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Gods Child
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1 AnswerDesktops9 years agoHave we forgotten how to agitate when necessary?
We the people it seems have lost our ability to agitate the government when necessary. We have given them more control of our lives when we truly don't have to. Many say vote but few do. We have aloud the government to spend recklessly and now we bare the burden of the debt they've created all because we forgot how to say enough is enough. Have we forgotten how to be accounted for? Its' time to agitate when the elections come don't you think?
Please be respectful of others and respond without calling others stupid. Some people may have a lesser education than others but this doesn't make them stupid.
1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government9 years agoAre more educated people renouncing their US citizenship due to encroaching laws.?
Is it getting to the point that more and more laws are starting to take away our freedom making other countries seem better when they actually aren't or are they really better than the US?
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years agoWhat is the constant light in the sky the west tonight?
Initially we thought it was a airplane but it can't be a star or can it. It is so bright like a foreign object floating in the sky.
2 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years agoIs it possible to ask a question without being criticized or labeled?
Whether it pertain to science, politics, a movie, or a simple thought, do we always have to be so eager to knock someone down. Whatever happened to the dreamers of the world that made their dreams come true or the scientist or the engineer that made it perform because she or he could. You know those that came before us. Did they really have that much freedom.
Better yet, why can't we just ask a question without being labeled a liberal, conservative, a republican or any other thing. Bad speller me. Why not just say yes or no without the extra comments.
2 AnswersPsychology9 years agoHas the American people become drones?
Everything the government does must be right. We do nothing, and we question nothing. Soon we will have slipped into a communist country or something worse. When was the last time you opposed what the government did and actually wrote to them about it or voice your opinion. exactly, I'm going to say never because everything they do is right. Probably wouldn't matter if you wrote them about it anyway because your opinions matter little. I remember when the majority rule not the minority elite society. How about the movie brave new world.
9 AnswersCivic Participation9 years agoIf you had a cure for cancer all types of cancer would you charge people for it?
Would you try to profit off peoples pain like our current hospitals or would you help the dying. Seems to me more people are dying from this than living. If there was a cure would we really need those very expensive treatment centers that don't treat you anyway. I'd give the drug away for free.
4 AnswersCancer9 years agoIf you had the skill and the money to build a spaceship would you do it?
I mean would you do it on your own and take yourself to space. If you had the funds to do this and replicate earths gravity on another planet would you do this in secret just to leave this rock?
2 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years agoDoes our government have to be a military stationed in other countries?
Seems strange to me that we would setup a military in another country for a prolonged time in a country that doesn't want us in it. Sounds sort of like Rome. I could be wrong.
4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years agoThe US government seems to care more about the officials in office than the people.?
should we worried about the current state of our spenditol government. The states are broke the country owes trillions of dollars to other country and to what means was the money used for?
1 AnswerGovernment9 years agoHas the government started censoring the web in the US?
3 AnswersGovernment9 years agoWhat's happening with the weather?
I think everyone has noticed the weather isn't holding up to its name; Winter. I don't really care for the winter but I know it is necessary. What will the summer be like this year. I can feel my skin cooking off as we speak.
3 AnswersOther - Environment9 years agoWould you volunteer for a one way trip to space?
A no return trip. Your debt would be paid off and all you had to do was make it your life mission to find another planet just like ours. Would you need time to think about it or would you be the first on the list. The list is open to all but documented criminals. You don't have to be an astronaut or a scientist just the ability to help sustain life. How would you contribute to the new world or the trip itself. Age is not a factor nor is your gender. Everything might possibly be like a Brave New World.
7 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years agoIs it to impossible to believe we just exist on this planet?
How do we know what is beyond our stars if we don't take the opportunities to setup stations to further explore space. If we worked together as one world, couldn't we help each other by building space shuttles along the way. Certainly this would take time but who says we don't have time.
3 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years agoCould we destroy this planet?
9 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years agoDid we destroy another planet and move to earth?
A while ago a person asked the question if we destroyed Mars and move to earth. Judging by what is happening with this planet it would seem we are on the verge of destroying this planet and the big question is if we did destroy another planet how did we get off that planet? At this point no one can just randomly build a spacecraft to see what our government has in space so we don't truly now what is out there. If you look at the climate right now and reflect back to when you were a child, what do you remember about the weather and is it the same or has it changed and why isn't the government concerned about it? It is almost as if they don't care because they don't have to worry about it. If I had a way off this rock, I wouldn't worry about it either.
Please be polite in your response even if it seems obvious to you it may not be so to others.
10 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years agoThe moon has been full since October 10, why has it not left?
Last night I could barely sleep because I had the brightest light shining in my window. I went to look out the window and I noticed the moon was still in the sky from the last few days I had seen it. I was eager to see it on the 10th, so I stayed up just to see it but after a few days and restless nights I've come to realize it was just not going anywhere. I mean it would move, but I've had this bright light in my window. What would cause a full moon every night?
4 AnswersAstronomy & Space10 years agoIn 2011 Nasa had a volunteer list put out for 400 people to do a dead mission for a company that is closing?
If Nasa is closing its' space program, why were they taking volunteers and why are they still hiring for astronauts?
7 AnswersAstronomy & Space10 years agoIf we had to evacuate earth how many people would be taken?
If it were necessary, I assume charging the human race to continue would not be the problem as no one would charge a species to continue. It would be impossible to take everyone so the question is how would the selection be done and how would you know about the selection process.
We are under the impression that the government tells us everything so lets assume they didn't and you happen to find out there is a list of people scheduled to leave this planet with no sure way of surviving other than the destruction people on this planet may experience. How would you convince the world that some of us are getting of this rock and you nor they are included.
Keep in mind, the people you talk to will already have their minds made up that you are a quake and much like puppets they have already been convinced the earth will continue to survive our destructive ways. Also, think about how old this planet really is and the probability that we really don't know the age of this planet and it may be at that ice age stage that scientist say we may be due for many many years later.
Remember the key is to be open to the possibility that just maybe we are wrong about everything. Even if it means everyone was wrong. I know many will comment with sarcasm as it is our nature to assume we know more than the planet itself or the person standing next to us or that person with the degree but didn't someone somewhere tell them something or they based their answers off research that has been done before.
Please do not reference the Mayan calender or the bible just use what you've learned from others and form a answer. If you must use a reference then use what is happening around the world today.
15 AnswersAstronomy & Space10 years ago