pampers or pull ups to sleep. I need help on how to approach this.

    When should her last cup of milk be, how many times do i wake her up during the nite to use the toliet?

    i would really like some help on this situation thanks

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • a confusing question?

    I missed most of my bc for the month of August had unprotected sex, but go no withdrawal bleed/period.

    Have not taken any tablet since then period came for one day in sept and then stopped. No symptoms five negative preg tests.

    Any suggestions on what to do, am i pregnant or not?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago