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Lv 44,588 points

Ms. Nicole

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I'm 20 I'm married

  • I'm 17 weeks an 2 days pregnant and....?

    Okay so I'm 17 weeks pregnant, an was just wondering if its normal for me to be having period like cramps in my lower tummy. I didnt really have them at all up till now. Its been for the last 2 days an it rather annoying should I be worried?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Who sings this song an what is the name of it?

    I'll see you when my chores are through, I dont know how long ill be, But im not gonna let you down,

    darlin wait, but untill now an then till i see you again ill be loving you love me.

    4 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Tri County Housing in New york?? Question please?

    Ok so my husband an I were just moved to the top of the list an have already been approved an everything. Now were just waiting for the letter back for us to go to the meeting. How long does it take for us to havet o wait for the meeting, an after the meeting can we start looking for a place? Oh an do they pay for the securty Deposit for you?? Will choose best answer thanks

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Im 12 weeks 2 days pregnant.?

    I've been to the doc twice so far. Heard the heart beat at 10 weeks 5 days. Everything seems to be going well. Im just wondering if its normal to have light cramps every now an then. thanks

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • my hospital does not have a doppler will my midwife?

    Ok so im a little confused about whats even the point of having a midwife an heres why. When I had my first appt with her I was just 7 weeks, an she wanted me to have a ultra sound, so she sent me to the hospital, were we found out all is well. So what im asking is do you think she will have a doppler at her office, because they dont at the hospital, an I dont see the point in seeing her if I will just have to make two trips one to her an then to the hospital. An my friend was saying that she she should have one because thats how they tell its still in there is that true, an did she prob just send me there because of how early I was??

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When Do I know longer need to worry about loosing my baby.?

    I have been checked out by the doc an my midwife, they both say all is well an I got to see the heart beat. I'm 3 months along 9 weeks. I'm just a little scared because I have had 3 miscarriages in the past. My book says I can stop worrying after I get checked out by the docter an enter the 3rd month is that true? Thanks for all who helps will pick picking best answer.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Whats the average WEEK morning sickness starts to go away.?

    Okay lady's please help an I want to know the week not the month an please don't guess I would like to know your own experience thanks an will choose best answer

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I'm 7 weeks pregnant an morning sickness is awfull!!!?

    My appt for my prenatel appt is tomrow. What should i ask for that has helped you guys. I cant be sick like this anymore I heard Zolfron??? any suggestions?? PLEASE!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What all can I exspect from my first prenantel Appt.?

    I live in hector New york, Im just wonder what all I can exspect from my first prenatel appt. Any information would be helpful thanks.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what are the best prenatal vitamins?

    I just recently got the One a day Womens prenatal vita. I'm just wondering if they were any good. There with DHA an its 2 diff pills to support healthy fetal brain an eye development an the other provides 100 % of recommened daily value of folic acid. Please help I want to make sure I do the very best for my baby. I dont want to risk another miscarriage.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnant have a question!?

    Ok I just found out I'm pregnant. this is my 4th pregnancy with no child I have had 3 miscarriages. My husband an I have been to the doc to an they keep telling me nothing is wrong. I'm pregnant now an I feel a little crampy. What should I do to relive the cramps?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • how late do I have to be to take a test?

    I took on when I was 4 days and it came up negative. But I still have not started and tomorow will make a week late. I'm never late and start in the morning. I also took a doller tree test. Could I be pregnant and just tested to early? Are those test just not accurate? Please help thank you!! Will give a best answer!

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Possiably pregnant Been trying for 3 years since miscarrige.?

    Ok So My period has not been late since I figured out I had a 34 day cycle. I'm 4 days late today. I feel sometimes a little sick but very light, breast really arent tender, but my legs hips an back are achy and i dont know if thats from work of maybe a symptom? We wanted another one so bad an tried everyday for 3 years since the lost of our first. We were gonna wait awhile since I started working but now my period is wait, oh an another thing is im a little crampy on an off. Please help does this sound like pregnancy to you. I'm thinking about getting a test today!

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Ok me an my future husband are using a ovulation calender? Should we only have sex the days I'm ovulating?

    OR can we just have sex when ever and just do it extra on the days i'm ovulating.

    9 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • How accurate are the ovulation calenders? Any success with them?

    Ok So I went to and typed in my information and everything and from that they caculated which days I ovulate. It seems like this will work great but im rather un sure? Anyone done this an get pregnant? Thanks anything helps. Baby Dust to everyone!!!

    7 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • I've been trying to get pregnant for 2 years now....Please help.?

    After my miscarrige I have been trying everything to conceive with my future husband. I'm just not sure what were doing wrong? Maybe some crazy postion. Anything really that you maybe did and conceived would really help so much. Thanks and baby dust to everyone.

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Negative To Positive HPT Please Help!!!?

    Ok I took one of those doller tree pregnancy test last night. I appeared to be negative so I put it in the trash. Well later I dug it out to throw it away in the outdoor trash. Well I fell asleep woke up to this awful feeling, ran to the bathroom pukin my guts out,and had the familir feeling of it being morning sickness,and if I hadnt been sick on the floor I never would have noticed my now Positive pregnacy test. Should I consider it default and just test again, or am I really pregnant?

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • I'm 18 and going to be taking clomid to conceive next month. what Mg. should I get to conceive soon?

    I lost a baby at 14 weeks we have been trying till now. I just had a doc ap. And was refered to Fertilty special. my future husband and I really want a baby. We would love Twins, I have heard of alot of women taking 250 mg. of clomid and having twins!!! So my question is what Mg. of clomid should I get and how many months do the doc prscribe at once, and about how much will the prescription cost? Oregon prices if anyone knows... Thanks

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Does it matter how long I keep the semon in me when trying to conceive?

    Okay i've heard that if you keep it in u after sex that it gives you a better chance of getting pregnant. Is that true and if so how long should i do this? Should i be in any postion while holding it in?

    I would really be greatful for any answers. thanks so much an baby dust to all of u TTC. ;-)

    9 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Ok I had a reguler period. I little heavier than normal. Stopped for one day, than started again. Spotting?

    I have now been spotting for 7 days. Also I was late for 5 days? I've never been like this. could i be pregnant maybe?

    Please help right away getting ready to take test but want answers first

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago