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  • My Cockatiel lose feathers between his eye and beak?

    Hello all,

    I've a male cockatiel and he's now three year-old. I noticed a few days ago the area between one of his eyes and beak has been losing some feathers and his eyelid looks a bit red. I checked on him everyday and he's definitely not in pain and he's not itchy and he acts normally - he eats, plays and chirps as usual. I checked his droppings and they're healthy. He sleeps right through the nights and he doesn't scratch or anything at night. When he's preening he grooms that eye as well as he would do it on another eye.

    I am wondering what could that be and should I be worried about it?

    I am in Australia and it's summer now.

    2 AnswersBirds9 years ago
  • What is non-paying bidder strike on ebay?


    I recently bidded the wrong item and it looks like I am winning it anyway. So if I mistakenly won this item and do not want to accept it - I understand I have to pay for the re-stocking fee otherwise ebay will issue non-paying bidder strike. I wonder what is non-paying bidder strike? What will happen to me if they issue such a thing against me?

    1 AnswerCorporations1 decade ago
  • Can my cockatiel recognise me?


    I have a male cockatiel for 1.5 years and I brought him home since he's 3-month old. He's very tamed and friendly (although he bit me some time when he's not in the mood) where I also spent time with him every day and evening. However, I will have to go overseas for my research for around 2 months and since I have no one who wants to look after my bird during my absence so I decided to send him to a particular bird shop (they look after birds very well and all boarding birds are stay in the individual cages - in fact I got my bird from there). I am just wondering when I come back to pick him up after 2 months, 1) Can he recognise me after 2 months? and 2) Will he be untamed when I bring him home after 2 months?

    Thank you in advance

    5 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Slightly rasied MCV, but liver and kidney shown normal on the blood test report?


    I asked this question previously and realised that I have some responses but the webpage isnt showing any answers unfortunately so I would like to see if anyone could answer this again and hopefully i can retreive the answers.

    Recently I contracted with Gastro so my doctor sent me to do a blood test. Now my Gastro is going away (I believe) and my test result shows that everything is normal including liver and kidney, however, my MCV is slightly raised (>98) and so I have to run another blood test. I am just wondering as my liver and kidney shown normal on the test, is there chance that the raised of MCV have anything to do with liver and kidney diseases?

    Also, what else could that be for the slightly raised MCV?

    * I am not alcoholic.

    Thank you so much in advance

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • is my little cockatail going to be okay?

    Hi there,

    I have a one year old male cockatiel and he's been with me since he's 3-month old. He's been eating healthy and being very active. Today, he's still as active as always and eating as usual, I left the house for around 8 hours (I usually left him alone in the working days for this amount of time and he has lots of toys and I left the radio on) and I came home saw him sitting on the water bowl (which was the lower perch). Other than that he's fine and his droppings were all normal where he didnt appear to me that he's sick or anything. I put him to bed at 7pm and he usually sleep on his food bowl (which is upper on the cage) but just then he changed his spot on to a lower perch. I heard that if birds are sleeping down below then they are getting sick.

    I appreciate if any one could answer my question, I am very worried.


    3 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Is my cockatiel being sick?

    Hi there,

    I have a one year old male cockatiel and he's been with me since he's 3-month old. He's been eating healthy and being very active. Today, he's still as active as always and eating as usual, I left the house for around 8 hours (I usually left him alone in the working days for this amount of time and he has lots of toys and I left the radio on) and I came home saw him sitting on the water bowl (which was the lower perch). Other than that he's fine and his droppings were all normal where he didnt appear to me that he's sick or anything. I put him to bed at 7pm and he usually sleep on his food bowl (which is upper on the cage) but just then he changed his spot on to a lower perch. I heard that if birds are sleeping down below then they are getting sick.

    I appreciate if any one could answer my question, I am very worried.


    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Can we store birdseed in the freezer?


    I have 3 bags of cockatiel's seed and 2 of them were mixed special seed (with nuts). Rencently I found a lot of flying objects and they're like very small and brown in colour. I been trying to kill them (I squash them) but every time and then they came back. I checked the seeds everyday and there was nothing in the bags in the first few days when I realised the problems although it was obviously some were trying to get in. But today I found 2 bags (mixed special seed) had bugs in it so I threw them away. Another bag (normal seed) got nothing in it so I read some of the suggestions that we could put them in the freezer for around 24hours, I wonder if that works? So when i get the seed out of the freezer, do I microwave them or just feed them to my bird when they defrosted?

    Thank you in advance.

    8 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • My cockatiel hates me after having his wing clipped?


    A few days ago I wrote and asked about my cockatiel who I found some dried blood on the side of one of his wings after wings clipping by the vet. He's alright now and he's very healthy. But I realised one more thing happened is that he wouldnt want to step up on me anymore after clipping wings where he always sit on me before the whole wings clipping thing. Now he comes to me occasionally but most of the time if I tried to pick him up from his cage he would run away and go somewhere else. Having said this, he still giving me kisses and following me around (in his cage) but just didnt want to come sit on/with me. I think he's really pissed off with me and I dont know what I should do to get him come out with me again.

    Your advice and experience will be much appreciated, thanks in advance.

    12 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • My Cockatiel has his wing clipped - bleeding?


    A few days ago I took my cockatiel to have his wing clipped and he was alright. However, I was looking at him preening today and he had some dried blood underneath (on the edge) on one of his wings. He looks okay but I wonder if anyone's bird had this experience before? Would the bird going to be okay - I'm hoping he wont have any infection and will heal by itself.

    7 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • My cockatiel's becoming aggressive, what should I do?

    Hi everyone,

    I have a 5-month old cockatiel for 2 month and we formed bond since the first day I got him. He's very sweet and friendly and he love to come out the cage. I'd been very busy in uni during the past two months but I still spent time with him an hour before I took off and before his bedtime. Anywayz I started to have more free time now and so I played with him from time to time each day. There's time he's in his cage when I'm doing some othe stuff at home (he wouldnt come out unless I picked him up). Last nite he looked like he didnt wanna come out at all. I say that coz' he's fine during the day but he got really agressive in the evening when I tried to pick him up from his cage. He usually stepped up but he didnt last nite until he saw the treats. I thought he was tired so I put him back in and let him sleep. Today he'd the same behaviour, he saw that I tried to pick him up but he went away or came back to bite me. Although he did come out eventually, his weird behaviour made me pretty worry about him. What could be wrong with him? Or is this normal to be happened in birds? Or is he pissed off about something that I dont realise?

    P.S. I am pretty sure that he's healthy and I'd never abused him.

    3 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • My cockatiel keep biting me and somehow he bites on my lip?

    Hi all,

    I have a 5-month old cockatiel for 2 months now. At first I thought it's a she but now I'm convinced that it's a boy coz' he whistles whatever songs I sang.

    Well I realised that he likes to bite or nibble my fingers, he literally chase my fingers to bite even though I was not intended to touch him at all. I punish him for that by putting him back to his cage and he improved from time to time. Actually, on the third day I got him, he started to give me kisses when I 'behaved'. He'd kiss my face and lips. Now he still doing the same but sometime he turned his kiss into biting. Especially on my lip, (even though I tried to avoid the kisses most of the time) he started to bite from soft to hard and would yank my lip. I told him NO for million times and I punished him for that too but he still doing that. Why did he do that and is there a way to stop him?

    I appreciate your help, cheers.

    5 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Cockatiel's dropping (color)?

    Hi everyone,

    I wonder whether or not the color of the urate part (white) can be changed to a little yellowish when a bird is healthy. I asked this question coz' I found most of the droppings of my weiro (cockatiel) appeared to be healthy, except for one of those which the urate part seemed to be a little green/yellow. His poops tended to be pretty green since he been eating veggies like corn and peas. He doesnt seem to be having diarrehea coz' his droppings hold clear worm-like shape and he seems to be extremely healthy. Should I stop feeding him with veggies? And is there anything I should be worried about?

    3 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Can baby female cockatiel (weiro) whistles?

    Hi everyone,

    I have a 4-month (soon 5-month) old cockatiel and I always thought that it's a girl because of the barring under tails and most of the time she behaves like a girl too like she always hangs around with me gviing me kisses on my face. But recently I found her whistling and humming and I whistle some of the particular songs and she whistles the same songs too. I wonder if female cockatiel does that too?

    3 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • My weiro (cockatiel) biting habits?

    Hi all,

    I have a 4-month old cockatiel since 2 months ago. In general, she's (may be a he) very friendly and sweet, she's a very loving bird except when she nibbed at me.

    1) I tried to correct her bad behaviour by saying NO then put her back in the cage for about 1/2 hr. I have to admit that the situation improved but still happened. I found that she only love biting my fingers but never bite my face. I wonder if she literally knows that my fingers and hands are part of my body.

    2) She preens a lot and she eats the fine feathers that fell out - is this normal?

    4 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Bad behaviour of my cockatiel (weiro)?

    Hi all,

    I have a 4-month old cockatiel since 2 months ago. In general, she's (may be a he) very friendly and sweet, she's a very loving bird except when she nibbed at me.

    1) I tried to correct her bad behaviour by saying NO then put her back in the cage for about 1/2 hr. I have to admit that the situation improved but still happened. I found that she only love biting my fingers but never bite my face. I wonder if she literally knows that my fingers and hands are part of my body.

    2) She preens a lot and she eats the fine feathers that fell out - is this normal?

    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Baby Cockatiel Behaviour Problem. Is there such a thing like being aggressive in a particular season?

    Hi all,

    I have already raised a similar question and I now wonder if baby cockatiel usually does that or just one of the seasons that they tended to be a little aggressive.

    I have a 4-month old cockatiel for a month and I know she likes nibbling and pecking but I think she did that more often these few days and seemed to be a little more aggressive than she used to be.

    Although she's very sweet and still like to 'hang out' with me in general, once I did something that she dislikes then she started threatening me by pretending to bite (she didnt). Even she's sitting quietly she be looking for my fingers to bite like nibbling at first then started to bite a little harder and if I moved my finger away she started to bite aggressively (although it never draws blood, it hurts enough and it looked like she was going to eat my finger). Also, she started to bite my skin while she's sitting on my arm or somewhere on me. And when she's sitting on my shoulder and I gave her my hand then she used to sit on it but now she started to bite or hiss.

    Having said all these, I dont think she hates me but looks like something not quite right about her, I'd say. I actually was a little scared of her today when she's sitting on me and I dont really know what to do. I know some of you already suggested me to put her back in the cage if she's not behaving but she did that pretty often lately, and I dont really want to put her back in 100 times in an hour. I wonder if there's any more suggestion or if you guys believe that it's only one of these seasons and it gonna be over some time?

    P.S. She's very heathly, she eats and plays as usual and she whistles (or sings) more often today than she used to. I still believe that she's a friendly, cuddly and a loving bird.

    4 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to train my cockatiel not to bite?

    Hi everyone,

    I have a 4-month old cockatiel for a month and I know she likes nibbling and pecking but I think she is turning it into biting (although it never draw blood but that hurts) recently. She likes to 'bite' when having her 'table' food (I have to hold it for her since she only eats her seed in her cage but never veggies or fruits where she likes to sit on me and eat those stuff), she starts biting my finger when I'm not looking. I told her told then she bites even harder until I yell at her.

    Also, if she dislikes something that I've done she sort of hissing at me then pretending to bite (never hurt me though) in order to scare me away. I yell at her then she stops.

    I put her back in her cage if she bites me over 3 times in a roll. And I believe she gets the message and she didnt 'call' me back to let her out the cage when I 'punish' her this way. However, she be doing the same thing again next time. I wonder how everyone 'teaches' the birds and how to change their bad behaviour.

    I also wonder if cockatiel doesnt like belly rub coz mine pretend to attack if she sees my fingers going to touch her belly.

    P.S. I know my bird is very attached to me and she's a very loving bird in general apart from the biting bit.

    5 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • My cockatiel have a red nostril, is there something wrong?

    Hi folks it's me again,

    I've a 3-month old cockatiel and just now I saw one side of her nostril is redder than the other one. She's playing and eating as normal. She sneezes some time but she does that since I got her 3 weeks ago and I found that she usually sneezes after drinking water or some stuff like feather in her nostrils. She doesnt look ill and her nostrils are clear but I wonder what could be wrong with her nostril. Should I be worried about anything?

    Sorry I been asking lots of questions lately but I only wanna make sure she's doing okay. Thanks.

    3 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • My cockatiel's nostril is red, is there something wrong?

    Hi folks it's me again,

    I've a 3-month old cockatiel and just now I saw one side of her nostril is redder than the other one. She's playing and eating as normal. She sneezes some time but she does that since I got her 3 weeks ago and I found that she usually sneezes after drinking water or some stuff like feather in her nostrils. She doesnt look ill and her nostrils are clear but I wonder what could be wrong with her nostril. Should I be worried about anything?

    Sorry I been asking lots of questions lately but I only wanna make sure she's doing okay. Thanks.

    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Somethibg wrong with my cockatiel's wing?

    Hello all it's me again.

    I found my 3-month old cockatiel's wing was a little weird today. It seemed like one of her wing (on the left), the underneath feather dropped a bit and I could see that it's like a little broken and a little messy in the end of the wing feather. I think she might got stuck in the cage somewhere. She seems okay - playing and eating as usual. I wonder if that will fix by itself?

    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago