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  • How long can you leave England for (traveling to the US, POST-COVID) while remaining on British Health Insurance/Coverage?


    For background, I am living in the US but have 2 grandparents who live in England. As they get older, it has been generally accepted that they cannot move here as they will be unable to get health insurance or it will be astronomically high (grandfather has recently survived cancer)

    1. Is this true?

    As I thought about this, I was curious how long they could travel for without losing their Health Insurance/Coverage. For example, could they stay here for 3 months, 6 months, 1 year? If they were to get ill here, would they be covered or would all expenses be paid as if they were un-insured?

    Appreciate any links that may provide further details or agencies I could inquire with further.

    Thank you.

    7 AnswersHealth & Safety4 months ago