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How to apologize for texting too much?
I don't text much and i just realized that she is ignoring me becuase i sent her too many texts. I want to apologize to her without looking desperate. Hopefully she'll agree to start over with me. I want to say it in person. I only see her when she's working at the grocery store or gamestop. How should i handle this?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoIs she being hard to get?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years agoWhat should I say to the girl that i like after this happened? Need help please.?
There's a girl that I like that works at the grocery store near my apartment. I talked to her on Wednesday and I told her that I wanted to get to know her bettter. I gave her my number and asked for hers. She told me that she didn't have her phone on her, but that she would text me later. At first I thought it was a bad sign, but her body language and sincere smile indicated that she was interested in me. Then yesterday I was sitting in the car while my friend went in the store to get some things. Then she came out and started collecting shopping carts and walked by my car several times. She kept her distance, but she never made eye contact. I don't know if she just didn't see me...? or? Anyway, she seems like just the kind of girl I have been looking to meet, and don't want to mess up this opportunity. She hasn't texted me yet, and i don't know if she will. It has only been a couple of days, but i just want to know if she is actually interested. Should i ask her on monday, or should i just make small talk? I just don't want to blow it, because I think she may actually like me. What should i do?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoM14 questions?
2 AnswersMilitary6 years agoNighthawk 1911 magwell in California?
3 AnswersHunting7 years agoIs there a .22LR conversion for a Bushmaster Basic ACR 6.8?
6 AnswersHunting8 years agoWinchester 1200 tactical shotgun?
I want to get a tactical winchester shotgun 12 ga, but i don't know exactly what they are called. i want it to have a heat shield, hold 7-9 shells, it has to be black, and i don't want a pistol grip. does winchester make a weapon like this? is it a 1200, or 1300, or what?
2 AnswersHunting8 years agoCan you use .45 colt +p or hot loaded ammo in a Colt Cowboy?
I want to use my colt for hunting, but i'm not sure if it is safe to use +P in it?
4 AnswersHunting8 years agocan you get an FNX converted to a .40 super or 10mm?
2 AnswersHunting8 years agoWhat is the 1911 on the cover ofAmerican Handgunner 2013 Special Edition?
i'm pretty sure it is a kimber, but it has some kind of signature on the slide, it's black and silver. does anybody know what model it is? i tried to go to their website, but my computer won't open it for some reason. any help would be nice
4 AnswersHunting8 years ago460 V vs 460 XVR vs 500 6.5 inch?
I want to get an x frame. the 500 is really expensive to shoot. so i was thinking of a 460. i want to shoot it for fun, but also carry it for bear protection. i saw a video on the 460 v, but i did not like how the muzzle brake was not flush with the barrel the the 500 (4 in barrel). does the gun come with an alternate muzzle brake? or would i have to get a compensator off the 8 inch barrel version and put it on the 5 inch gun? it seems like the long barrel would make it awkward to carry because i'm not used to carrying anything that size, or is it a noticeable difference when carrying it? what is a better choice between the 3? positive feed back is appreciated, thanks
1 AnswerHunting8 years agohow difficult is it to hand load .500 magnums?
I like the 500 magnum with either the 4 inch or the 6.5 inch, but the ammo price is a little steep. it's also hard to find the ammo. would it be worth it to handload 500 magnums and how difficult is it to handload, because i have not handloaded before. also, can I soft load them so the recoil is not as bad, or would it be better to order ammo off line? i have not ordered off line before, and i don't know what the waiting time is on ammo.
4 AnswersHunting8 years agoammo price .460 compared to .500 mag?
Just curious as to why one would pick one over the other if amm prices are similar
6 AnswersHunting8 years agoWhat would be a good recreational handgun?
I understand that it may not bee practical, but i kinda want a cannon to shoot now and then. I was thinking of a contender in .480 ruger or a super redhawk .454, but i kinda like the 460 V or maybe XVR. i like these because they can shoot .454's and .45 colts when i don't put .460's in it. I don't really want a 500 mag because the ammo is so hard to find. I was thinking also about a Desert Eagle in .44 mag, but i heard the hot casing can be ejected straight up and come back down and burn you, but i don't know. I just want one to go shoot with some friends of mine on the weekends some time, so i'm open to suggestions.
11 AnswersHunting8 years agodoes a ruger super redhawk .454 hold 6 or 5 rounds?
2 AnswersHunting8 years ago.454 revolver question?
i like the horsepower on the .454 compared to a .44 mag, but i don't know how hard it is to find .454 ammo. also the .454 can fire a .45 colt, but a .44 mag can fire a .44spc. so which is better in price/ preformance/ availability between .44 spc and .45 colt. but the main question is what gun is best for this cartridge, ruger super (black?) or red hawk, freedom arms model 83, s+w 460v, or maybe a taurus model 454. i don't know if taurus weapons are any good, i heard they were B grade, made in brazil. i am seriously considering getting a .454 for bear protection, because a 1911 45 is probably not the best for defense abainst bear.and do .44 spc and .45 colt cost as much as .45 acp? also i'm not worried about recoil because i've seen someone shoot a .454 with one hand several times and i'm a pretty strong guy. obviously i'm fairly new to handguns and any positive feedback would be appreciated.
2 AnswersHunting8 years agowhat calibers can a thompson center contender use?
I want to get a pirate looking single shot gun, but i want it to use modern cartridges. does it have a 6 or 7 inch barrel?
4 AnswersHunting8 years agoFA model 83 caliber question?
I like how well made these guns are, but they only hold 5, and i think i have to skip a chamber to carry it safely, like on the old single actions. but i don't know what caliber it comes in besides .500 w.e. and .454 casull. what caliber should i get it in for animal defense?, but i want to be able to shoot it at the range, and i know .454's might be hard to find, but i think i can put .45 long colts in the same chambers like you can .357mag and .38 spc. i want a little more bang than a .44 magnum, but i don't want a .500 mag or anything like that. also i don't think the kick would be that bad on a .454 because i saw a video on youtube of a guy shooting it with one hand. so if he can shoot it 5 times with one hand, i can shoot it with two hands. but is there a more practical caliber on this gun? also 6in or 7.5in barrel?
2 AnswersHunting8 years agowhat kimber 1911 is on the cover of American Handgunner 2013 Special Edition?
It is black and silver, it has some kind of signature next to the kimber logo, there's a light on it? just want to know what model it is
1 AnswerHunting8 years agoLooking into getting a FN Five Seven Mk2?
Not for personal defense, i use a .45 for that.I want to own a handgun that says FN on it, and i see no need for the Fnx because i have a Kimber Warrior. I really like the five seven, but i don't know if it is legal in Nevada, or how difficult it will be to obtain in this state. also how is the ammo price, is it significantly more expensive than .45 ACP? basically is it worth it to get this gun?
5 AnswersHunting8 years ago