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Ach B
Im Ach...easy going and friendly...:o)
How important to you is money?
After having an debate tonight,my husband says money is very important to him as he is the provider. I said I was happy what ever, and I'd love him poor or rich.... But how important to you is money?
7 AnswersEconomics8 years agoHow do i find out who it was that commited suicide?
Two weeks ago, a guy from 50 miles away drove to where we live (which is next to a busy train line) and waited for a train to come to end his life. This happened late at night so we were un aware until the next morning what had occurred. The incident was reported in the local paper that the man had been killed and they were hoping to find out who he was. I spoke to a policeman, who was by the train line the next morning and he said the guy had been in his 30s, and there was nothing suspicious about what had happened. Now since then, there has been no mention of it. Not anything about who he was or anything. Not on the local news or papers.
Not only do i think this is very sad that the guy did this, but how sad is it that its of no significance to report who he actually was?
So, how do i find out who he was? It might sound stupid as i didn't know the guy or anything, but it pulls on my heart strings to think that no one gives a ****.
6 AnswersMental Health10 years agoHow can i dye my hair a shocking bright colour?
I have short brown/black hair (pixie style) I say black as the last colour i dyed it was black several months ago and its about an inch grown out now. I would like to dye it a bright red or pink, but i don't really want the cost of a hairdressers. How can i do this without ruining my hair? Im assuming i will have to bleach my hair, but i wouldn't mind some recommendations of what is the best product/dyes to use?
5 AnswersHair10 years agoHow do you relax and wind down after a stressful day?
Im feeling pretty tense and stressed and wouldn't mind hearing different methods of relaxing and winding down?
6 AnswersOther - Health & Beauty1 decade agoJump starting Daewoo Matiz with jump leads on wrong way round?
We have had a Daewoo Matiz come in for repair that wont start. They guy who owned it decided to jump it off his own car and put the terminals on the wrong way round. Anyway, since then the car wont start.
The car was running perfect before the battery went flat just from lack of use.
Any ideas?
6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoAudi A4 1.9 tdi misfire?
We have an A4 tdi that has a misfire.
No matter when you go to it, the car starts perfect first time, but on tick over its missing and when you get going down the road its missing too. Without revs its not happy. So going at 30 in 4th gear is awful as its missing big time. Drop it into 3rd again and rev it up it goes. Its got plenty of power when you stick your foot to the floor and goes perfect. Let the revs die down.. eugh its bloody awful.
At 60 miles an hour you would honestly think you were going to take off its missing that bad, but get to 65 its perfect.. at 70 its lovely. Once the revs die down again.. its missing.
Its had all oil changes, fuel filters, clean fuel and all belts changed (and it was missing before belts changed) all fuses have been checked.
Can anyone suggest anything? Its driving me mad.. literally!
4 AnswersAudi1 decade agoPlease help! PC problems!?
I have just been to our home pc and pressed to start it, and it didn't beep just a screen of loads of colours came up.. then it went black and another screen with loads more colours came on.. then it went black again.. more colours.. then it went into stand by on its own.
Its a Packard Bell intel core 2 duo with Windows Vista.
Any ideas before i have to ring a rip off repair man??
5 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoDo i need any gcses to do a diploma in history?
1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade agoPT Cruiser problem with gears etc?
I have a 2000 Cruiser that has a few little habits. The first thing is sometimes it wont go into first or reverse, and i have to mess about to get it in! My boyfriend says its fine, but is it?!
The second thing is, for example..that when i am driving along i can be in 3rd and ready to change into 4th and i take it to 2000rpm before i change... but when i press the clutch, the rev counter jumps 500rpm... (revs up ) and the same when i change from 4th to 5th? This 'revving' happens every time i change gear. It sounds like the clutch is slipping, and if i let the revs die down before i change it makes no difference... PT cruisers do this revving thing or do i have a prob??!
1 AnswerChrysler1 decade agoWhen i change gear in my PT Cruiser...?
The revs dont die down. For example.. if i change gear, no matter which gear, the rev counter can go up 500 more rpm. It changes gear fine, and the clutch pedal is fine also.. but i am concerned as it sounds like i am slipping the clutch and using more fuel??
Is it supposed to do this or do i have a problem?
2 AnswersChrysler1 decade agoDoes anyone know if another engine will fit into a 2.0L PT Cruiser?
For example..will a Neon engine fit? Or a Voyager engine?
1 AnswerChrysler1 decade agoAre you one of those people on ebay...?
Who complain and moan about everything?!
Go on! Admit it!!!
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhat have you bought recently...?
That you wish you hadn't bought?
13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhy do some men prefer their woman to be 'shaven'?
Two male friends of mine prefer women to have no pubic hair. why?! Is there some deep psychological need behind it?!
16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoMatchbox collecting... anyone have any clues?
I have a 6 pack of matchboxes i found in my father in laws house. They could be from the 70's as they are cellophane together. They are called 'Fine Art Matches' and have one painters and their paintings. Does anyone know if they are worth anything?
1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoWhat would you say your specialist topic is on Yahoo answers?
9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoIs it possible to put a Chrysler Neon engine in a PT cruiser?
1 AnswerChrysler1 decade agoIs it possible to put a Chrysler Neon petrol engine in a PT cruiser?
Just wondering if the engines are the same or similar?
4 AnswersChrysler1 decade agoDoes your lounge look like its from an advert?
When i see sofa ads, those rooms look so nice. Or in a catalogue! When i look at my lounge its lived in, messy cos of the kids and i reckon ill never have a nice posh dfs sitting room :( BUT..are you lucky enough??!
10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoI have a 1998 Jeep Cherokee..engine help?!?
I have a 1998 Jeep cherokee 2.5 turbo diesel sport with electronic fuel pump. Does anyone know when they started using these engines as i need a replacement engine?
2 AnswersJeep1 decade ago