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Lv 2386 points

Cassie S

Favorite Answers11%
  • How do i write birthdays in roman numerals?

    how to you write these dates in roman numerals? 11.03.1992 18.08.2011 and 20.02.1982

    please help, cant seem to find a website that could help me!

    thanks :)

    Languages9 years ago
  • could i be pregnant after condom breaking?

    On 5/11 i had sex with my partner. We used a condom like we always do but after we had finished we realized it had broken and he had cummed inside me. How long after having sex can you test for pregnancy? I don't want to start trying for another baby until april next year so i want to make sure i am not pregnant but want to test but don't want it to be too early to test. I am due for my period end of this week.

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • Why arent my braxton hicks turning into real contractions?

    So i am 41 weeks 2days pregnant. I have been getting a huuge increase in tightenings and a couple nights in a row ive had really sore braxtons that have comeon every couple of hours and then usually stopping around 3 in the morning. (they tend to start at about 4 in the afternoon) any ideas why theyre not turning into real contractions? Its so annoying being overdue. Is any one else have the same problem?

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • Tight stomach is this normal?

    I am 27 weeks pregnant and my stomach is very tight to the touch, and i have a lot of pressure pushing down on my pelvic bone, is this normal? i also get sharp pains if i sit down to long and it's very painful. Is this normal?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Help baby is having spasms in my tummy!!?

    So I'm 27 weeks pregnant and i've noticed lately that my baby is having spasms in my tummy. it's really violent and lasts about 20 seconds, and slows down at the end of doing it. it's different to kicks, it's like taking someone that is violently shaking and putting them inside of my stomach. it doesnt hurt unless she moves in the wrong spot and it;s exactly where she is sitting, her whole body shakes, not just little or big kicks. is this normal? has anyone else experianced this???

    Really concerned! i have no idea why my baby does it and it happens at least once or twice a week...

    Has anyone else had this happen to them? was there anything wrong with their babies when they were born???

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • i think im pregnant again?

    ok so ive taken2 pregnacy tests and one was positive and was negitive. this morning i woke up and just started puking and my peiod is a month late and my breasts have gotten bigger and hurt and have veins that are really blue on them that werent there before. ive noticed i feel really tired and i dont get tired im usually pretty active. if i am i would be about 1 month today. should i take another test to be sure or is my body just being weird??

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • im pregnant and this morning something came out that looks a lot like a piece of placenta?

    i had had little spotting for the last couple of days and thought nothing of it and some cramping and then this morning a clot that looked a lot like a bit of placenta came out. but the odd thing is, i havent bleed. just had a little bit of spotting and that is it. which was after and nothing else anymore. what could that mean? would i still be pregnant?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • need help with "girlie stuff"?

    so i came off the depo about 6months ago, and havent had a period since then. Now I'm getting these reeeeally bad cramps, and I feel so sick and wanna puke and just have such a sore stomach. I have to curl up because its so painful! Im alergic to most of the stuff in painkillers so i kinda have to deal with it, and also i am getting real bad headaches and am just soooo sleepy. Could I finally be getting my perioD?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • i stopped being on the depo 9mnths ago...?

    i have no periods yet and my partner and I desperatly want to have a baby. Weve been trying the whole time iVe been off it, and I'm really worried that Ill never get pregnant. Has anyone got the same prob as me???

    Please HELP!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Are there any GOOD free online games?

    I like playing games, and I just feel like a new change. So do any of you guys know any really good online games?

    for free?

    11 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What do you reckon? Am I preggers?

    These are the symptoms i have:

    *Bigger breasts


    *sore feet

    *when i walk for too long my hips and legs cant handle my upper weight

    *gaining of weight

    *loss of appetite

    *eating lots

    *clothes not fitting

    *movement in my lower abdomen


    *no period for the last 3-4months

    *bellie grown and sticks out even if i wear baggy clothing

    *nausea and sickness




    *sore lower back

    *stretch marks

    in your own honest opinions, do you think i could be pregnant. I only felt most of these symptoms about 2 months ago. Now it's just the sore back, sore feet, legs and hips when i walk, the bigger belly, loss of appetite, weight gain, stretch marks, severe headaches and being exhausted fast. Not only that, when i do eat, i get full real easy and it takes ages for my food to digest. Also i have movement in my lower abdomen that moves in the middle, and sides. its weird, its like someone is poking at me from the inside, but softly.

    just need any of your lovely woman's advice on this one...

    p.s: haven't taken a test yet. haven't been able to get into town for a very LONG time.

    thanks! :)

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What should I expect when i have my pregnancy test tomorro?

    My partner and I have had un-protected sex quite a bit lately and I'm a little worried whether or not I could be pregnant. My period was due on the 12th and I still havent got it yet. Two days ago I had really bad cramping that crippled me, and I spotted but that was it. I havent been feeling too great, but with my last pregnancy I didnt get morning-sickness. I'm going to the doctors, and just need some advice as to what to expect when i get the test done


    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • my boyfriend and his "lil friend"?

    OK this is a perfectly innocent question cause it's really annoying me. my partner always has erections when he sleeps is this normal???

    8 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • points system on yahoo?

    quick question, why do we have a points system for when we answer or ask questions???

    confused about that one!?lol

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • doctors are starting to annoy me?

    OK well, i have had two tests and they were pos. I called the dok to make an appt for a blood test and now i have to do ANOTHER one!!!

    why won't they just let me have the blood test to make sure???

    and i'm not exactly skinny anymore :(

    i have a tummi that's resonably big and it's fustrating me!!!

    i can't wear some of my clothes because it is getting bigger, and the nurse knows this and yet she STILL wont let me do a blood test.

    please help


    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • why is it so hard to have straight answers?

    i know i have countless questions about pregnancy, but i dont like doctors and certainly hate blood tests! (i faint)

    i've had 3 preg tests, 2 positive, 1 negitive. So is it extremely important to see my doctor.??? Or should i go with the neitive test? i feel pregnant and have had symptoms and if i am or not i'd be 7wks and 6 days. (i've been adding it up) i have listened to the answers i have got from previous people on this site, and every time i go to make an appointment, i back out. i want to have a baby, but i know it will be hard work and if i am, then my life will change, and i'm not one for change. i suppose i'm just scared about the outcome. If i'm not that would be great, i could live my life till i'm fully ready.

    honestly should i go by the negitive even though there were more positives and see my doctor ASAP???

    please help, much appreciated!


    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • yay two tests=positive!!!?

    ive already asked q's on yahoo about my fading test and etc, and i took another one that night and it was neg, i took another one and it was POSITVE!!!

    does this mean im defintly pregs??? or can positve sometime be a negivtve, Ive been told by my sister in law that i shouldnt get my hopes up because its prob fake and im not pregnant. (the last time i was pregs she didnt like it and when she saw my test was pos, she said i prob was and it happening again!!!) oh yeah, she is 8 wks prenant and LOVES attention she is scared if i get knoked up the attention will shift off her (says my fiance) would i be pregnant or not???

    8 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • i took a test and it came up pos about 2 hours ago...?

    i took a pregnancy test about 2 hours ago, and it came up positive and then faded away, i just took another one, and that came up neg, did i take my other one too soon?

    need answers, because been wanting a baby

    8 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • just took a test and it was positive?

    i just took a pregnancy test and it came up positve within seconds. there were two circles were the lines came up, and one of the lines started to fade after about 4 minutes. It took a while for it to fade, but why would it??? Shouldnt it come up negitve straight away???

    please help, i'm a little confused right now!


    7 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • where can you get free blood tests in New Zealand?

    i need to get a blood test for pregnancy and i dont no where to go for free.If it comes to the crunch, i will pay for it but i got told that family planning does it for free

    2 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago