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i am a 5 star gold certified yamaha technation

  • country boy or city boy?

    ladies would you rather have a country boy or a city boy?

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • toshiba satellite c655?

    i bought my wife a new toshiba satellite c655-s5082 p4 with 6 gig mem.

    it is a c655 i was wondering if it would hurt anything to leave it pluged in while she is on it or charge it and unplug it best-buy said it wouldnt hurt anything but i have a dell and i have had to buy 2 batts becouse of this.... it seems like it is killing her batt faster now but i also have it setting on a 5 fan cooling pad.thats part of why its draining the batt faster but i was wondering if it will hurt the batt to leave it pluged in all the time. my dell is also about 3 years old. i looked the batt up for her toshiba it is almose 3 bills 300.00 so i dont want her to kill it lol thanks for the info..

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago

    does anyone know the unlock code for a t-mobile samsung (t639gsmh)

    model (sgh-t639)

    fcc id (a3lsght639)

    imei (356396/01/076934/2)

    s/n (rvvpa65284w)

    this is all th info i can find on the phone i was wondering if i could unlock it and use it for ATT (cingular) becouse i really like this phone and i cant find a cingular phone like this anywhere. if anyone could help me i would greatly appreciate it. THANKS

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • abscess tooth NO SMART A S S ANSWERS PLEASE?

    i have a abscess tooth it busted the doctor give me a shot of zofran (ondansetron) and dilaudid (hydromorphone) i was wondering if this was morphine. if im right its a semi synthetic morphine...they give me perkacet 5mg/325 and clindamycin and toradol (ketorolac) i know the shot and the perkacets is pain killers what is the rest of this crap???

    4 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • how t unlock samsung phone?

    i have a samsung sgh t639 t mbile phne anyone know how to unlock this phone?it is new i need to put a at&t sim card in it thanks for all the help my cell # is 1205-485-3699 txt me any info thanks.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago