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Are McCanns running the Scotland Yard investigation?
Apparently they have now "banned" a reconstruction in Portugal and decided Spain was a better venue. They are calling all the shots yet have never been cleared as suspects. How can they get away with it?
1 AnswerCurrent Events8 years agoWhy are McCanns allowed to prevent free speech in Britain?
A judge ruled today that pensioner Tony Bennett is not allowed to say that he doubts the McCanns' version of what happened when their daughter vanished from their holiday flat. Judge Tugendhat said he will go to jail if he repeats his views. Yet I would say 80 out of 100 people have similar doubts about the McCanns. Why are this couple allowed to gag people who won't believe them?
17 AnswersCurrent Events8 years agoSeb Coe - are his Olympics just for big business and his own pocket...not the ordinary British people?
He has only one thing on his mind - sucking up to rich foreign paymasters. The British are supposed to stand by while he spends our money to keep them sweet...and grateful to him.
14 AnswersCurrent Events9 years agoDogs expert in finding traces of a dead body sadly found such traces in the flat the McCanns rented in Portuga?
But the BBC reporter on Panorama now says that the dogs didn't find "dead body odour" but just some "DNA" traces.
He is obviously not telling the truth.
Why does the BBC let him tell lies?
4 AnswersCurrent Events9 years agoWhy has the Daily Express owner (porn king Richard Desmond) forced all his staff to support sex pest Denise?
In Celebrity Big Brother, someone called Denise Welch is giving everyone grief. Yet the Daily Express says she is wonderful. Why? Even poor old Emma Willis has to pretend she adores the old hag, who is making life horrible for everyone else.
6 AnswersCurrent Events9 years agoWhy is the McCann Fund short of money yet again, when they've made millions out of libel cases and the book?
The McCanns lee
7 AnswersCurrent Events9 years agoIs Terry Pratchett only obsessed with his own problems?
He is keen on people being able to have "assisted deaths"...but doesn't seem to care that this will inevitably lead to the elderly and disabled facing pressure to accept euthanasia within a very short time.
Is he just concerned with his own mortality? Can't he think for a minute about the long-term repurcussions of his campaign?
6 AnswersOther - News & Events10 years agoWhat is wrong with the Daily Mail Reward site?
After all the hype the website is really hard to find, and looks half-finished.
Does anyone know what the problem is??
2 AnswersCurrent Events10 years agoHorror of mystery planes. What is going on?
Southern England is being attacked by planes spraying stuff high in the atmosphere. Ask your local airport and they will deny any planes are even in the air!! But look up and you see them, sending endless trails of chemicals out, day after day, blocking out the sun. Who is behind it?? No-one will say.
8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoPlease can someone explain why mystery planes are polluting the atmosphere?
When I asked about these planes on "News and Events" everyone said the flow from the planes was condensation. But that is not true. Look in the sky in southern England! The mystery planes are not military or commercial. But they criss cross the sky, over and over, day after day, leaving heavy trails which haze the sky. What is going on??? Why will no-one say what the trails are? Are they dangerous chemicals or just designed to blocked out the sun?
4 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade agoThe McCanns are turning into property thieves!?
Apparently, they want to get their hands on the home of Senor Amaral (the chief detective in the Madeleine case in Portugal) so that they can gain yet another million or so pounds.
Weird that THEY leave their children alone for a week and get off scot free.
The policeman who tried to find their daughter is pilloried and they try to make him homeless.
They want the money because the detective suggested the "abduction" story was a lie.
12 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade agoWhy are planes leaving massive trails in the sky, all day and every day?
Every time I look up (in South England) there are white planes leaving long trails. These then spread and become clouds. The planes do criss cross patterns. Sometimes I think I smell chemicals. What is going on?
12 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoI've lost the sound from my laptop. What should I do?
Suddenly, can't hear any sound when I put up videos, TV progs etc.
3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoAre Santander known insurance cheats?
I was burgled and Santander refuse to pay up. I have heard they are known as shysters. Has anyone else been let down by them?
8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoPoor Brown. Beset by vile smells?
Is Gordon Brown actually insane? What is that thing he does with his mouth every three if his breath is so vile he has to let it out?
And why, in between the breath release, does he grin like a crazed monkey?
4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoAre the McCanns trying to destroy free speech?
The Royal Family responded with dignity when blamed by people on the internet, or in articles and books, for causing the death of Princess Diana,
The McCanns, humble doctors from Leicester, manage to employ hugely-expensive lawyers (who's paying?) to sue anyone, or gag any forum, which dares suggest they were responsible (by action or inaction) for their daughter's disappearance.
They usually win only by default - settlement out of court. But who are they to seek to destroy free speech?
15 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoClare Short: "Wot, me take responsibility?"?
Clare Short blames the Additional Extra Money For Greedy MPs office for failing to remind her that (as she well knew) she was claiming for FULL mortgage repayment, not just the interest.
This is the same Clare Short who, despite being married and perfectly able to care for a child, gave up a newborn baby for adoption.
She didn't feel she wanted to cope with a baby.
5 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade agoIs the sinister Mandelson a Rasputin reborn!!?
AAhaagh. It's all there.
The ability to hypnotise his country's leaders to make them give him money and honours and high status...
The ability to survive various attempts to shut him up and kill him off for his vile needs...
The ability to return and return stronger and more evil and malevolent than ever..
5 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade agoMcCanns start new campaign in Portugal. Why?
Suddenly the McCanns want to leaflet the area where Madeleine disappeared. They claim locals might remember info (almost two years on).
Yet what help do they expect? Kate McCann refused to answer all but one of the Portuguese police 48 questions. Their Tapas friends refused to take part in a reconstruction of the night Madeleine disappeared.
Why don't THEY offer important information, instead of suggesting the locals know something?
21 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago