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  • Just went vegan - b12?

    I've been vegan for 1 month. I have never been tested for b12 before. I often eat fortified foods like almond milk, special k, and veggie burgers. Should I be worried about b12? If I should supplement how much do people take a day on average - I'm not one of those picky people that cares which supplement is best or what absorbs faster, etc, etc. I just want to know in general.

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan6 years ago
  • Book Recommendations for vegan lifestyle and nutrition.?

    I'm looking for a book that covers everything and goes into detail about the vitamins your body needs, their functions, and what foods they are found in; I want to actually educate myself on how the foods are benefiting me beyond just knowing what vitamins & nutrients they contain.

    I am also interested in learning about scientific studies supporting veganism, food combining, recipe suggestions, facts about the animal product industry and anything else.

    I've read tons of articles and watched videos that talk about the health benefits of going vegan but I want the details. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

    5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan6 years ago
  • Got offered the Job at the end of my first interview?

    It was the weirdest interview ever - they didn't ask my much questions and didn't seem super interested in fully engaging my questions. They were sooo laid back and kept pushing that they didn't want to go over time in the interview. At the end the woman offered me the job at the end of the interview with a starting salary of 50k like it was nothing. When I told her I was doing other interviews and needed time to think she said "oh the job might be gone by then". It was SO weird and unprofessional. What gives?

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • Graduating for college and looking to work abroad?

    I'm graduating from college in a few weeks and I've been seriously thinking of moving and working abroad for awhile - 6 months, a year or maybe even longer. I'm not really sure where to start, I've done research and it seems pretty complicated to go about this alone. Can anyone recommend any programs that they've been able to do this through. Or has anyone moved abroad alone (not through a program) and found a job? Any suggestions or personal experiences would be very helpful! :)

    1 AnswerPacking & Preparation6 years ago
  • Anxiety Disorder or ADHD?

    About 8 months ago I started taking adderall for my ADHD, which started resurfacing again while I was in college.

    Since then, I've started having panic/anxiety attacks at random times (usually in crowded social situations). I get chest pains a lot, and sometimes I become very moody and reserved. A few times I've experienced totally irrational, uncontrollable anger out of no where. I'll just be sitting in my room and I'll be SO mad, but I'll be thinking "why am I so mad right now?". I'm tired all the time, and I get sick a lot too. Do I have anxiety? Do I have ADHD? Is this because of my meds or not? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

    1 AnswerMental Health6 years ago
  • Side effects of adderall?

    I'm a 22 year old female and I've been on adderall for about 8 months now. Within the last 3-4 months I've noticed myself becoming more reserved and introverted. Something to note is that I was this way for most of my life, and then my first 3 years at college I became much more social. I'm wondering if this change is simply me returning to my normal self and growing out of my "college phase" (I'm a senior now) or if it could be partially attributed to the adderall. Sometimes I find myself I little moody when people invade on my space too much.

    Another thing I've noticed is that sometimes I experience nausea after taking my medication. I've also gotten sick a lot easier the last few months, but again I have no idea if that's due to the medicine or some other factor/change in my life. Has anyone had similar experiences with their ADD meds?


    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • Why is rape made out to be the worst thing in the world?

    This is an honest question, and I've been thinking about it for awhile. I'm also a girl for the record.

    I just really want to understand what is so different about rape that people treat it like the worst crime someone can commit. There are so many other horrible crimes that occur in the world, and so many other traumatic experiences that people can have. Yet when it comes to rape, people get so traumatized that it's like they can't get over it for their whole life...I know it's terrible and wrong, but I just don't see why it's made out to be as bad as murder. I mean it's really just forced sex. I just want to wrap my mind around it.

    4 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • What are some reputable animal charities in Massachusetts?

    I want to become a monthly donor. I was originally looking into the ASPCA, but I am skeptical of how much of my money will actually go to helping the animals themselves (though I don't doubt the ASPCA is very reputable and does good work). I'm a college student with my own finances to take care of, so I wan't to make sure that my donations are being put to the best possible use.

    If anyone can recommend a good shelter in Massachusetts please let me know! Thanks :)

    2 AnswersOther - Pets7 years ago
  • Can I exchange my leftover foreign currency at BoA?

    I have a $20 Canadian bill and some coins left from my trip to Canada. Can I just go to any Bank of America location and exchange it?

    4 AnswersOther - Business & Finance7 years ago
  • Both sides of my mouth very sore long after filings were done, help!?

    I got filings done on the left side of my mouth over 2 months ago, and since then it has been very sensitive. I haven't even been able to chew on that side unless it's something soft. I even wen't back to get the filing adjusted since it might have been too high, but still nothing. Then I got filings done on my right side 2 weeks ago and now I can't eat on that side either. So basically I can't chew anything remotely hard or crunchy right now without experiencing a lot of pain. What's the deal??

    3 AnswersDental7 years ago
  • Is it Possible to play Dark Souls on the PC without connecting a Controller?

    And by that I mean, without throwing my computer out the window. I bought the Prepare to Die edition through steam for my PC and played it once, but trying to use the keyboard with aggravating AF. Should I just buy the controller or am I just doing it wrong? Lol.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • I want to write a book, do I have a real chance?

