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Which is easier to break, two 8 inch boards or four 12 inch boards?
We did a board breaking demonstration in karate using 10 inch pieces of 2x12s. After wards, we broke the larger pieces. I know that it's harder to break a shorter board but I would like to find a formula that shows how the pounds of pressure needed varies due to length and how it varies due to stacking more boards.
1 AnswerMartial Arts1 decade agoIf you aint outraged, you aint paying attention?
I am looking for a song by the Wright Brothers. The song is about the current state of affairs in America. I do not know the title or most of the lyrics.
The last two lines of the first verse are:
You can cuss at your teacher
But you can't say a prayer out loud.
the chorus is:
If you aint outraged, you aint paying attention.
If you aint ticked off, either you don't know what's going on or just don't care.
Everytime you turn around, someone's tearing this country down.
If you aint outraged, you aint paying attention.
If someone could please provide the song title and the album it can found in it would be a great help.
1 AnswerCountry1 decade agoWhere can I find this song?
I am looking for a song I heard in school and want to play for my kids.
I'm not sure of the title but it's about a little boy coloring in school. The chorus contains the following:
"Flowers are red. Green leaves are green."
(something about this is the only way to do it)
But there are so many colors in the rainbow,
So many colors in the morning sun
So many colors in the rainbow
And I see every one.
If anyone knows the title, artist, and or album I would be greatly appreciative
1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade agoWhat is the title and artist for this song?
It's a song about the moral decline of America. The chrous says "if you aint pissed of you aint paying attention"
6 AnswersCountry1 decade agoWill Romney quitting the race make it more or less likely to have a brokered convention?
It seems to me that Romney and Huckabee were splitting the conservative vote. So now that Romney is out will Huckabee be able to win enough delegates to send the nomination to convention?
9 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoMy Idea for Election reform?
1 Raise limits on personal contributions to $5,000 per person.
2 Dissallow all PAC or bundled contributions. This includes funds from the political parties
3 300% fine for any candidate that accepts illegal contributions
4 Eliminate federal matching funds
5 Ban all presidential campaigns from advertising on television. Congressional, state, and local candidates can only air ads in the locale they are running in
6 PACs may advertise on TV only to educate on issues. No Presidential candidate may be named
7 Advertising in print, on billboards and online are permissible
8 Presidential candidates may appear in televised interviews and debates
9 Violators fined $1,000 per second of illegal air time
These rules would force the candidates to use more grassroots campaigning. Which hopefully would result in a more knowledgeable voter base. It shifts the emphasis to canvassing and active participation by the public
1 AnswerElections1 decade agoAre there any Democrats that are not hypocrits when it comes to wealth redistribution?
Democratic philosphy demands taking money from the wealthy and giving it to the poor in order to raise the standard of living for the poor.
So my question is this: are there any democrats that have either given away enough of their income to bring themselves down to the poverty line for their family size, or that have invited enough homeless or unemployed people to live with them that their household size is large enough that they are below the poverty line?
If you know of a democrat that actually practices what they preach I would be very interested in learning their name. If not then how can you support a party that doesn't believe its own rhetoric?
4 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoDoes anyone else find it odd that "front runners" quit before than the second teir?
Front runners out-
Second teir still in:
5 AnswersElections1 decade agoIs Mike Huckabee a member of the Council of Foriegn Relations?
I know he has some CFR approved positions but is he a member?
Also, where can I find a current list of CFR members. The most recent one I found is from 2001 and lists McCain, Bush Sr., and Bill Clinton, but not Romney, Guiliani, or Thompson, and I've seen several posts claiming they were members.
So please provide sources.
5 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhere can I find a current list of CFR members?
I keep seeing people listing several candidates as CFR members but I have yet to see a source. Where can I find a complete list of current and past CFR members? I didn't see one one the CFR webstie. Also, I know Ron Paul is not a member but what about Huckabee?
3 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoShould politicians be given a truth serum before debating?
I think it would be interesting to know what they REALLY think, but would that be an unconstitutional violation of privacy?
22 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoRon Paul should be the next President of the United States of America because...?
I am looking for legitimate reason why Ron Paul is more qualified to be President than any other candidate. Please do not bash Ron Paul or promote another candidate on this thread as I will be asking about some other candidates as well. Also, please note that there is only one Hillary Clinton and half of Americans are Republicans. Therefore, the arguments that a) "At least he's not Clinton." and b) at least he's not a Democrat." are not valid qualifications as those qualities are shared by my aunt, and I wouldn't trust her to run a lemonade stand.
Specifically, I am looking for
1) a voting record that shows consistency in what he supports.
2) evedence of good moral character
3) historical evidence that his ideas are good for the economy (ie. when Xyz lowered taxes, unemployment dropped by X%)
4) Evidence that he will stand by his convictions even if they are unpopular
5) In what way is he superior to the other candidates of his party?
8 AnswersElections1 decade agoFred Thompson should be the next President of the United States of America because...?
I am looking for legitimate reason why Fred Thompson is more qualified to be President than any other candidate. Please do not bash Fred Thompson or promote another candidate on this thread as I will be asking about some other candidates as well. Also, please note that there is only one Hillary Clinton and half of Americans are Republicans. Therefore, the arguments that a) "At least he's not Clinton." and b) at least he's not a Democrat." are not valid qualifications as those qualities are shared by my aunt, and I wouldn't trust her to run a lemonade stand.
Specifically, I am looking for
1) a voting record that shows consistency in what he supports.
2) evedence of good moral character
3) historical evidence that his ideas are good for the economy (ie. when Xyz lowered taxes, unemployment dropped by X%)
4) Evidence that he will stand by his convictions even if they are unpopular
5) In what way is he superior to the other candidates of his party?
10 AnswersElections1 decade agoRudy Guliani should be the next President of the United States of America because...?
I am looking for legitimate reason why Rudy Guliani is more qualified to be President than any other candidate. Please do not bash Rudy Guliani or promote another candidate on this thread as I will be asking about some other candidates as well. Also, please note that there is only one Hillary Clinton and half of Americans are Republicans. Therefore, the arguments that a) "At least he's not Clinton." and b) at least he's not a Democrat." are not valid qualifications as those qualities are shared by my aunt, and I wouldn't trust her to run a lemonade stand.
Specifically, I am looking for
1) a voting record that shows consistency in what he supports.
2) evedence of good moral character
3) historical evidence that his ideas are good for the economy (ie. when Xyz lowered taxes, unemployment dropped by X%)
4) Evidence that he will stand by his convictions even if they are unpopular
5) In what way is he superior to the other candidates of his party?
8 AnswersElections1 decade agoMitt Romney should be the next President of the United States of Americ because...?
I am looking for legitimate reason why Mitt Romney is more qualified to be President than any other candidate. Please do not bash Mitt Romney or promote another candidate on this thread as I will be asking about some other candidates as well. Also, please note that there is only one Hillary Clinton and half of Americans are Republicans. Therefore, the arguments that a) "At least he's not Clinton." and b) at least he's not a Democrat." are not valid qualifications as those qualities are shared by my aunt, and I wouldn't trust her to run a lemonade stand.
Specifically, I am looking for
1) a voting record that shows consistency in what he supports.
2) evedence of good moral character
3) historical evidence that his ideas are good for the economy (ie. when Xyz lowered taxes, unemployment dropped by X%)
4) Evidence that he will stand by his convictions even if they are unpopular
5) In what way is he superior to the other candidates of his party?
6 AnswersElections1 decade agoJohn Edwards should be the next President of the United States of America because...?
I am looking for legitimate reason why John Edwards is more qualified to be President than any other candidate. Please do not bash John Edwards or promote another candidate on this thread as I will be asking about some other candidates as well. Also, please note that none of the candidates are George W. Bush and half of Americans are Democrats. Therefore, the arguments that a) "At least he's not Bush." and b) at least he's not a Republican." are not valid qualifications as those qualities are shared by my cousin, and I wouldn't trust him to run a lemonade stand.
Specifically, I am looking for
1) a voting record that shows consistency in what he supports.
2) evedence of good moral character
3) historical evidence that his ideas are good for the economy (ie. when Xyz raised taxes, unemployment droped by X%)
4) Evidence that he will stand by his convictions even if they are unpopular
5) In what way is he superior to the other candidates of his party?
3 AnswersElections1 decade agoBarak Obama should be the next President of the United States of America because...?
I am looking for legitimate reason why Barak Obama is more qualified to be President than any other candidate. Please do not bash Barak Obama or promote another candidate on this thread as I will be asking about some other candidates as well. Also, please note that none of the candidates are George W. Bush and half of Americans are Democrats. Therefore, the arguments that a) "At least she's not Bush." and b) at least she's not a Republican." are not valid qualifications as those qualities are shared by my cousin, and I wouldn't trust him to run a lemonade stand.
Specifically, I am looking for
1) a voting record that shows consistency in what he supports.
2) evedence of good moral character
3) historical evidence that his ideas are good for the economy (ie. when Xyz raised taxes, unemployment droped by X%)
4) Evidence that he will stand by his convictions even if they are unpopular
5) In what way is he superior to the other candidates of his party
2 AnswersElections1 decade agoHillary Clinton should be the next President of the United States of America because...?
I am looking for legitimate reason why Hillary Clinton is more qualified to be President than any other candidate. Please do not bash Hillary or promote another candidate on this thread as I will be asking about some other candidates as well. Also, please note that none of the candidates are George W. Bush and half of Americans are Democrats. Therefore, the arguments that a) "At least she's not Bush." and b) at least she's not a Republican." are not valid qualifications as those qualities are shared by my cousin, and I wouldn't trust him to run a lemonade stand.
Specifically, I am looking for
1) a voting record that shows consistency in what she supports.
2) evedence of good moral character
3) historical evidence that her ideas are good for the economy (ie. when Xyz raised taxes, unemployment droped by X%)
4) Evidence that she will stand by her convictions even if they are unpopular
5) In what way is she superior to the other candidates of her party
13 AnswersElections1 decade agoNew conspiracy theory! Social Security and health care!?
My supervisor came up with this one last week after going to a funeral and noticing how many people in their early to mid sixties were buried in the graveyard.
Anyways, here's her theory:
In order to solve the problem of the baby boomers going on social security and not having enough workers paying in, the government, instead of raising taxes or cutting benefits, is going to start killing people off as they enter their retirement years. This is why so many politicians are pushing for universal health care. They're going to use the experimental drug programs and government managed health care to kill people off.
No I'm not really serious about this. I was just wondering if anyone else had heard this. Either way I thought it would be a fun conspiracy to spread. Any thoughts? Any real (or not) information that we can use to expand this would be appreciated. Mostly I just want to see if my supervisor really did invent a new conspiracy theory or if someone beat her to it.
12 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoWhat services does the government provide that are not, or can not, be provided by the private sector?
Other than law enforcement and national defense
Personally, I couldn't come up with anything. And since the private sector is always more efficient than governments, the question arises, "why is the government still involved in areas other than law enforcement and national defense?"
6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago