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  • How to build a better body image while losing weight?

    I've been struggling with this a lot...

    I have a very negative body image and I know that that image will remain even after I lose weight. I want to feel positive about the way I look so I can be satisfied later on.

    I've been trying positive affirmations but they're not doing a lot for me. Is there anything else that can help me love my body more? Also, is it even possible to be body positive if you want to lose weight?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 years ago
  • What to do when simply existing takes too much effort?

    If you have depression you might know what I mean. I wouldn't say I'm suicidal but sometimes just existing feels like...too much. It's very difficult to put it into words...

    Anyway, it's a horrible feeling and I was wondering if there's any tips/tricks that can help lift depression when it gets that heavy.

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersMental Health2 years ago
  • What is it like living in Hawaii?

    I m just curious. It s an international vacation destination and seems like a stunning place to live, but I know it must have its downfalls.

    Please be as specific as possible! What kind of jobs are common, how expensive it is to live there, what the culture is like, etc.

    Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersOther - Destinations2 years ago
  • About Tokyo Ghoul Season 3 Ep. 19?

    Um sooo WHAT THE ****???

    Am I the only one lowkey (NOT lowkey) enraged?

    Touka and Kaneki have NEVER shown romantic interest in each other and then OUT OF NOWHERE, in a SINGLE episode, they have sex, get married, and Touka gets pregnant???

    I wouldn't be mad if they had built it slowly, but it was just so sudden that it felt completely wrong. It almost feels like extreme fan service.

    Am I the only one upset about this?

    Also, does anyone know if this was in the manga? If it was, was it so sudden in the manga as well?

    What the ****.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation2 years ago
  • What are some good fiction TV shows about cooking?

    Is elaboration needed?

    I'm open to anime, foreign language series, regular English language series and anything else as long as it's good!

    I've already watched Food Wars and Kitchen Confidential (w/ Bradley Cooper ;} ).

    1 AnswerComics & Animation2 years ago
  • How can I learn to cook/improve my cooking without culinary school?

    I don't mean how to fry an egg or how to cook pasta. I'm talking culinary techniques, knife skills, flavor profiles, et cetera. I'm interested in becoming a chef, but I've only recently come to this conclusion so I don't have any experience or skills.

    I *definitely* cook more than the average person, but I wouldn't say my cooking is any better.

    Please no obvious answers like "practice" or "cook for other people and get feedback". I'm already doing those things but it's not enough right now.

    The least snarky answer gets 10 points. Thanks in advance!

    10 AnswersFood Service2 years ago
  • Calling all Portland experts...?

    So I'm hoping to move to Portland, Oregon in the next 6 months or so, but maybe only if it has what I'm looking for. I like the idea of Portland not only for its culture, but because of the mountains and nature that you don't completely lose despite being in its big city.

    I'm looking for a residential area of Portland that has just that; I want to be as close as possible to things like nature trails/mountains/the wild, but I don't want to be that far from Portland. Depending on if such a place exists, I may get a car when I go there, especially if I end up on the outskirts of Portland or just outside of Portland. In such a case, I'd ideally not want to have to drive more than fifteen minutes to get to the city or true nature. Same with public transport.

    So, any ideas? Even if you have an inkling of a place that may be what I'm looking for, please throw it down below!

    Thanks in advance, and apologies if that didn't make any sense!

    4 AnswersPortland2 years ago
  • I just said "my laves are shegged" out loud. How do I continue on with my life?

    where do i go from here? how can i move on?

    please help me.

    at the end of the day, at least my legs are smooth as a dolphin

    2 AnswersPsychology2 years ago
  • Recommended Anime(s)?

    So, I've come to the conclusion that all of my favorite animes have been ones either recommended to me or ones I've heard people rave about.

    Some of my favorites are Sword Art Online, One Punch Man, Angel Beats, and Fairy Tail. I tend to favor adventurous ones (i.e. Seven Deadly Sins, Hunter x Hunter), comedic ones (i.e. Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto, Saiki K.), and sometimes thrilling dark ones (i.e. Tokyo Ghoul).

    There are a few quite popular ones that I haven't really watched like Naruto, Death Note, Bleach, One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist, and My Hero Academia. I've either watched one or a couple episodes but just haven't gotten pulled in, or perhaps I just straight up didn't like it. I know that sometimes it takes a few episodes for you to really get into an anime, so if you think there's one I REALLY need to give another shot, lemme know!

    Please, assist below!

    2 AnswersComics & Animation3 years ago
  • Why have I never had a headache?

    I'm serious. I've never had an honest-to-God headache in my life. Not even the morning after getting wasted do I feel so much as a twinge up there.

    Why? The only answers I see around the internet are "because you're lucky" or "well, woohoo for you, jackass" or "try bashing your skull in with a lamp, see if you have a headache then".

    Not very helpful, if you ask me.

    I definitely don't have a stress-free life. I stress about losing socks. Not exactly Buddha, here.

    Am I just a freak of nature (well, more of a freak),is it something medical, or actually just luck? My grandmother got migraines all the time. My own mother gets headaches quite frequently.

    Really, I'm wondering. I just want to know what it's like. I mean, I'm not gonna go out and try different methods until my head finally goes, "fine, but you asked for it, pal". It's just that kind of sick feeling of, "It can't be that bad. Bet I could handle it" and then sobbing on your bathroom floor once you realize that no, you cannot, in fact, handle it.

    So, any actual answers?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • A question regarding fire-starting?

    So this morning I was brushing my teeth with one hand while blow-drying with another and for a moment, I remembered this time as a child where I had the blow-dryer on with the faucet because I was "trying to dry the water". My mother came barreling in and said, "Are you trying to start a fire?!"

    I just wanted to know if you could really start a fire that way.

    5 AnswersOther - Science6 years ago
  • How to get rid of stains on teeth?

    I have these white stains at the edges of my teeth, and it really bugs me because it's noticeable. How do I get rid of them?

    Whitening doesn't work. Whitening actually made it worse. I repeat: WHITENING MADE IT WORSE.


    2 AnswersDental6 years ago
  • Annual skin itchiness?

    So last spring, a skin itchiness developed that didn't go away. It kind of came and went some days, wasn't there other days, and was really bad other-other days. It lasted the whole season and most of summer. I visited a dermatologist and she thought maybe it was hives (prescribed antihistamines that did the trick), but wanted to take blood tests just in case, so we made a follow-up appointment. I ended up never going to the second appointment, so I never found out. Yeah, that one's on me. I was taking benadryl daily after I ran out of the prescription, and that worked pretty well.

    Anyway, it went away after summer and I dismissed it.

    Now, it's back, my resistance for benadryl is rising, and I'm just kinda...Curious. Could it be a seasonal allergy thing? Something I should worry about?

    It's not a I-would-rather-burn-my-flesh-off-in-patches-than-bear-with-this-itchiness kind of itchiness. It's, I'd say, a little less itchy than a bug bite, but in patches, like the crook of my neck or something.

    Honestly, I'm sick of waking up in the middle of the night because my skin is itchy and dry-swallowing the nearest antihistamines and then feeling like I'm choking for the rest of the night because I'm too lazy, or tired, to get up for a drink. Again, yes, I know, that's on me.

    But, uh, anything you know about it might be helpful. Sorry for over-sharing.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions6 years ago
  • Led Zeppelin is NOT heavy metal! Right...?

    I just saw Led Zeppelin listed as heavy metal on Pandora and literally did a double take. Is it really considered heavy metal? I thought generally Led Zeppelin was considered hard rock with MAYBE a hint of metal, but heavy metal? Come on.

    Am I being completely blind about this or am I right?

    34 AnswersRock and Pop6 years ago
  • Trying to name a song...?

    Okay, so I don't know what the name of the song is, the album, or artist...

    But I know it's a super SUPER popular song and it's from the 50s, 60s, 0r 70s.

    (I think) The lyrics have a lot to do with the word "baby", and the music video is (I think) a group of men in suits dancing on a small stage with microphones and it's in black and white.

    It's a great song and it's catchy, and I feel like everyone knows it.

    I know how terribly vague this is but it's like this weight that won't be lifted until I GET THE NAME. So if you have even a slight IDEA what it is, please just suggest it because you might be right.


    ....Or not, if you decide to ignore this.

    1 AnswerOther - Music6 years ago
  • I'm trying to name a certain flower?

    So there's this flower that I've been trying to figure out the name of (but for some reason just CANNOT). I can tell you that it's white with green stems, very small and kind of airy. They usually have these at weddings and with bouqets to compliment the other flowers. They kind of look like gypsophila or baby's-breath flowers (with the bunches of small flowers) but smaller and...lighter.

    If you could assist in my naming this...Thank you!

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape6 years ago
  • How to get over this thing?

    So there's this thing that I very much want to happen, but there is a 1% chance that it actually will. The problem is, I keep thinking like it's gonna happen, despite the odds. What I'm trying to do is to get over the thing, so when it doesn't happen, my emotions won't be torn to shreds. I've been telling myself it's not gonna happen, but I can't listen to myself because the hope/expectation part of my mind is louder than the logic/don't-screw-yourself-over part.

    Is there anything I can do to get over this thing that's going to make the next three years of my life total hell if it doesn't happen (which it won't) and I'm still attached to it before I find out it isn't happening?

    I don't care if it's a psychological answer, a sacrifice-to-the-gods answer, or a focus-your-energy-and-listen-to-your-subconscious answer. Just help me out?

    1 AnswerMental Health6 years ago
  • If an object is held in the air, will it still move with the Earth?

    So I was watching Men In Black III and I was at the part where the lobster-trap-head man says that Agent J and Agent K would have to deploy the UFO amulet onto the moon, and then the camera glanced at the moon, which was low in the sky, and I started thinking about shooting a rocket toward the moon, then I started thinking how whether or not the Earth would shift the rocket slightly off course as it rotated on its axis, and so I wanna know...What if you held something maybe a couple miles into the sky, NOT outside of the Earth's trophosphere. Would it move with the Earth's rotation, or would it remain independently still? I guess that brings me to a broader question: Is the sky individualistic of the forces that gyrate the Earth?

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space6 years ago
  • Crawling/Tapping Noise in Exterior Wall?

    So every SINGLE night for the past few weeks (maybe 5 or 6) there has been this light crawling tapping noise on the exterior wall of my bedroom. It's always the wall right above my head when I'm NOT SLEEPING. It's actually going on riiight now. I have checked all around my wall in my bedroom and on the outside, but there. Is. NOTHING. I'm dead flip flopping serious about this. It's stressing me out and it always sounds like it's right above my head. I keep thinking there's some sadistic insect playing mind games with me but I'll admit, I never find him (well played on his end, if so). Any ideas what it could be?

    If it helps at all, I live in the southeastern U.S., so it's very hot and humid with TWENTY DEGREE TEMPERATURE CHANGES DAY TO DAY.

    [it's the middle of the night, so pardon me]

    Wait. It stopped.

    It never stops.

    Is it a barbarous spirit? Is it a perverted insect? Is it...oh. The tree right outside my wall? Maybe I should check that out. I'm still going to send this in, juuust in case.

    Answerer gets less judgmental glares than the rest of the human population. Thank you!

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden6 years ago