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  • does anyone else think this too?

    Now I know we have the 'other-pregnancy and parenting' section but does anyone else agree with me on here that they should add a 'contraception' section here?

    Anyones thoughts and ideas?

    6 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Can I get pregnant straight away?

    I have had the implant in for a yr and a half and I got it taken out last tuesday (9th feb). I know your normal cycle goes back to normal pretty much straight away but my dilema is I had just nearly finished bleeding the day I went to get it out. Then, 1 or 2 days after having it out I started bleeding again!!! Is this my actual perios as oppose to the 'fake' periods you get with implanon? I had un-protected sex the day before my implant was taken out but I really didnt think it would matter because the implant stops you ovulating.

    Anyone had similar experience? Last time i had the implant out I didnt have a period until the next month so im all confused.

    Any insight would be great! Thanks.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what is going on with this?

    okay i posted a question on here yesterday saying ive been having pregnancy saying I am on the implant but have been having loads of pregnancy symptoms so I decided to take a test.

    The first was done monday evening was negative. 2nd was done the next morning (were both the same brand - the strip ones you dip) and this one has a very faint positive line on. So I decided to retest last night and it was neg and again this morning it was neg (these were different brand).

    Now, do you think I should buy some early test ones that test from 10mIU because I know some tests only test from 20mIU and others need at least 100mIU so I was thinking because the first tests I did were from 25mIU perhaps the last 2 were from 100mIU.

    So my question is should I buy the ones from 10mIU? Do you think I could be pregnanct even with the implant?

    I know they say its highly unlikely to get preg on implant but they also say a line no matter how faint is positive.

    Any help please?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 3 tests, 2 neg 1 very faint?

    Me and my hubby had unprotected sex either beg of last week or the end of the week before (cant quite remember lol). Anyway, ive been having loads of pregnancy signs - feeling sick, dizzy, sore boobs n nipples etc (i already have 2 kids so i know the signs lol).

    Anyways, I dont know when my period is due as im on the implant but i decided to do a test yesterday evening it was a definite neg. I thought I would do one with first morning wee to double check and it has a very very faint pink line so bought another test and did it a few hours later and that one was negative.

    So, i know there is slim chance with being on the implant but the faint line has now got me thinking. Im going to re-test in the morning and ive bought some early tests but I just wondered what you all think? Pregnant or not? maybe false pos?

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Spotting.......but no period?

    Okay,im going to make this as quick as I can:

    I already have 2 kids so know what it feels like to be pregnant.

    Im on the implant (implanon) and we normally use condoms but last week we didnt and now i feel sick, itchy nipples, bloated, very tired, dizzy etc.

    Yesterday I spotted very light pink but nothing since. My last period was Dec just b4 xmas and while on the implant they are about every 2 months but unpredictable so havent got a clue when im due on.

    I know with the implant its meant to stop ovulation etc but its not 100% fool proof.

    Any ideas? Is it ovulation, implantation bleeding or pregnant or just pre-menstrual symptoms?


    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Am soory to ask but need advice!!!?

    Okay, so I have the implant and I averagely get my period every 2 months and they last for 2-3 weeks.

    Anyway, when we have sex me and my husband normally use a condom too (we already have 2 children). My last period was dec (just before christamas) so im not due on im guessing until February. Well, no period pains or anything like I normally get when Im due on but today there was very light pink on tissue but no period. Now I have itchy nipple (left side) and slight tenderness. We did have sex beginning of this week and didnt use a condom but ive not fallen preg on implant before.

    Anyway, just wondered if anyone could give any suggestions? We do want another baby soon but before when I've thought ive been pregnant all tests have been negative so I really cant be bothered to take a test if you know what I mean. Any advice greatly appreciated, thanks.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Parents do you feel the same way?

    I am fed up of the governments many failed attemts to try and stop underage drinking and smoking. I mean fair enough raising the age for buying cigarettes (in the UK) to 18 but its so easy for these teens to get an adult to buy them for them, the same for alcohol.

    I think they should actually do a survey on the teens and ask them what would make them not smoke or to stop buying them if you know what I mean.

    What do you parents think about this?

    18 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Im not being horrible but does anyone else get tired of....?

    I really am not being horrible to anyone so please dont think i am but does anyone else get fed up of the same old "Do you think I am pregnant?" questions.

    I mean, not the ones who have taken tests and want advice if its neg and they feel pregnant etc but those who think they are pregnant but wont take a test - i mean were not psychic are we?

    I just find it a bit frustrating does anyone else?

    31 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I reall need some advice - I want another baby?

    Okay, im going to be totally honest about things but please no rude comments because I am sick of people judging me because of my age.

    Okay, I just turned 20 (new years eve) and I have a 3 year old daughter who starts school on Monday and a 16 month old boy. I am married, have my own house etc and we are both so grateful for the kids we have but we have decided we would like another one but he wants one this year, I want to wait to wait until next year.

    The reason I want to wait is very selfish really - in October (just after my daughters 3rd birthday) i want to go to west fest (in uk, its an arena with loads of different music you just spend all night dancing), plus it will be my 21st on the new yrs eve and I missed my 18th so dont want to be preg on my 21st plus, the final reason is my youngest will be 2 so by the time baby would be here if i wait until next year he will nearly be in school.

    I know they're selfish but I dont know what to do, i really want another child but im so unsure as to wether to wait until next year, I mean west fest will be on every year so not too bothered about that but I'm only going to get my 21st once.

    Any suggestions?

    15 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else feel the same about their toddler?

    My daughter is now 3 and starts school monday morning!!!

    I just really cant believe it, i feel like my little girl is all grown up.

    She is only going for monday lunch and afternoon and thursday afternoon but im feeling really aprehensive and its not even me starting my first day at pre-school. She is really excited bless her, we bought her a night garden lunch box for her 3rd birthday and shes really excited that she is going to get to use it bless her but I dont want her to go! lol

    Does/did anyone else feel like this? I really feel like shes not old enough to go to schoo but i want her to be able to socialise and do painting and interact and have fun etc but I feel im not ready for her to start school (i know really silly lol) but i just feel like ive totally lost my little girl, it only feels like I was holding her as a baby yesterday!

    Is anyone else going through the same thing? Anyone who has gone through it any advice please?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else feeling broody?

    ive got kids already - a boy and a girl - 3 and 1 - and everyone keeps telling me i dont need anymore because ive got one of each which i suppose is true and i am extremely thankful for the 2 I have as I know there are women out there who cant have children.

    Anyway, Im getting really broody for another baby! I love my kids so much and im really broody (watching programs with new borns in doesnt help either lol). I have the implant in so theres no rush and im not getting it out until I know i definitely want another child. My husband wants one but I just really cant decide - i want one but then i remember all the pain in labour and giving birth and then it puts me off again :) if you know what I mean. And i have complications during the last trimester which means i have to be induced at 37-38 weeks so labour comes on alot stronger (OC)

    Just wondering if anyone else is feeling really broody?

    For those of you debating another baby does the thought of labour again put you off?

    And for those who have 3 kids do you find it any harder than 2?

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else feeling broody?

    ive got kids already - a boy and a girl - 3 and 1 - and everyone keeps telling me i dont need anymore because ive got one of each which i suppose is true and i am extremely thankful for the 2 I have as I know there are women out there who cant have children.

    Anyway, Im getting really desperate for another baby! I love my kids so much and im really broody (watching programs with new borns in doesnt help either lol). I have the implant in so theres no rush and im not getting it out until I know i definitely want another child. My husband wants one but I just really cant decide - i want one but then i remember all the pain in labour and giving birth and then it puts me off again :) if you know what I mean. And i have comlications during the last trimester which means i have to be induced at 37-38 weeks so labour comes on alot stronger (OC)

    Just wondering if anyone else is feeling like this? If you are debating a 3rd does the thought of labour again put you off? And for those who have 3 kids do you find it any harder than 2?

    1 AnswerParenting1 decade ago
  • is anyone else feeling broody?

    ive got kids already - a boy and a girl - and everyone keeps telling me i dont need anymore because ive got one of each which i suppose is true and i am extremely thankful for the 2 I have as I know there are women out there who cant have children.

    Anyway, Im getting really desperate for another baby! I love my kids so much and im really broody (watching programs with new borns in doesnt help either lol). I have the implant in so theres no rush and im not getting it out until I know i definitely want another child. My husband wants one but I just really cant decide - i want one but then i remember all the pain in labour and giving birth and then it puts me off again :) if you know what I mean. And i have comlications during the last trimester which means i have to be induced at 37-38 weeks so labour comes on alot stronger (OC)

    Just wondering if anyone else is feeling like this? If you are debating a 3rd does the thought of labour again put you off? And for those who have 3 kids do you find it any harder than 2?

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Can anyone help me figure it out?

    Okay, im posting this in the pregnancy and parenting bit because I know most women who have had children are more than likely on some form of birth control.

    Heres my problem.

    I have the implant (implanon) ive had it in just over a year and my periods normally come every 2 months or so and last approx 3 weeks, this is what i class as normal for me. I do some months take the contraceptive pill as advised by a doctor to control the bleeding as it lasts so long and can be quite heavy. Anyway, I started my period about to 3 weeks ago, but it wasnt very heavy like normal and only lasted about a week but now, 2 weeks later ive sort of come on again. Ive got extremely light bleeding (TMI like really light pinky brown colour ) so none of this is normal for me, my periods too light and hasnt lasted long enough and i have never come on twice in one month.

    I know any contraceptive can mess up your periods especially the implant but this has never happened the whole time ive been on it (ive had it in once before too).

    Any ideas please??? I dont have any pregnancy symptoms but havent taken a test.

    Anyone else ever had this? All advice welcome, thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between.....?

    Okay I posted a question on here about people who are dead against abortion - would they be not so against abortion if the woman was raped and got pregnant. There were alot of different answers which was great but my point was that if a woman was raped and got pregnant dont you think she would rather have an abortion and be able to try to move on from her ordeal rather than give birth to a child and be reminded of what happened every day for the rest of her life.

    Now, a fair few people said that they would agree with abortion under this circumstance, others agree with me in that its a womans body so their decision and others feel it's not the babys fault (which obviously its not) and that the woman should give birth and put it up for adoption.

    Now my question is what is the difference between abortion and adoption???

    Either way your giving up your child. I understand that some feel abortion is murder even if the embryo doesnt have a heart beat but I persoanlly feel a woman would feel just as guilty if she gave her child up for adoption. Alot of people say the child could go to a family who cant have children but arent there enough children up for adoption as it is? I persoanlly couldnt do either but please, let me know your opinion on abortion vs adoption - the difference

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • For those who are against abortion?

    Im neither for or against abortion, i think it is the womans body so there for her decision.

    Anyway for those who are dead against abortion - are you still against abortion do you agree with abortion for women who were raped and got pregnant?

    25 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • which name is best for a boy?

    My little sister is pregnant with her first and she was going to call him Caleb but has now got bored of that name because she keeps calling him that.

    She was on about calling her son Ryley (which is my sons name) but wants to spell it Riley instead of Ryley which i just think is plain wierd so i told her she cant.

    Anyway, we like Finley or Brandon (he might be ginger too) so which one is better. I personally prefer Finley, well in all honesty i prefer anything as long as she doesnt use my sons name.

    give me your thoughts.

    10 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Does any other parent do this?

    Do any of you parents watch a movie where a child dies or gets hurt and get really upset because you have children and sort of think how you'd feel if that was your child?

    Or is it just me lol

    Ive got too kids and I hate seing kids being hurt on tv, i find it so sad because I love my kids so much and get quite upset because i think how id feel if it was my kids, just wondering if anyone else has ever felt like this?

    13 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Would you/do you know the sex of your baby?

    With my first baby they couldnt tell the sex because her legs were crossed. I was annoyed because I wanted to know the sex but it was a nice suprise to wait for - i had a girl. 2nd baby i definitly wanted to know so i could know wether to buy new clothes or if i could keep my daughters pink ones, turned out I had a boy.

    Has anyone wanted to know the sex of their baby but not been able to find out?

    How many know the sex of your baby and how many dont want to know (also what number baby)

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • To ALL teen parents or those who were teen parents?

    Now, I would just like to start of by saying I dont want any critisism on here please, or judging or any nasty comments towards teen paternts because we have feelings just like anyone else. Thanks.

    Anyway, I myself am a teen mum. I am 19 and I had my daughter when I was 16 and my son when I was 18. I have a husband of 4 months and he is the father to both my kids and weve been together since I was 15 (he was 21) (no rude comments about that please)

    Well, I love both my children so much and I always put them first no matter what and I dont regret having them at all and I wouldnt change a thing but I do however think sometimes what my life would have been like now if I didnt have my kids. I dont think i would be very far in life as I was into drugs etc before meeting my husband and having my kids.

    What I want to know is am I alone in this? Do any of you teen parents out there think what your life could have been? Do you miss your freedom, indapendance, ability to what you want when you want, socail life, and basically your teenage years? Do you ever wish you would have donethings differently?

    I want to hear from all teen parents (mum and dads) and all those who were teen parents.

    Thanks xxx

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago