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My hair is lifeless!?
I have thick, lifeless hair and Can't really do anything with it. I straighten my hair but it takes A LOT of time because it's so thick. My hair naturally has some wave but not much. A year ago I had it cut to a short bob up to my chin but I didn't like it being so short. Now its to my collar bone and the only thing I can do (that doesn't take hours) is put it in a bun. I am thinking of a body wave perm so I can scrunch it when I get out of the shower and just let it be.. and it actually look like I have wave not just gel in my hair. Any opinions? has anyone had any negative results? -thank you
1 AnswerHair8 years agoHow did you conceive your baby girl?
Just wanted some opinions on how you mommies conceived baby girls!! I have a 1 1/2 year old son and my hubby and I are looking to have another baby soon.. very hopeful for a baby girl but either is amazing. We really aren't ttc majorly Right away but if we did it would be great. I have been looking into wives tales and different methods to better our chances for a girl. I'm looking for all natural ways. I know there is gender selection but we really don't have extra $ for that lol I know either way it's still 50/50 chance. It's still fun to try. I do want to add that we have been DTD a few days before ovulation and then the day right before I O'ed. If anyone knows of any message boards for this that would be awesome!!
4 AnswersPregnancy8 years agohow do I change my avatar picture on here?
I can not figure it out! I changed my yahoo profile picture but I can not figure out how to do my y.answers pic.
2 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years agoConceive a baby girl?
Just wanted some opinions on how you mommies conceived baby girls!! I have a 1 1/2 year old son and my hubby and I are looking to have another baby soon.. very hopeful for a baby girl but either is amazing. We really aren't ttc majorly Right away but if we did it would be great. I have been looking into wives tales and different methods to better our chances for a girl. I'm looking for all natural ways. I know there is gender selection but we really don't have extra $ for that lol I know either way it's still 50/50 chance. It's still fun to try. I do want to add that we have been DTD a few days before ovulation and then the day right before I O'ed. If anyone knows of any message boards for this that would be awesome!!
1 AnswerTrying to Conceive8 years agoMy sons bottle won't satisfy him anymore...?
Here is the question. My son is 5 months old and eats about 7 1/2 oz before bed and average about 6 during the day. His bottle isn't satisfying him anymore... and he will hardly eat rice( in his bottle or by it's self). Now that he gets hungry he is sleeping like a newborn all over again. What should I do??
6 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years agoraw unpilled potatoes go bad?
they dropped in the sink a couple weeks ago & had gotten wet.
I just wanted to know if bacteria could have grown from moisture or just the age alone is bad to eat??? thanks
4 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years agoHow many weeks old ols is my baby?
born July 6, 2011.
pretty sure he is 11 weeks just want to be sure.
3 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years agonuvaring.. I have been on it about 3 weeks. how soon is to soon to have unproteced sex?
My first time being on nuvaring...
I have had unprotected sex twice this a month he only went in me once (sorry gross)... I waited a week before I had sex after being on it. I have been pregnant before, and been on b/c before. But about 2 nights ago I started spotting and cramping.. for about and hour. I know how I feel when I am preg, and it feels like the same symptoms. Im suppose to take it out this coming Sunday, beacuse thats when it will be the 3 week mark for me too. My question is has anyone had this happen before while on nuvaring??? I have cramped for about 2 weeks, and have been neauous for about a week. Idk if its just pms or preg symptoms. please be kind.
2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agocan a yeast infection cause this?
splitting around the entering to the vagina????? i went to pee and i had the filling you get in your lips are dry and split. SORRY (tmi lol) i had like a spot of blood. i was just wondering if its possible????
sorry if gross
1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago2 days missed period..?
implatation bleeding around the 19th(i think).
my last period was the 27th of december, no period yet...
took a test the day before my period was due and it was neg, and the morning it was due it was also neg. been 2 days since,
when would be the right time???
***also milky colored discharge (tmi sorry =[)
and same ol pregnancy symptoms...
please advice thanks
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agopregnancy symptoms, a couple days late..?
the day before my period was due i took 2 tests and it was negative. Now my period is 2 days late, I dont know if i should wait longer to see if it comes or take another test... I have all the same symptoms as my last pregnancy, and it surely is nerve wrenching to wait. If anyone has advice please help
thanks =]
1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade agoearly pregnancy symptoms to soon for hpt...?
I have been pregnant before but in my 8th week I found out itwas a blighted ovum. It has been a little over a month since I had my d&c. I had a short period, the last few days in december. My period is due the 24th of this month, but a couple days ago I had light spotting not new blood but brown pinkish. I have nausea, fatigue, headaches, my nipples changing and the veins in my breasts are more pronounced. Everything I had before from the last pregnancy. I was just wondering if it is to early to take a hpt.. thank you
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoHow do I tell if I have implantation bleeding.....and how long does it last?
I had sex during ovulation an it has been 13days since. I had never spotted this early... Plz help
1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade agofor the past few months it has been an emotional train ride...anyways that help would be nice?
These few months have been terrible, I had a miscarriage in december my relationship is on the rocks, no job. I just need ideas that can help my days when Im down be happier. Everyone has those days where they are down, but lately that's all i have felt. so if anyone has ways that help them please feel free to pass them on to me
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHad a d&c december 10th sex a week after, feeling pregnant again?
I had recently had a d&c for blighted ovum, About a week after that i had unprotected sex uncounted times.. The first few days in january i had a short period, not normal at all it was kinda heavy and just stopped on a dime.. thought it was weird. I have had all the symptoms i had before nausea, Alot of fatigue, head and back ache, just everything but no positive home test. I was at my obgyn today and she said it would be to early today. Idk what to think, I have felt this way for weeks. At first I thought I had the flu but I know it doesn't last this long.... I would like to hear you opinion on this it seems very strange to me.. Thanks =]
1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade agoi had a d&c december 10th, had sex a week after. Right now i feel like im preggers again...?
my gyno said it would be to early to tell if i was pregnant. I wasnt trying to get pregnant, but i have all the symptoms like before and they started around christmas. I had a period but it was shorter than before.. At first I thought i had the flu but it has lasted for weeks, So by in anyones opinion do you think I could be pregnant?
3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agosouthern sour cream biscuits..?
what does sour cream do to biscuits???? I love biscuits and have never had sour cream in them.
3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoeight weeks pregnant, belly?
At 8 to 9 weeks pregnant would anything start to show?? I know everyone is different, and there is bloating. But has anyone started to show at 8-9 weeks?
7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agomorning sickness in the 7th week?
In the first 6 weeks of my pregnancy I didn't have any morning sickness type symptoms at all. Now at 7 weeks so far I have felt bad, nausea, fatigue, headache everything.. Is it normal to hit me this late in pregnancy???? I felt weird because so many women complained about morning sickness early in pregnancy and I didn't have it. Its my first pregnancy, and my ob wont be able to see me till next monday. Just wanted to know if any of this was normal. thanks
4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago7 weeks pregnant and used a vibrator externally only, after reaching big o. then spotting?
after using a vibrator on external of vagina only i realized after my orgasm i noticed some spotting. has anyone else experienced this???? some women have said they had a m/c after reaching an orgasm. please help
11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago