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Adoring my 4!

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I am a SAHM to my 7 y.o. son, 4 y.o. boy/girl twins, and 17 month old son, I am also currently 26 weeks pregnant with our 5th and last! I went through 3 rounds of IVF, many Clomid treatments to get my first 3! Please, since I have been there, done that, if you have any questions, no hesitation in asking. I am not one of those that doesn't like to talk about infertility. I remember feeling alone like no one understood! Not even my husband! So if you are inclined, ask away! I will do my best to help! Oh and I have also experienced Twin pregnancy, Pre eclampsia, and Gestational Diabetes! I am a wealth of knowledge! ;o)

  • Parents dog bit my 10 month old, what should I do?

    This weekend we were at my parents house. Their 3 yr old German Shepherd (who has been around my 5 children 2-3 time a week since she has been born) bit my 10 month old son in the face. We still have absolutely no idea why, although we were all in the room we didn't see the moment it happened). He ended up having emergency reconstructive surgery that lasted 3 hours to fix his nose, lip and cheek. Although our health insurance will pick up the tab of the hospital and Dr. bills it will do nothing for pain and suffering, or for any future surgeries. *We were told he may have issues when he hits puberty although at that point it would be "cosmetic" and insurance would no longer cover it* So we were thinking of suing my parents, in which their home owners insurance would step in. I know people are thinking "suing your parents!" but they have said to do it, as they feel horrible and want to do anything they can to help ease the pain in all of this. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice? Could this be done without being horribly messy? We adore my parents and would never want anything to hurt that relationship, but if they are saying to do it, it is the only way we will get any type of reassurance that, God forbid he need future medical care we can cover it.

    PLEASE do NOT tell me I am a "bad mom" for letting my son be by the dog... she has NEVER shown any aggression towards my 5 children before, EVER.

    Also, my parents said to do it... my mothers words "why have we paid insurance all our lives if when we need it we do not use it?" I ADORE my parents, and they are horrified by this, they have cried for 2 days straight and want to do anything they can to help.... they don't have a ton of savings so they couldn't give us the money if he needed something in the future.

    I know this sounds horrible, but I don't mean for it to be.... my children are the most precious things in the world to me and well I haven't stopped crying in the past 48 hours either! I have never experienced anything this horrible before, so please no mean comments.

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My parents dog bit my 10 month old, should we sue?

    This weekend we were at my parents house. Their 3 yr old German Shepherd (who has been around my 5 children 2-3 time a week since she has been born) bit my 10 month old son in the face. We still have absolutely no idea why, although we were all in the room we didn't see the moment it happened). He ended up having emergency reconstructive surgery that lasted 3 hours to fix his nose, lip and cheek. Although our health insurance will pick up the tab of the hospital and Dr. bills it will do nothing for pain and suffering, or for any future surgeries. *We were told he may have issues when he hits puberty although at that point it would be "cosmetic" and insurance would no longer cover it* So we were thinking of suing my parents, in which their home owners insurance would step in. I know people are thinking "suing your parents!" but they have said to do it, as they feel horrible and want to do anything they can to help ease the pain in all of this. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice? Could this be done without being horribly messy? We adore my parents and would never want anything to hurt that relationship, but if they are saying to do it, it is the only way we will get any type of reassurance that, God forbid he need future medical care we can cover it.

    20 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Suing my parents for a dog bite?

    This weekend we were at my parents house. Their 3 yr old German Shepherd (who has been around my 5 children 2-3 time a week since she has been born) bit my 10 month old son in the face. We still have absolutely no idea why, although we were all in the room we didn't see the moment it happened). He ended up having emergency reconstructive surgery to fix his nose, lip and cheek. Although our health insurance will pick up the tab of the hospital and Dr. bills it will do nothing for pain and suffering, or for any future surgeries. *We were told he may have issues when he hits puberty although at that point it would be "cosmetic" and insurance would no longer cover it* So we were thinking of suing my parents, in which their home owners insurance would step in. I know people are thinking "suing your parents!" but they have said to do it, as they feel horrible and want to do anything they can to help ease the pain in all of this. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice? Could this be done without being horribly messy? We adore my parents and would never want anything to hurt that relationship, but if they are saying to do it, it is the only way we will get any type of reassurance that, God forbid he need future medical care we can cover it.

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • has anyone tried blue and black cohost to help induce labor?

    I am so ready for this little one! (Yes I am full term!) I am just wondering if anyone else has heard of this or has tried it? If you did, did it work and where did you buy it from?

    Thanks much!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Any suggestions on how to dilate or bring on contractions?

    O.k. so having 4 kids already I know there is no "real" answer to this question, but I just want to know your experiences as I do think there are ways to bring them on IF your body is ready!

    Situation: I am almost 37 weeks pregnant with baby #5... they DO NOT want me to go into full fledged labor as this will be my 3rd c-section and chances of uterine rupture goes up. So Dr. has told me if I dilate to 2 or have consistent contractions *even far apart* they will do a c-section then. So as of yesterday I was 1 cm and 50% effaced. I simply can not go until 39 weeks. That would be Dec. 21 and the chance for my being home for Christmas goes down *and the hospital and it's stupid rules does not allow my children to come visit because it is flu season! So need less to say, I really need to get this baby out! :o)

    My Dr. actually told me sex, which did make my water break with my first, but did nothing with my other 2 pregnancies! I will not try castrol oil as it can be harmful to the baby....

    ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS? I hate being in this situation but being away from my 7, 5, 5, and 18 mo old for Christmas is NOT an option!

    THANK YOU for any suggestions or advice.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Which name sounds better?

    I am 35 weeks and need to figure out a name for this little one... we have it down to a couple, what do you think?


    Alexander Noah (We're going to call him Alec)

    Alexander Patrick- My parents first names start with an A and a P so I was thinking this would be cute)

    Do you like Alec for a nick name for Alexander or should it just be it's own name?

    Natalia Hope (calling her Tallie)

    Alexa Paige (Lexie) Again using the A and P

    My other childrens names are Nicholas,(7) Danny(5), Lily(5) and Joey(18 mo) Which of the girls names do you think goes better?

    Thank you so much for your input! It gets harder the more children you have! :o) Not only do you have to like the name it has to "flow" with the others!

    11 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Which names do you prefer?

    We are having a baby in about 3-4 weeks and have finally come down to a few names for both boy and girl....


    Alexander - but call him Alec



    Natalia (Tallie)

    Alexa (Lexi)

    My other children are Nicholas, Danny, Lily and Joey....

    Which names do you like best? And do you think flow with my other childrens names!

    Thanks for your help!

    5 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Which names do you think flow better?

    We are having a baby in about 3-4 weeks, this is baby #5 and we have come down to a few names for both boy and girl.... (Arthur is my father's name so the middle name will be that if it is a boy!- Not my favorite but what can you do! :o)

    Noah Arthur

    Alec Arthur

    Alexander Arthur- but call him Alec

    Adam Arthur

    Natalia (Tallie)

    Alexa (Lexi)

    Elizabeth (I am not sure what we would call her)

    Not sure about a middle name for a girl, any suggestions?

    My other children are Nicholas, Danny, Lily and Joey....

    Which names do you like best?

    Thanks for your help!

    3 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Horrible situation...he's cheating, and I am 8 months pregnant and have 4 children under 7?

    I am still trying to deal with this... it is new as I just found out about it a couple nights ago.

    My husband and I have been together for 18 years, (since we were 16-17).. we've been married for 9. We went to college together and although we were together, we had issues, what college couple doesn't? There were often other girls, but come on it was college, we weren't married. It wasn't until after we were married I found out how MANY others, and I am 100% + I still don't know them all.

    Anyways the other morning, I actually went to post an answer for a question on here, and I put alt C, to copy my "mommy of a 7 yr. old, 5 yr. old twins, a 17 month old and 31 weeks pregnant" however that is NOT what came up, it was actually him on a yahoo chat telling women he wanted to meet up with a married woman for sex, because he is missing passion from his marriage. But he can't get caught, or bring home and diseases because then he will lose half!

    I am SICK over this... I have NOT confronted him yet, although he knows something is wrong...

    This is my issue. As you read, I have many children and I have a very high risk pregnancy right now. My oldest just had H1N1 last week. Not a biggie, until you are 8 months pregnant and have gestational diabetes... then it can be deadly. I have lost 7 pounds in 3 weeks, my drs. give me lectures every time I go in... I simply can not deal with this right now. I am fighting to keep my baby healthy and for all my children. My son actually just had surgery yesterday, it was minor but I lost it... it was the first time I dealt with that as a mom.

    So am I just beyond stupid waiting to deal with this until after the baby is born?- no worries, there is no passion as I feel like crap most days and we haven't had sex in awhile.

    And the THOUGHT of being a single mom to 5 under 7, OMG... he makes good money, I will get about $3000 a month in child care, and I have a college education so of course I would get a job, I gave up teaching when I had my children... I know I could do it.

    I am sorry, I have no one to turn to... I don't want to tell anyone. Then if we work it out they will never look the same at him again.

    I must say I don't know if he has done anything, I am assuming, I am not stupid, but I have no prove... and he will say it was just a joke.

    What do you guys think... please I don't need any smart *** replies. It isn't just me I am thinking of, it is my children. Thank you for your time in reading this!

    25 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How long does the cough stay with H1N1?

    My 7 year old tested positive on Monday for H1N1, he had a cough, and now it is just getting worse... I am not horribly concerned, I wouldn't take him to the ER, as I have heard the cough lingers around for a very long time... does anyone have any information on this? I have looked up so much stuff on this, but I would really just like to know first hand what people have experienced...

    Thanks so much!

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Did anyone take Tamiflu when you were pregnant?

    Two of my children have been diagnosed with H1N1, being 30.2 pregnant with gestational diabetes I was told I had to take it... I am on day 3 of it and just wondering if anyone else has taken it?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Has any pregnant ladies taken Tamiflu?

    Two of my children have been diagnosed with H1N1, being 30.2 pregnant with gestational diabetes I was told I had to take it... I am on day 3 of it and just wondering if anyone else has taken it?

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Has any pregnant ladies taken Tamiflu?

    Two of my children have been diagnosed with H1N1, being 30.2 pregnant with gestational diabetes I was told I had to take it... I am on day 3 of it and just wondering if anyone else has taken it?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnant and need some kind words about H1N1?

    So Monday my 7 year old was diagnosed with H1N1, he had a high fever and body aches and a cough... he is doing 100x better with just a lingering cough.... I called my OB right away (I'm 30.2 wks) and was given Tamiflu as a precaution I started that on Monday and have had no symptoms. It scares me to take it as it is a category 3, but both my OB and my high risk dr *I also have gestational Diabetes* said I need to take it and at this point it is my best option.

    Today after his morning nap my 1 year old woke up with a 101.8 fever... so he now has it...

    I am just so stressed, my children have never seen me cry, but today they did... and of course I am not supposed to stress, but much easier said then done.

    If you have any encouraging words/stories I would greatly appreciated them.

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Just looking for some reassurance about H1N1?

    So Monday my 7 year old was diagnosed with H1N1, he had a high fever and body aches and a cough... he is doing 100x better with just a lingering cough.... I called my OB right away (I'm 30.2 wks) and was given Tamiflu as a precaution I started that on Monday and have had no symptoms. It scares me to take it as it is a category 3, but both my OB and my high risk dr *I also have gestational Diabetes* said I need to take it and at this point it is my best option.

    Today after his morning nap my 1 year old woke up with a 101.8 fever... so he now has it...

    I am just so stressed, my children have never seen me cry, but today they did... and of course I am not supposed to stress, but much easier said then done.

    If you have any encouraging words/stories I would greatly appreciated them.

    Thank you.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Has any pregnant ladies been diagnosed with H1N1?

    So my 7 year old was diagnosed with it yesterday... I also have 5 yr. old twins and an 17 month old. (They don't have any signs yet) So I called my OB and she put me on Tamiflu last night... I have to take it once a day for 10 days... I am really worried. I am 30 weeks along. Has anyone had it? or been exposed to it and taken the meds? Any insight would be great, thank you so much!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Thoughts on which name is better please!?

    So we really like the name Noah for a little boy, but this is the last baby and I wanted his middle name after my father... only issue, my fathers name is Arthur- agh!!!!

    Honest opinions:

    Noah Arthur, how bad does it sound?

    what about

    Jacob Arthur?

    Or any other suggestions that a first name that would flow with the middle name of Arthur?


    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Middle name thoughts...?

    So we really like the name Noah for a little boy, but this is the last baby and I wanted his middle name after my father... only issue, my fathers name is Arthur- agh!!!!

    Honest opinions:

    Noah Arthur, how bad does it sound?

    what about

    Jacob Arthur?

    Or any other suggestions that a first name that would flow with the middle name of Arthur?


    5 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Middle name issue, help!!! :o)?

    For a little girl first name Natalia, what would a good middle name be?

    And what about Noah for a boy? What is a good middle name?

    Hubby is not helping at all and I don't like to tell people the names we are thinking of before the baby is born.... we only have 8 weeks to figure this out!

    Please suggestions!!! :o)

    20 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Middle name issue, help!!! :o)?

    For a little girl first name Natalia, what would a good middle name be?

    And what about Noah for a boy? What is a good middle name?

    Hubby is not helping at all and I don't like to tell people the names we are thinking of before the baby is born.... we only have 8 weeks to figure this out!

    Please suggestions!!! :o)

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago