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  • Friend broke something, refusing to pay for damages. Can I get the law involved?

    So a couple months ago I had a couple people over at my house, and we were all hanging out in my room and snacking and stuff. Well this one girl set her cup of tea I gave her on my computer desk. Well when she spun around to talk to us, she spilt the tea and it went into my computer build (it spilt all in my computer, I thought it was done for). Well after I cleaned it up and all that I found out that luckily it only spilt on my graphics card. Unluckily, that graphics card was 3-400$. she said that she "would" pay me back, but she doesn't have a job so she has no way to get money to pay me back right now. So the whole thing kind of blew over. Well all this happened back in like august or September. Since then me and said girl stopped hanging out due to her being a massive ***** for 1, and also due to some other personal things going on in my life. So now a couple weeks ago I find out that she got a job working at McDonald's (she's 16, I'm 18). It took a bit for me to find a way to get in touch with her, but when I finally did, the first thing I brought up was the graphics card, and how now that she has a job if she could pay me back for it. I even said she could do it over time, 10-20 bucks here or there until it all adds up. Well, she completely flipped out, and straight up told me that "You're not getting your money back" so now i'm very pissed off. Is there any legal charges I can bring onto her? She even told me to go ahead, so if it has to come to it it will.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Looking for a show like south parks "make love not warcraft" episode.?

    Hello! I'm looking for a show/cartoon/anime/movie that is about a gamer or a group of gamers that lives revolve around one game. Either the MC is a complete nerd and spends most of his time playing the game or its about a group of friends who play the game together. Kind of like south parks "make love not warcraft" episode. Anyone got anything? (I've already seen "the guild")

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • What happens if you fail your high school entrance exam in Japan?

    Just curious. Can you apply for other high schools, or do most people stop there education at that point?

  • Want to get a motorcycle license in Texas?

    Hey! So I'm 17, and want to get my motorcycle license. I currently have my regular drivers license, and do not currently own a motorcycle. what are the steps to get my motorcycle license? Any online classes I can take? Just want a general layout of what I have to do and any tips and online websites for classes if needed. Thanks!

    2 AnswersMotorcycles6 years ago
  • Do you have a hard time focusing with contacts on at a computer?

    I feel that I have to wear contacts at a computer, but its not the same as not wearing contacts. I feel so bad that I have to wear contacts now, when my eyes were great a couple months ago. When you wear contacts at a computer, do you have a hard time focusing?

    3 AnswersOptical6 years ago
  • best MMORPG at the moment/upcoming in your opinion? And why?

    I know there are alot of these, but I thought I might as well throw an updated one out there. What do you think is the best mmorpg/upcoming mmorpg at the moment? And why?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • bad to drink one monster a day? (zero calorie zero sugar monster?)?

    Lately I've been hooked on them. I'm hooked on the zero calorie zero sugar ones though. Is it bad (weight gain wise) to drink one a day? I'm trying to lose weight and gain muscle right now, will this cause me to gain weight instead?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • should I feel bad for skipping 2 days of workout?

    So I've had a great routine, usually I try to take one day off a week. Last week I took 1 day, the week before none. well this week, I've had to work both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday I took my running day off, and today (sunday) I get off work around 4, but I need to go to the gym. Well, I'm exausted. I've overworked myself, and feel like I just need a break. But I feel terrible about it. Should I just tough it out and go to the gym, or not worry about it and just take today off?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • upcoming mmorpg to look out for?

    Is there anything coming out this year to look out for? Like, the next big mmorpg? I have been out of it for a while, and I can't really find anything. What's everyone looking forward to?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • how to bring ps4 game data to friends house?

    if I sign in to my psn at a friends house, and I bring say, bloodborne, will my data load onto his ps4 so I can play on my data there?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • just getting back at the gym, should I start with 2 reps of 10 or go 3 reps of 10 like I did when I left off?

    When I left off a while ago, I was doing 3 reps of 10. For the first day or 2 should I just go 2 reps of 10? Or hit it hard with 3 reps?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Should I take it fast and heavy or slow and steady at the gym?

    Should I go fast without breaks and just pump through the workouts, or take it slow and at my own pace and spend a while at the gym? How long do you usually spend at the gym?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • how does this workout routine sound?

    Okay, here is some background info before I say my workout. Basically, I was huge into working out, I would rotate gym and running 2.5 miles every other day, with having a break day every once in a while. I got really sick about 6 months ago and haven't been able to work out much, and due to the medication I am on I also eat like crazy. But I recently had surgery and am almost finished with the meds, so I thought it was time to get back into routine (I've gotten alot bigger). So what I'm thinking of doing is running 2.5 miles every day til this upcoming Monday (I started yesterday, so that will be exactly 7 days) and then start back doing lifting A.K.A. gym one day and then running next day. so my question is, does that sound like a good plan? To spend this week getting back into the hang of running and working up my stamina again? Or do you guys have any other suggestions? I'm also trying to start counting calories, but it's kinda hard when the medication I'm on makes me eat alot. But I'll be off it soon. Thanks!

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • If I wear weighted clothes under my normal clothes, will it make my body stronger?

    Silly question I know. But I was curious. If I wear some weights under my clothes during my daily activity, and increase them when I get used to the weight, and then after say a week of wearing them wherever I go except sleeping, will I find my body stronger than it was?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • I feel really fat?

    So I feel really fat lately. I just had surgery, and because of that I am on medication that makes me really hungry. And I can't work out because I am still healing from the surgery. Should I feel bad about eating so much and looking alot fatter?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Galexy tab s 10.5 logitech keyboard or Samsung keyboard?

    I want to get a keyboard for my tab s 10.5,but I don't know which one to get. I'm gonna be using it on my bed most of the time kinda like an actual laptop, with it resting on my thugh (watching anime) but I will also be using my tablet to read manga and such (not using the keyboard part). Which case do you think would be better?

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • my doctor said my eyesite is 125 in one eye and 175 in the other, what is that in 20/20 format?

    Just what the question says. She says it is 125 in one eye and 175 in the other. I'm guessing she means 1.25 and 1.75 but I'm not sure. What is that in 20/20 format?

    4 AnswersOptical6 years ago
  • Doesn't feel like we are broken up?

    So I broke up with my girlfriend of 4 months a couple days ago, and for some reason it doesn't feel like we are broken up. Is this normal? I'm not talking to her and she is not talking to me. I don't want to be with her anymore, I want to move on, but it doesn't feel any different for some reason.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I used to not need glasses to look at my computer, and now I feel like I do?

    I don't know what to do. I used to use glasses for seeing stuff far away, like the board in my classroom, but now I tend to need them more for watching anime/playing games on my computer. I am 16 (17 in may) and this just recently happened. I keep denying myself, because I hate wearing glasses because it just feels....different, and there is a couple scratches on them. I can't afford to go to the eye doctor, so I still use them. They arn't that bad though. Anyways, I see a bit better when I wear glasses, but not that much. Like, you could say it looks like 720p with my glasses off and 1080p with my glasses on. I'm not sure what to do. I know I am freaking out a lot more than I should be. Should I wear glasses while watching anime and stuff on my computer, or should I just deal with slightly having to squint my eyes every now and then?

    2 AnswersOptical6 years ago
  • would you ever buy a red new 3ds xl?

    In the past for the 3ds and 3ds xl, I've bought black. I want to get a new 3ds xl, but the only color they have is red. I was thinking since I've had black for both 3ds and xl, I should switch it up for the new xl. What do yall think?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years ago