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  • Anyone else having problems accessing the "three arguidos" forum?

    Have the pro macs succeeded in getting it closed like the mirror forum. I cannot access it it says that the board is closed.

    12 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Gerry admits he put Madeleines life in danger....?

    In the recent Vanity Fair interview Gerry Mc admits that revealing details of the colomba in Madeleines eye put her life in danger but that it was a "good MARKETING ploy"

    So, marketing his daughter was more important than her life. I wish he and his cronies would just shut up as every time they open their mouths I feel sick to the stomach thinking about poor Madeleine. May God Bless her and may she rest in peace as she is almost certainly dead.

    23 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Clarence Mitchell finds Madeleines disappearance "Hugely entertaining"?


    Clarence Mitchell said today and I quote

    "..while it may be hugely entertaining and a bit of fun to think of cast lists we are a million miles away from that sort of thing"

    How can they be so callous. It is beyond comprehension. He also says " The media are making money out of this situation themselves and we feel it is only fair and right that some aspect of that should come to the fund to help find Madeleine"

    Surely they wanted the media to run the story for publicity.

    Something is just NOT RIGHT with this whole thing.

    What do you think?

    26 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Team McCann show true colours?

    Here is a quote from a McCann spokesperson, not Ester McVey who has resigned. It sums up perfectly how they really feel.

    "What would help is for the arguido status to be lifted and then a wave of sympathy would lead to more money coming in"

    So you can see in which direction their thoughts lie. Despicable. Also note that the Board of the fund now hold meetings in Gerry's house. How irregular and morally corrupt is that!! Can it get any worse? Why hasn't the fund been frozen, it is obscene.

    21 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Esther McVey resigns from Madeleine fund board?

    Esther Mcvey, spokesperson of the Madeleine fund has resigned

    her post and she is not alone. It appears that "team McCann" is starting to fall apart at the seams and not before time. Anyone who colludes to protect people who neglect children and very possibly kill or harm a child is as guilty as the perpetrator,apart from the disgusting trademarking of poor Madeleine and massive fraud that "team McCann" has instigated. The next money making schemes are the Madeleine film and book. These people are the lowest of the low. I am not suprised that people are starting to walk from this hateful pair of swindlers. The rest of the Tapas group should think very carefully about where their loyalties lie, with Guru Gerry and ice queen Kate, or with their own families and children and little Madeleine who deserves to be given a proper buriel. My question is, How long before a Tapas member does the right thing and comes clean regarding the disappearance of little Madeleine McCann?

    15 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Gerry's Blog, Re Dumping the fridge.?

    Has anyone got a link to Gerry's blog where he wrote that he had been to the dump to dump the fridge as it had "packed up". I clearly remember reading this but it appears that the Mc's have decided to delete this from the blog for some reason. Does anyone else remember reading about him dumping the fridge.

    15 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Nuevo invenciòn necesito ayuda?

    Hola, he patentado un nuevo herramiento. alguien puedo ayudarme en los siguientes pasos que debo seguir para fabricar y vender mi invento o vender el patente. Gracias.

    1 AnswerOtros - Negocios y finanzas1 decade ago
  • New invention advice please?

    I have patented a new tool. What should I do now. How can I get it manufactured and sold without getting ripped off. Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • The fake last photo?

    Check out these two "last" photos of Madeleine. In one you can see Gerry's arm, in the other it isn't there. Is the truth finally going to come out?

    11 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Murat and Payne. Mistaken identity.?

    The two new "witnesses" claim that they became suspicious of Murat when he said he had to go home and change his clothes as he had been wearing them all day, (blue t.shirt and jeans) but they claim to have seen him in a striped shirt and trousers earlier.

    Look at these photos of Robert Murat and David Payne on May 4th. Murat is wearing a blue t.shirt & jeans and Payne is wearing a striped shirt & trousers. There is also a STRIKING resemblence between the two. Clearly a case of mistaken identity. David Payne and his wife also stayed on in Portugal after the rest of the Tapas group left. Am I alone in thinking that Dr. Payne knows a LOT more than he has told. Incidently Gerry is a witness for the defence in a case of malpractice against David Payne

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Jane Tanner and the pink pyjamas?

    Jane Tanner stated in her original statement that she saw a man with short hair carrying a bundle that could have been a child wrapped in a blanket. She then changed this to a man with long hair carrying what was definately a child, she says she saw the childs bare feet and pink pyjamas. Heres a link that shows the McCanns holding up identical pyjamas to the ones Madeleine was wearing that night. The bottoms are WHITE only the top is pink. So, another Tanner lie exposed. How long beforw she changes her story yet again?

    15 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Gerry McCann and the blue sports bag?

    Sky news is reporting that the police are looking for a blue sports bag that Gerry had in Portugal. It is beleived that Madeleines body may have been transported in it. Gerry has denied ever having such a bag but SKY are sticking to their story. Here's a link which shows Gerry and Clarence. You can see clearly the blue FILA sports bag being carried by Mr McMitchell. Type Gerry McCann in the search. It is on page 11 of 14, tab down to May 22.

    20 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Mi navegador no soporta iframe,?

    Asi no visualiza el contenido de la pagina. Alguien me puede ayudar. Gracias.

    2 AnswersOtros - Internet1 decade ago
  • Gerry preparing his excuses before the event.?

    In the minutes leading up to the abduction,Gerry told Wilkins wife that " ...I would never have left the children alone if we weren't with friends" What a coincidence, just like when he last checked on the children he stopped for a few miutes and thought how beautiful Madeleine was and how lucky he was to be her father. Lie after lie and so corny and obvious.

    Incidently, the wife of Wilkins used to work for Crimewatch and guess what... when Clarence worked for the BBC he worked on criminal cases like the West case and others. Could there be a connection between the two??

    15 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • OCT 11th. Mitchell still working for government?

    Here's the link that shows Clarence was still working for the government as late as Oct 11th and probably still is. Tab down to article on monitoring blogs dated Oct 11th 2007

    Why has he claimed to have left his government posts when it is plainly a lie. Why is someone working for the British government also working for the McCanns. What is the British governments involvement in this case and why???

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Clarence Mitchell STILL works for the government?

    Clarence is still in the pay of the British government. He works for the Central Office of Information which is a media briefing service to inform the government about major online debates.

    Didn't he say he had left his government posts to work exclusively for the McCanns?

    12 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • The Tapas 9 meeting....?

    Clarence Mitchell has denied that the Tapas group got together to coordinate their versions of events and insisted that it was just "..a get together of friends who find themselves at the centre of a story." So that is what Madeleines disappearance is to them, " a story". I think that those are the truest words he has ever spoken. Poor Madeleine, just a story.

    Incidently the meeting was held in the Rothley Court Hotel, built in the 11th Century by The Holy Order of Knights Templars.,,-71411...

    My question is this, Don't you find Clarences description of Madeleines disappearance as just a story disturbing? and do you think Gerry is a mason or a Knights Templar.

    21 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • McCanns and Tapas friends have a reunion to "talk tactics"?

    The McCanns and their Tapas group have had a reunion to "talk tactics". Why they need tactics instead of just telling the truth speaks volumes. Apparently it was held in a hotel last month, just after the reports that 2 of the Tapas group wanted to change their statements. It is unclear whether Diane Webster who is the mother of Fiona Payne attended. She is the woman who contradicted the others by saying that the group were responsible for checking their OWN children. She also didn't move from the table in the Tapas bar after Kate came in screaming " they've taken Madeleine" instead, according to the waiters she just sat there looking scared.

    So, suspects and witnesses getting together to talk tactics. My opinion is that this "reunion" was planned so that the Tapas group could tie up lose ends in their fairy tale abduction and svengali Gerry could reassure himself that their was no weak link in the chain of lies, possibly putting on the pressure on any of the group who were wavering

    19 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Portuguese police fear their British counterparts will give the McCanns an easy ride..?

    Not suprising when you think of the protection the McCanns have received so far. Do you think the rumour of Gerry being a Freemason is true?

    13 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why did the McCanns initially tell 4 friends that the windows had been jemmied?

    Within hours of Madeleines disappearance the McCanns began making calls to their family and friends to inform them of the "abduction". They told these friends that the shutters on the window had been jemmied and that the doors to the apartment had been locked. These friends when speaking to the press drove this point home to the reporters, four independant people repeating what they had been told by the McCanns. Later, when the PJ revealed that there was no sign of a break in the McCanns changed their story and said that the doors had been left open. Why did the McCanns lie to their friends? Heres a link that details the whole thing.

    19 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago