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Sandra-Daniella's Mum
Hi, I am 20 and and am a very proud Mummy to a Beautiful Baby girl Daniella Kristine Pearce. She was born on the 11th of Dec 09, a day after her due date :) (Just on time) at 6:31am weighing 7lbs 5oz. I live in Australia and love to communicate with people all over the world. I find that even though all our cultures are all different, all mums anywhere in the world all want the same for their children. Which is love, comfort and security. Love to see other young and also other Aussie Mums on Y/A as well!! My Fiance and I have been together for 4 years and adore being parents, she has made our life so much more special, and every moment with her is a blessing. We could not imagine life any other way :) We love being a threesome! I love my Yahoo friends, I have learned to much from you guys since very early in my pregnancy, and you have made my life a lot easier when I needed any kind of advice or answer. Thanks so much ladies!! Feel free to add me anytime!
Taking daughter to stay at dads?
Hi Hope everyone had a nice Easter :) I am going through a seperation and we have joint custody. I am wondering if anyone has been through this and if you have any advice to offer. I have really bad anxiety when i give her to her dad for the weekend, its just the unknown feeling that he is looking after her and I just have to trust that he is doing the right thing and has the right people around her, i know he loves her and wont do anything to hurt her but he has a new gf and I have no idea what kind of porson she is. I just feel sick to my stomach when i take her. she is 16 months old. Can anyone offer some advice?
6 AnswersParenting1 decade agoTaking daughter to stay at dads?
Hi Hope everyone had a nice Easter :) I am going through a seperation and we have joint custody. I am wondering if anyone has been through this and if you have any advice to offer. I have really bad anxiety when i give her to her dad for the weekend, its just the unknown feeling that he is looking after her and I just have to trust that he is doing the right thing and has the right people around her, i know he loves her and wont do anything to hurt her but he has a new gf and I have no idea what kind of porson she is. I just feel sick to my stomach when i take her. she is 16 months old. Can anyone offer some advice?
9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agocould I be pregnant with my ex fiances baby?
I had unprotected sex with my daughters father while we were still together and he pulled out, well he moved out just before I got my period. I have not had sex since he moved out, but my period is now 2 weeks late. Is it possible to be pregnant with his child even though I had my last period after the last time we had intercourse. Is this possible? I am to scared to test, he has cheated on me and became violent during the end of our relationship so I cant see myself with him again. Makes me to worried to test. Please help, thanks
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoHow much are these dogs as puppies in Australia?
Shiba Inu and chow. We would like a male puppy of one of them. Thanks!
3 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhat is a good medium size house dog?
My partner wants us to get a medium size dog (he says he is not a fan of little fluffy dogs). What puppy should we get that will grow up to me a medium size dog. We have a 14 month old who is good with my parents dog.
8 AnswersDogs1 decade agoHow much is a breast lift in Australia?
I live in South Australia. Pregnancy and breastfeeding has really affected my breasts and it takes a toll on my self confidence. How much would it cost to get a breast augmentation (a lift) ? Thanks
2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoGoing to ex fiancées brothers wedding?
My fiancée cancelled our wedding and decided he was leaving. Although, he recently agreed to counseling and we are trying to work on things, especially for our 14 month old daughter. We want to try to best we can to stay together. Our wedding was going to be 21st of May. well, I am suppose to leave for his brothers wedding late this month. And I do not even have a counseling appointment till after that I think, actually I think I booked it on the same day by accident, so I will have to change it and book it even further away :( I just have no idea (no mater how selfish it sounds, because I love his brother and love his brothers fiance even more) that I can watch them get married. It feels like torture. I have my dress in storage (still have no idea what I am doing with it), I have to contact the place we booked out ceremony and cancel it, its all juts way tooooooo depressing. And now I have to sit and watch to people in love get married. Everyone says they will understand if i do not go, but she also told me it would mean the world to her if I came. And everyone would be so sad not to have our daughter there. I just have no idea how I would cope. What should I do? Please any advice would help.
2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhen your relationship was finally over, how long did it take for you to heal?
My fiancee has made it very clear he wants to leave and that he is not in love with me anymore. He told me we put to much effort into 'just being parents' and not enough into our 'own relationship'. He has made it very clear he does not want to try anymore. He just want to be a dad and focus on that. So after 5 years of being with him, I just want to now how long it will take for me to feel ok again. It feels like a death has happened :(
We have a 14 month old together as well
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhere do I go from here? He wants to leave me?
Just need some much needed advice about coping from a break up with a little one in the middle. My fiancee came come from work yesterday and told me with no warning he does not love and does not want to marry me. My daughter is in daycare today and I took the day off work because I am a mess. Not sure were to go from here. Feel like I have to stay strong for her but I do not know if I can because I am hurting so bad. I keep thinking back to when she was born, and how happy we were and how perfect my family was. And thats all gone :( I just wish I could wake up from this nightmare. We always helped each other out and supported each other, we were so in love for 5 years just have no idea why this is happening. How can he just turn around one day and say this to me. Keep blaming my self, thinking back and wondering what I did wrong that made him feel this way. Have no idea what to do as obviously we live together :( ?
Our wedding was suppose to be the 21st of May. He went with me took book flowers and the weddings cars. And even took all the grooms to get the suits sorted. So it was a huge shock to me to hear him say this.
Aldo we have a 14 month old daughter. Please no rude comments because I am in a really bad place :(
9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoA question for separated parents?
Just need some much needed advice about coping from a break up with a little one in the middle. My fiancee came come from work yesterday and told me with no warning he does not love and does not want to marry me. My daughter is in daycare today and I took the day off work because I am a mess. Not sure were to go from here. Feel like I have to stay strong for her but I do not know if I can because I am hurting so bad. I keep thinking back to when she was born, and how happy we were and how perfect my family was. And thats all gone :( I just wish I could wake up from this nightmare. We always helped each other out and supported each other, we were so in love for 5 years just have no idea why this is happening. How can he just turn around one day and say this to me. Keep blaming my self, thinking back and wondering what I did wrong that made him feel this way. Have no idea what to do as obviously we live together :( ?
9 AnswersParenting1 decade agoWhat is most child friendly breed of dog?
In your opinion, what would be the best puppy to get? I have a almost 14 month old, and we will try for our next baby Late May. So we want a dog that will cope well with a toddler and baby. Thank you.
19 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agowhat is most child friendly breed of dog?
In your opinion, what would be the best puppy to get? I have a almost 14 month old, and we will try for our next baby Late May. So we want a dog that will cope well with a toddler and baby. Thank you.
17 AnswersDogs1 decade agoI year old plus TTC next baby May and puppy?
We have an almost 14 month old, she loves my parents Maltlese x Shitzu dog and is always patting and following him around. We are thinking about maybe getting a puppy soon because she is so gentle and we always tell her when she touches him, gentle and she actually does and never pulls the tail or anything. The problem is, we want to try and conceive our second baby late May, so would it be a bad idea to get a puppy before having our next baby? He would be a lot more grown by then. Would it be better to wait till the next baby is around my daughters age? That feels like forever away lol Thanks!
Oh and the maltese shitzu dog does not live with us
2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago13 month old Daughters temperament changed?
My almost 14 month old seems to be getting more naughty these days. She has started daycare, but has only been to 1 full day so that can not be the reason, unless she is a super fast learner lol. In the last couple days she waves her finger around yelling at me (trying to tell me off lol) has been hitting me and even bit me (she never ever bites) and has always been a little angel, well besides the tantrums lol So what could be going on? Thanks
6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoMy daughter just left for daycare first time?
And I feel so sad :( I was crying, and my fiance actually had to remove her from me :( I already want to pick her up, and her daddy is only just dropping her off now! I like the center and carers, but I just didn't realise how hard this would be. She is 13 months old and the only child, just not sure how she will do :( I have an interview today, but all I can think about is how worried I am. Does this feeling go away soon, or should I expect to feel like this for a while when she gets dropped off? Thanks!
3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago13 month olds first day at daycare Monday?
We have visited 3 times, and I have left her for 30 mins a couple times then came back for her, and she did ok. Cried the second time, when she saw me but did not cry when I left her. I think a full day will be hard on her, they said I can ring at any time to check on her, and if they believe she has had enough they will tell me to pick her up earlier if she is distressed. I am really nervous about it lol How do most toddlers around this age react? Thanks!
5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agowhats wrong with the name Lucas?
We are not TTC our second baby till late May, but whenever I tell people that if we ever have a boy I want to call him Lucas..... nobody likes it. I think its really cute, and not sure why so many people have a problem with it? What do you think of the name?
15 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWould you recommend getting a umbrella stroller?
I have a 13 month old, our stroller is a 3 wheeler and not that heavy but takes up a lot of space. Last time we went to a restaurant I needed the stroller to get to the place, but she ended up in the highchair the whole time and the stroller just took up space. Would you recommend a umbrella stroller? Is it worth getting one? Thank you!
6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago1 year old having nightmares?
Hi, My daughter 13 month old has been having nightmares a lot recently, so she has trouble sleeping. Is this a common phase? or should I see a doctor about it?????
2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoHow do you prepare for a job interview?
and what helps calm down nerves? Thank you!
2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago