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I'm a Filmmaker.

  • What the hell does this mean?

    A week and a half ago i went on a date with this girl I really like. I thought it went well but she's been busy with graduation and stuff this week so I haven't been able to see her.

    Just yesterday i texted her asking if she wants to get together this weekend, and she replied this morning with this: "I'm actually going to pride events all weekend aka I'm not just going to be busy but I'm going to be gay and busy 🌈"

    She is bisexual and there actually is a huge pride thing going on this weekend, but for some reason when I read this text i get a feeling she's not into me or something. Any comments? How should I reply to this?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How to ask out a girl over text?

    I know this sounds stupid. If I could ask her out in person I would, but I haven't seen or been in touch with her for about a year now until she texted me the other day. What should I say to ask her to hang out?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How many terms do I need to memorize for this test?

    There are 15 terms. Seven of them will be on the test and I am to respond to five of them. What is the minimum number of terms I need to memorize? Thanks

    5 AnswersMathematics4 years ago
  • Can I smoke weed on occasion if heavy use in the past has caused symptoms of depersonalization/derealization?

    Started smoking around May of last year. I became a everyday user, taking a 1-2 week break every couple of months. Over December and January, I smoked multiple times a day every day. Even when I was sober, I started feeling symptoms of depersonalization and derealization and slipped into somewhat of an identity crisis.

    It got so bad for a while during the height of my smoking habits so I decided to stop. I m now a little over a month sober and have been feeling much better.

    If I smoke once every 1-2 weeks from now on, is it likely I might feel these symptoms again? Some people who struggle with DP have told me they can never smoke again...

    1 AnswerMental Health4 years ago
  • How to create more conflict in narrative story?

    I just finished a first draft of a surrealist horror script inspired by my own experiences with derealization and depersonalization.

    The film follows a 19 year old girl who's repetitive cycle of life is interrupted by a series of nightmares in which she is followed by a dark entity. As the nightmares become progressively more disturbing and eventually take hold in real life, she becomes alienated from her friends and the world around her. Eventually, she starts losing control of herself, experiencing ellipses in time after which she can't recall her actions. This leads to a case of complete depersonalization. In the end, she watches her life unfold before her as a completely third person observer. In the final nightmare, she realizes the entity that has been haunting her is a disfigured version of herself, or rather a manifestation of her fear of what she's turning into.

    The problem I'm running into is that the story is too passive. The girl doesn't do much to act in the story, she only reacts to the circumstances around her. How could I develop a beat in which she confronts these obstacles in such a surreal story container? I'd like a little more active storyline that has some more cause and effect that shows her confront her obstacles. Any ideas? Thanks

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors4 years ago
  • Should I break it off with my "best" friend?

    I'll try to keep it as short as possible.

    Let's call him Jeff. I met Jeff in my freshman year of high school through an art program. We began working on short films together and hanging out. It was fun back in the day. However, after a very unstable relationship with a girl named Kate, Jeff has since changed. After I talked him into breaking up with her, he continued having sex with her without telling me. He cares what other people think obsessively, and puts on a face even around me that I can easily see through.

    He no longer wants to make short films. In fact on several occasions he has suggested I delete my Youtube channel so we can focus on corporate video work, paranoid that clients will be scared away by these short films.

    He's also become very annoying when it comes to making plans. On several occasions where I didn't pick up the phone, he came to my house unannounced early in the morning and woke me up to hang out, refusing to leave. I had tried to avoid hanging out with him for a while after things got so messy, but now it's even worse: he just tries to guilt trip me into hanging out with him. He hates several of my new friends I've made, yet finds my discomfort with one of his friends illogical.

    Come to think of it, I think he's very emotionally unstable. All he does these days is brag about himself: money, cars, girls, and how "awesome" he thinks he is. It's come to a point where I want to go somewhere else in life. How should I go about ending it?

    1 AnswerFriends4 years ago
  • How to make a fake joint for use on screen?

    I'm shooting a scene where a character smokes a joint... but I don't want to do the real thing or tobacco for the sake of the actors. Does anyone have any ideas on how I could do this?

    1 AnswerTheater & Acting5 years ago
  • Help with short revenge film script?

    Here's the premise: In a post-apocalyptic zombie-infested world, Ellie wakes up in the middle of the forest, left with a map, compass, and weapons. Before (told through flashback), her group leader shot her friend in the knee to sacrifice the two of them to a horde of zombies to distract the zombie.

    Ellie hunts the leader of the group down over a long journey in the wilderness, with other zombies and survivors in the way.

    Yes, it's pretty much just the revenant in the zombie apocalypse.

    Here's the issue I'm having: I am coming up with obstacles that Ellie will face in the second act. One of them I have considered is that she gets bit by a zombie at a certain point, and has to deal with keeping her sanity and getting her revenge before she turns. But, should she have gotten bit before, when her group screwed her and her friend over? That way, it would be an interesting opening to see Ellie wake up, notice the bite on her arm, and then seek revenge, with increasing pressure from the infection during the second act...

    Any other ideas for obstacles (which I'm having a hard time coming up with) or comments would be great! Thanks!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Good cover story for why lights in a community must remain on?

    I m writing a short story about a fictional mysterious town where there is a battle between dark and light. When the protagonist arrives at the vacation cabin, he notices all the other cabins have their lights on, and there is a sign warning him not to turn off the lights. What would be a suspicious cover-up reason for this?

    2 AnswersHomework Help6 years ago
  • Why would a teenage character go to a small town?

    I m pre-planning a script for a psychological thriller short film. It s about a teenager and his girlfriend who go into a somewhat off town where let s just say weird things go down, resulting in him trying to escape the town. I need a good reason for them to go into the town. I was thinking maybe the guy s mom grew up there, and he is going to spread her ashes there, but that would be very dark... Anyone else have any ideas?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • House booby trap ideas?

    I'm writing a script with a scenario similar to that of Skyfall (a last stand defensive in a house.)What are some things the protagonist could do to booby trap the house quickly? I already included turning off the lights, breaking glass to hear where the intruders are... but are there any other creative Jason Bourne-ish ideas you guys have? Anything would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

    5 AnswersOther - Home & Garden6 years ago
  • Need help with a Screenplay, any ideas?

    So I'm working on a short film for a student film festival. The time limit is 6 and a half minutes. I've been attracted to this idea for a crime/drama/action film:

    Basically there's two plots.

    Plot A: Two Hitmen approach a house with weapons. The protagonist, Matthew, a young adult, is in the house. Matthew defends his house with an almost home-alonish/skyfall style. Matthew is successful at killing the hitmen. In the end, the police show up, and Matthew is gone.

    Plot B: This plot takes place a week or so before. It reveals WHY the hitmen are coming to kill Matthew. I've jumped around two different ideas:

    Idea 1: Matthew's father is a leader of a crime organization (mafia). His father's rival mafia sent two hitmen.... I think this idea's too simple, with no substance to be honest.

    Idea 2: In backwards order (similar to Memento) we learn that Matthew's girlfriend was killed due to his father's crime-related activities. Because of this, Matthew "stormed the castle" and basically took out his father's organized crime headquarters, killing his father (although he is very conflicted about it.) One of his father's coworkers sent the hitmen.

    I'm more attached to Idea 2 as it's more complicated and has a lot more substance to it in my opinion. Any opinions? And if you have any other ideas for the second plot, feel free to let me know! Thanks!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Legality on filming at a public school?

    I'm a student at a public High School in California. My assistant principle asked if I could help film an advertisement for a former student's company, which is an app for security purposes at school. My assistant principle gave us permission to film at school, but said to keep logos and names out of it, which we did. However, a few weeks later, the school district just contacted my assistant principle and said that we have to take the video down.... damn bureaucrats. So I have two questions, is it legal for a student to film at their public school with the administration's permission (and not the district's), and if it is illegal, anyone have any ideas of where we could reshoot the scenes? Thanks.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Have I found a loophole in Provisional license laws in California?

    So in California, it's illegal for someone under the age of 18 to drive anyone around under the age of 20, unless they've had their license for a year. I'm not going to argue about whether it's good law or not, but I believe I found a loophole in it. Since California is not a stop and identify state, the passenger technically speaking does not have to identify themselves or say anything for the matter as their fifth amendment rights are present. Sure, the driver may have to provide ID, but the passenger doesn't as california doesn't have a stop and identify statute. Since the officer (considering they have pulled over the driver) wouldn't have any proof that the passenger is under the age of 20 (as they haven't identified themselves), they couldn't do anything, could they? Is there a law that stops this loophole? Thanks.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • GH4 vs Black Magic Production Camera for 4K video?

    I'm looking to upgrade from my 5D Mark III to a 4K shooter... I'm really stuck between the GH4 and the BMPC (not the pocket one, the production 4K one). I'm specifically aiming for the most cinematic quality as possible. From looking at test footage, I feel like there's just a little cinematic quality on the BMPC that isn't there on the GH4. However, the GH4 seems simpler to use. Does the BMPC require a lot of work to edit on Final Cut X? Do I have to use DaVinci resolve and all that stuff or can I just import straight into Final Cut X like you can with the GH4? Considering money isn't a problem, which should I go with? Thanks.

    Camcorders7 years ago
  • Probability Paradox?

    "You see, since the probability of one bomb being on my plane is 1/1000, the chance that there are two bombs is 1/1000000. If I already bring one, the chance of another bomb being around is actually 1/1000000, and I am much safer.."

    Could someone explain to my why this statistic is specifically false? It sort of makes sense but I know it can't mathematically make sense. Can anyone explain it to me? Thanks.

    2 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • Is disorderly conduct constantly abused?

    So, my Dad was a cop in L.A., back in the day, and I have a lot of respect for cops in big cities, as they don't care about stupid stuff the police shouldn't be involved in. I live in a smaller town with an oversized police department, and you literally see cops sitting around at intersections just looking to hand out tickets... In a city like mine, it's common that people are arrested for "disorderly conduct." And this just pisses me off a lot. People pulling pranks, recording cops, or talking back to them if it's an unlawful arrest, are usually the target for these kind of arrests. Firstly, talking back to cops and filming them is a first amendment right, but it seems like disorderly conduct is always used whenever a cop just wants to arrest them because they don't like them. I find it really annoying, and I think it should be abolished, and you could specify for a few things that would be illegal, but I just think disorderly conduct is wrong, anyone else agree?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Youtube compression is terrible, is this normal?

    Hello there, I've been making short films for a couple of years, and recently the video quality has been bringing my attention to it. I've been shooting with a 5D Mark III in 1080p 24fps. After exporting to h.264 on Final Cut to my hard drive, the video looks great, but when I upload it to youtube, it seems like it looses at least half of its quality. I know there is compression on it, but this is a huge difference. The compression on YouTube is horrible, at least for me. Are there any settings or anything I can use to change this? How is it that so many people upload in great quality, while mine gets compressed so much?

    3 AnswersYouTube7 years ago
  • Are U.S. airports considered international zones/territories?

    I've seen many people say that it is still american soil and under all the laws of the US and is not considered international territory, but I can't seem to find this under US code. Does anyone have an answer that is stated in a law or in US code? Thanks

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago