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Lv 31,638 points

Matt D

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  • How do girls on survivor shave?

    How come all the girls on survivor are clean shaven? Even the dark haired Mediterranean girls legs are silky smooth? I backpacked for weeks with girls and know that women's legs are just as hairy as a man's.

    6 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • My girlfriend is psychotically jealous and displays extreme envy, what should I do?

    I've been in this current relationship for almost 4 years, we live together. Early in this relationship I realized I could not bring up any aspect of my life before I met her. I was married for a long time a year previous to this relationship. I haven't talked to my ex in 5 years. I can't bring up any aspect of my life before I met her. I have to word things differently because this girl would get angry, start to treat my like crap and walk out. I can't bring up most facts about my past. Like, that I was in Europe for awhile, because I can't say the word "We" or even If I bring up a movie I saw she'd say "who'd you see that with?" If I say, I lived in Colorado, she'd ask "who did you live there with?" If I answer her question "with my ex' or some girl before, even if I wasn't intimate with them, she gets quite, than angry, and lock herself in her room. I remember one time, about 2 months into the relationship, I had to go over to my ex's and get some of my stuff. My ex sent me a letter stating that "I have some of your stuff out in the garage. If you don't come get it, I'm throwing it away" She saw the letter and freaked out. It's so damn uncomfortable and crazy sometimes, and it's hard to say things that are nice to her when she's acting insane. The worst part about it is she gets so damn mean for no reason. My old house went up for sale recently and I said "Wow, my house I lived in 7 years ago is up for sale" I guess she realized I lived in the house with my ex, in reaction to this, she'd start off by being quite with this look of betrayal, than she gets mean, saying things like "If you liked your life so much before why don't you go back to it and your ex" knowing that the next hours are going to be miserable. It's hard for me to react with anything other than saying "stop being crazy".

    Two nights ago she brought up my ex and said "she's everything I want to be" So I started trying to talk with her about it trying to get down to what the hell is going on in her head. Well, this was a bad idea, I should have left the "crazy door" closed

    Well, today, It started out the same way crazy look, crazy questions out of nowhere. I kind of let her have it verbally. She said "you're still in love with your ex" I called her a psycho and got angry and I started saying my ex's name, which I've only said it once in front of her. She went insane and attacked me. I didn't touch her though but kept calling her things like, insane and psycho, while she was attacking me she made my nose bleed, busted my lip and started kicking me and stomping on me scratching me....I got up laughed and said "You truly are a psycho" Then, she picked up part of a sharp broken picture frame broken during the chaos and stared at me crazy. I told her "If you come at me with that, I'll f*ck you up" She dropped it, went into the bedroom and locked the door, got dressed for work, and on her way out the door said "I'm sorry" and left. My face was pretty bloody and my body is all scratched and bruised up.

    What should I do? I feel sorry for her and have feelings for her

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is the term "common sense" ridiculous?

    It seems as if people use this term way to often. If common sense is true than why are their books, classes, and professors in ethics and philosophy. Why is it when I hear people stating, "It's just "common sense" they're usually the people with the least sense?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Has any body ever experienced this in Boston? or anywhere else?

    I was also walking through the Italian section of Boston and there was a group of about 5 big stereotypical Italian guys in their mid 20's standing outside a bar in the middle of the day, saying the most offensive things to people who walked by, things like "Hey, blackie I think your in the wrong neighborhood unless you're washin my f--n car" or "put that dog on a leash motherf---r" and "I wanna f--- your daughter" I was seriously thinking about fighting the main guy, I was across the street and I stopped, my buddy grabbed me and said that all of those guys would take turns kicking my head in if I tried to fight. It's their hobby, that's what they do, and told me they wait for somebody to throw the first punch and jump them. He said he saw the whole bar clear out and beat 3 guy's so bad they had to be put on stretchers when one tried to fight back. They get arrested and are doing the same thing three days later.

    He lived about 5 blocks away and said that he doesn't walk down there at night because all these Italians are standing around waiting for the chance to beat the crap out of people for no reason what so ever.

    I can't believe this stuff happens. I also find it somewhat hard to believe, Is it common in that area? This is the famous Italian neighborhood close to downtown, in the middle of the city.

    4 AnswersBoston1 decade ago
  • Do you consider Sean Hannity and Anne Coulter to be fascist?

    Anne Coulter has said that nationalism is a good thing. She has joked around about killing liberals.

    They state ideas saying, liberals are worse than terrorists and we kill terrorists. But they don't come out and say "kill liberals" they point people in that direction though.


    Believe that only americans who believe like they do are "great americans"

    Split society into two classes citizens/military. One being more american and vvirtuesthan the other.

    Sell the idea that all people with the tools of violent tactics are against whom they are against.

    Don't give any culture credit for anything besides judeo-christians.

    Believe that any military advance is proper within there own wide justifications, or whomever they agree with politically starts the campaign

    Believe in anglo christian superiority.

    They don't outright say these things because it would make them fascist, It's like, they tell you how to make a WMD but state that people shouldn't, but dance around it continually...I could go on forever....

