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What is going on with her?
I had been talking with this girl for a weeks. She and I aren't the type to sleep around. Long story short, she has a lot going on schedule wise(take my word on this it is true). She told me last week she wasn't sure if she wanted a relationship because of that. I told her not to talk to me until she knew the answer to that question. Then Friday she asked me to go to a casino with her, but as friends. At the casino, she kept draping her leg around me and wrapping her arm around mine. Afterwards we went to a club where she kissed me just when I was trying to tell her something. We get home, she asks me to to stay, we start having sex. I tried to stop she wouldn't let me, then she stopped because she started feeling guilty. Then she just couldn't have a relationship right now. She said it absolutely wasn't a rejection or me being friendzoned. I started leaving her alone, then this morning she texts me and asks me to send her the pic we took with each other at the club. Wtf. Why would she even care about that pic at this point? Is she conflicted, playing games, lying about rejection? I'm so lost. Tonight I even tried asking her directly and got no response at all
1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years agoLadies what's going on here?
I had been talking with this girl for a weeks. She and I aren't the type to sleep around. Long story short, she has a lot going on schedule wise(take my word on this it is true). She told me last week she wasn't sure if she wanted a relationship because of that. I told her not to talk to me until she knew the answer to that question. Then Friday she asked me to go to a casino with her, but as friends. At the casino, she kept draping her leg around me and wrapping her arm around mine. Afterwards we went to a club where she kissed me just when I was trying to tell her something. We get home, she asks me to to stay, we start having sex. I tried to stop she wouldn't let me, then she stopped because she started feeling guilty. Then she just couldn't have a relationship right now. She said it absolutely wasn't a rejection or me being friendzoned. I started leaving her alone, then this morning she texts me and asks me to send her the pic we took with each other at the club. Wtf. Why would she even care about that pic at this point?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years agoLadies, cute idea or not?
I ve been dating this girl for a few weeks. It isn t serious yet though we have both agreed to be exclusive. She lives about an hour away so I don t get to see her near as much as I d like. I ve sent her flowers before and don t want to overdo it, but I do like to do little surprises sometimes to brighten her day, even if its just a text. Well today I will be in her area for work,which doesn t happen often. I was thinking about getting a flower to put on her windshield for when she goes to lunch along with a note saying I hope she s having a good day. Thoughts on this?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agoWhy do women do this?
The woman I'm dating is 30 years old. Yesterday I said something that apparently upset her because she ignored my texts the rest of the night and then the few texts I sent her earlier today. I didn't know I'd actually upset her and was really stressing out about what the problem was. Finally later this afternoon she responded, but was very short, and even though she said she was ok I could tell something was up, so I pressed the issue. She finally admitted what I'd said irritated her. I felt bad and apologized, and she seemed fine after that. But why the hell did she ignore me for a day, and even then only admitted to me there was a problem after I kept pressing? Why not just from the get go she was upset? I can't fix a problem I don't know exists
1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years agoHow should I proceed with her?
Ok so here's the thing. I've been talking with a woman for a while. We've been on a few dates but not in a while. We've known each other for about a year, and her best friend is married to my best friend. Basically, we've both been into each, but she got divorced several months back and needed time to heal. Well lately she's been coming on pretty strong, and based on the things she has said, I could tell she was ready to move forward. Well tonight I got a phone call from my friend. Apparently she told his wife today she is going to go ahead and give me my shot. She's afraid of hurting me(her marriage was to an abusive control freak so there is damage there), but she's going to give me a shot. Part of me wants to dive in, because this has been a long time coming. But a large part of me thinks I still need to take it very, very slow with her....
1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years agoPlease judge her reaction and let me know your opinion?
I've been talking to this girl for a while but we arent together yet. I sent her a text with a picture of her and said "my wcw. because shes the best thing that ever happened to me." and she responded back with "youre the sweetest ;)". After that I said "just putting it out there. sorry not sorry." And she said "LOL!!! Love It!"
3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoDoes backing off actually work?
Things have been a little rocky lately between me and the woman I've been talking to, but mainly due to outside influences. She is extremely stressed(I won't get into that here) and I can tell that I am not a priority for her right now, and I wouldn't expect to be either given what she is going through. So I was thinking about completely backing off(I'll still talk to her when she contacts me), not only to give her space and get things straightened out, but also to make her miss me a little. You know, the whole "absence makes the heart grow fonder" thing. At the same time its just hard to trust that that will actually work. And no, I am not referring to ignoring her. I'd there when she wants to talk. What I mean is stop initiating contact
4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoIs this good or bad? Ladies?
I've been talking with a girl for several months. We have taken it slow as she's wrapping up a divorce. Obviously another relationship hasn't been on her mind, and she isn't the type of girl that sleeps around. But lately she started opening up more to me, and recently basically made it obvious it was ok to go out. So yesterday I asked her, and she said yes. But one thing I've noticed over the last few weeks is she calls me sweetie sometimes. Only reason that matters is it didn't used to. Some guys have suggested that means I've been demoted? But that doesn't make sense, she just accepted a date and she has been more open and flirty with me. Is the sweetie thing a good or bad thing?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoDoes this mean anything?
A woman I've been talking to(we have gone out on a few dates) will occasionally send me a picture that she eventually posts on Facebook. Now, I thought about whether or not it was just her fishing for an opinion from me on if it was a good picture, but not all pictures are of just her. Some are of her and her kids, and some are even just of her kids. But she will send them to me and then maybe a day or two later post them. She doesn't do this with all pictures, obviously
1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years agoTrying to build my traps. is this enough of a split to get traps in twice a week?
I'm trying to get big traps. I started going heavy on my shoulder lifts, especially shrugs, and pausing at the top. Fridays are my shoulder days. Tuesdays are my back/bi days, so I was thinking of adding shrugs and face pulls to that day as well. I would think 3 days would be enough recovery time....
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years agoLadies, would she like it if I sent this to her, or would it make her feel pressured?
The woman I'm dating is a single mother going through a bad divorce. She made it clear she can't handle a relationship right because of that and all the other stress she has going on(no surprise here), but she also made it clear she still wants me in her life while her problems are resolved. As she put it, "I can be in her life but without any expectations at the moment." Because of that I have decided to back off so I don't pressure her and become another one of her problems. She is having surgery on her toe next week. I love her and I was wanting to send her some of her favorite fudge along with a card and a bag of red and pink starbursts. So know the starburst thing is corny but it was one of those little things we have in common , that we both thought the red and pink starbursts were by far the best flavors. Does that sound like a cute idea? I wrote in the card:
Just a little something to make you feel better as you recover. I miss you and hope things are getting better for you
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoWould this be a good idea?
The woman I'm dating is a single mother going through a baddivorce. She made it clear she can't handle a relationship right because of that and all the other stress she has going on(no surprise here), but she also made it clear she still wants me in her life while her problems are resolved. Because of that I have backed off so I don't pressure her and become another one of her problems. She is having surgery on her toe next week and I was wanting to send her some of her favorite fudge along with a card and a bag of red and pink starbursts. So know the starburst thing is corny but we started out as friends and has so much in common including that the red and pink starbursts were by far the best flavors. Does that sound like a cute idea?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoWas she glad I texted her? What should I do from here?
Ok so the girl im dating is going through A LOT of stress right now ON TOP of being a single mother working full time. We talked everyday but all of a sudden she ignored my texts for a few days. I took her lack of response a little personally when I shouldnt have given her situation, and she said this:
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Don't pout. I'm not asking you to go away. I'm saying I can't handle any insecurities at the moment. If you want to be in my life you can but you have to be there without any expectations at the moment.
I apologized for pressuring her, said I didn't mean to and she said she knew that. So I decided to back off for a few days. She was supposed to have surgery this week so today, against my better judgment I texted her to say hi and wished her luck for her surgery on her toe. I love this girl and wanted her to know i still care. She responded and was actually pretty personable and chatty with me but I cut it off cuz in trying to give her space. Told her I didn't want her to think I forgot about her. She responded by saying " thanks for thinking about me ;)". Does it sound like she was glad to hear from me, maybe even felt a little bad about our last discussion? I'm trying to give her space while she sorts things out, so how long should I wait before I contact her again? I was also thinking about sending her some fudge to make her feel better after the surgery. She LOVES fudge. Would this be ok, or too much pressure?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoWhat is your opinion on this tattoo?
I like it and and it carries meaning, and I know that's what matters most. But this will also be my first tattoo and I want to see what others, especially think. It would be centered on my upper back
3 AnswersTattoos7 years agoCan I get some advice please? What does she mean and what should I do?
I'm dating a single mother going through a bad divorce, and lots of other stress which I won't get into. The other day I talked to her about what was going with her when she I hadnt heard from her in a few days(we usually talk every day. )I even asked her if it was me, if she wanted me to go away. This was her response:
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Don't pout. I'm not asking you to go away. I'm saying I can't handle any insecurities at the moment. If you want to be in my life you can but you have to be there without any expectations at the moment.
So what is she saying here? That she just can't handle a relationship at the moment(understandable), or doesn't want to be with me period or ever? Does it sound like we could pick it back up when she gets things sorted out? I'm more than willing to wait, as long it is still a possibility down the road. Should I just completely back off now til she contacts me?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoWhy might my weight loss be stalling?
Lately my weight loss has stalled. Im a male weighing 203 and I'm 31. I typically eat around 1200-1500 calories a day while I am dieting. At first the weight was dropping off but the last couple of weeks it has pretty much stalled. I get up and do 45 minutes on the elliptical every morning before work, and then do my weights after work. On the weekends I will usually do two cardio sessions a day. No weights on Sundays to give my body a break. If my legs are dead I'll skip the cardio and that's usually after leg day. Just trying to figure out why my weight loss has stalled when I'm exercising so much and not eating much. I haven't lost any weight in about two weeks
29 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years agoWhat is she saying? Put things on hold and be patient while she sorts stuff out? Or is it over?
Sorry for the multiple posts. asked this question a couple times and got good feedback, but I'd like a few extra opinions: I've been dating a woman who is going through a contentious divorce, and has a lot of other things going on I can't get into. Out of nowhere she stopped responding to me. After a few days I finally got her to answer me and tell me what's wrong and she said she was stressed, tired, fed up with everything(not with me). I asked her if she wanted me to go away and she said she just couldn't handle any pressure from anyone. And I said I'd back off and leaver her alone. This was her response:
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Don't pout. I'm not asking you to go away. I'm saying I can't handle any insecurities at the moment. If you want to be in my life you can but you have to be there without any expectations at the moment.
To me this means just put everything on hold until after the divorce, she can't handle a relationship right now which I understand. She could have been done with me right then and there but didnt. Tell me what you think. I'm more than willing to wait, as long as there is actually something to wait for. I'd especially like to hear from the ladies.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoIs she putting us on hold so she can straighten her life out, or are we done?
I asked this question a couple times and got good feedback, but I'd like a few extra opinions: I've been dating a woman who is going through a contentious divorce, and has a lot of other things going on I can't get into. Out of nowhere she stopped responding to me. After a few days I finally got her to answer me and tell me what's wrong and she said she was stressed, tired, fed up with everything(not with me). I asked her if she wanted me to go away and she said she just couldn't handle any pressure from anyone. And I said I'd back off and leaver her alone. This was her response: That's exactly what I'm talking about. Don't pout. I'm not asking you to go away. I'm saying I can't handle any insecurities at the moment. If you want to be in my life you can but you have to be there without any expectations at the moment. To me this means just put everything on hold until after the divorce, she can't handle a relationship right now which I understand. Tell me what you think
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoShould I be embarrassed about the drunk text I sent to my girlfriend?
My girlfriend is going through A LOT of stress right now, and honestly its been affecting me watching her go through it. Last night I went out with friends and got pretty drunk. When I get drunk, my filter comes off. I almost never send drunk texts but I haven't had any alcohol in a few months and last night lost control and sent her a long text telling her I can see what kind of stress she is going through and letting her know I'll be there for her when she needs me. It was embarrassing really. I texted her this morning apologizing for it and she said "you worry too much :)". I'm hoping she recognized it for what it was, that I was reaching out to let her know I care, and not look down on me for sending a drunk text....
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoWhat is the best way to give my girlfriend space?
My girlfriend is going through a lot of stress right now. She's a single mom with two kids, working full time. She's got drama going on with her family, and she's going through a divorce(this started before we even met, I didn't cause it) and her (soon to be ex) husband is treating her like ****. So, understandably, her mind is on other things right now. How do I go about giving her space without becoming too distant? I want her to know I'm still there for her and still care for her, but I also want her to have the freedom to deal with these other issues without feeling like I'm breathing down her neck...
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago