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  • morning sickness in last 2 months of pregnancy?

    the first 3 months of pregnancy i had horrible morning sickness, it was more like all day sickness. i couldn't keep anything down!! it went away and i felt great, eat everything in sight!!! the last few days though im starting to feel like i did in the first trimester again...nauseous and just feel like i wanna puke! has this happened to anyone else???

    i am 31 weeks pregnant w/ first.

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • bridal party entrance songs for wedding reception?

    im getting married next month and need a good song for my bridal party to enter the reception. i want something fun that has something to do with like friends or having fun together. i was thinking "we go together" from grease. any ideds would be great and very helpful thanks!!!

    1 AnswerWeddings9 years ago
  • scared of labor...any suggestions?

    I am 22 weeks pregnant and im already thinking about labor and im freaking out! im most worried about the pushing part. i believe i will be able handle the contractions okay because its just pain with no ripping, cutting, needles, blood, any of that involved, but when it comes to the pushing stage, all of that scary stuff happens. i really want to deliver natural but i dont want to feel anything when i have to push. the "ring of fire" saying freaks me out. im just really nervous and would like to hear some of your stories about how your labor went. i know that every labor is different but i just would like to know about anything that can happen, how your pain level was, and anything else you wanna share! thanks so much for the support!

    also i am having a little boy!

    6 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • can you renew plates and registration on a car if its not in your name?

    okay so long story short my moms bf bought me a car and everything was under his name. registration, insurance, the car. he had a loan on it and ive been paying the payments every month. but he recently passed about a month ago and now my tags expired 2 days ago and i dont know what to do or how to get it registered. would i beable to just go in the bmv and explain my situation? also i do have a notarized paper stating the car is mine as long as i make the payments on it. what would be logical advice in this situation! HELPPPPP!!!!!

    5 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years ago
  • blurry vision during pregnancy?

    i just found out that i am 8 weeks pregnant. been having many symptoms, but one of the most annoying ones is my vision is all blurry and weird. like when i look at the tv or my cell phone it hurts my eyes and i start to get a headache is this normal during pregnancy?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • hpt....wondering.....?

    i am 12 days late on my period (LMP was oct. 29th) and should have started the 25th of nov. i took a clear blue easy digital hpt and it said "not pregnant". so i opened up the test and there were two lines on the stick, a faint blue line next to the control line. does that mean i am pregnant and that the test just couldn't read the faint line or does that line not mean anything at all? i looked up the hcg mIU/mI and its sensitivity is 50, so that's really not that good, but just tell me what you know about the lines inside the test stick.

    and dont answer if your gonna leave some rude remark i will just block you and repost

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • can having a UTI make your period late?

    i had gotten a UTI around the end of october 2011, i took a round of antibiotics. got my period on october 29th and it lasted about 2-3 days. then i got another UTI on november 7th. also had taken another round of antibiotics, i am now free of infection but still no period, which they are pretty regualr of every 27-30 days. so i just want to know if this is normal for your period to be late after 2 UTI's.

    *******also********my 1st UTI was before my period on on october 29th.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago
  • question to all who say quit trying to hard....?

    me and my fiance have been trying for almost 2 years to conceive. everyone tells us to stop trying so hard. its super annoying, especially when i dont understand how you cant stop trying hard? what is it that you would do differently from when your "trying to hard" then just letting it happen?

    all i do is keep track of my periods, take a prenatal, folic acid and b-12 everyday and just stay healthy, no drinking and eating right. how much harm in doing all that really effecting me getting pregnant? im not stressed either, just went to the doc and have normal blood pressure, no stress.

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • too many vitamins...?

    everyday i take a prenantal vitamin, 400mcg folic acid, and a 500mcg of B-12. are atking all of these together okay? im thinking about adding a iron pill as well. anything will be helpful thanks.

    also my prenatal vitamin contains 800mcg of folic acid and 8mcg of B-12.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • What where your personal experiences with bleeding during early pregnancy?

    okay, so i have a pretty regular cycle of 27 days. my period was due last month on july 27, 2011. i spotted very very light brown mucus on the 27th, 28th, &29th. then it completely stopped. in mid afternoon on the 30th i started bleeding. not heavy but like a normal flow. that lasted the 30th, 31st, then ended early on august 1st.then on the 2nd, i went to the bathroom around noon and i had a huge spot of dark brown(not red)blood in my under ware. that was all for that day. then on august 3rd the same thing as the day before. ive taken 6 hpt and some have been neg and some faint positives(all new choice dollar tree brand). i had no cramping the first 3 days of spotting. and a lil light cramping during my flow days(3 total).

    my only symptoms i am feeling are really bad headaches, light cramping for the past few days, tiredness, nausea, backaches, lots more cervical mucus than normal, and have been super thirsty for water! all the time. and i used to be obsessed with root beer and now can barley stand the taste of it. my boobs have not been sore at all and that's the one thing that has me stumped. any info would be great. please no take a test or go to the doctor answers. just personal experiences would be nice thanks! baby dust to all ttc

    if i am pregnant then i would only be about 3-4 weeks.

    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • what where your personal experiences with bleeding during early pregnancy?

    okay, so i have a pretty regular cycle of 27 days. my period was due last month on july 27, 2011. i spotted very very light brown mucus on the 27th, 28th, &29th. then it completely stopped. in mid afternoon on the 30th i started bleeding. not heavy but like a normal flow. that lasted the 30th, 31st, then ended early on august 1st.then on the 2nd, i went to the bathroom around noon and i had a huge spot of dark brown(not red)blood in my under ware. that was all for that day. then on august 3rd the same thing as the day before. ive taken 6 hpt and some have been neg and some faint positives(all new choice dollar tree brand). i had no cramping the first 3 days of spotting. and a lil light cramping during my flow days(3 total).

    my only symptoms i am feeling are really bad headaches, light cramping for the past few days, tiredness, nausea, backaches, lots more cervical mucus than normal, and have been super thirsty for water! all the time. and i used to be obsessed with root beer and now can barley stand the taste of it. my boobs have not been sore at all and that's the one thing that has me stumped. any info would be great. please no take a test or go to the doctor answers. just personal experiences would be nice thanks! baby dust to all ttc

    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • chemical pregnancy question?

    okay, so im just wondering how a chemical pregnany works. does it happen after you period is missed or before? i figured if it happens a missed period than that would be a miscarriage? anybody have any answrs to this please feel free to leave a comment.

    also i am 4 days late on my period and experienced very light spotting and amvery paraniod about not being pregnant, or being pregnant and losing it.

    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • implantation bleeding?

    i have been ttc about 8 months now in august. i was due for my period on the 27th(3 days ago). i am very regular with my cycles, never lasting more than 27 days and it is now cycle day 30. the day i was due for my period was the 27th and that's when i experienced some very very light brown almost discharge like, but no blood, not even light pink. then the same thing on the 28th as well. no cramps either like i normally get, and i usually get really bad cramps! i had sex on the 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 21st, 22nd, and 25th! i did take a test on the 28th as well but it was negative, and have been experiencing light headaches, nausea, boob tenderness, peeing more than normal, feeling butterflies in my beely(weid i know), and obviously a missed period. so what im basically asking is i would like to know if anyone has had similar experiences? or any advice? im going to wait at least another week and test again so wish me luck ladies and i will do the same<3thanks!

    also i have not been under any stress, not overweight or underweight,don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs, so what else could be a reason?

    3 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • could this be implantation bleeding?

    i have been ttc about 8 months now in august. i was due for my period on the 27th(3 days ago). i am very regular with my cycles, never lasting more than 27 days and it is now cycle day 30. the day i was due for my period was the 27th and that's when i experienced some very very light brown almost discharge like, but no blood, not even light pink. then the same thing on the 28th as well. no cramps either like i normally get, and i usually get really bad cramps! i had sex on the 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 21st, 22nd, and 25th! i did take a test on the 28th as well but it was negative, and have been experiencing light headaches, nausea, boob tenderness, peeing more than normal, feeling butterflies in my beely(weid i know), and obviously a missed period. so what im basically asking is i would like to know if anyone has had similar experiences? or any advice? im going to wait at least another week and test again so wish me luck ladies and i will do the same<3thanks!

    also i have not been under any stress, not overweight or underweight,don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs, so what else could be a reason?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • questions about pregnancy ladies...?

    i just want to know when did you find out you were pregnant? did you have symptoms? did you have any trouble ttc? just curious? any info from you would be great!

    5 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • TTC, personal experiences?

    me and my fiance have been trying to actively conceive for about 8 months now. my lmp was on june 30th, so im not due till july 27th for my next period. we had sex on the 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and the 17th. what do you think my chances are of getting pregnant this month? when did you find out you were pregnant and how? personal experiences are what i love the most ladies! anything you experienced will be helpful thank you! good luck to all who are trying to conceive as well!

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • any good tips for ttc this month?

    me and my fiance didnt concieve this month so now we are going on month 7. anybody have any good tips in ttc? anything that you have tried and has worked for you! besides the obvious having sex. we all know thats step 1.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • tanning effect your baby?

    i was just wondering that if you were only a week or two pregnant would that significantly matter if you went tanning? im not pregnant(i dont think) and i really wanna get tan for next weekend. i just dont want to hurt my babies chances if i was pregnant.

    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • ttc...too much folic acid bad?

    i started taking folic acid and prenatal vitamins everyday because me and my fiance are ttc and i want my body to be healthy for the baby. now my folic acid pill is 400mg. and my prenatal vitamin has 800mg of folic acid in it? is that bad or too much for you or does it not effect your body harmfully?

    6 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • ttc and question about folic acid?

    i started taking folic acid and prenatal vitamins everyday because me and my fiance are ttc and i want my body to be healthy for the baby. now my folic acid pill is 400mg. and my prenatal vitamin has 800mg of folic acid in it? is that bad for you or does it not effect your body harmfully?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years ago