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Do you think that people are genetically predisposed to addictive behavior? Why or why not?
Just wondering because we were having an arguement in health class.
2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years agoMy best friend likes me?
Hi so my guy best friend likes me and we've been best friends since the 6th grade. (We're juniors now) And about an hour ago he told me that he liked me but I don't think I feel the same way.. well I kind of do but just a little. I don't want to jeopardize our friendship and make it awkward. Like what if we do date and we don't act like best friends anymore and we like break up and we dont talk anymore or like we just IDK IM JUST LIKE REALLY CONFUSED RIGHT NOW AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO should i just give it a try... no cause what if i dont like it and i make it awkward and we don't talk anymore... i mean he's like my only best friend, i dont wanna say no because i dont want him to feel sad. so many thoughts going through my head right now
3 AnswersFriends8 years agoWhy does north korea want to bomb the US?
2 AnswersCurrent Events8 years agoMy legs are so sore that I can barely walk?
So yesterday I had track practice and we did a hard workout. My legs were kind of sore yesterday but now it's so sore that I can barely walk because I had practice again! Like my muscles are stiff. What can I do to get rid of the soreness? :(
2 AnswersRunning8 years agoCan you use spray sunscreen on your face?
I have the banana boat spray sunscreen for sports and I was wondering if it's okay to use it on your face because my face gets tan and sunburned so easily
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care8 years agoWhat exercises make you sweat a lot?
I need some exercises that will make you sweat a lot so I can burn some calories!
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years agoHow to get women abs?
Do any of you guys know any exercises to get women abs like these? I don't want it too bulky cause that's unattractive :) Please explain what to do
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years agoEnglish assignment help?
So we're reading this book called "lord of the flies" and we have to write a paragraph about something:
Ralph: "The trouble is: Are there ghosts Piggy?"
Piggy: "Course there aren't."
Ralph: "Why?"
Piggy: Cos things wouldn't make sense. Houses an' streets an'--TV--they wouldn't work"
Our teacher is asking what does Piggys last sentence mean and I don't know what piggy means by that, I mean i know he's saying that they don't exist but what does he mean by "house an' streets an'--TV--they wouldn't work"?
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years agoWhy is my neck sore and how do I get rid of it?
So my neck has been sore for about 2 days, it was sore after the day I had my final in gym. We had to do a mile, curl ups, and push ups. I don't know why it's sore though because I don't think I did anything to it. When I move my neck is hurts kinda and when I touch it too. How do you think I got it? And how can I get rid of the soreness? :o
3 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years agoMy stomach hurts and I'm on my period?
Please help I'm on my period and my stomach hurrtttssssss so baddd! I feel like crying, what can I do to make it stop??? :(
2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years agoHow to make sugar wax without lemon?
Hey guys so I have a bit of a mustache and I want to remove it with wax because plucking hurts and takes forever! So I have searched on youtube and a bunch of the videos said that I need:
2 cups of sugar
1/4 cup of water
1/4 cup of lemon... which I don't have and I was wondering what I can substitute for lemon, do you think I could use lime?
3 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years agoI just got my braces off and my teeth hurt?
Well they don't really hurt its just a little pain on the molars and whenever I eat it hurts a little and its bothering me, is this normal?
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoFavorite season and why?
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoHow long is school suspension?
Hey so my boyfriend got suspended because he got into a fight with this kid and he didn't punch anyone he was throwing stuff at that person and I called him but his mom took his phone away, and he has a special football game coming up and everyones counting on him! How long do you think he's suspended for? Oh and we're in the 11th grade.
2 AnswersOther - Education9 years agoHow to walk in heels?
Yeah I'm a junior and my junior prom is coming up! All my other homecomings I have worn flats, and heels make my legs look good so I wanna learn how to walk in heels! PLEASE HELP? I have been practicing but I fell... lol
1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style9 years agoI have a staring problem?! :/?
Okay so I have gym with this cute guy and I always stare at him because he's just so cute!! and when i was walking past him he went up to my face and was like "dont stare at me!" and i made a confused face because i didnt know what to say... and now i feel like i have a huge staring problem and how do i stop staring at him?! gahhhhh
3 AnswersFriends9 years agoWhats lab work at the doctors?
Okay so the hospital called my mother yesterday and said that I have a appointment and that I had to do lab work before the appointment. Is it like testing your blood or something? O.O I'm scared.
1 AnswerOther - Health9 years ago