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Lv 31,315 points

North Carolina Buck Slayer

Favorite Answers10%

Proud redneck, hunter, and fisherman. I also play high school football ~HAWKS PRIDE #76~

  • **HELP** Is it possible my girlfriend is pregnant?

    It was her first time yesterday, and I did pull out. But she gave me a hand job and when I cummed it was all over her... including "down there". Her legs were open when I came, but the angle it was at I don't see how it's possible any could've gotten in...

    So with that being said, wouldn't you have to have to pretty much *** inside her for her to get pregnant? Please help... I'm young and at this point a bit worried.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Deer Hunters... how'd yall do this year?

    Lets hear it!

    Huntin in North Carolina, got to kill 4. 115" 8 point, 14" wide 7 point, 120lb doe, and a 100lb doe. Passed on SEVERAL bucks including a about 110" class 10 point on the final hunt of the year (didn't wanna mess with one).

    My dad killed a 120" 8 point, and 3 does. My club done extremely well, several bucks in the 100"-120" range, and a 143" 13 point was my clubs biggest for the year. He was aged at 5 1/2 years old.

    So howd the rest of yall do?

    7 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • GM backs out of NW and CWT...?

    It's a shame. It really is.

    Anybody think they'll end up dropping out of Cup too?

    7 AnswersNASCAR1 decade ago
  • What do people have against hunting with dogs?

    Tell me, please. It's becoming ridiculous. Okay, so, they cross the line of property's. But somethings you can't help. My club has strict rules on making sure we do what we can so our dogs don't go on neighboring land.

    Ethics are involved. Did you know that the chances of killing a deer is higher on a still hunt, or a spot and stalk hunt, than in a dog hunt?

    My ears are open for your opinions.

    Opinions are like @$$holes, we all have them.

    16 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Good handspeed workouts?

    I'm 5'6. 245lbs, but a ton of muscle. I can leg press 570, and bench 235. Today I was working out and I realized that I could use some handspeed work just for fun, and give myself a little challenge. I have no acess to a speed bag, but a handbag, and all the weights I need. Any tips?

    2 AnswersBoxing1 decade ago
  • Your favorite venison recipie...?

    I'm sittin here, just got done cleanin out the freezer, and as I was puttin stuff back in I realized that I still had 3 shoulders from this past deer season. I ground most of the venison (I killed 2 bucks, dad killed 1) into sausage, and cut up into steaks.

    So I was just wondering if anyone had some good stuff I could try with 1 of these shoulders or too.

    Oh, and the sausage is homemade. I doubt anything can outdo it.

    9 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Shooting slugs with the shotty...?

    I used to hunt with a Browning .870 Gold Fusion, and I would use 2 3/4' slugs, buckshot, birdshot, and steel shot all out of the same barrell. But I've always heard that slugs can damage the inside of a barrel. I got a Remington .870 Super Mag Express a couple of years ago, and i use it for all of the above, but didn't get a shot at a deer with a slug in hand this year. What I was wondering is I do use a slug with the new shotty will it damage the barrel?

    3 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • What can you get off of a fox?

    I have a block of land that after deer season goes out a guy always asks for permission to fox hunt. I tell him go ahead, but I was thinking about to kill some time, go fox huntin' with him.

    I was just wondering what can you get off of a fox? Other than pelts.

    6 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Well, big game hunting is pretty much over this year, so what is your cure for "Buck Fever"?

    Give some ideas. Personally, I got bass fishing, Squirrel hunting, and a little bit of bird hunting, but I'm looking for some new ideas.

    15 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Deer hunters, how'd ya'll do this year?

    I did very well personally, bagged 2 bucks, missed 2 more.

    In fact, shot AT a big 8 Point and missed (runnin wide open on Public Land) and killed a nice 4 Point in the same day.

    Shot at a Doe Friday that was running wide open.

    Killed a big 5 Point yesterday. that was my 4 Point (I know he is a young buck, but meat is meat)

    ^That's my large 5 Point harvested yesterday which was closing day, and he was with another large 6 Pointer that the next stander down from me killed.

    Some more bucks the club killed this year (just a few):

    My final year stats: Seen 42 Deer, 2 Kills, 2 Misses, Plenty of Sausage and Steaks in the freezer!

    How bout ya'll, ya'll have any luck this year?

    7 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • When using a rod and reel, how can you "cheat" in fishin'?

    Alright, so I'm at the bait store right? and this dude is talking about how somebody was doing something and "cheating and using unethical skills" at fishing. I even asked him if he was mistaking for hunting, and he said no.

    How is this possible? Personally, sounds like a load of BS to me.

    And I've fished all kinds of ways, jigs, live bait, everything.

    Anybody have any ideas?

    9 AnswersFishing1 decade ago
  • How much are the following guns worth?

    I've gone through my big gun collection and I always wondered what these guns were worth.

    Lefever Nitro Special 12 Gauge Double Barrell

    L.C. Smith Field-Fulton Double Barrell Double trigger Vent Barrell

    S&W .32 Lemon-Squeezer

    Remington .22 Model 4 Roll Block

    1 AnswerHunting1 decade ago
  • Help with a pulled groin?

    Today at football, I had a severe shot of pain come up through my thigh, my trainer told me it was a Pulled Groin, but he was in a rush and didn't really examine me. It was about an hour and a half a ago now, and I'm still experiencing severe pain, when I hit the showers, I noticed very red, and a slight bruise where it hurts worse. I have difficulty walking, I can jog, but running kills. I can't get down into my 3 point stance, and when I fire off the ball (use the power in my legs to be quick) it KILLS.

    Anybody know if its worse or how long I'll be out?

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • .357 Revolver, what ya'll think?

    I have a S&W .32 Lemon Squeezer Pistol and a S&W .38 Special, and ALOT of Rifles, Shotguns, Muzzleloaders, and a Compound bow, but I've saved up some money and I'm thinking about getting a .357 to use as my self defense weapon in the woods. I believe it'd be more dependable then my .38 personally but what do ya'll think? I'm mainly a deer hunter, but I do a bit of hog hunting also.

    10 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Pulled trap muscle? Dislocated shoulder? Please help me?

    I was playing football yesterday and I had a hold of the running back when he jerked and pulled my arm and I felt a pop around my shoulder, I could barely move it, when I got home from practice one shoulder was about 4 inches higher than the other. I tried to pop it back into place and it nearly killed me. I went to the doctor and he told me I pulled my trap muscle, but I pulled this muscle last year and it felt about 100 times different, and it was a grade 3 pull. I have limited mobility, but today at practice somebody blocked me in the back right on my left peck muscle and it popped all over Again. Since then my shoulder has been in extreme pain. We have a game tomorrow, will I be able to play?

    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • I think I sprained my ankle, but not sure, help?

    I'm a football player, mostly Offensive Line and Deffensive Line, and I play Fullback here and there. About the middle of August I had a grade 2 hamstring pull. The other day in a game I felt my ankle pop a little bit but I didn't think much of it. For about 3 or 4 days my ankle has been hurting around the top, and it hurts bad when I walk on it and put weight on it. My sister said its not sprained but I'm pretty sure it is. And it hurts when I'm not walking on it. Any help would be greatly appriciated.

    7 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Do you consider killing a record deer on a baited ranch an actual record?

    I just heard about a possible record buck being killed, however they are not going to possibly mark it a record because it was killed on a private baited ranch.

    So lets get your opinion, do you consider hunting on ranches and killing huge deer making you a good hunter?

    Personally I don't. Any man that can shoot a rifle accuratly can kill a big deer if he has a man who feeds deer, and gates them in, and tells him which one to shoot. That ain't huntin. What are you thoughts?

    (I know I have horrible spelling)

    13 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • .870 Express Magnum Duckshot?

    I know they made buckshot, but I heard a kid used supermag 3.5 inch duck shot. I didn't think they made duckshot, or do they?

    3 AnswersHunting1 decade ago