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Lv 1162 points

Isabel Lim

Favorite Answers17%
  • Chemistry Lab questions?

    Please help me answer these questions on my Chemistry lab! :(

    1. a 8.6920-ml sample of an unknown weighed 10.02 g. What is its density?

    2. Is bromoform miscible with water? with cyclohexane?

    3. The density of the water is oftentimes used as the density reference to determine specific gravity ( = density of a substance/density of a reference substance). Think abiut the reason why water is used.

    4. Read about industries that operate on the principle of solubility (that is, like dissolves like). What common solvents are used for these industries? What considerations do the chemical engineers have to make in selecting these solvents?

    That is all! I hope you can help me answer these questions cuz' I'm having a hard time on answering these ones. Thank you so much!

    2 AnswersChemistry7 years ago
  • How will you know if that person experiences depression?

    My topic is all about Accountancy students who are experiencing depression and managed to overcome it, and we'll have an upcoming oral defense and I've got the feeling that they'll ask me this question "How will you know if that person experiences depression? Is it just by mere-looking at them that you can already say that this person already did experience depression?" or "What about those accountancy students that didn't experience depression?" Pls. give me a vivid and not a nonsense answer!! :((

    3 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • How to write reference using APA format?

    I have a hard time figuring out how to reference an author with a middle initial and a first name using APA format. The only thing I know is that the last name of the author comes first, but I don't know what's next after that. Let's say for example:

    Name of the author: Thomas S. Clone

    Year of publication: 1991

    Title of the book: Introduction to Psychology

    Publication information: Washington, DC

    Publisher: Tomorrow Press.

    How do you reference the author's middle initial and it's first name? Please give me a clear and vivid answer. Nonsense answers such as "search it in the google" or whatever is not tolerable. Thank you.

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • Psychology assignment. Please help?

    Please give me a vivid answer for these questions. And please note that I do not like none sense answers such as "search it in the google" or "spoon-feeding you". I freaking swear that if I know the answer, I wouldn't waste my time writing this question. Basically my assignment for psychology goes like this "How did people explain human behavior in prehistoric times, Greek times, Medieval times, pre-scientific and scientific era? Just a short but clear answer is already enough for me. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Give the methods used in the study of human behavior and mental processes?

    Title says it all. Just a vivid answer is enough. Thanks

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • What does Schola Brevis mean?

    I have an assignment in Psychology and the first question that confuses me is the word 'Schola Brevis'. I literally don't have any clue as to what this means. And I need to pass this assignment on Tuesday! Just a vivid and detailed answer is already enough for me. I just need an answer since this subject is one of my major subjects on college. And also if there's an example for this, it is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much! :)

    4 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • Is Yahoo Mail compatible with Gmail?

    Pretty much what the title says. But anyway, I'll tell you to gove you more information.

    Well, basically I have a yahoo account (this is my yahoo account) and I'll be sending a message to a person but his email account if gmail. So can I still send my message to him even if my account is yahoo and his is gmail? Will he still recieve it or not? Thanks in advance you guys. :))

    2 AnswersSending and Receiving Messages8 years ago
  • I'm going to write an Argumentative Essay got any tip/s?

    I'm going to write an argumentative essay for my assignment in english. However, funny as it may sound, but I have no idea on how to write such essay. All I know is that when writing an argumentative essay: YOU STATE YOUR OPINIONS AND DEBATE IT TO THE READER. (Amirite?) This essay is my only chance to pass my final midterm. Please! If someone has a kind heart and a good samaritan there, Please just please! give me some tip/s on how to write this essay. I do not tolerate such answers like "search it in the google" or "do a research about it" what's my purpose on wasting my time writing this question if that's going to be my answer? Jeez! Well anyway, if you have some please answer it vividly :)) BTW I HAVE AN ADDITIONAL QUESTION! (Look here!) We must SRICKLY follow the 5-step process to paragraph development and 5-paragraph essay structure. Does that mean, it MUST CONSISTS OF 5 PARAGRAPHS? Thank you so much for taking ur time to read this!


    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Any tip in writing an argumentative essay?

    I'm going to write an argumentative essay for my english111 and basically I need to STRICTLY FOLLOW THE STRUCTURE OF THE 5 ESSAY PARAGRAPH AND 5-PARAGAPH DEVELOPMENT. And I have no idea on how to make an argumentative essay @@ I chose a topic about Zamboanga City where the people should rebuild the city. And out of that topic I need to write an argumentataive essay. How do I make one? And got any tip? Please answer vividly and don't talk trash like search it in the google, cuz' I need everybody's opinion. Thank you! :-)

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • How do I cite a book that has same date with another book?

    I need to cite this book to avoid plagiarism. However, this book has the same date (2007) to the other book. So I'm having trouble on how to cite this. Here's the book:

    Book 1: Mañosa, D., and Talaue, T. (2007). Breaking through biology. C&E Publishing, Inc., 98-109.

    Book 2: Pagunsan, P., (2007). Connecting with Science Biology. Don Bosco Press, Inc., 65-66.

    Did you notice the year 2007? They're the same right? That's my problem. I'll give you an example to clear your confusion. Basically my topic is from the book entitled "Connecting with science biology" (pls. refer above) But if I try to cite this, my teacher will get confuse because of the two having the same year. Here's my example: Plant Morphology mainly focuses or studies mostly on the external structure of the plants. (“Plant organs and organ systems,” 2007) <--- this is originally from the book "Connecting with science biology" but I freakin' dun know how to cite this! :( Please help me! I need your answers. Please give me a vivid one ok? Thank you very much!!!!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Did I follow my teacher's instruction?

    So basically my teaceher wote this instruction:

    Compose an extensive discussion for each of the topics listed below summarizing the biological principles and mechanisms involved.

    And the topic I picked was plant morphology. And this was my discussion: (IT'S A VERY LONG DISCUSSION SO PLEASE BEAR WITH ME) :(

    While reading and researching about Plant Morphology, something about this topic reminded me about my botany laboratory experiment. It’s about the Fresh Specimen Preparation. Where you describe it’s appearance and the structures. This topic mainly focuses on the external structure of the plants. Every plant has different structures. Plant Morphology has been used for our everyday lives. When we see plants and try to describe them from their shape, structure, and color we are already doing Plant Morphology. Each plant has very complex structures, and we tend to get confuse by it. Hence, by studying Plant Morphology is already essential for us because we as an individual can be able to decipher the difference of one plant to the other plant. Scientist or even people throughout the world use Plant Morphology on describing the structures of the plants. Through this discussion I will be describing the monocots and dicots and will guide you starting from the roots, stems, and lastly to leaves of the plant. First of all let’s start from roots. We all know that the root is the most important body part in a plant, since if there is no root then the plant will die. Since the root is one who is absorbing and transporting nutrients and water for the plant. Each of these roots has different structures and functions as well. This root system can be seen on monocot and dicot. For a monocot plant, a fibrous root is present, tap root if for the dicot plant. One thing I can say for sure is that they have the same function – To transport minerals and water for the plant. There are several types of roots other than fibrous root and tap root that can be seen from various plants. Of course plants can’t stand without support which is the stem. For monocots, there stems are quite weak compared to dicot plants which are much stronger. The reason for this is because monocots lack hardened tissues. While on leaf I learned that for all monocots it’s usually parallel while on dicots it’s netted. So basically scientists and people use this method to describe plants.

    If you have any additional idea for my discussion I greatly appreciate it! :) Thank you so much for taking your time on reading! :)

    1 AnswerTeaching8 years ago
  • Questions about Algebra.?

    I have an assignment please help me solve this. I require a solution and please provide a vivid solution. Thank you. :)

    Multiplying rational expressions:

    1. 10x-4x^2/4x^20x+25 * (2x^3-5x^2)

    2. a^2-2ab+b^2/a-b T * (a+b)^3/a^2+2ab+b^2

    3. w^3-1/(w-1)^2 * w^2-1/w^2+w+1

    4. a^2-2ab+b^2/a-b T * (a+b)^3/a^2+2ab+b^2

    Dividing rational expressions:

    1. 2x^2-5x-12/6+4x DIVIDED BY x^2-16/2

    2. x^2+6x+9/18 DIVIDED BY (x+3)^2/36

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • What does this mean and please explain it to me :)?

    I have an assignment regarding w/ Botany, however I don't get the instructions since I'm not that good in English, can you please tell me what this means? Please note: That I do not tolerate negative/nonsense answers such as "go search it the google, or anything concerning with my skills on english." Thank you.

    1. Compose an extensive discussion for each of the topics listed below summarizing the biological principles and mechanisms involved.

    2. References for discussions for a topic chosen should be based from a research or review article.

    3. The minimum pagenumber for each of the topic in topic summary is 1 page (excluding the list of references).

    4. Each rephrased principle, or any direct quoted sentences should be properly cited. Failure to cite will result to 30 points deduction.

    -Thank you so much!

    1 AnswerLanguages8 years ago
  • Questions in my mathematics assignment?

    I have questions regarding in my mathematics assignment. I've been having a tough time to solve this equations. Can someone answer this equations? There also must be a solution for it because my teacher does not accept answers without solutions. :( YOUR SOLUTIONS W/ ANSWER IS GREATLY APPRECIATED :-)

    *Basically this equations are Reducing before finding the LCD, Shortcuts, Adding and Subtracting w/ different denominators and Adding and Subtracting simple fractions.

    These are the equations: (NOTE: I wrote the word "over" because it's this equations are all a fractional form and the words "PLUS(+),MINUS(-),TIMES(X) & DIVIDED BY" for the operation being used)

    1.) 2x+1 over 6x^2+3x+1 PLUS 2x-1 over 6x^2-x-1

    2.) 3a^2-2a-16 over 2a^2+3a-2 TIMES 6a+16 over 9a^2-64

    3.) a-3 over a^3+8 MINUS 2 over a+2 MINUS a-3 over a^2-2a+4

    This fractional equations deals w/ Multiplying rational exprssions, and Dividing rational expressions:

    1.) x^2+5x+6 over x TIMES x^2 over 3x+6 TIMES 9 over x^2-4

    2.) (-wy^2)^3 over 3w^2y TIMES (2wy)^2 over 4wy^3

    3.) 9w^2-64 over 3w^2-5w-8 TIMES 5w^2+3w-2 over 25w^2-4

    Sorry to be strict but I "do not accept nonesense answer". Answers w/ solutions is GREATLY AND HIGHLY APPRECIATED :-)

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • The Four Organic Molecules?

    I have a lab report on Botany lab and our professor gave us an assignment about the 4 organic molecules. This is what is says:

    Compare the four organic molecules based on the following:

    a. elemental composition

    b. building block

    c. role in the body of organisms

    d. example

    e. food sources

    I will really be glad if someone answered this in an organized pattern. And not to be so demanding I really need this ASAP! :(

    3 AnswersBotany8 years ago
  • I've been having diarrhea for the past 7 days?

    I'm a 17 year old female, it started I think last Sunday morning. I was sleeping and then suddenly m stomach hurts so I decided to go to the bathroom. My stool was very watery but I paid no attention to it because I thought it was just constipation. But I started to have doubts because I keep going to the bathroom for like 6 times a day and not only I have watery stools the stool itself changed color, fisr it was black then it changed into bright reddish (like blood) it scared the heck outta me. I told this to my parents and we went to a doctor she said I have to show my stool to a laboratory to get it checked if I do have Diarrhea or worst than that Amoebiasis. I really am having a hard time deciphiring if this is indeed an Amoebiasis because my doctor said that if it was constipation it should've been healed like 2 days ago but right now I've been having abdominal pains whenever I try to eat something. As if whatever I eat is an invalid to my body. I tried doing the BRAT method (Banana,Rice,Apples,and Toast) but to no avail it didn't change anything.

    5 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • How to make a documented letter for personal statement?

    I have this problem about making a letter for my daughter's scholarship in school. But have no any idea how to make it into a documented form. What are the basic desired requirements to complete this?

    Basically this is what I have written:

    Office of Scholarships

    Ateneo de Zamboanga University

    Dear Sir/Madam,


    I wish to apply for a scholarship grant for my daughter, Ma. Isabel T. Lim who would like to take up BS Psychology this coming school year 2013-2014 as a freshman in your school.

    I am hoping to find some assistance because I am just a contractual worker assisting Building Contractors wherever they would need someone as a project coordinator. My income is dependent on contracts that come twice a year and I am paid on daily basis. My source of income can never be called stable and thus I am praying that my daughter will qualify somehow.

    Thank you and more power.

    Respectfully yours,

    Tomas M. Lim

    So do any of you have any idea for this letter? I aprreciate even a long answer, it could also be consice or brief as long as the main idea of that answer is showed. Thank you.

    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration8 years ago
  • Question about a Chinese Game?

    I've recently downloaded a chinese game on a chinese website. Everything went smoothly and I was already halfway on the game and suddenly this error keeps poppin' up: (The 1st picture there) I can't understand chinese and tried to google ranslate it.. unfortunately it's slang chinese and I find it hard to understand it.

    Can someone help me? I would really be glad if your answers are helpful enough :)

    2 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • Any good romance shoujo mangas?

    Basically, what I am looking for in a shoujo manga is about a girl(main character) who fell inlove with a boy(of course her love interest in the story) but the boy cannot love her cuz' he still loves his past crush, so it's like one-sided love.. but the girl keeps on trying even though she got rejected by him, and eventually walah! they became couples. Probably the best manga example here is Senpai to Kanojo, Inuyasha also can be an example because the kagome likes inuyasha and inuyasha himself is confuse who he loves because he still have some feelings to kikyo. Hajimari no niina can be also an example (although the main character has the memories of the girl that the protoganist's guy like, so it's like a reincarnation). So are there any good shoujo mangas out there? Also kindly exclude mature, or smut tags there.. :)) Thank you!

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration8 years ago
  • Question about IELTS (International English Language Testing System)?

    First of all, my family wants to migrate to Canada.. And we were informed that we should be ready within 2 months for the exam about IELTS. That's a good thing cuz' we where already waiting 4 years for the Canadian Embassy and yet we still have no go signal from them.. but when we went to the Immigration Center they said that we should study IELTS, the worst part is.. we don't have any idea what this IELTS is, what are it's requirements? What do we need to study here? If you know the answer, please do tell me, cuz' we are really having a hard time.. :(( Thanks!

    3 AnswersStandards & Testing9 years ago