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Lv 55,655 points


Favorite Answers52%

Just a few words about me and my background with fishing. I have been fishing all my life, mostly in the southwest US, both fresh and saltwater, but now am leaning toward freshwater, trout being my favorite. I have worked in the tackle business both retail and wholesale off and on, and now work at it part time building Custom Rods,and rod repair for 2 shops in my area. Building rods is my main passion and have been doing so for about 20 years, and was able to do it full time for 5-6 yrs. I also love teaching rod building and do classes for beginning as well as advanced builders. I still repair and service reels for a few customers, but on a limited scale (too hard to keep up with all the changes and parts inventory). I have always enjoyed helping people with their fishing questions and problems, so am glad I discovered this forum.