    I'm 21 years old and I really want to write a book. I love reading, and I've had an idea for a book for years now. I'm always thinking of new things to add to it (plot/character developments, back-stories, etc). I feel like I have all this info in my head and I just want to get it out. I love fantasy-fiction (LOTR, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Mortal Instruments, etc.), and this will most likely be a fantasy-fiction geared towards teens and young adults.

    I'm not an English or lit major, I'm a business major. However, I was always strong in English and writing. This would be kind of a side job for me if I went through with it; something I work on in my free time. How would I go about doing this?

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • If you have sex after not having sex for a year will it hurt badly?

    I haven't had sex in almost a year or so, but now I've been dating someone for awhile and we will probably become more intimate so what should I expect? Will it be as painful as the first time? Will there be blood?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is this really SO weird?

    I started dating my long time best friend about 2 or 3 months ago. Everyone keeps asking me if we've had sex or done anything intimate yet, and I've said no we've only kissed. And for some reason everyone is shocked and keeps saying "really?? why?? you've known each other forever why haven't you done anything yet?"

    It's just making me progressively more mad and frustrated every time someone else says that to me. I mean neither of us are virgins and we are both 21, and yes we've been friends for many years but I don't understand why that means we need to start having sex right away. I also don't get why this is so weird to everyone; many couples wait a lot longer to get intimate! What do you guys think?

  • Programs for a short Term Study in Japan?

    I'm looking for a short term study program in Japan (1 week) over winter break or spring break. My University doesn't offer any to Japan, so I was wondering if other schools offered this and allowed outside students to apply. Oh, and I go to school in the U.S. Thanks!

    1 AnswerStudying Abroad7 years ago
  • No Physical attraction but very close emotional bond/friendship?

    So I started dating my best guy friend of many years. We have such a strong emotional connection: we are so close; we are the happiest when we are together and we share so many similar interests. When people see us together they always ask if we are dating because of how we are together. He has loved me for years now, but I’ve always been too afraid of being in a relationship to get into one with him. I finally agreed to be with him, because I figured I had never given it a shot and we were already so close.

    The problem is I have no physical attraction to him at all. I’ve tried really hard because he’s the perfect guy, cares about me so much and he is physically attracted to me… But I don’t feel anything. I’m not being superficial, and it’s not that he’s bad looking. When we kissed there was no spark, it honestly just felt a little strange and I have to admit I didn’t enjoy it much (he’s also not a good kisser..).

    What should I do? Do you think it’s just because I’ve seen him as a friend for so long and that the attraction can grow over time? Or is it a lost cause already? I just feel awful because he’s so in love with me and I wish I could make myself feel the same attraction.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Anyone have suggestions for a body cleanse?

    Has anyone tried one that works? Like a juice cleanse, special 3-day diet cleanse, etc, etc? Thanks! :)

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • How to stop craving sweets in the workplace?

    This question is mainly geared towards people who work in restaurants, coffee shops, bakeries, etc., etc..

    I work in a restaurant/ice cream shop and every time I go in and I can never stop myself from getting ice cream. It's terrible, I have no self control. Other than that I'm healthy and I exercise so it's kind of like a giant pothole in my healthy diet. Any tips?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • How can I incorporate health/fitness into my busy lifestyle?

    I’m a 21 year old female going into my senior year of college. I’ve always been the type of person who likes to stay fit and workout whenever I get the chance. I also try to watch what I eat and get as many veggies in my day as I can. The problem is, whenever I get really busy, balancing schoolwork, classes, work and other responsibilities, going to the gym is always the last priority. As a result, I stop going and eventually lose the motivation to go even when I do have time. Essentially I get lazy. I get into a slump for a month or a few months and then decide to start working out and eating better again.

    How can I learn to incorporate health/fitness into my busy lifestyle more so that it’s not such an on/off sort of thing. Thanks!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • My new boyfriend loves me more than I love him?

    So me and my new boyfriend have been friends since childhood. However he's loved me for years and has asked me out several times in the past and I've just recently started realizing my feelings for him. The thing is he is a soo the super "hopeless romantic" type. He's so optimistic about things and if he likes someone he literally puts his entire self into it, which I think is why anytime he's tried to date other girls it's never lasted (Like he overwhelms them). Now he has all this built up desire and feelings for me that he can finally realize and I'm just trying to take things slow and ease into it, you know?

    I'm not saying I don't appreciate his feelings or that I would rather date someone that doesn't care, I really like him and we are so good together. But it's like almost annoying how he would literally drop anything to hang out with me if I asked. It makes me feel like I'm his whole life now, and I'm the type of person that likes my space and I like being my own person too. He also seems to want to be together all the time, but again I don't want to be with him 24/7, I want time to do my own stuff and then to be able to miss seeing him.

    It's like he's focusing really hard on trying to make this the perfect relationship and show me that he's going to be an amazing boyfriend, but it really is overwhelming. How can I tell him to relax without being a *****? Do you think it's just a phase?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago