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Favorite Answers21%
  • Is this a good birthday present for a guy? Would you be happy if your gf did this for you?

    So tomorrow is my boyfriends birthday. I work first shift he works second so we dont get a ton of time together. Hes coming over tonight, by the time he gets home itll be past midnight (so technically his birthday) if he walks in with me wearing a sexy mini skirt with no panties, a bra, holding a present in one hand and a cold beer in the other, is that a good gift? Or is that too mainstream or cliche or something?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • People who have taken Clonzepam?

    My doctor just prescribed me clonzepam for my anxiety. Im also bipolar. Im nervous to take it because ive never taken anxiety medication before let alone a benzo. I also take seroquil and had a terrible reaction the first time I took it (was passing out falling into walls and stuff) so im nervous about taking another new med. Anyone whos taken or takes clonzepam if you could just give me some advice, tell me what its like or what your experience with it is? Hopefully something to make me less nervous about it. I know all meds affect different people different ways. Oh im taking .5 mg twice a day. My friend was like "oh youre gonna be faded" and it made me so scared because thats definitely not why im taking this or what I want at all. I have a baby to take care of and I dont drink or do any drugs of any kind.

    1 AnswerMedicine7 years ago
  • Can you tattoo over scar tissue?

    I'm turning 18 in a month, and I plan to get a tattoo for my birthday (my first ever) I want to get it on my wrist. I used to cut myself when I was younger so I have a few scars on my wrist, they're all right next to each other so its like a giant inch of scar tissue. Will they be able to tattoo over this? Or no?

    Please no rude comments. it was in my past, I got help and am better now.


    6 AnswersTattoos8 years ago
  • questions for guys about clingy girls?

    If you liked a girl but she was kinda clingy and texted you everyday all the time, and then suddlenly she stoped texting you. how long would it take you to noitce she hasnt been texting you? How long before you text her? if you liked her but she was too clingy, then became less clingy and got it under control, do you think itd work out? how much texting do you consider clingy?

    Sorry for all the questions and I feel super lame for asking this on yahoo answers, but I want some guys opinions.

    The guy is 17 if that helps at all.

    Thanks :)

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • questions for guys about clingy girls?

    If you liked a girl but she was kinda clingy and texted you everyday all the time, and then suddlenly she stoped texting you. how long would it take you to noitce she hasnt been texting you? How long before you text her? if you liked her but she was too clingy, then became less clingy and got it under control, do you think itd work out? how much texting do you consider clingy?

    Sorry for all the questions and I feel super lame for asking this on yahoo answers, but I want some guys opinions.

    The guy is 17 if that helps at all.

    Thanks :)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • experiences with dollar tree pregnancy tests?

    Did anyone take a pregnancy test from the dollar tree and have it actually work? I'm kinda skeptical a pregnancy test from them could actually work, but I dont have a ton of money. If you took one and it worked, how far along were you? Did you take one and it not work? its been 3 and a half weeks since I had sex, so I'd be almost 6 weeks pregnant. Do you think itll actually work if I take one and its been almost a month since I had sex? (september 27th now october 22nd) thanks for any input!

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • when did you start feeding your child baby food?

    Ive heard a lot of different opinions from different people/things. WIC says not until 6 months, some parenting books say 4 some say 5, people ive asked say between 4 and 5 as well. Were going to his pedi on Saturday for his 4 month check up so I plan on asking her and most likely going with her opinion on it. My son will be 4 months in one week. He has great head steady-ness, He can sit up supported, and by himself for a few seconds. He leans towards his bottle, uses his hands to bring his bottle to his mouth and can hold it himself for about 5 minutes. He shows interest in what other people and myself are eating/drinking and makes it clear he would like some. I know those are all signs he's ready for food. I'm just wondering when you started with baby food? Im not sure if waiting until 6 months like WIC said is correct. As I said I plan on asking his doctor, just curious.

    (I know when the time does come to start with one food at a time to be sure there are no food allergies)

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • period or implantation? please dont ignore..?

    Im on bc. had my period on Sep 14th. I missed a few pills so I had breakthrough bleeding (light spotting not a period) on September 25th and 26th. I had sex on September 27th. He wore a condom. Its almost been 2 weeks Im nervous I could be pregnant. the past few days Ive been kind of nauseous, I sensitive to smells, extreme fatigue, my appetite has been up and down, and cramps. I know its early for symptoms which is why Im skeptical, but my last pregnancy those were the earliest symptoms I got and had them a week after sex. what's confusing me is for the past 4 days Ive been spotting very very lightly almost not there. Everything combined from 4 days would only equal one regular tampon that's how light it is. I don't know if thats my period a week early or implantation even though its so light I don't know if that's too long for implantation or what to think. I'm going to take a test obviously but waiting a few more days so its more accurate. Any opinions please

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • period or implantation? please answer!?

    Im on bc. had my period on Sep 14th. I missed a few pills so I had breakthrough bleeding (light spotting not a period) on September 25th and 26th. I had sex on September 27th. He wore a condom. Its almost been 2 weeks Im nervous I could be pregnant. the past few days Ive been kind of nauseous, I sensitive to smells, extreme fatigue, my appetite has been up and down, and cramps. I know its early for symptoms which is why Im skeptical, but my last pregnancy those were the earliest symptoms I got and had them a week after sex. what's confusing me is for the past 4 days Ive been spotting very very lightly almost not there. Everything combined from 4 days would only equal one regular tampon that's how light it is. I don't know if thats my period a week early or implantation even though its so light I don't know if that's too long for implantation or what to think. I'm going to take a test obviously but waiting a few more days so its more accurate. Any opinions please.

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Very confused, pregnant?

    Okay its a bit of a long confusing story. June 30th, had a baby boy. Stopped bleeding 2 weeks after that. Started birth control 7 weeks after that (august 20th) Got my period a week later (august 27th) Took my pill every day on time for the whole month. Took my week break. Started my new pack. Wasn't taking pills every day, or on time when I did. Missed a few pills and would double up on them randomly. Had what could've been a period or break through bleeding on September 13th. Lasted 2 days. Continued taking pills not correctly. Had light spotting on September 25th & 26th. I assume break through bleeding because I had missed a bunch of pills. Had sex September 27th. We used a condom and he didn't finish. I've been terrified I could be pregnant ever sense. I've just felt different and funny. I feel the way I felt last time I was pregnant, I just knew. Ive had cramps and back ache, a little bit of a headache. My appetite has been up and down as well. All things that I had early pregnancy last time. Started my new pack of pills yesterday, have been taking them on time and plan to continue too. Now October 6th (10 days since sex) I have cramps and very very light spotting, like only a few drops in 8 hours. Last time I was pregnant I had cramps and very very light spotting a week before my period was due. What do you think? Could I possibly be pregnant? I'm just really scared. I have no clue when I was ovulating because of all the random bleeding. Opinions would be great, thanks!

    Please don't tell me to take a test, I'm obviously going to do that but its too early yet.

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Very confused, pregnant?

    Okay its a bit of a long confusing story.

    June 30th, had a baby boy.

    Stopped bleeding 2 weeks after that.

    Started birth control 7 weeks after that (august 20th)

    Got my period a week later (august 27th)

    Took my pill every day on time for the whole month.

    Took my week break.

    Started my new pack. Wasn't taking pills every day, or on time when I did. Missed a few pills and would double up on them randomly. Had what could've been a period or break through bleeding on September 13th. Lasted 2 days.

    Continued taking pills not correctly.

    Had light spotting on September 25th & 26th. I assume break through bleeding because I had missed a bunch of pills.

    Had sex September 27th. We used a condom and he didn't finish.

    I've been terrified I could be pregnant ever sense. I've just felt different and funny. I feel the way I felt last time I was pregnant, I just knew. Ive had cramps and back ache, a little bit of a headache. My appetite has been up and down as well. All things that I had early pregnancy last time.

    Started my new pack of pills yesterday, have been taking them on time and plan to continue too.

    Now October 6th (10 days since sex) I have cramps and very very light spotting, like only a few drops in 8 hours.

    Last time I was pregnant I had cramps and very very light spotting a week before my period was due.

    What do you think? Could I possibly be pregnant? I'm just really scared. I have no clue when I was ovulating because of all the random bleeding. Opinions would be great, thanks!

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Whats the earliest you got a positive?

    I'm just wondering how early some of you got a positive pregnancy test and which test was it? I know the standard is to at least wait until your period is due, and the longer after you wait the more accurate it is. But some women get positives earlier than that. Last time I was pregnant I took a test mid day the day my period was supposed to come and got a positive almost instantly. It's only been 8 days after I had sex and if I have to wait another week I think I might explode lol. So whats the earliest you ladies got a positive, how many days after sex or before your period was due? What test did you use? Thanks!

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Probably not but need opinions..?

    I just had a baby 3 months ago. Im on birth control, but I constantly miss pills and when I do take them its not at the same time every day. I've bleed on and off through out the month, probably break through bleeding from missing pills. Because of that I have no clue when I ovulate or should expect a period. I've only had one since having my son. I had sex for the first time since having him on Friday. He used a condom, and he didnt even finish because it hurt too bad so we stopped. I know there's not really any chance of pregnancy. Im just so scared because I don't want another baby any time soon! Opinions?

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Is this labor? im not sure?

    I'm 40 weeks 3 days pregnant. I'm 1 cm dialated, 80% effaced, and at a -1 station. I thought that I was losing bits of my mucus plug for a few weeks but today there's no mistaking I lost all of it (giant gooy ball the size of a quarter. Sorry tmi) I woke up three different times this morning with cramps, I would get up to pee, lay back down and they wouldn't be as bad, but still there. They started getting worse so I started timing them. for the past hour and a half the cramps are coming and going. They're all about a minute in length but rage from 7-16 minutes apart. Mainly 10 minutes inbetween but some have been more or less. It's also accompanied by pretty bad back pain. The cramps in the front hurt but aren't anything I can't handle, and since they are so far apart I'm not convinced this is really labor. What do you all think?

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Do you think this has anything to do with labor?

    Im 40 weeks 2 days pregnant, I'm 1 cm dialated, 80% effaced, and at a -1 station. I had my bloody show on Tuesday and have been having tons of mucus like discharge since. I had an nst today and it showed slight uterin activity. (Basically mini contractions or bh) I didn't feel any of them though! I know diarrhea is normal in pregnancy, but for the past 3 or 4 weeks the only thing I've had is constipation (which I know is normal as well) but I just went to the bathroom and had diarrhea pretty bad (so sorry for tmi). I know some women experience that before labor, so I'm just wondering if you think it has anything to do with it or if its probably just for no reason. I know at the end of pregnancy women think every little thing is a sign of labor lol, I don't know if I'm doing that or if it probably does have something to do with it. I know it doesn't mean I'm IN labor, no contactions no labor, I know. I'm just wondering if it could possibly be an indicator of it happening soon since ive only had constipation the past month. My back is pretty sore and feels like its tight (totally different than the back pain I usually have) and my stomach feels like its tightening as well, but not enough for a contraction. Im probably just over thinking it as I'm excited to have the baby, just interested in your thoughts. Thanks!

    3 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Labor/induction stories?

    Hi, I'm 40+2 weeks pregnant and being induced on Monday. This is my first baby, and I'm a little nervous about the induction. I plan on getting an epidural and I have a birth plan set. I'm 1 cm dialated, 80% effaced, and at a -1 station. Anyone have any stories they would like to share of when they were induced or went into labor and any tips? Thanks!

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Help with starting labor?

    I'm 39 weeks 5 days pregnant and I'm miserable. I have a bartholonin cyst that my doctor can't drain until after I have the baby. My whole left side of my vagina is so swollen I can barley walk, it hurts so bad. Babys head is extremely low, the doctor said it was overlapping my cervix. I was 1 cm dialated at my last appointment, ill be checked again on Tuesday. I personally don't think there's any real way to start labor on your own I believe the baby comes when he's ready, but this pain is so bad I'm willing to try to see if maybe ill be one of the lucky ones and it'll actually work. I can't have sex because I don't have a partner. I've tried nipple stimulation, walking, bouncing on my bed, Spicey food, nothings helped. I really didn't put too much effort into those things because like I said I don't believe they actually work. I've heard of masturbation if you can't have sex that the orgasm can cause contractions, but with how swollen I am down there the thought of touching or rubbing is awful so that's out. Walking is also terrible because of how swollen I am its painful to walk. Ive been soaking in warn baths to hope that'll help the cyst but its not. If anyone has any advice on how to get labor started I really appreciate it. This cyst hurts so bad and my doctor won't do anything until after I have him. Please no baby will come when he's ready or telling me I'm terrible for wanting him out early, I'm only 2 days away from my due date I'm just in pain. Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Favorite name and middle name?

    Pick your favorite name and your favorite middle name. Bonus points if you say why!

    First names:






    Middle names:




    13 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Favorite boy name out of these?

    Which are your top 3 favorite names out of this list? Which are your least favorite 3? Why? Thanks!














    14 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Damon or Ian? Which name?

    Which name do you like better, Damon (day-min) or Ian (ee-an)? No negative comments please. Thanks!

    11 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago