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  • Are they bullying me? or?

    Hi guys. About 14 weeks ago I started seeing this guy I know, a few weeks later I woke up to abusive texts and status's on BBM, and found out one of my friends had a thing for him and had slept with him before.. I didn't have the slightest idea. She got a girl to try beat me up, I had to start hanging with different people. Weeks later I started going back to the pub and things calmed down a little, it was hard because we all have the same group of friends. Last week, this girl told my mum I was a 'slag' to her face. I checked my phone earlier tonight and this girl was on 4 of my 'friends' blackberrys writing really bad abusive status's about me with my name on. I used to suffer bad from anxiety and depression, I was home tutored so never had to go through this. I am 18, she's 22.. I don't get if they hate me so bad why there even thinking about me?

    2 AnswersHome Schooling9 years ago
  • Why are we ignoring eachother? Confusing situation. ?

    Trying to cut it short, I started seeing this guy about 14 weeks ago, sleeping together when we were drunk but getting on really well also. We have been through quite a lot of drama with girls being jealous of us, and people arguing but that has settled now.. The past 2 weeks we have been ignoring eachother. I've been really stubborn and I don't know why! We have said 'hey' very shyly.. And I've ended up going home crying at the end of the night, I really want to talk to him but can't boost myself up. Why do I feel so ignorant and stubborn?!!

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • I took plan B on 1st day of my period?

    I had unprotected sex and he ejacuated inside of me sunday night, I got the after pill yesterday afternoon but noticed I had started my period which is 5/6 days early from last month. Should I expect a shorter period and lighter? As I am not bleeding as much.. Thanks

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Early period or implantation bleeding?

    I had my last period on the 31st of march, it should been due the 4th but I think it might of got a bit messed up with leap year.. I had unprotected sex the day after my period stopped on the 5th. For the past week I have had horrible cramping, aching boobs and been crazily tired.. Today I have just started bleeding light, but its not pinkish or light like I've read. I am worried now my last period could of been implantation too..

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Pregnancy symptoms or is my ibs back? ?

    Hi guys, I'm over worrying at the moment and could do with some advice. I had unprotected sex on the 16th of march, had my regular 4 day period after. I then had unprotected sex again on the 6th of april. Very stupid doing this drunk I know, I'm going to the doctors this week to go on the pill as we are both not ready for a baby. My boobs are soar and feel swolen, I have been having horrible stabbing pains in my lower tummy and been sleeping lots. I'm not due on till the 31st.

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Unprotected sex 3 days after end of period? ?

    I am not proud of this at all, and can't sleep as I'm lying here worrying. I am 20, and not ready for a baby. I have recentley stopped taking my pill as I am changing tablets due to it making me ill. Last week I had unprotected sex and he ejacuated. (We was drunk so didn't think about condoms, stupidly) is the rate higher or lower 2 days after the end of my period? I couldn't get the after pill due to it being bank holiday and going away with family. My cycle is regular.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Webcam has disapeared when laptop got wiped?

    I have an Acer windows vista laptop. My hard drive broke so went in for repair and had a new one, they used there own disks to put Vista back on. It has a 'Crystal Eye' built in but Now I can't find it anywhere on my control pannel. What to do?

    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Forgot Blackberry I'd securty question?

    Hi guys. I am getting so annoyed now, I haven't been able to login to APP world for around 2 months. For the first 3 days of having my new phone it worked, but then stopped. My security question answer is not working. I have made a new acount on a different email but its telling me to login with the original I'd? I currentley have no access to Blackberry desktop as my laptop has broke. I have the Bold 9900. I also haven't got the original email as I made the acount 2-3 years ago!

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds9 years ago
  • Pregnancy symtpoms? IBS or?

    First off, I'm sorry for the essay. Around 4 years ago I spent a lot of time in hospital with servre IBS hooked up to drips, the past year it has almost gone with the odd flare up. I have been having unprotected sex which I know is stupid and I have now been prescribed the pill. * He doesn't ... Inside me *. The past week or so my stomach has been strangley swole, but more raised above my belly button but I haven't got the IBS feeling at all. I should of been due my period a few days ago (it is normal regular) but it hasn't come yet but I have soarness in my boobs and I'm extremley tired and eating like a crazy person.. Does this just sound like period symptoms and should I just wait it out? I also suffer with anxiety which is probably making me worry even more. X

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Blackberry Bold 9900 Text layout question?

    I've had my Blackberry Bold 9900 touch nearly a week now, my text layout is really strange.

    All the ones off me are at the top, off the other person they are all at the bottom.. Hopefully that makes sense. Basicly they don't go under eachother like a normal text/BBM

    I've looked through the options and can't see anything?

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds10 years ago
  • Friends with benefits sitatuion?

    Hello guys, well first off I'm sorry if i ramble on a bit i just have a hell of a lot on my mind.

    For the past 5 months I have been sleeping with this guy who my dad introduced me too, and also a friend of a friend. We have been through quite a bit and he is also like a best friend too me.

    We discussed last week that were going to stay just friends and he doesnt want to hurt me and lead me on, that he doesn't want a relationship as hes not ready to settle down after his ex. (I don't really want a boyfriend myself yet) the day after he ends up taking me back again we made the best love i think i've had with him.

    I really dont want to move on, i'm probably more attatched then i should be even though I don't show it, i have had a lot of guys ask me out but i'm really not intrested.. is this normal?

    P.s im not proud of all this too anyone who thinks its bad. X

    2 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • Can Norethisterone tablets delay your next period? pregnancy scare?

    I started taking Norethisterone tablets around the 19th of september while I was on holiday to delay my period. I stopped taking them on the 28th of september, I then had a period which lasted about 4 days which was extremely painful. Just after that I had un protected sex with the guy I'm seeing which I know is stupid, I have not since had my period. I am usually regular around the 24th of september.. Is this normal? I have been feel

    ing really weird in myself and have been eating like crazy, feeling sick and being extremely tired with no motivation! I'm also 18.

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • I'm stuck between two guys?

    Hi guys, firstly thanks loads if your gonna read this as I'm pretty confused right now. Basically - around two months ago I slept with this guy I've knew for a long time which felt perfect and we met up a few times after. A week later I slept with this other guy who is a family friend. The first guy found out and completely fell out with me. We then made up and cuddled all night, I slept with the other lad again, the other guy found out and he deleted me. Now we have made up once again and things feel so great between us when were together. The other guy I really like but has made it quite clear were just 'friends with benefits' and has said a girls got to be amazing to settle him down.. I just don't want to loose neither of them. How am I supposed to realise what I want? I've never had a relationship before. (I'm a newbie to love)! X

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • How to apolagise for sleeping with someone else?

    I have knew this guy for years, as he was in a 4 year relationship with an old friend of mine. The past month or two we have been hanging out weekends, hanging out in the same group having a dance. One week we kissed, the other he took me back to his house and we slept together, it was the best love I've ever made. He told my best friend how he liked me, and has been asking me on dates ect. Stupidly I slept with someone else and he found out, went mad and we are now blanking eachother. I have hurt him,. I hate what I did but I really don't know how to act or what to say now, I've realised my feelings for him.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • 2 really light periods in 2 weeks?

    My last proper period was over 5 weeks ago, 2 weeks ago I had brown/red spotting, today I've got bad cramps but you can only just about see red spotting. I had unprotected sex around 3 weeks ago but took the after pill..

    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Bleeding after sex? it wasnt my first time..?

    I had sex last weekend, it was my 6th time but the first with this guy, we had to stop 15 minutes or so after due to me being really soar, and after I noticed I was bleeding and did for the following day. It was quite rough hard sex, is this normal?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Boy trouble, been used? Im so confused.?

    Hi to who evers reading this.. excuse me if im about to babble on a bit but i've got so much on my mind, and i need to get it off my chest before i sleep.

    I started seeing this guy back in February this year, we got really close as friends and started spending days nights together at eachothers houses, and believe me we got on amazing. We slept together a few times, then in May he deleted me off his contacts and out his life for 2 months.

    Around 3 weeks ago, he added me back and apologised and said how he can't believe hes been such a fool and we were talking constantly. We met up last week and went clubbing, stupidly i ended up back at his house and we slept together again. The past week he has ignored me, and tonight he has deleted me again.

    I feel so worthless, ugly and stupid. I know its best for me to get over him, but I have anxiety problems and I hate loosing people out of my life completley without things being sorted.

    We only slept together 3 times within around 6 months, so its not like he completley used me for sex?

    His friend has told me its because he doesn't want a relationship, I haven't even said I want one myself. Is there anything I can say/do to prove this to him? I don't know what to think..

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Morning after pill and early period?

    Stupidly I had unprotected sex last weekend with the guy I'm seeing, and took the morning after pill around 11 hours later. I finished my last period 7 days ago, but today I have had cramps and spotting.. Is this normal?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Should I cut my hair off? and what color should I try?

    I have had my long-ish hair for so long now, and I'm feeling its making me look quite young as I'm now 18. I have naturally auborn hair but have been using bright red box XXL colours but they are fading so quick!

    This is it at the moment...

    Pretty scared I will regret it?

    3 AnswersHair10 years ago
  • Fuming at Orange mobile?

    I broke my blackberry nearly two weeks ago, the next day I rang and they planned to send me my replacment out. For the past week I have been waiting, calling, and they have messed me around TERRIBLY. I demanded another delivery date for tonight 6-10pm as promised, got to half 10 still NO show! I rang customer services and i've been told my order is on hold as they dont make my model of bold 9700 anymore and i will have to wait for a further discussion of a week, and to ring back tomorrow.

    I have never been so angry in my entire life, I can't do my work from home without my blackberry, I cant even use my sim card as its locked into orange and won't work in my spare HTC!

    Is there a way to complain?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans10 years ago