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  • Liberals: Can you prove that what you call "Corporate Greed" isn't just "Good Business"?

    It seems that a lot of liberals are labeling high corporate profits, high executive salaries, and increasing layoffs as "Corporate Greed." How do people know that these moves are not best for the business. To keep the consumer happy, to keep prices low, to ensure the jobs of 100,000 by laying off 1,000? How do you know that the business would still be able to do as well if they had not done these things?

    13 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Why do millionaires need private jets?

    Quite often you hear Obama saying we need to tax millionaires, billionaires and corporate jet owners as if it were a bad thing that they buy a corporate jet. And Obama is completely right, people do not need private jets. However the private jet company needs the millionaires and billionaires to buy the private jet so they can feed their families. And for every wealthy person who does not buy a private jet, a commercial airline isn't going to hire the hundreds of people who lose their job because the private jet industry is weak.

    Additionally, for every dollar less that a wealthy person has is a dollar that may affect his decision whether to have the cleaning crew come once a week instead of twice, or cook themselves instead of having a chef come, or have the lawn crew just cut the grass instead of cut, weed and water.

    The wealthy ppl dont need these luxuries, but the everyone else. need the jobs.

    People who oppose higher taxes dont want you to feel bad about the rich getting less luxuries, they want you to consider the suppliers of these luxuries.

    21 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Why should we encourage social programs?

    Democratic leaders commonly refer to European countries like France and England as blueprints for the social programs the USA needs to adopt. However these countries, along with Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal etc. are going through a crisis where the governments have found that it is impossible to pay for these programs and thus the people are rioting.

    We are seeing entire countries collapse under the weight of their social programs, so why are we still pushing to be like them?

    6 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • What does this say about the rich and the poor?

    Rate the following from most likely to happen to least likely to happen:

    a) poor guy inherits 1 million dollars, he has less than 1 million dollars 5 years later

    b) poor guy inherits 1 million dollars, he has more than 1 million dollars 5 years later

    c) rich guy inherits 1 million dollars, he has less than 1 million dollars 5 years later

    d) rich guy inherits 1 million dollars, he has more than 1 million dollars 5 years later

    What does your answer say about the rich and the poor and the growing gap?

    6 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • How can you video chat with someone in China?

    My girlfriend is moving to Qingdao China for a year. I have heard there are complications with Skype and GChat in China. Is there a way that we can video chat regularly while she is in China and I remain in the US?

    6 AnswersOther - Internet10 years ago
  • Why is Obama blaming oil speculators?

    Obama says oil speculators are to blame for the rise in gas prices.

    In the last 12 months:

    Corn: + 69%

    Wheat: + 47%

    Soy Beans: + 44%

    Sugar: + 15%

    Coffee: + 65%

    Cotton: + 105%

    Oil: + 15%

    Copper: + 30%

    Gold: + 36%

    Dollar: - 17%

    Even though the Fed reported inflation at only 2.7% that number did not include food or energy costs.

    Should be obvious to anyone that the printing of money is the reason why your gas prices are so high! Obama is lying about Oil Speculators to divert blame away from himself and spending more tax dollars on this witch hunt!

    Get this clown out of office!

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should Republicans stop being so selfish and making money off the backs of others?

    Should all wealthy republicans stop being so selfish, close their businesses, fire their employees, give their money to charity and get a job making the average income?

    Because I think poor democrats kinda need wealthy republicans to employ them and give to more to charity.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How dumb is Obama to not understand business?

    Are potholes preventing businesses from investing in the US?

    "Businesses are going to start investing in other countries because they're gonna say it costs us too much money because our trucks going over those potholes costs us too much money to fix."~Obama during a town hall meeting in Northern Virginia yesterday

    So businesses wont invest in the US not because of high corporate taxes or unions but because of potholes? Makes sense.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I get taxed at the highest bracket. What do you think will happen when you raise my taxes?

    I will fire an employee, spread that employee's work load over the rest of my employees and myself until my profit margins balance out again.

    Now what do you think someone making 10x as much as I do will do?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Where is all the money going?

    Since 2000, government spending has gone from $1.8 trillion a year to $3.6 trillion a year.

    In that includes increases of (in billions):

    Pensions $430 to $770

    Healthcare $380 to $880

    Defense $450 to $840

    Welfare $175 to $425

    Transportation $46 to $108

    Now if we take Defense and Healthcare off of the table, how can we justify the extreme growth in welfare, pension and transportation cost?

    It is obvious that Defense spending was caused by the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and many can argue the increase in Healthcare costs.

    But the fact that Pensions and Welfare have gone up just as drastically should be disgusting.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why is it unfair to ask people to reap what they sow?

    Why is it unfair to ask senior citizens to pay for their own retirement and medical bills?

    Why is it unfair to ask the less prosperous to work more than 40 hours a week in a 168 hour week and spend less of their paycheck?

    Why is it unfair to ask businesses and universities to choose based on credentials rather than fill a demographic quota?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If liberals don't like corporate greed why don't they start corporations that aren't greedy?

    Why don't liberals start opening businesses that aren't greedy by their standards? Open a business and pay what you think is fair to pay, and give the benefits you think are fair?

    Since the business you own is not greedy more people will want to work for it, right? And the government will love you because you never use tax loop holes.

    You will be in charge of 80% of the nations wealth instead of the greedy rich people.

    Why don't you do this instead of complaining about it?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are you impressed with name callers?

    Are you impressed with people who refer to:

    Obama as Obuma,

    Tea Party as Tea Baggers,

    Democrats as Dumbocrats,

    Republicans as Republitards?

    Or does it just make people look like children?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is the improving GDP, DOW and unemployment a good thing?

    A lot of people have cited the rising DOW and GDP along with the declining unemployment as good things. However, food prices, gas prices, gold prices and other commodities have risen alarmingly in the last 2 years. DOW earnings are up year over year because of smaller workforce as companies adjust their supply to the smaller demand. The rise in the market and GDP is more inflationary driven than business driven.

    Additionally, unemployment has gone down yet hiring and home buying is still plummeting. This means that the unemployment isn't going down because people are getting jobs, but because unemployment benefits are running out.

    So, all of this talk about how these improvements has little to no positive support.

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can you prove the recession was Bush's not Clinton's fault?

    I always hear how "Obama inherited Bush's mess" when people talk about the recession, yet I never hear support for this and have heard overwhelming proof that the recession was caused by the Clinton administration.

    His administration pressured Fannie and Freddie to extend home loans to lesser qualified creating the subprime market. Obviously, they did not want to lend to lesser qualified bc the lesser qualified are more likely to default on their mortgages. So the banks insured these subprime loans heavily to protect themselves.

    And surprise surprise, the lesser qualified defaulted on their loans in extremely huge numbers causing this whole mess.

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who are we helping in Libya?

    When asked: "Who the leader of the Libyan rebels was?" and "Who we are communicating with in Libya?" Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, responded: "We're still trying to get to know them."

    Reports have said that the rebels we are helping might be linked to al-Qaida or Hezbollah. Does it scare you that our government doesn't know who we are helping topple the current regime?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Caterpillar Leaving Illinois?

    Higher corporate taxes are now causing companies to consider moving to less tax heavy areas. Caterpillar's 1400 jobs and $2.3 billion in revenue could be leaving because "Illinois isn't favorable to business."

    Now people can complain about how selfish corporations but the fact still stands that high taxes are encouraging business to leave. Additionally, Caterpillar isn't considering leaving because it is on the verge of collapsing, it's considering this because it can be more profitable elsewhere.

    So how can anyone still stand by the idea that high taxes is good for our country?

    GE didn't pay taxes because it held so much of its profits overseas. GE already did what Caterpillar is considering doing. No one is sympathetic for the companies, they're sympathetic for the people who lose their jobs because large companies can become more profitable elsewhere.

    Now imagine if corporate taxes were so low that every company in the world would could not afford to not have their headquarters, call centers, and support centers in the US instead of China or India. Available jobs would explode to the upside and people would be making more which would mean more people to tax higher, and less people to support on unemployment.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Caterpillar leaving Illinois?

    Higher corporate taxes are now causing companies to consider moving to less tax heavy areas. 1400 jobs and $2.3 billion in revenue could be leaving because "Illinois isn't favorable to business."

    Now people can complain about how selfish corporations but the fact still stands that high taxes are encouraging business to leave.

    So how can anyone still stand by the idea that high taxes is good for our country?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Taxing the rich never seems to work very well?

    Every time there is any political effort to tax the rich more, it seems to have had an adverse affect.

    To combat a budget crisis in 2008, Maryland imposed a 6% increase in income tax to millionaires. A year later they reported that 1/3 of the millionaires that paid taxes in 2008 were no where to be seen in 2009. Maryland ended up earning $100 million less from these millionaires since 1/3 of the millionaires either moved, readjusted their incomes (worked less to earn just under a million), or set up one of their vacation homes as their primary residence.


    In 1986, the Fair Housing Act raised taxes on people who had more than one residence. Instead of paying the extra taxes, the wealthy sold their houses, depressing the housing market and causing the Crash of '87.

    So it seems like whenever taxes are changed to take advantage of the rich, it has little to no effect on them yet hurts everyone else.

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago