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Lv 2815 points

Josh W

Favorite Answers28%
  • Charging Sales Tax, PC repair company..?

    quick question. I own a small pc repair company (just getting off the ground). When I buy parts online, I mark them up a certain % and then sell/install them.. My question is, do I need to charge sales tax before I mark them up ? or should the sales tax be for the total cost of the product after markup? I know you don't have to charge taxes on labor.

    thanks !

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Starting a Business, I need Tax help?

    I'm preparing to start a computer repair and network implementation company. I've Registered and received my EIN. My question is: if I buy pc parts online, and resale them at a %30 markup and install them. Do I charge a %6 (pa) sales tax for the parts ??

    any help is greatly appreciated..

    3 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago