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  • Help With a Chem prelab? Lots of parts?

    A student mixes 5.0 mL 2.00 x 10-3 M Fe(NO3)3 with 5.0 mL 2.00 x l0-3 M KSCN. She finds that in the equilibrium mixture the concentration of FeSCN2+ is 1.2 x l0-4 M. Find Kc for the reaction

    Fe3+ (aq) + SCN-(aq) ↔ FeSCN2+(aq)

    Step 1 Find the number of moles Fe3+ and SCN- initially present. (Use Eq. 3.)

    _____________ moles Fe3+ _____________ moles SCN-

    Sample calculation:

    Step 2 How many moles of FeSCN2+ are in the mixture at equilibrium? What is the volume of the equilibrium mixture? (Use Eq. 3.)

    ____________ mL; ____________ moles FeSCN2+

    Sample calculation:

    How many moles of Fe3+ and SCN- reacted to form FeSCN2+?

    _____________ moles Fe3+ reacted ____________ moles SCN- reacted

    Sample calculation:

    Step 3 How many moles of Fe3+ and SCN- remain in the solution at equilibrium? (Use Eq. 4 and the results of Steps 1 and 2.)

    ____________ equilibrium moles Fe3+____________ equilibrium moles SCN-

    Step 3 Sample calculation:

    Step 4 What are the concentrations of Fe3+, SCN-, and FeSCN2+at equilibrium? What is the volume of the equilibrium mixture? (Use Eq. 3 and the results of Step 3.)

    [Fe3+] = __________ M; [SCN-] = __________ M; [FeSCN2+]= __________ M

    Sample calculation:

    _____mL = _____ L

    Step 5 What is the value of Kc for the reaction? (Use Eq. 2 and the results of Step 4.)

    Kc = ______________

    Sample calculation

    1 AnswerChemistry4 years ago
  • Help with chem lab prelab?

    1. A student mixes 5.0 mL 2.00 x 10-3 M Fe(NO3)3 with 5.0 mL 2.00 x l0-3 M KSCN. She finds that in the equilibrium mixture the concentration of FeSCN2+ is 1.2 x l0-4 M. Find Kc for the reaction

    Fe3+ (aq) + SCN-(aq) ↔ FeSCN2+(aq)

    Step 1 Find the number of moles Fe3+ and SCN- initially present. (Use Eq. 3.)

    _____________ moles Fe3+ _____________ moles SCN-

    Sample calculation:

    Step 2 How many moles of FeSCN2+ are in the mixture at equilibrium? What is the volume of the equilibrium mixture? (Use Eq. 3.)

    ____________ mL; ____________ moles FeSCN2+

    Sample calculation:

    How many moles of Fe3+ and SCN- reacted to form FeSCN2+?

    _____________ moles Fe3+ reacted ____________ moles SCN- reacted

    Sample calculation:

    1 AnswerChemistry4 years ago
  • One year anniversary ideas?

    My boyfriend and I's 1 year anniversary is just around the corner (December) and I need some ideas for a date and some gift ideas. Neither of us are very athletic, or rich, we both love animals and being together really. He loves video games, if that helps for gift ideas. I need all the help i can get! Thanks(:

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What should my friend do for her sixteenth birthday?

    So my friends birthday is in 2 weeks and we don't know what to do for it. She doesn't want it to be awkward and not have things to do so she's nervous to have a party and would like to do something different if she could come up with a good fun idea. Any ideas welcome, but try to make them not too expensive or crazy please!

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Im not going to be here for our anniversary?

    I've been with my boyfriend for a month now, and our two month is on Valentines Day. Well, my problem is I'm leaving on Valentines Day at 7am for Costa Rica and I'll be gone for 2 weeks. I don't know what to do, I'm so upset that I miss our two month, and the first Valentines day that I actually have someone to spend it with. What should I do? Should I get him something and give it to him early? What should I get him? Please answer sincerely, I really am stressing about this!

    2 AnswersValentine's Day8 years ago
  • what happens first in the book Speak?

    in the book speak does melinda sit next to heather first or does heather sit next to melina? The book not the movie please(:

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Good or bad Birthday idea?

    Well it's my best guy friends birthday on Wednesday, and he finally told me he wanted a gift card for his birthday. How much should I put on it? Plus, I like him and have been planning to tell him so lately. Would it be a bad idea to tell him on his birthday?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • whens the best time to tell him? 10 points best answer!?

    theres this guy i really like, and ive decided to tell him because its driving me crazy that he doesnt know. but im not sure on a good time, and i have a few ideas on how to ask him (but im always open for more ideas!) but im not sure when to do it, time wise and what day. he hates valentines day, so would that be a bad day to tell him? and what about the days before and after. also, its really hard to get some alone time with this guy, cause even though my friend knows i like him she refuses to give me any alone time with him and never leaves my side.... and we have vacation after this week and i want to do it before then. i really think he likes me, we are really close and pretty much best friends, and hes been super sweet and has been touching me more in the past few weeks so i want to say it before he looses interest. any ideas? 10 points best answer!

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • what is a 'cute couple' and are we one?

    well me and this guy i really like hang out all the time, flirt constantly, and we usually are talking about one another to other people. alot people have asked me, or just assumed, that we are dating, and when i say we arent (but i wish) they say that we would make a cute couple. whats a 'cute couple'? looks wise, hes tall, blonde blue eyed, and skinny. im short dirty blonde and blue/grey eyes, and skinny as well. personalty wise, we are both funny, but hes a bit more outgoing with other people than i am. im nice, and he can be a bit hot headed, so im usually there to calm him down when he gets angry, or make someone feel better if hes done something stupid. hes the smarter one so hes always telling people what i mean when i cant explain something, or well explaining something to me... my friend said hes always happier when im around, and that its noticable.

    also, i really like him, and i want to be a couple. what should i do? theres our valentines dance coming up, and valentines day, so i want to tell him soon, or give him enough clues to ask me. what are some clues i could give him to make him ask me? we are always together, and have recently started going to the bakery down the street together during lunch to hang out, but there are usually other kids there. he pokes me in the side all the time, sometimes he grabs me, or once or twice hes even touched me in a few places on accident. whenever we are standing next to each other, its as if hes standing on me, thats how close we are standing together. we put our heads on each others shoulders, and we hold hands somtimes, especially when im nervous about things. he always congratulates me on little things, like reciting a poem well in English class (we r in high school) when we used to sit next to each other in english before we got assigned seats, the teacher used to always give us death glares for talking and for him always tickling me. he finds me in the hallways all the time, and he always gives me a smile if theres no time to talk. we didnt have our one class together one day, and he found me at the end of the day (his only free time that day) and said we hadnt seen each other all day and gave me a long hug, and said i looked really pretty that day tho. this past week, he had been really nice, and pretty inseparable. hes also pretty protective, if i bring up a guy name he doesnt know, he has to make a big deal of knowing who it is, and our relationship, and no body else can like touch me, he yelled at my friend for putting her feet on me a few times the other day, and heaven forbid our friend whos a guy tries poking me, or even standing next to me, and glares at him during class cause he sits next to me, and always talks to me from across the class, and when she lets us do partner work, he comes over and sits between me ad our friend, sharing my seat with our last dance, he hung out with me and my friends. and seeing as our next dance is a date-valentines day dance, i rally want to go with him. everything i said is true, all of it happened to every detail. and i really like him, seeing as i wrote all this about us, and im asking this question. please answer truthfully and with good ideas. thanks so much!!!

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • i need some encouragement and decisions made?

    ok so theres this guy i like at my high school i really like. we are like really good friends, but we haven't know each other all that long. anyway i really want to tell him i like him, but i am not sure if he likes me, and how to tell him i like him!! some reasons i think he likes me:

    -he first started hanging with my friends because of me, became close with me first -he gets extremely jealous when i mention another guys name, even one of his best friends -he pokes me, sometimes more recently in "awkwardd" places, and close to places... -we tell each other we love each other, and sometimes "but you love me so its ok" -hes told all of his friends im his wife (inside joke) and whenever they see us together they either walk away or say AWW -there's one girl i know who always pushes us together -we have been called couples before, once he said no but she wishes - hes always finding me in the halls -he sits next to me all the time lunch, art, english, any class we have together and if there are no seats together hell ask someone to move or do this other inside joke thing that's like stretching out our arms to each other - always really close to me, like in my personal space... -we were going to hang out alone over vacation but he got his wisdom teeth taken out so we had to reschedule:( -he always puts his head on my shoulder -lets me play with his fingers all the time -loves to see me laugh or smile -when ever we find a way in art class to be near each other he always makes sure it stays that way -we always have fun together -other stuff but i have a bad memory

    things that worry me:

    -my 'friend' is kind of trying to steal him from me and i thought she almost had until i invited him to hang out and then he started to be around me more often but i worry he might like her (insecure) so while i have him hanging around me more often i want to tell him how i feel.

    BUT i don't know what to say, or when. i was thinking of saying it in spanish, since we always speak spanish together. ive told a guy i liked him before and the relationship was really bad, so im even more nervous then before...

    SO do you think he likes me? should i tell him i like him? when where and how!?!?

    NOTE- must answer all those ^ questions to get 10 points best answer(:

    thanks much appreciated!!

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • should i ask him to the dance, or should i wait and hope he asks me?

    ok so we have a dance coming up at my school and im really excited. not many people are going with dates, so its not big deal if i have no date, but i would like to. there's this guy i really like and alot of people think he likes me and i want to go to the dance with him. some things why i think he likes me:

    -he pokes me - always sitting next to me at lunch, always is sitting next to me in our one class together and writing stuff on my papers and when i cant sit next to him he gets all sad and stares at me all class, he always finds me between classes (somehow), is always poking me in the side to tickle me, scares me cause he thinks its funny (i think), texts me and gets mad when i text him first (why does that matter?), lets me tie his sweatshirt ties in a bow even tho everyone asks him why and looks at him weird if they dont know the story, some people think we have been dating for months, he stares at me sometimes, and all his friends are being nicer too me (most of his friends are girls)has also told all his friends about me and has introduced me to all his friends as his wife (we have a pretend family) he yells at people when they are mean to me (mostly guys, but at my friend once) he is fine with being all touchy with me (english class he had his shoulder like glued to me like he had his arm around me) yelled at someone for sitting in my seat because he always sits next to me... he lets me put my head on his shoulder and sleep..... and a bunch of other stuff im to lazy to write it all

    we speak spanish to each other alot, but i know more than he does.

    should i ask him to the dance? its kinda soonish.... or should i wait and hope he asks me? if i should ask him, what should i say?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Do guys not like girls who ride horses? ?

    I ride horses, and I don't know of guys think that's hot, or I'd they think it's gross, or what they think of a girl who rides. I also don't know if I should tell guys that I ride horses

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • i need some boy help!?

    --so theres this guy i really like, and i want to ask him out but i know im gonna freak out so i need some help. ok so here is some stuff that makes me believe he might actually like me:

    --we always sit next to each other and joke around in the one class we have together. we text each other alot, and he always is asking whats up, how my weekend was, etc. lets me put my hand on his leg and in his pockets and put my head on his shoulder. he lets me tie his sweatshirt strings in a bow, even when people look at him funny, and doesnt let any other girl do that. we got in a mini fight over text, and he asked if we could start the conversation over because he felt like a (bad word***). hes always staring at me. he finds me and my friends everyday at lunch and hangs with us. we have an inside joke were me and him are married and have two kids, and he loves it and tells all his friends, and our "daughter" is always like "i want brothers and sisters" and he laughs and is all "ok! " or something. lets me write on his hands and papers and writes on me and mine to. one girl told us we would be a cute couple, and that she thought we already were a couple.

    --but a down side is i think my friend might like him, and my other friend never lets us hang out alone, is really annoying (he told me he thinks shes annoying) and would make life extremely difficult

    --would it be a bad idea to text him asking if he wants to hang out, and then ask him if he likes me if he says yes, or could i possibly tell him over a text? and what should i ask him to do, and what should i say? i get kinda nervous around him, and say something stupid, i mean he says im kind of oblivious (is that a bad thing?? im kind of the ditsy girl at my school that everyone gets along with) and he told me to listen to my heart (it was in a text my friend sent me that he read out loud to me when i was "sleeping on his shoulder") '


    oh and happpy thanksgiving :D

    16 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • 10 points! need answers?

    i want to know a few things

    1: my new best guy friend (that i think i like) keeps on telling me he is going to eat me. why?!

    2: ^the guy from that question has a class with me that we can do like anything in (the teacher is oblivious) so hes always talking to me instead of his guy friends and he always nudges my shoulder during lessons? why?

    3: that same guy^ likes to scare me (im very easy to scare) why does he enjoy this so much!? he says he wants to get a picture of my face when he scares me sometimes (sometimes e just scares me and then catches me cause i jump)

    4: does that guy like me?!!?^

    5: last question- i met a new guy at my school and our conversation went like this

    Me: O your names ____?! i love that name!!! Him: Yes! *stands up and shakes my hand* and what is your name? My friend: Emma that's the guy that hugged me! Me: o so she gets a hug but not me? Him: would you like a hug? *i said yes and my friend made it a group hug* Him: that doesn't count, (my friends name) can we have a regular hug please? *hugs me alone* My friend: can i have a hug? Him: no u have cooties! *runs away while i laugh my butt off*

    why was he so formal and tell my friend she had cooties but i didn't? he sat at the table me and my friends were sitting at and he wasn't very formal he joked allot (he said he would buy a pony and i announced he was my bffl for saying that) whats the deal?

    please answer!!

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • does my friend like him too?

    i've been friends with this girl since third grade and we are know in high school, and i have never been able to tell when she likes guys. Shes always been loud around guys, but this year shes been excessively loud (i think its because we have never had many guys in our classes so shes not used to all these guys). Anyways, we recently became friends with this guy and i have started to like him. My other friend thinks she may like him too (shes mean to him, then loves him the next second which she used to do to guys we used to think she liked, and falls all over him). i like him, and hes very nice to me and hangs around me when shes not around. me and him were hanging together at lunch one day with my other friend, and she came along and fell all over him and then told him how horrible he was, so he got all mad and left and said to me that if she was nicer to him he would of stayed. First off, does he like me? Second, why does she do this, does she like him? and lastly, what can i do?!!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • how do i break up with him?

    Me and my boyfriend started dating in july, but since his phone broke we've only been able to hang out once on my birthday. I recently started school somewhere else, hes still at my old school so that's even less time for us to hang out. I've tried everything to contact him (like through guy friends who see him) and hes not tried anything to try and contact me, I've decided to break up with him. But he still hasn't gotten his phone fixed so there no way I can contact him. I know it sounds really mean to break up with him through our friends, and I would hate to do that to my friend, so I don't know how i am going to break up with him. Any ideas? I know his house phone but i feel weird calling it. What can I do!?!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • how to not seem clingy and annoying?

    i haven't talked to my boyfriend since like the day after we started dating and its been at least a week, and its kind of annoying me that he isn't calling back or answering my texts, etc. i called him four days ago, no answer and texted him two days ago, and still no answer, so now I'm kind of in that "if you want to talk, you make the first effort." mood. how can i try to get a hold of him without being annoying and clingy? :/

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • all is well till someone messes it up again?

    the guy i like recently asked me out, and im super excited. but im also kind of nervous. we've only been dating about a week and hes already told me he loves me (yes he words i love you) twice. i know hes very excited to be dating me but..... also his best friend and my good guy friend is trying to break us up, even tho after the news got out we were dating my friend told me how happy he was for me. he tries to make me jealous by saying my boyfriend is hanging with other girls and says he wants to break up with me (my boyfriend calls me when this happens and tells me its not true) im not the jealous type, but i dont knoiw why hes doing this....what can i do?!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • what do you look for in a girl? (guys only please)?

    when u think about a girl, whats the first thing you look for? or think of?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago