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um... I love chillaxing with my friends, i like movies, rugby, and bass guitar. um Im athletic, and a party animal. I'm Mormon, I love my fam, what else is there?
Neighbor is keeping someone in their basement. What do I do?
I live in a pretty quiet suburban neighborhood, where not much goes on. Most people generally feel safe at night and its not uncommon to find an unlocked door with nobody home or with the family asleep. I have lived here for 13 years with nothing here (excepting the murder of my cat) that disturbs me.
But lately, that's changed. Over the passed few nights, I've been woken up in the middle of the night (a few times last night) to what seems like a girl screaming. Not like a temper tantrum scream, but like a life-endangered cry for help. It doesn't last long but every time it sounds like it comes from my neighbors house. I live on the end of my house so I'd be the closest person to it. I asked my family if they had heard anything and they weren't even woken up by the screams. I am a pretty light sleeper so I wasn't surprised by this at all.
So this morning, I decided to go make sure everything was okay over there so I 'accidentally' threw my soccer ball over the fence, then slipped in over their padlocked gate. I did my best to look through the windows without drawing attention to myself and what I saw made me sick.
The upstairs was normal like any other normal house. (my neighbors don't have kids so it was really clean.) But when I crouched to look through the window well into their basement, I could see all sorts of WEIRD stuff. There were ropes, knives, handcuffs, gags... like the kind of thing you would see in a bad bondage porn film. But these weren't toys. They were heavy-duty restraint mechanisms. And the weird part here -there were childrens clothes on the ground. Like I said: They don't have children. The man is an older, bald, gross looking sort of guy and his wife is pretty scraggly, and meth-addict looking.
I tried to dismiss this stuff with excuses like, "they are into kinky sex, and maybe the grandchildren came over" but I know that they haven't had guests over in years. So I'm a little worried. But NONE of this was the deal breaker. Now I am pretty sure that something WRONG is going on here.
As I was leaving the yard, I heard it again, plain as day because I was so close. It was a GIRL screaming "STOP! OKAY, STOP STOP STOP!" pleading for her life. So I turned back, and crouched to look through the window again. What I saw this time, made me sick and I still want to vomit. The door at the end of the basement swung open, and my neighbor dragged this girl (she looked about 8 - 10 years old) out of the room by her hair. She was spotted in bruises and had a lot of cuts and scars on her bare shoulders. She was wearing only a long, torn up, t-shirt and was crying. I backed up so that I didn't get caught, but I could hear was sounded like handcuffs or something metal sliding together. I ran out of there as fast as I could.
I just tried calling the police, but they told me not to make prank calls and that if my story was true, I would get into trouble for trespassing and blocking up an emergency phone line. They don't want to help and I'm scared that the girl isn't safe at all there. What do I do?!?
6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years agoHe's outside of my house and I'm not sure what to do. HELP!?!?
Last night, I posted a controversial Facebook status about abortion (I don't have any particular stance, so lets not make this about abortion). This pro-life guy who happened to be my girlfriend's ex boyfriend decided that I need to be taught a lesson. He sent me a message asking me to come and fight him so I got on my bike and rode to the Quarry where he said he'd be waiting.
To my complete surprise, he was there. Much bigger and stronger than me, waiting below the rubble of stones. I knew that if I were to go down, he would smash my face in because he just plane doesn't like me. So standing above him, I decided to play it safe and picked up a rock about the size of a grapefruit and launched it at him.
Now let me explain that I didn't actually think the rock would hit him. But for the second time in a row, I was shocked in surprise as the heavy stone hit his skull. He dropped flat and one of his friends that was with him (he had two there) started climbing up the quarry wall to catch me. I booked it home without looking back.
I guess he gave up the chase after a little bit because no one came to my house last night after that. But now this ex-boyfriend-manic-beast that I hit with the rock is raging outside of my house with a bat and a bloody makeshift bandage around his head screaming at me to come out. I can't call the police because I'm afraid I'll get into trouble and if I go outside, he'll beat my brains out! What do I do? (His truck is here and I think one of his friends from last night are in it.)
3 AnswersFriends9 years agoI think I might have killed my best friend after he kissed my girlfriend... HELP!?
So I was walking home from my part time job and I passed the high school I took a shortcut across the baseball fields. As I was exiting the fields, i saw my friend with a girl in the corner. I went to go say hi but when I got closer, I could see that the girl WAS MY GIRLFRIEND! and they were liplocked right there on the grass not 40 yards away.
Needless to say, I went into a rage. I grabbed this big stick that was laying beside the fence and ran over at them. I barely even remember what happened after that. I guess I went wild because when I finally calmed down, my friend lay there on the ground with blood coming out of the top of his head and my girlfriend was sobbing wildly.
At first when I saw what I did, I kind of freaked out. Dropping the stick stumbling backwards, I looked around and saw that the field was empty. Glad that no one had seen me flip out, I went back and knelt down next to my friend to see if he would be okay, but he wasn't moving or anything. So I checked to see if he had a pulse, but i couldn't tell. He was at least knocked unconscious or into a coma or something, i'm not sure.
I told my girlfriend that if she told anyone around here what happened, I'd kill her, so I don't think that I'll get in trouble right now. I carried him back to my house which is only like a block away and put him in my basement. I wrapped up his head and the bleeding has stopped but I still haven't seen him move at all. I'm not good at checking for a pulse or anything so I can't tell if he's going to wake up. Its been about 4 or 5 hours now. I'm freaking out.
Help please? How do I know if he's okay and what kind of trouble can I get in?
15 AnswersFriends9 years agoshift keys broken and other weird stuff.?
when i press my left shift, a z pops up. when i press my right shift, x pops up. when i press a punch of z's x's and c's, they randomly get capitalized. [[zxCXzXCzCzXCcZXCzzxCzXzCXCXCzXCzXCzzxCzXCxCzc]]
this just barely started and i don't know what i did to make it happen. help please1
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years agoMy coaches want me at fly-half this season. Am I too small?
I have played scrum half for almost three years now. I am fast, I have a great kick, and I can lead the attack, so I understand the arguments for them placing me at fly-half. I am a little worried because I am 132 lbs (60 kilos), and only 5 foot 9 inches. I am small for even a scrum half in my u-19 league, and the fly-halfs have been way bigger than me. Is this going to be too big of a disadvantage for speed, boot, and handling to compensate for, or was it a good switch for my coaches to make? I trust them, I just would feel better with a second opinion.
4 AnswersRugby1 decade agoWAR??? What is it good for?
How do soldiers killing each other solve all worlds problems?
I hate war (I'm an Active Pacifist trying to get more input) and I hate violence. What do you think?
33 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoGIRLS- do all girls make a list of the guys they like and how does it work>?
this is confusing me and i need to know why they make lists how they determine them and how fast do they go through them? and after they go through number one does he switch to number two or completely leave the list? this is crazy!
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhat do you know about ghosts?
7 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade agoWhats a good paying summer job for a kid?
I need to save up 9 thousand dollars in four years in order to go on a LDS mission (mormon mission) and I Don't know where to start! thx
4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago