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  • How to tell if a boy likes you...?

    There is this boy at my school that I've liked since last year, and I would just like to know if he likes me back.

    I actually transfered schools last year and he would talk to me a lot, and we became friends.

    Then we talked a few times at the beginning of this school year, but we didn't have any classes together and we stopped talking. He's been talking to me a lot lately, and the other day I was at lunch with my friend and he walked up and started talking to me, and he told me that I'm pretty...and every time he sees me he says hi which he hasn't done in a while.

    Today when I was walking home he was walking in front of me with his friends, but than turned around and saw me and he stopped walking, he was waiting for me so he could talk to me. He even stuttered when he said hi to me. Than his friends he was walking with turned around and said something to him, but I didn't hear what they said because I was to busy looking at him...heh. But his face got all red and he yelled at them to shut up.

    My friend says that he likes me, but I think since we were friends last year, that has something to do with him talking to me.

    Does he like me? I am not good at this stuff... at all. I would like it if he liked me, so please give me your opinion on this, does he like me or just as a friend?

    Thanks for reading!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why does my friend want to be "popular" so much?

    She is always talking about being popular, and it drives me crazy! Why would anyone care about something that stupid?

    She thinks that if she dresses a certain way (skinny jeans, convers, cool t shirts & jackets) and does her hair and makeup a certain way that she will magicly become "popular" and that everyone will like her and want to be her friend. She has told me all of this, and I could not believe that someone could actually believe that, because that is the stupidest **** I've ever heard.

    I let her wear a pair of my shoes and one of my jackets one day and she asked me "do I look popular?" I said I didn't know, because I had never heard anyone say that.

    She got some "popular" friends the other day I guess because she came up and told me that she had "finally got some popular friends!" She told me their names and when I told her that I had no idea who she was talking about, she looked so surprised like everyone knew who they were. But all of the "popular" girls that I know of are compete bitches to everyone. And who cares anyway? Its not like we're gonna known these people for the rest of our lives, and we have way to many people in our grade to even know about everybody.

    Sorry for ranting, but I'm really confused and angry about this. Why would my friend think this, why would she even want to be "popular," and if she actually does become "popular" will she stop

    being my friend?


    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Why do I hate myself?

    I have very low self esteem, and I don't really like to interact with other people. I do suffer from depression, but I haven't told any of my "friends" or family nor do I plan to because I don't want to worry them with my problems. My grades are dropping in school and I can't seem to pay much attention to the teacher, I just start to get lost in my thoughts. A lot of people have been asking me what's wrong, and if I'm okay, I always say I'm fine, but I always feel like crying.

    I feel like I just annoy everyone just by being there, and I feel like everyone hates me, which I don't blame them because I hate myself too and I feel like I deserve it.

    So anyways... why do I hate myself? I know its from depression, but I guess how did I get depressed and why would I hate myself so badly? I feel like a worthless piece of crap that doesn't belong on earth and that nobody cares about me... why would anyone feel like this?

    3 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Why are gay people bullied so much?

    I know this kid that is gay, and everyone is ALWAYS talking crap about him, it annoys me so much. In every single class, I always hear at least one group of people talking about him. I don't understand why they can't mind their own business, or why they even care what he is doing so much. Like, yeah he's gay, so what? He gets picked on by everyone and always comes up crying to one of my friends (she is friends with him too) because he was getting bullied AGAIN.

    And I have a friend, she is one of my bestest friends, and I just found out she was a lesbian a couple weeks ago. She only told me, my other best friend, and a couple other friends. She is already getting bullied by people because of it, and she doesn't even know the people making fun of her! In one of the classes I have with her, she came in crying because of bullies. It makes me so angry that people can't just get a life and stop being jerks, just because their different, doesn't mean they`re not human!

    I get how some people don't really like gay people that much, but do they really have to be a bunch of jerks? Like seriously, do they not have anything better to do, or do they just not care if they hurt peoples feelings? If you don't like them, then keep your mouth shut because just because they aren't like most people, doesn't mean that they are not people with feelings.

    So the question is....why do gay people get picked on so much? (Sorry if I rambled a bit)

  • Does my friend like me more than a friend?

    I have more than half of my classes with him, and I always catch him staring at me. I'll be listening to the teacher talk or talking to someone, and I'll feel someone looking at me, so I'll look up, and he's just staring at me. I will some times look at him to get him to look away, but he never does. So I'll look away instead, and he'll still be staring at me. He looks at me in every class I have with him. And he always makes me laugh, and we sit together at lunch. He's one of my closest friends. So why is he staring at me? Does he like me? Thanks!

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Does this guy like me?

    Okay. I just met him two weeks ago on a Thursday. We walk the same way from school and we started to talk, he told me his name and a bunch of other stuff about himself. I didn't go to school the next day, then we had I week off, so I hadn't seen him for a while. But anyways I seen him again today walking home. And there was this girl that's in a few of my classes, and she told me that this kid, which we will call "Squeak", thinks I'm cute. But then when we turned the corner he was explaining that he Does think I'm cute, and he wants to get to know me better. And he asked for my number, which I didn't give him because I ( sadly ) do not have a phone. But does "Squeak" like me? Because well, I don't think he's cute back, and if he asks me out in the future, how can I say no without being rude? BTW he's two grades above me. I don't know if that matters or not but... Yeah.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What is the easiest way to learn to play the guitar?

    I have a guitar, and I want to learn how to play it. I pull it out some times and play with the strings, but I want to learn how to play keys and just learn how to play. Does anyone know some ways I can learn to play?

    3 AnswersPerforming Arts8 years ago
  • What started the mustache trend?

    Really, what or who did this? There are mustaches EVERY WHERE. On tape, on shirts, on necklaces, on pants, on EVERYTHING. Personally, I think it is stupid. If someone can give me at least 5 reasons why their so cool, then please, enlighten me.

  • Who do you like more on Adventure Time?

    Marshall Lee, or Prince Gumball?

    3 AnswersOther - Television8 years ago
  • What does it mean when you fly in your dreams?

    For almost three weeks I've been having dreams where I can fly. I can control where I fly to. And almost all of them have people from school in them, I had a few where I was in school. (Summer break started 3 weeks ago.) I wish I could fly in real life. And I've had dreams that I could fly, but not every night like now. What does it mean?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago