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Hell Raiser

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  • Who else went to India and HATED it?

    Okay, my aunt and uncle decided to take me along to a trip to India. I didn't want to go because I had heard horrible things about it from friends that have been, not to mention the stories in the news about gang rapes. But my parents thought it would be good for me to experience it, so I was sent off for two weeks of Hell.

    Actually, it was 3 days. Never in my life have I been so disgusted and frightened in all my life. India is filthy, people just urinate or defecate where they please and we were constantly harrassed by scammers and thugs. I was too scared to leave my room. My aunt and uncle hated it too so cancelled our plans and we caught a plane to Japan instead where we had a fantastic holiday. The Japanese people are lovely and I had so much fun.

    Anyway, who else has traveled to this sorry excuse for a country? I can't believe how horrible it is. I have been to Cambodia to spend a month at an orphanage run by a family friend, I had a great time there despite it being a little rough. India though, I will never, ever go back.

    11 AnswersOther - India8 years ago
  • Should I seek help about this? (eating disorder)?

    Now, I have always been obsessive over my weight, but I've noticed in the last year or so it has gotten worse. I am 181cm tall (about 5ft 9') and weight 63kg (approx 139 pounds). I weigh myself constantly and if I have gained weight, I will not eat. I am proud of myself when I don't eat much on a daily basis. My diet consists of tea or hot chocolate to kill the hunger pains but I do eat dinner so my mother doesn't get suspicious but I only eat a small amount.

    The thing is, I don't have a strong appetite to begin with. If I do feel hungry, a cup of tea will keep me going. I do like going out with friends and eating, but I am very wary of what and how much I eat. I have recently started taking appetite suppressants, I have hidden the pills from my family, they don't know I take them.

    Is this the early stages of an eating disorder developing?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • What do you think of the 14 year old arrested in Bali?

    Honestly, I think Australia is stupid for trying to get all charges dropped. He bought drugs, it is illegal and he got caught. I feel sorry for his parents though, having such an idiot for a son.

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years ago
  • I need opinions on this, please?

    I'm writing a book at the moment and the main characters are hybrids (not vampire or werewolf) and can disguise themselves as human. Their real forms are anything but.

    The problem is, I was looking back at what I've written, some of the hybrids have human partners (the humans know what they are). Do you find this weird? I need another point of view on this. 10 points for best answer.

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • What was I supposed to do?

    I was at a red light today, it was a one lane. An ambulance with its lights on came up behind me. There was no way for it to go past me. Am I supposed to run the light so it can get past? When the light went green, I pulled over as soon as I could to let it past. What is the law here? I live in Australia.

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • What do you think? I feel terrible...?

    I went through the drive-through at McDonalds today and the girl at the window was pregnant. She would be about 15 or 16 years old. When I saw she was pregnant, I thought to myself, "what a slut" and immediately felt really bad for thinking that. She seemed like a nice girl.

    But what do you guys think when you see a young girl who is pregnant?

    10 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What is that one bit of advice from an instructor that you have never forgotten?

    I had a brilliant dressage instructor that gave me this piece of advice when I had started to work on the more advanced moves. She said to me to just concentrate on on the technical part of the move so the horse understands what you want. Then you can move on to make it prettier. Then, if the 'pretty' fails in a test, the horse will always have the technical to fall back on and won't get flustered. I thought that was great, and it has stuck with me.

    What have instructors told you? I will pick best answer.

    9 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • I can't believe what this woman did!?

    Okay, I was at the checkout today, putting my groceries on the conveyor belt and the woman behind me just grabbed my arm to look at my watch!

    She is lucky I didn't hit her, instead I just twisted my arm out of her grip and went off at her. I was furious and she's like 'I just wanted to see the time.' And got all huffy.

    Seriously, you ASK people for the time, don't just grab their arm. Has that ever happened to anyone else?

    9 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • I have a stabbing pain in my chest?

    It's in the lower part of my rib cage on the left side, it feels like a knife is stuck in there. It started last night and is worse now tonight. I don't feel ill, my pulse and temperature are normal. Does anyone know what's wrong?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Need help with Windows Movie Maker?

    For some reason, it isn't working right. I can import a music file and it plays it no problem. But when I edit it, the sound doesn't work at all. It worked last week just fine when I was working on another project but now it is stuffing me around and I'm getting really annoyed.

    I really need to sort this out because I have been working on a freestyle dressage and I really need to finish the music. Please help.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Hurt my neck getting bucked off a horse?

    I got bucked off a horse yesterday and landed pretty hard. Got winded and couldn't move for a few minutes. But I also wrenched my neck so it is really sore. Today I found a little knot right where the sore spot is, it's about the size of a pea. What the heck is it?

    I don't have concussion, I have had plenty of them (all horse related funnily enough) so I know the symptoms. Anyway, I got back on straight after and rode again today.

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • Floating accident experiences?

    Hey guys, after an incident today, I'm curious to know what has happened with you if you have had an accident with a horse truck or float.

    I saw one today. We took our horses out to work them today (I got bucked off, argh! lol) and there was another girl there with a tandem float and 2 horses. She left about 5 minutes before us. Got onto the highway and the traffic was backed up. When we got closer we saw it was her.

    We of course stopped to help. The divider had broken when one of the horses fell on it and broke the door. We couldn't get him out because the chain was too tight. Luckily, a tradie was there and we borrowed an angle grinder and cut the chain. There was a business man in a suit stopping the traffic while we cut the horse out.

    The horse is pretty cut up, was tangled in the wreckage of the divider but he kicked himself free. If he was a stallion before that, he wouldn't be now. He essentially gelded himself all over again. Luckily, the highway had a really wide shoulder. The other horse was scratched up too but he was able to stay on the float, he was so calm! He just stuck his nose out the door to look at everyone, he wasn't spooked at all.

    There was a lot of people already there when we pulled up, but none were horse people and they were to scared to go near a bleeding, kicking, screaming horse. The poor girl who owned them was like "thank god" when she saw us. It took 3 of us to get the horse under control after he got free.

    So yeah, the horse will be ok. No serious injuries. But has something similar happened to you?

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Painting a horse's face for dressage comp?

    Ok, I took two horses to a dressage show on the weekend. The people next to us had a chestnut mare tied to a float.

    Anyway, I was finishing my mare's plaits when I saw the mare's rider painting the horse's forehead. She had a lopsided star and the woman was making it even.

    Is that allowed?

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this? It's short.?

    I found a box of my old school books and found something I wrote in year 7. I would have been about 11 or 12 years old. So, this is going back about 10 years. What do you think?

    Until I was six years old, I slept in the same bed as my father. And no, it was not like that you perverts. We had no choice. Firstly, we only had one bed. Secondly, my neighbourhood was very rough and it wasn't unusual for children to disappear in the night. Also, when I was two, the rats had really grown to plague proportions and had started attacking me. It was just easier for Dad to keep a close eye on me.

    It was just me and Dad, my so-called mother left us when I was a week old. She can rot in Hell for all I care. Apparently, she enjoyed the party life too much to worry about her own daughter. I don't miss her and rarely think about her. She did stay long enough to name me 'Angel', a real stripper name if you ask me.

    My childhood was a pretty happy one, despite the fact we didn't have much. But the other children I played with didn't have much either, so I never felt I went without anything. We didn't have many toys, what we did have we shared. We spent our time racing cockroaches, there were plenty of them around. Every kid in my street had a racing roach. They were dispensable, if you squished it after it lost a race, you simply caught another one.

    One week before my 7th birthday, Dad started earning more money and we moved to a safer part of town. I had my own bed, new clothes, toys and books and I felt like a princess. Not once, did I question Dad's new source of income. It didn't occur to me to do so. I wanted to be a good girl for my Dad and make him proud of me. But, even after making my bed every morning without being told, even after waiting for him at the corner to greet him when he came home from work and even after remembering all of my responses to DOCS that Dad taught me when they stuck their noses where they weren't wanted, it wasn't enough.

    On June 6th 2000, my Dad lost me in a polka game.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Undisclosed Desires by Muse?

    Is it at all possible to get a recording of this song with no vocals? I really like the music, I want to use it in a freestyle dressage for my stallion. It has the right beats for his canter.

    3 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Romance and time travel?

    Lately I've been playing with a book idea involving the main character travelling into the future. I won't explain why, it isn't important for you to know. But she falls in love and due to the rules of time travel, she can't stay with him or take him back with her.

    The thing is, you know how in movies where a main character time travels or goes to an alternate universe, meets the person of their dreams there but back in their own time they meet the same person but they have a different name and so you get your happy ending.

    Do you hate that? I know I do. I think I'd rather my character have to accept that she'll never see him and move on. What do you think?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • GTA San Andreas Air Raid Mission on PS2?

    This is the mission where you have to shoot the little remote control planes before they take out the transmitters. I've been trying to complete this one all day! I'm ready to throw the disc out the window. How are you supposed to finish it?

    The closest I've gotten in down to 30secs but I'm getting really angry with it. Please help!!!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Rising canter? What's the point?

    I went next door yesterday to the polo training center to watch them practice. I saw a few people posting to a canter. It is really strange to see. Why do they do that?

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Microsoft word keeps doing my spellcheck in French?

    I keep changing it to English(Aus) but when I go to use it, it does it in French. Is there a default setting or something that I can switch off?

    8 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Killing off the main character?

    Okay, I'm planning a fantasy novel. I've been working on the outline for about a year and I'm now almost at the end. Thing is, I've been playing with the idea that the main character dies. It fits in the story better than if she survives. I can't say too much without giving the story away. But what is your opinion on a character that you've been following through the story dies at the end?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago