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    Question 1: How much of your time is spent on training?

    Question 2: In the world of strongman, is there ever a such thing as training but never competing?

    Question 3: What other hobbies do you have besides bodybuilding/strongman?

    Question 4: Could I still train maybe a few hours a day here, sometimes a whole day there, and sometimes nothing? It s because I know that is how it probably will be with being a musician later in life.

    I am 16 , if that helps.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Poll: The sound of the German language?

    On a scale of one to ten, one being the worst, how do you rate the overall attractiveness of how German sounds?

    5 AnswersLanguages6 years ago
  • Professional Musicians: Playing just the tuba for a career, versus playing tuba plus something else?

    Here's what I'm thinking: I'm a junior in high school, and in about a year's time I am going to be auditioning on tuba for college. A few people have told me that it may be a good idea to be more "well rounded," as in learning one or more instruments in addition for playing tuba, most likely the bass trombone or euphonium. The problem is, I don't think I would have the time or dedication to learn another instrument, as I am incredibly busy with just the tuba, let alone starting to study slide technique.

    Looking at other very well-accomplished tubists, I see that they play just the tuba. Should I continue working hard at the tuba, or begin euphonium or bass trombone studies?

    1 AnswerOther - Music6 years ago
  • Musicians: Are these schools any good to try?

    1. University of Toronto

    2. University of Ottawa

    3. Acadia University

    4. New England Conservatory of Music

    5. Manhattan School of Music

    6. Hartt School of Music (CT)

    7. UMass Amherst

    If anyone has gone to any of these schools for music, please fill me in. Also, are there any other outstanding schools to try for a tubist that I missed? Preferably the eastern half of the continent, but I'm flexible. What do you think?

  • Getting a strongman's body and having a busy life at the same time?

    Basically, I'm asking if there is any way to build a body that is like a strongman's, but have a super busy schedule? In a few years, I want to start focusing on weight training to build a physique akin to a strongman's, with bigger arms, chest, a bit of a gut, etc. I am not looking to go full-out hardcore or compete in anything, but enough to get me on my way. The problem is that because I will be devoting a lot of time to my music and French studies in college, and I probably will not have very much time to work out. I plan to be busy almost day-in and day-out. I recognize how much time and dedication it takes to do that, and will try to fit anything in as best as I can. If anyone has some helpful advice, that would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersMen's Health6 years ago
  • How to get thicker hands?

    I am about to receive various hand excercisers for Christmas, and I am still torn. Some say they won't, others have claimed that the size of their fingers have indeed increased. Any thought?

    1 AnswerMen's Health6 years ago