    7 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • What if all liberals and people who believed in evolution left the country?

    What have people who've called themselves conservative in their own life ever done for humankind, for anything, in any way, shape, or form?

    I use to work and live in and around Los Alamos National Laboratories. I can say that all the scientists I've met believe in evolution, and most were liberal.

    Conservatives want a strong military, yet don't want you to receive an education in liberal colleges and universities. 100% of all top 30 schools are considered liberal and yield most of the top scientist's, engineers, mathematicians, and computer designers. The same "godless" people that are destroying America.

    Conservatives are also against immigration. So, 1000's of NASA's and the militaries top scientists would have to be shipped back to Europe and Asia.

    The cars, cell phones, planes, computers, in all aspects have been built by college educated liberals.

    Our founding fathers wanted both a scientific education and a liberal education as stated by Thomas "liberal" Jefferson (called that by his opposition) and Franklin and never spoke about conservatives being a good thing and considered themselves liberal.

    What exactly have conservatives done in this country? They didn't found the country, they didn't fight the British (whom conservatives at the time) supported. They never entered a war in which they've won in the past 100yrs. Conservatives were opposed to fighting WWI and WWII.

    NOTE TO CONSERVATIVES: You can't change history by saying that the founding fathers believe in what you believe in now so that makes them "conservative" That means you're conservative. They are still, and always be, progressive and liberal. Because that’s what they were at the time.

    Face it. If it weren’t for progressives and liberals, conservatives would be living in huts made with their own feces.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What is emo? is this weird to anyone else?

    I'm 34, when I was a teenager emo meant indie/punk music that was emotional or had an emotional stage presence. 99.9% of the mainstream had no idea what it was. Hell, I was even in an emo influenced band. But nobody considered themselves emo. It was kind of a stupid term.

    I was talking with a guy that was 21 at the bar and he was supposedly emo? His voice was real feminine, he wore tight black pants and had his hair all done up and was wearing eye liner. He was at the bar to see an "emo" band. I like emo so I decided to stick around. I'm not judging him for the way he is or anything. I talked to some kids smoking out side that were "emo" and asked them if they consider themselves part of the emo type thing and said "yeah". When, I asked them if they still listened to the old Washington DC dischord label emo stuff. They had no idea what I was talking about.

    When the band started they had this heavy industrial thing going on it was far from emo. It was kind of goth and all the people kind of looked goth. But the crowd was supposedly "emo"?

    I'm just trying to make sense of things. Did emo have such a huge deviation from where it started that it is unrecognizable? did kids pick it up and didn't really know what it was, and just guessed "this is emo"?

    Do bands consider themeselves "emo" Nobody considered themeselves "emo" when I was in the scene. It was just a stupid label that was thrown around

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • What is emo now? It doesn't make any sense.?

    I'm 34, when I was a teenager emo meant indie/punk music that was emotional or had an emotional stage presence. 99.9% of the mainstream had no idea what it was. Hell, I was even in an emo influenced band. But nobody considered themselves emo. It was kind of a stupid term.

    I was talking with a guy that was 21 at the bar and he was supposedly emo? His voice was real feminine, he wore tight black pants and had his hair all done up and was wearing eye liner. He was at the bar to see an "emo" band. I like emo so I decided to stick around. I'm not judging him for the way he is or anything. I talked to some kids smoking out side that were "emo" and asked them if they consider themselves part of the emo type thing and said "yeah". When, I asked them if they still listened to the old Washington DC dischord label emo stuff. They had no idea what I was talking about.

    When the band started they had this heavy industrial thing going on it was far from emo. It was kind of goth and all the people kind of looked goth. But the crowd was supposedly "emo"?

    I'm just trying to make sense of things. Did emo have such a huge deviation from where it started that it is unrecognizable? did kids pick it up and didn't really know what it was, and just guessed "this is emo"?

    Do bands consider themeselves "emo" Nobody considered themeselves "emo" when I was in the scene. It was just a stupid label that was thrown around.

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • I'm not liberal or conservative, a little of both. Does anyone else agree with me?

    I believe in one major language in america. Because countries who's citizens can't talk to each other usually end up trying to kill one another.

    I believe in socialized medicine. Banning insurance companies and instead, having a health tax.

    I believe everyone in America needs to serve in the Armed Forces the summer after high school graduation or the summer of their 18th birthday. Since many people feel disenfranchised or have a monopoly on military america- everyone serve.

    1-3rd of soldiers in war need to be drafted. This would be a deter needless war by politicians having to send there kids off to war and the military wouldn't be as one sided politically. remember whoever owns the military ideologically owns the country aka Mussolini, Hitler, Mao.

    I believe in a women's right to choose before 3 months.

    believe in the right to bare arm's. They'd be taking guns away from the law abiding, yet the criminals wouldn't give them up.

    I believe in ending the war on drugs. Whats worse, a guy buying an ounce of cocaine for 50 bucks and messing up his own life, or people getting their heads blown off over an ounce of cocaine because it's worth $1100 and/or a life prison sentence which totals 750,000 dollars for the tax payers?

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago