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Faith .

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  • Will you help me save the Florida Panther?

    There are fewer than 100 Florida panthers left in the wild, and many of them live in Big Cypress National Preserve. Yet the National Park Service is now considering opening up a part of Big Cypress to off-road vehicles (ORVs)! Excessive ORV use has already destroyed large sections of Big Cypress's sensitive wetlands. Opening more of Big Cypress to ORV use would put undue stress on the Florida panthers and other endangered wildlife that already struggle for survival there.

    You can help play an important role in ensuring that the National Park Service protects the home of some of the world's last remaining Florida panthers. Please sign the petition, following the link below (or copy/paste it in the address bar), and tell the National Park Service that Big Cypress National Preserve -- and the Florida panthers and other endangered wildlife that live there -- need to be protected from damaging off-road vehicle use. It is quite easy to sign this petition, so won't you give it a try?

    6 AnswersConservation1 decade ago
  • What are some good reasons to give for a petition on protecting the extremely endangered Florida Panther?

    The National Park Service has proposed opening up crucial Florida Panther habitat to off-road vehicles, and I'd like to fill out a petition to protect this beautiful animal, but I need ideas as they're not coming to mind right now. Help please??

    11 AnswersConservation1 decade ago
  • Why is my new saltwater aquarium so foggy?

    I just started up a saltwater aquarium and so far have been following instructions on the book, but there's no help in what to do if your water foggs up. I put in some rocks (well rinsed) to decorate (not live rocks, but they were purchased at the petshop for an aquarium) , and mixed the salt with water per indications, and added the live sand as the book instructed, and all my other supplies are already up, like the filter, heater, ect. I have no fish yet or any other living creatures, as I'm to wait for the water to cycle first. On the first day of having set up my aquarium, the water was pretty cloudy, which I understand that's normal when you first set up a tank (I have had freshwater fish before and that seems normal until everything settles). The 2nd day it was less cloudy, and by the 3rd day it was pretty clear... however, by the 4th day, it got pretty cloudy again, and now it's even cloudier. Why is this happening and how can I fix it? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What makes a good parent?

    When you have teenagers who rebel against your rules and wishes and act like it's their life and they can do what they want to, how do you handle it? How can you control the situation and remain a good parent when you're loosing a battle? My son is 16 yrs old and I had grounded him for a day for disregarding my rules and for his lack of respect, but the day he was supposed to be grounded, he took off as if nothing. When he got home, I reminded him that he had been grounded and wasnt suppoed to have been out, and told him to stay home for the next 2 days to make up for punishment and the next day he still did it again. Now he's telling me that he is going to do it again. Am I being too harsh? Too unfair? I try to be the best mother that I can and often remind him that I love him and I try to keep my parenting skills in check without going too far so that he won't start to hate me, but I am a firm parent, yet it seems I'm getting nowhere with this. Any advice?

    3 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • I need help finding out the name of a movie I once saw but can't remember the title to it.?

    Can anyone tell me what is the title to a movie I once saw about a young woman who kept getting flashbacks of a past life in which she was murdered and now she was trying to find clues to who her killer was? I believe the title had something to do with red shoes, but I could be mistaken. Also, I believe the movie was an 80's movie or early 90's.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • I need help finding out the name of a movie I once saw but can't remember the title to it.?

    Can anyone tell me what is the title to a movie I once saw about a young woman who kept getting flashbacks of a past life in which she was murdered and now she was trying to find clues to who her killer was? I believe the title had something to do with red shoes, and if I'm not mistaken, the lady was the same girl that comes out in "Little House on the Prarie" playing as Mary, Laura's sister. I could be wrong and it may just be someone that looks like her, but I've always thought it was her. Also, I believe the movie was an 80's movie or early 90's.

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know the name of this movie, or what actors played in it?

    There is this movie that my husband saw waaay back in the late 80's (perhaps '86 or '87) and I'd like to watch it, but he can't remember the title or who played in it. It's an 80's movie, about a guy and a girl who died and while in heaven they meet and fall in love, then they're supposed to reincarnate and return to earth, but they promise they would find each other on Earth and be together. The guy has a difficult life on Earth and almost gives up and this Angel keeps persuing him to not give up. I know there is not much information here, but if anyone knows of a movie that sounds remotely similar to these details, would you mind sharing the title or the actors that played in it so I can see if it's the same movie? Thanks, I would greatly appreciate it.

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago