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  • Help with Yahoo mail popup blocker?

    Message from webpage"

    "The new window appears to have been blocked by a popup blocker.

    For best results we recommend that you add Yahoo! Mail to your popup blocker's list of allowed sites. Some popup blockers will temporarily allow a window if you hold down the Ctrl key."

    yahoo mail is in my list of approved sites. It still does it. It also does it when I turn the internet explorer popup blocker off.

    Additionally it prevents any link from opening a new window, if that provides anyone with a suggestion.

    I have a new HP laptop Dv7, with windows 7, an i7 processor with lots of ram, and windows essentials security. I've turned off all addons and all popup blockers and still get the message. Any clues?

    I don't get this error with google chrome.

    I also have ie64 bit, which doesn't return this error, but there's no 64bit adobe flash. Sounds like time for some genius computer guy to come up with a new browser that'll replace them all!

    Anyway, any help is appreciated. Thank you!

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Help with Yahoo mail popup blocker ?

    Message from webpage

    The new window appears to have been blocked by a popup blocker.

    For best results we recommend that you add Yahoo! Mail to your popup blocker's list of allowed sites. Some popup blockers will temporarily allow a window if you hold down the Ctrl key.

    I have a new HP laptop Dv7, with windows 7, an i7 processor with lots of ram, and windows essentials security. I've turned off all addons and all popup blockers and still get the message. Any clues?

    I don't get this error with google chrome, but chrome has it's own problems with flash crashing etc.

    I also have ie64 bit, which doesn't return this error, but there's no 64bit adobe flash. Sounds like time for some genius computer guy to come up with a new browser that'll replace them all!

    Anyway, any help is appreciated. Thank you!

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • what are the yahoo settings for phone email?

    i have a sony ericsson xp10 mini pro and cannot connect to my mail account. thank you!

    1 AnswerSending and Receiving Messages1 decade ago